Here we go – pray for me to get through this with only saying he F word once or twice.

Opening scene of James and Raquel making cupcakes. Kind a cute. Kinda difficult, sort of, to watch since they have broken up. I wasn’t really surprised at all.

I think it is a good idea that they’re not there at TomTom with the shot drinkers. So they’re dropping more change on an engagement party after $12g on the “proposal event.” How can I get on one of these damn shows? ‘Real Housewife of the most boring town in America’ (but the ‘COOLEST’…)

Sandy pulls Katie aside, and it goes … badly. Sandy is taking ALL of the credit for their money coming into “their household.” He rambles about Amazon and few other things, and everything he contributes that Schwartz, I’m assuming, has nothing to do with, except reaping the benefits. This is how he’s putting it anyway.

Do you think Sandy has a point AT ALL? Do you think he is doing most of the leg work on this business? And Schwartz doesn’t do much and he MAY have a point? Like Schwartz didn’t really disagree when Katie said that Sandoval “just took all the credit for money coming into her household”

Sandy again dropped the $20g figure. Schwartz does not defend Katie, nor himself. They start bickering about it. AGAIN.

Brock and Scheana working on his livestream thing: Brock seems to be getting his livestream fitness business off the ground. They’re looking at merch. Scheana in her interview, as usual, is building up and raving about her dude. Which is sweet. I would like to see her man in his interview, talking about how great, supportive and beautiful Scheana is though. It would be nice. They are discussing her convo with Charly and how Charly feels like she hasn’t been a good friend to her. I feel like Scheana is the Shannon of Vanderpump. The scapegoat for everyone else’s issues and need for attention.

Katie visits Lisa for advice regarding all of the Tom/Tom drama. They’re going up to the “sitting room” for a spot of tea. Lisa reminds us all that Tom Tom was her idea. She doesn’t think they’re ready to open up the new spot. I didn’t take any notes about what was resolved here, if anything. We needed LVP to have a moment of being LVP.

Guys, Schwartz is just such a fucking pussy (sorry I tried) It’s getting so hard to comprehend how a dude can be this much of a pussy, and honestly, difficult to watch. He won’t stand up to Katie, he won’t stand up to Sandoval.

Sandoval is planning a surprise birthday party for Ariana . (Another fucking birthday party??) They talk about the Schwartz shit as they’re getting ready.

Mad Cap hotel is the party destination. It has a lot of weird rooms. Does Ariana really not know this is going to be a birthday party with the whole stupid crew in attendance? Looks like another drunken night to come. Is this where James says to Brock “I’m embarrassed for you …” I keep seeing this preview, and keep getting disappointed when it doesn’t happen. If James is “embarrassed for someone” is must be pretty bad.

Schwartz and Sandoval have a discussion. They are partial owners in a bar called TomTom.

Schwartz doesn’t think it’s a “brand.” Dude there’s a huge sign on the front of the building that says “TomTom” (???????) He’s like “we’re just two dudes that are friends running a bar. “ (paraphrasing) Guys this really could be one of the problems here. Schwartz seems to be not realizing they’re running a business. Does Schwartz even know wtf is going on around him ??

So here’s a question – what DOES Schwartz actually contribute? I’m not wanting to take Sandoval’s side, believe me, but I’ve yet to what he DOES do. Like to me if I was in some sort of partnership business, and the partner went on and on to my spouse about what all they have contributed, accusing me of NOT contributing, which is a huge insult, I would say – ‘what about this I did, or that was my idea. . .

But that’s not happening here. All we hear is Schwartz whining like a bitch, not having much to say of any substance or value, and all of the convos between him and Katie, and him and Sandy never seem to resolve anything.

James and Lala are at the Tramp Stamp place and discuss his sobriety, and he’s considering going to meetings and trying to kick the maryjane habit. Lala is encouraging, and is sounding like a grown-up normal human.

Pizza is delivered to the restaurant (is there no food here?) and they all start chanting pizza pizza pizza!!! like ten year olds. Ariana says she didn’t eat all day, so she’s handed a huge slice of divine looking pizza ( I would love that right now) and takes one bite and puts it down. Then proceeds to keep announcing she didn’t eat all day, and keeps downing these spicy dumpling drink things. Then she literally is upside down?

Now you see her …
Now you don’t.

Katie declines the invite for dinner tomorrow from Ariana with the Toms. Smart. Ariana is completely shitfaced, as predicted.

Lala is hiring an assistant. I didn’t even know she has a make-up line????

“Cynthia” the baby nurse is summoned. She is asking if anyone knows about ‘Give them Lala.’ Only one girl does. I just thought that was the name of her stupid book. She’s hired. She’s ok with washing the breast pump. Lala wants a bitch. And Randall to pay for it.

She created this lipstick thing “all by herself” Randall proclaims.

Schwartz needs to get psyched up – to talk to Sandoval – his friend of like 15 years, to please don’t be a complete dickwad to his wife. Katie dictates to him what he needs to say. He pretty much ridicules the fact that he can’t be just like “Yo, don’t talk to my wife like that?”

Cyst what ? What the fuck is she (Sandoval) saying ? Sometimes I feel like these two losers are, what’s the word I want ?? I don’t think I’m allowed to say it. So I won’t.

Schwartz bicycles to Sandoval’s. Shouldn’t this take place in a neutral area ? I think it should. You totally know Ariana is listening around the corner and taking notes and will be reporting to Katie.

Tom confronts Tom at Tom’s. Schwartz says the bottom line is that she needs to respect Katie. Why is Schwartz saying it’s HIS fault ? That was a mistake. Sandoval said he will just avoid Katie at all costs and they will only have a “business relationship” from now on. He rambles about percentages and Sandoval tells him to shut up.

I really don’t think that is what the goal was supposed to be. He didn’t ask jto avoid each other at all costs. He said respect her. Clearly that’s more than Sandyval is able to do. He keeps giving Schwartz alcohol.

Isn’t Scheana’s birthday coming up too ? Great. yay, Can hardly wait.

I didn’t miss Charly’s yammering and whining AT ALL, which is all she contributes.

Good choice to give her break, with no scenes, given all of the yammering and whining the Toms were doing.

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