Real Housewives of OC – 9/26/24- Part 1 – A Little Me Time

I really don’t get with Emily’s substantial weight loss that she’s still whining about her body. I doubt if anyone even noticed she was in the same dress as Alexis, and Alexis is skinnier. And if they did they gave not two fucks.

Is Emily aware that fashion show wasn’t about her??

It wasn’t about being the skinniest, it wasn’t about who looked the best in that black dress, it wasn’t about how Emily’s mom didn’t put her on the bus forty fucking years ago. It wasn’t about any of that and was NOT about Emily fucking Simpson.

It was about Heather’s kids and equality. The clothing was to raise funds for kids in unsupportive and/or disadvantaged families. If I was understanding correctly.

I’m damned sure it wasn’t about Emily feeling fat.

The fact that the opening fucking scene in this past week’s episode was Emily Selfish Entitled Snide Snob Bitch Emily STILLLLLLL carrying on about this is fucking unfathomable. UN FUCKING FATHOMABLE.

I don’t blame Heather for going off and I can’t even stand Heather. Emily can’t stand everything not being about her. No one fucking cares she still looks like a linebacker. We probably wouldn’t even notice if she didn’t keep pointing it out.

I wouldn’t because I don’t give a fuck about her body and what she weighs. Do you? Do you know or care that dress was a 12?? Did she not kind of tell on herself by announcing it??

Did anyone out there think to themselves, “gee I wonder what size that dress is.”

I hate to admit it but it did actually look good on her. I don’t get the fuss. I just don’t.

She’s making a complete fool out of herself because she has nothing else to offer as a cast member.

This broad is so fucking obsessed with and into herself – it’s fucking NUTS.

Bravo, it’s time for her to go. Not even because she’s self-absorbed, that’s pretty typical with Housewives, it’s because she offers nothing of substance and brings nothing to the show besides whining she’s a bigger girl year after year after fucking year as her main course (no pun intended) and for a side dish, makes snide comments about her money windfall after marrying into a wealthy family.

Shane is gay, she lives off of her in-laws while screaming about women needing to be independent, and treats her mom like crap. Hypocrite on top of despicable ungrateful sub- human hag. SO OVER HER!!!

Anyone a ‘fan’ of this shit show should seriously reevaluate their life.

Now that was a rant and a half. Sorry I’m being extra.

I honestly didn’t want to to do it. I’m sick of talking and bitching about it, but holy fucking smokes the opening scene is her STILL BITCHING about the same fucking thing!! Stop eating tacos!!!

I feel like fucking Gina is even over it and sick of it.

Yeah family equality whatever. Can we talk about ME now? And can we talk about me later?

And of course it comes up YET AGAIN later at Jenn’s dinner. I’m flabbergasted.

Tamra apologizes to her citing “thinking it was something totally different.”

Different how Tamra?? First of all, I don’t even recall her ‘jumping on the bandwagon’ as she describes, but maybe she did.

And it wasn’t something ‘totally different.’ It was Big Emily taking a function that she was a participant in, and making it about HERself and HER body insecurities.


Hopefully we’ve moved on from The Emily’s Body Show for the time being, because now we’re bitching about Alexis. Pretty bad when you’d rather listen to bitching about Alexis.

Why does Giraffe keep repeating “John has lost everything.” What did he lose exactly? What’s ‘everything?’ That $75,000?? If that was every cent to his name why would he have given it to Shannon?

Or is ‘everything’ meaning that he’s probably one of the most hated men on all of reality TV at the moment. Which is due to his own behavior that Shannon decided to share with the world, and he’s embarrassed.

Granted when Shannon ‘tells people’ it’s like literally a million people but whatever not the point.

Why are men that treat women like shit embarrassed when they get called out on it? If they find their behavior so embarrassing, then why are they choosing to act that way??

Then they wanna get all pissy and bitchy and in fucking denial and rewriting history when you tell people the way they truly do act.

Suck it up Susie. Women talk and confide in people about their relationship troubles. MAYBE it would be sense just to act fucking normal.

Crazy talk, I know. Insanity. Acting normal?? Treating your partner with respect? Using manners? Yeah it’s fucking crazy to do that shit. That’s for sissies.


Terry is having an EKG for his nasal surgery that Heather is making him have because he snores and she can’t sleep. He DA-ARES to ridicule Housewives in general to Heather, and how they talk things to death over and fucking over and Heather doesn’t like that! How dare he make a joke that makes her look silly??

Actually I’m just sick of being your puppet,

Heather hate to tell you, this is how we ALL feel. Terry was merely trying to make light of it. Who cares. This broad has NO sense of humor whatsoever.

Look how many times this discussion with Gina has taken place, and Heather wants to discuss it yet again. Dude has a point. These guys are over this shit.

Heather, guess what? We were laughing at Terry’s sarcasm. I know! There’s no laughing in Housewives!! According to Heather.

You do discuss things ad nauseam, you all do.

Off camera but still mic’d she scolds him and tells him he can’t admonish her on camera. Admonish.

Way to exaggerate Heather.

It was kind of refreshing having him stand up to her, sort of.

There’s no HUMOR in Housewives!


Did we need to know Ryan gets his underwear tailored?

Anyway they are shopping for him and the sales chick says Eddie has the same jacket he is interested in and they think that’s funny and purchase the jacket.

I’m assuming they didn’t know Eddie is sooooo pissed at Ryan.

Okay so Tamra and Eddie back and forth scenes with Jenn and Ryan. Did anyone els catch and think it was weird that when Eddie is trying to make the point that he’s pissed at Ryan but not Jenn, he refers to her as “a very kind and loving woman.”

Jenn would be such a great lover. Did I say that out loud?

Loving?? Is that weird?? Is he crushing on Jenn?? I actually thought he was crushing on Ryan, but mmkay.

Tamra’s not ‘loving’ that comment I see. “Mmmmmyahhh” she says.

Is he trying to say I’M not loving??? And kind??

Was this his subtle way of telling Tamra she’s not a kind and loving woman?

Jenn tells Ryan to talk to Eddie about this ‘podcast argument’ they’re having. This is new, the boys arguing about what was said on a stupid podcast.

Ryan doesn’t seem that concerned either. “Eddie’s not a dude that I would spend any time with because he’s just not a DUDE.”

Okay Ryan. No argument here. He does agree with Jenn that he’ll talk to him.

Eddie has no interest in a discussion. He reiterates how he loves Jenn. Weird.


Shannon tells her daughter via FaceTime Shannon offered to pay him all of this money he wants so badly but he has to sign a statement that he’ll stop bad mouthing her, and he refused to do that.

So what’s this REALLY about Johnny J??? I’m assuming he wants to ‘pay her back’ because she’s talking shit on him. Well then don’t act like a shit.

So later that day we learn that he has officially sued her for the money and has disclosed this to ‘People.’

So he’s going the law suit route EVEN THOUGH she offered to give him the fucking money, all he has to do is stop talking shit and be on his way with his new pet brainless giraffe.

Tamra pretends to care and puts on her REALLY REALLY concerned face.

I am SO WORRIED. Hey can you zoom in on this??

She calls Shannon who doesn’t pick up, but butt or pocket dials her right back crying and talking to someone or herself, and sounding really distraught and upset.

Tamra sits there and lets it all play out instead of hanging up or saying “Shannon. Hello?”

Like a normal fucking person would.

In her yap Tamra solves the mystery of why Alexis was acting so weird the previous day.

I think maybe THIS is what the Giraffe was being so vague and cryptic about yesterday.

Was she always this smart?

Why is Tamra so up Alexis’ asshole? She doesn’t think Alexis had SNYTHING to do with People getting the story?

Once you file a law suit, it’s ‘out there?’

Since when Tamra?? So if I filed a law suit tomorrow, it would be in the news the next day??

Doe she hear herself?

My God. What the fuck does Alexis have on her that she’s willing to make such a fool out of herself. Clearly she and John deliberately called the People people and made sure they published the story asap.

Was there no way to settle this Heather inquires in her yap?

Yes. There was. Shannon offered to pay him back all of it. So why are we still suing? We don’t know. Other than Jackass Johnny is giving his giraffe girl friend a story line so she can have an orange.


Katie is hosting all of the couples. Matt seems so sweet and NORMAL. He loves making her dirty martini’s.

This is probably good time for me to cut off for Part 1.

There might be type-o’s. I’m tired and not checking.

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