Below Deck 12/19/22

Captain still breaking his departure news to the crew.

I’ve made a decision to leave the boat. I’ve given myself a plane ticket home.”

Hahaha gotta love him throwing that in! He says it’s round trip and once he gets his issue taken care of he’ll be back. He’s like Arnold. He’ll be bawwwk ! I think he should take some time off, or retire, but I don’t think he’s ready.

You can tell this is killing him. Honestly I’m not sure his doc should have okayed him for a boat trip to the Caribbean, as Captain, so soon after a surgery, when he’s 73 years old, and wasn’t completely recovered. Sounds like an example of certain people being told what they want to hear. He could have really hurt himself trying to get around that boat pretending he’s fine, and too proud to ask for help.

Everyone is being a little over the top about this if you ask me, but I think they’re being supportive of his decision and of him. The crying is probably due to having to get used to a whole new Captain and deal with his or her quirks and demands. Not so much anguish over him leaving.

Fraser gives the girls some sort of pep talk.

Ben fills in Alissa on Ross and Katie’s smooch sessions right before her and Ross’s smooch sessions. Oh my God whatever.

Oh jeez here we go – she’s doing the girl “I’m not concerned – I really don’t care” overcompensating, convincing herself, rhetoric in her yap when OF COURSE she cares, and OF COURSE she is pissed and feels played. She should feel played because she’s being fucking played.

Alissa and Camille have a quick tiff in the laundry room because she can’t stand when Alissa even speaks to her about anything. Why is this chick wearing sunglasses in the laundry room? Oh she thinks that she looks extra cool.

Alissa vents to Hayley loudly in the master about Camille, with the door wide open, with a large chance she will overhear. When Camille asks what she is saying, and tells her to speak to her directly, Alissa clams up and is like, “no not nowwwww, maybe laterrrrrr.” Like would this not be the perfect opportunity to go into it? She was literally JUST telling Hayley she needs to address it with her because it’s getting frustrating. So address it.

She ends up saying something stupid like “everyone thinks you’re lazyyyyyyy. You need to go fasterrrrrr.” Doesn’t matter what ‘everyone’ thinks. That was a dumb way to phrase it. Way to put her on the defense right off the bat, with name calling, and insulting and no actual facts or examples.

It matters if she’s doing her job correctly or not, and she’s clearly not. This is why we should avoid the 1st & 2nd stew thing. Because here we have Alissa basically supervising, and in charge of Camille, and she has zero managerial or people skills to handle a difficult person.

Alissa does that hanging on to the last syllable cadence thing that’s so super annoying.

So that turns into a mini screaming match and was not productive to say the least.

Well there’s a new Sheriff in town, and it’s Captain Sandy, which I think is what we all assumed. Lee tells her he “doesn’t anticipate she’ll have any issues with the crew at all.” Yeah, famous last words. And what the hell would he know anyway? He’s been holed up in his cabin since the charter began.

There’s already the dreaded love triangle brewing, which includes his Bosun and deckhand, and two stews that want to kill each other, and a Chief Stew that is clearly not equipped and capable to handle it. So I would say that all qualifies as potential ‘issues’ that will be had. But if anyone can handle it, it’s Captain Sandy!! We know she loves a distraught crying crew member.

She pulls the crew together. She already lets them know that times they are a changin.

Yeah we know about the the Pirates, for the 800th fucking time Sandy.

The deck crew is already annoyed that Sandy wants them to handle the anchor watch, as opposed to the engineers. She has some reasoning for this that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Other than she just wants to make changes. If this is what they’ve been used to, and it’s working why shake things up? New guest crew will be boarding, including an Olympic gold medal tennis player and a professional golfer. This might be a lot of ego. But we will see. I don’t think female athletes are necessarily the same as male athletes on the ego meter.

Rachel just really does NOT care for Camille. I don’t think she means to come off as a snitch totally, she just really cannot deal with this shitty work ethic, and I’m sorry, but it does need to be brought to Fraser’s attention to force him to deal with it. It’s not going away on it’s own. And it’s not really fair to leave Alissa having to deal with her with no support from her Chief Stew.

Fraser apparently “doesn’t have a plan.” Well isn’t that’s helpful. I don’t know that he needs an actual step by step excel spreadsheet ‘plan.’ He just needs to tell her to shape up or ship out!! (Or get a plane ticket home.) Another ship inspired phrase having to do with work. Seems like there are a lot of work related expressions that must have started on ships a hundred years ago, literally one hundred years ago. I guess they became so common because everyone was using them, and they migrated into every day work life.

My plan is actually to ignore it and see if it goes away

Camille decides she wants to be on deck, and apparently that’s okay, and is literally standing there, as usual doing absolutely nothing, watching everyone work. But she says she doesn’t get why she was called lazy and a few eps back. She even declared she does “twice the amount of work everyone else does.” She bitches about doing laundry in her yap. So since she’s annoyed with laundry, because it’s you know, not really THAT fun to do laundry, she then approaches Ross (this has to be all for TV right, this girl cannot be for real) and tells him she has nothing to do inside, and she really wants to ride that (something.) I didn’t get what she said. I listened twice. I don’t care.

Dude, don’t see why I can’t play in the water! I’m tired of working!! Are you stupid or something?

So tell me why she has this job, she has ‘nothing’ to do inside, and she’s not needed on deck – what am I missing? Is she seriously asking Ross to tell Fraser she can goof off on deck right now? She literally reminds me of this chick I used to work with that seemed to always do less work (or a lot of times, literally nothing) than anyone else, yet no one ever said anything to her. Managers (I worked with her a two different companies) and co workers even commented and vented to me about it, yet nothing ever got said. I used to be so confused as to why she was never let go.

She really thinks just because she’s cute Ross is going to be having this? Ross should be eating her up right now. And not like that. We know he wants that.

“If I don’t say anything y’all don’t say shit.” She yells at him, in reference to when she’s to be switching back and forth. Wouldn’t you assume if the deck doesn’t ask for her, that she’s not needed?

Wouldn’t a rational person think that? There’s literally four of them not including loud mouth, and don’t think they need five fucking people on deck right now to tend to the water toys. And she’s really causing more work, with all her bitching and drama, than she’s doing in the interior. So long story short, she’s here on Below Deck to create drama, piss everyone off, and be the one that we love to hate.

So I guess you could argue that she’s doing a good job.

She convinces Fraser to let her go on deck, even though Ross doesn’t want, her nor need her. Ross reprimands her about her stupid little tantrum but ends up hugging her and now it’s all hunkydory I guess.

She learned nothing. Ross oh so gently reprimanded her. Fraser says nothing to her.

Switching gears. So if you’re in need of relationship advice, according to Hayley it’s all about sucking dick. Okay I think I’ll pass on that piece of advice. Although she may actually, sadly be right. It’s kind of a shame she’s not more involved in the drama, not trying to bang any of the crew, so she’s not getting a lot of camera time, because she’s fucking hilarious.

Ross fills in Fraser on Camille’s silly tantrum about nothing. They both agree she’s more trouble than she’s worth. So BOTH of her bosses totally hate her, and think she’s useless. She’s getting a cut of that very very coveted much anticipated tip dough, for being useless and whiny in two fucking departments. Yet we’re not going to Sandy and having her cut loose? If she’s here for entertainment only, it’s not really that entertaining to hear everyone repeat the same fucking shit and do absolutely nothing about it. Call me crazy.

Smoke sighting near the bar area, and alarm goes off which is NOT from sparkler birthday candles. I wonder if Sandy will be as cranky this time as she was when it went off when Hannah lit sparkler candles. No she’ll be fine. Hannah’s not here. I wonder if she had a little crush on Hannah.

Electrical issue. She was much calmer this time. Then again Hannah is not around.

Guests are getting fed, and they’re hating on everything. Just kidding. This is Rachel.

She was trying to make a tennis ball birthday cake, that turned out to be orange not bright yellow. So it’s like a giant cake orange. She’s upset but no one seems to mind. This seems like an easy going crew of guests. They rave about the cake not caring about the hue.

Maybe the tennis balls will be orange now, thanks to Rachel

Alissa marvels at Sandy mopping the floor. There’s some major ass kissing going on here. I know they have to respect her and all, but sheesh, let’s take it down like a notch. Yes Sandy is a bit of a micromanager, and I also think maybe she gets bored when the boat is in park, and there’s not much for her to do. So she helps out. Captains should. Does she do it for this reaction? Maybe. But even so, it also makes a good impression, exemplifies the teamwork concept, and sends the crew a message, that no one is above doing anything. So we had Camille, pretty fucking low on the totem pole, let’s be honest, refusing to pour fucking wine at the picnic because that wasn’t her job. And the Captain is mopping the fucking floor. It would be nice if Camille will connect the dots here, but we know she’s not nearly that deep.

Sandy overhears Camille telling Alissa “Captain Sandy pulled me away to do a couple jobs.” She asked her to throw a load of laundry in from the kitchen. Could we be more dramatic.

Sandy hears this, and is immediately pissed. She points out it was jut throwing shit in the washer. There are washing machines now. It’s not 1930, it’s’ almost 2030. It’s not like she had to stand there and scrape the fucking rags on a washboard?

Sandy finds herself in the middle of Alissa and Camille bickering over whether or not Alissa gets ‘upset’ or not when she’s not where she’s supposed to be. Alissa says she wasn’t upset, which she clearly was. She came to find Camille and ask why she wasn’t doing what was asked.

Sandy is quite put off by the ridiculousness of this argument, and I don’t blame her. She’s in charge of this whole fucking ginormous boat, that she just arrived to yesterday, she’s mopping fucking floors, and these two twits are arguing over who’s washing a few dishes. Sometimes Alissa is a little over the top.

But also, Alissa wouldn’t have to go find her looking impatient, if she ever took initiative to do what needed done. Or didn’t move at a snail’s pace. Before Sandy asked her to do something that takes 30 seconds, she was in the galley just fucking around and eating cake. She should know the drill by now. Honestly I hate to say it, this reflects badly on Fraser. He’s known for days now that this needs dealt with, and he’s procrastinating confronting this spoiled stupid turd.

Camille whimpers, about ‘everyone’ telling her what to do. Which seems really souly just for the cameras. Did that look ‘real’ to you? Does she think viewers are really buying her as the victim? Sandy asked her to throw a small bag of dirty rags, in the washer when she was standing there doing nothing anyway. I mean at this point, Sandy may as well have just fucking done it.

Alissa goes to Sandy about her frustrations. Which I guess she just did in a spur of the moment type of thing, but it should really have been taken up with Fraser in the morning. Fraser knows she’s been an issue, and should have taken care of it by now. He could have found a moment to pull her aside today at some point. I mean, if multiple crew members are noticing it, then it really is a thing that should have been prioritized. He’s procrastinating.

Sandy asks Camille if she really wants to be here. Well yeah she does, to fuck off in the ocean all day.

Sandy starts in on one of her go-to spiels about how hard SHE works, and if she sees HER working hard, that should motivate her to want to please her, or something like that.

This is my motivational speaking moment

This might cause a spark or a moment of reflection, in a normal person, but Camille is just placating this whole convo, wanting her to get to the point and does not care at all, and this will make no impact on her whatsoever. Because she’s not a normal person.

Alissa bitches to poor Hayley in her cabin about it, who was jolted awake to listen to this shit. I’m sure Hayley wishes Fraser would do his fucking job and deal with this shit. She feel like Sandy blew her off, but she really didn’t. She was actually anxious to approach Camille and get in on the drama. Fras should be giving Hayley a cut of his tip. Or buying her some drinks, or something. She was awakened to listen to shit he should have dealt with by now. Whatever. This is why we watch. Still frustrating.

Bitch I do NOT get paid enough for this shit and do not give two fucks right now!!

She thinks that Camille is now “bonding with Captain Sandy” at this moment. Yeah, no girl. Sandy is not a fucking idiot. She knows people. She picked up so much from that weird two minute interaction that just took place. And it was definitely not complimentary towards Camille.

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