Jen Shah – RHOSLC – Mean Girl Bully?

What do you all think? Is Jen Shah a bully or just a really ‘off’ and dry sense of humor with some uncontrollable anger issues? She frequently gets referred to as a ‘bully’ (aka Mean Girl) when she’s in the midst of one of her meltdowns, screaming at the other ladies like a lunatic.

Passsive Aggressively pouring a small amount of champagne over a good friend’s head to “shut her up” because she thought she was getting the floor way too long, when merely showing guests around her friends’ home that they were allowing her to use for a girls trip??? She seems really impulsive in her bad behavior, then having a hard time owing up to it and apologizing.

How dare you try to take credit for the house, even though you did arrange it.

That was such a patronizing thing to do to say the least. She tried to pass it off as joke. She knew Angie was annoyed, and never bothered to apologize or approach her afterwards, however went on a tour all around the house, making excuses for herself and trying to get everyone on her side.

And to say nothing about all last season, and even this season, having these over the top hysterical screaming tantrums at everyone daring to challenge her claiming her innocence in this scandal involving her business. Which she has plead guilty to, since Season 3 filming ended. As if we didn’t already know she was guilty.

Remember when she started screaming and coming at Lisa, physically, on the bus to wherever the hell they were going last season? The list goes on and on. She always has a kajillion excuses.

Danna is the latest to accuse her of bullying from her behavior at Heather’s choir auditions for going off on everyone there, and the way she behaved on the 11/30/22 episode having a tantrum over her friend of 20 years seemingly ‘taking credit’ for this stupid trip to San Diego. Like how fucking petty and childish can you be?

It’s a free fucking trip for these ladies, who the hell cares who the official ‘hostess’ is, or who is showing them around the joint??

In retaliation for champagne poured in her hair, Angie K calls Jen out for mooching the entire expense of Shaireff’s birthday party from her, when she only agreed to provide her house as the venue.

Funny how she didn’t care about Angie ‘taking over’ that festivity. She knew if she allowed Angie to set up all of the food, alcohol, decorating and entertainment, the chances were high that Angie would take pity on her, and not bill her for anything.. and she was right.

Angie made a good point to call attention to the fact that her business was cheating and manipulating people out of money, and this is exactly what she has done to her friend. I mean, guys remember last season, she even accepted money from her mom’s life savings to help with her defense

Until, she started acting like a dick on this trip.

Then she proceeded to have a tantrum once they were on the boat on the 11/30 episode, screaming for Angie to jump off the boat and whatever the hell she was rambling and yelling about.

Is her conscience possibly, getting the better of her, and that’s why she’s acting out?

No, probably not.

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