Lala’s baby IS really real ?? it Literally seems like she is carrying around a baby doll.

Probably because I am STILL struggling with Lala as a mother.

Right into Brock and his crying and tantrums about his ‘past’

Scheana never portrays her life as it really is. Like have you ever watched the show ????

‘Brock is the real deal’ — who beat his ex and ignores and disowned his two older kids.

Her life is unedited but also not real.

I can see that Schwartz and Sandy’s sounds like a Jewish deli. Kinda funny.

What do we think of James smoking weed?? I feel like he shouldn’t be as a recovered alcoholic ?? but this isn’t my area of expertise.

Toms dressing alike ??? Do we think this is normal ?

LVP is asking difficult financial questions to these two yahoos ?? or does she just want to install doubt so they’re still reliant on her ?

Literally if I hear “home equity loan” one more time out of them.

Not even sure that Schwartz even knows what a home equity loan is.

Sandoval is so ….. what’s the word ???

Let’s just say that I couldn’t be with a guy that is more feminine and into his looks and clothes than I am, but seems to not bother Ariana.

So we have 130 lb James boxing ??

He doesn’t seem to like it – shocked.

That was actually difficult to watch.

Think it was making him ‘more anxious’ because Raquel was kicking ass and taking names, and he like, sucked.

Not thinking he’ll be putting on boxing gloves anytime soon. That was embarrassing.

What is happening right now ? James says all he cares about are her looks ??? so don’t say anything about him fucking up her nose ?? (when he went in for a kiss… supposedly)

if he ends up hating the way she looks, what is he going to do ??? “we’re going to keep talking about this, it’s important, It’s going to be hard to deal with if it gets worse.”

“just pray it doesn’t get worse??” but if it does ???? WTF. I do try to root for him. But his whole clip was nauseating. What is she doing with this loser? IF they end up getting married, this is def her “starter husband.”

Schwartz was too dumb to complete the HELOC application correctly ?? he didn’t put that he was ALREADY a bar owner ??? when he was trying to obtain cash to start a new bar??

Katie wtf ??? can you help your clueless dude out at all ? Like all you have been doing is building Legos, so let’s step it up. Schwartz needs help getting through a day. Or maybe he told you he was only borrowing “his half” too, so you didn’t think you needed to get involved.

Lisa trying HARD to get her claws into their new bar. Toms refuse. Good for them. One smart thing coming out of their pie holes I guess.

Lala and Ariana – meet up for party organization and they’re letting go the three episodes ago argument that no one remembers anyway.

So relieved. I may be able to sleep tonight now.

Lala has to point out that her “help” helped her organize the snacks.

How hard is it to put shit in bowls for chrissakes Lala ???

Tired of hearing of Charly and her “food issues” I think her food issues are just that she doesn’t fucking like anything. My ex was like this. It was so frustrating. Every time we went anywhere I had to worry about him finding something he likes to eat. He didn’t like anything with seasoning. Basically it was like feeding a 4 year old, nothing could even be seasoned or interesting.

He thought a plain unseasoned burger on a potato bun with velveeta, or spaghettios was a delicacy for chrissakes.

Yes I said velveeta.

Yes I said spaghettios. And im being serious.

Charly reminds me of this type of eater. So yeah it does suck when you go somewhere. So eat before you leave. Stop with the drama about it. It’s not “food issues” it’s picky issues. No one cares. Stop making this your reason to be on the show.

Trust Scheana that she wouldn’t have had a baby with someone who is horrible … ???

Guys, Scheana would have have had a baby with ANYONE to have a baby, she would have gotten knocked up to Freddie Krueger for chrissakes. I’m not wrong.

Group gathering at Villa Rosa for cocktail making. The Toms are to come up with more cocktail ideas. Lisa loves all of the fawning over her house. Like she lives for this.

Scheana and Lala get into it again when Scheana feels like Lala is asking too many questions that she doesn’t want to deal with. Lala is being typical and goes in. She points out there are a lot of victims of Brock. All three kids, Scheana, the ex.

Scheana maintains he is a great guy, great dad, this was all in the past. He is changed.

Brock gives LVP the full sordid story. He does sort of seem like he feels bad about it all. It seems really really messy. Like really messy. Like he slapped the ex. But it was a long long time ago. But still he hit her. Then they move to France, then she gets pregnant again, her parents are pissed so they press her to do the restraining order from two years ago.

I’m not sure why he keeps saying he came to America to “make a better life for his family.” yet he hasn’t paid child support. Yet he was estranged from them when he came to America???

Like he must have been a shittttt dad and husband. Gets brought up at dinner about Lala being “quiet” (which IS unusual, but she’s not gonna bully people around in front of Lisa)

Good thing Charly isnt at this get together. She def wouldn’t like ANY of this food.

Lala says she feels uncomfortable. She gets on her soapbox about Brock. (have to say soapbox in light of what is going on now with her) May have to take Sandy’s side for a minute. He never really did finish his thought, because it is Loud Lala, and she wouldn’t fucking let him finish.

But I think he was trying to say that she was dating Randall when he was married, and she went off when anyone who dared question her about that. So she’s being kind of a hypocrite. Really poor timing, since we know what we now know. Lisa demands an apology when Tom tries to interrupt Lala.

Lala interrupts Sandoval immediately. She tells him to shut the fuck up. That went well.

No one takes Lala seriously I hope.

I am not sure she cares THAT much about Scheana really ???

she just likes to bitch at people. And act like her life is perfect. She leaves. Please leave.

Sandoval didn’t really ‘get his demons out’ because he wasn’t able to even finish what he was saying, before she cut him off and started screaming.

She cries to Lisa on way out. Maybe she is being genuine. Maybe she is making it about her.

Maybe she should have been worried about her own relationship.

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