Vanderpump 1/4/22

Does anyone ACTUALLY CARE about Lala’s and Randall’s sex life and their activities ? Has anyone on ANY Bravo show, ever, talked about their sex activities as much as Lala does? I’m not a prude – I don’t mind fun little comments here and there — but things like ‘our sexy time included my nipples getting roughed up’ & ‘when I visit his asshole with my mouth i like it shaved, and he used to get blowies daily…’ I know this is an adult program, and sex is natural, but she does realize it’s also not a soft porn show ?? I just don’t know what she thinks she’s proving. People she tells this shit to always look uncomfortable.

All right so see above – Katie is visiting Lala, and Katie is the one that had to hear the above gory details minus the asshole thing. That one she saved for Lisa of all people few eps back. Katie is also trying to ignore that fact that she’s pumping her breasts.

She is going to be meeting with Randall for advice slash money … about this ‘sandwich shop’ being opened by the ladies who have no interest whatsoever in sandwiches, or making food. Don’t mean to keep harping on that but …

Why is everyone asking Randall for money ? I think he pretends to have it, but doesn’t really have it.

Lala says that Ariana didn’t even say hello to her at her event — which I agree – is strange. If she cares that little about Lala, then she shouldn’t have attended the event is my thought. Katie doesn’t want in the middle. Ariana can be strange.

James is visiting Schwartz. Schwartz is apparently interested in DJ- ing at his bars, and guess James is giving him some tips of sort ???? this is going to go left really fast. Schwartz has zero ability to communicate without falling apart. Can’t really see him riling up a crowd ?? He makes a joke about someone requesting a song, and him saying he doesn’t have it, but will next time. How about saying he’ll “circle back?”

Brock visits Sandy — ( there are a lot of visits…) guess that’s what they’re stuck with now, since the show is not centered around SUR anymore, since no one works there. And apparently these people all sit in their houses all day. Aren’t there two bars to be run, one that still needs opened ??? so the work out with these two. — It’s weird.

Lala visits Scheana and they talk about this engagement/wedding that didn’t happen that she says she had ‘no clue’ what was going on ??? That Lala knows more than she does ? as she talks about knowing exactly what was going on, and buying a ‘cute little a dress’ and getting her nails done and her lashes done …. soooooo flippping confused . . . Can’t they at least try to make sense ?

Okay some actual work is taking place here, sort of. Sandoval’s mouth is moving anyway. The Toms meet with their bar people for Schwartz and Sandy’s, getting off the ground, or breaking ground, as Sandy keeps saying. Does he know that is the term when you are actually building a structure from scratch on a blank piece of ground ?? Hence Breaking ground. Or is he using that like loosely for fun ? I kind of fear that he thinks he’s using correct terminology. But then again, he doesn’t know how to spell Schwartz, his lover’s name either.

Raquel’s sister visits James and Raquel and they’re talking about the seating arrangement for their engagement party. They bring up the fact that James is to stop smoking, and he hasn’t. There are a lot of excuses. James says he did it for “us” (stopped drinking). Kate, Raquel’s sister, Kate, is giving James some disgusted and disapproving stares, as he talks about smoking weed, and how he is going to quit, knows he needs to quit, but is not going to quit.

This dude is such a fucking moron

Brock still talking about this fake surprise engagement/ wedding to Tom and Ariana. He’s now admitting that he couldn’t afford the 20g, instead of saying the venue just randomly ‘canceled.’

So does he want to do this at James and Raquel’s engagement party??? Like no no no no no no no bro – FUCK NO – Faux pas 101, right after sleeping with your friend’s wife, followed by wearing jeans to a wedding … LIKE WHAT ???

Tom and Ariana aren’t smart enough to talk him immediately out of it ?? Or maybe they’re supposed to be going along with it and not telling him how shitty this is, for the drama. James is going to lose his fucking mind!

He is in a rush !! ??? Guess to do it for “filming” and of course the “green card??”

I was wondering how these sandwich ladies (hey that could be the name! – Or how about “Sandwich Night?” I think i have more ideas than these two ding-dongs) were going to get the funds for this sandwich shop. Now we’re seeing it, begging Randall, now begging Lisa. I really want to hear about ONE FUCKING SANDWICH. Just one. The flash on their “meeting” was discussion of European sandwiches and girly decor… Do they know what is involved in a “European” sandwich ? What part of Europe? Have they been to Europe? These are questions that I have. They don’t seem passionate about sandwiches. sorry. Katie seems passionate about wanting a hobby, or something to do during the day.

Lisa says “pitch it” — and they freeze. They have no clue what to say – because they didn’t ‘practice’ it??? why would you have to practice something that you have great ideas and are passionate about ? That you just had a “meeting” about ? It’s called speaking. The name is dumb. (Something About Her…) And she’s picking on Schwartz and Sandy’s ???

Katie finally admits what we’ve known – that she is bored – she wants something to do. So she has no interest in sandwiches, but is opening a sandwich shop. At least they didn’t say “Nancy Myers” once on this episode. I do think they’re on to something with the girly theme, and the ‘unapologetic feminine” thing. I like that. I think they should shop flea markets, ebay, and antique shops for old cute dainty, flowery, plates and cups, and artwork/decor. I love old dishes for some reason. That’s my input. I also have sandwich ideas but not sharing that, unless they pay me !! I also have a “European” idea too! Girls, call me, let’s strike a deal !!! I want to move to LA anyway !!

Mention #37 that Brockie is paying child support. Dude wants a blue ribbon or a trophy I guess ? For supporting his children.

He is buying Scheana a 25g ring and puts it on twelve different credit cards. I’m hearing it’s not a real diamond. Why would you pay that much for a not real diamond? Does anyone else feel that he’s not going to be paying these credit cards?

So in other words James and Raquel will be picking up the tab instead of Randall, for this non-surprise engagement and wedding.

Ross and Rachel, I mean the Toms are off of ‘the break.’ Schwartz says that Katie and Sandy have been getting along “great” but have they even been together ? It’s easy to get along with someone you can’t stand, when you’re not around them. But it seems like Katie is on board, and she even made the bracelet he’s presenting so …. I’m optimistic. Yes this is really happening,

Schwartz even broke out the leopard for the official end of the “break!” and bracelet exchange!!

Schwartz seems to be actually involved and took part in drink preparation for the event where they’re showing off the bar, although these two did absolutely noting to prepare the place. Like nothing. This Place has dead bugs, piles of crap everywhere, Mexican décor not taken off of the walls? Like what have these dudes been doing ? Why wouldn’t they be here busting their asses getting this shit done ? Instead of lolly gaggin around pretending to work out, and crying that they miss each other ?

At least to make this event look like they have been putting in effort ? And Katie if you’re so bored… (Just sayin – in Theresa or Gina voice)

Well at least Schwartz is wearing a leopard jacket. Real guys wear leopard.

Brock asks Scheana how to spell ‘Schwartz & Sandy’s’ as he’s checking online for the address. Apparently no one on here can spell ‘Schwartz.’ Dude these aren’t hard words to spell.

Toms, just like Katie and Ariana, cannot answer any specific questions. Like how much something like raising a ceiling costs when LVP asks. Lisa and Ken basically whisper to each other that they’re complete morons and need to get a fucking clue.

Lisa says Hi to Scheana and she immediately blurts out “we’re signing the prenup on Wednesday !!” weird. Way to make that look natural.

In their interview there is awkward series of moments when Scheana discloses that she has “invested” in Brock’s business. He says he paid her back. She says not the one time. He says, okay, he owes her $3.000, she says it’s more like 10. He starts to like —- cry ??? what ?? that he’s taking money from his ‘missus?’ I wonder if his ex is watching this in Australia. (if they’re allowed) I wonder what she is thinking about all of this? I just don’t know about this dude. I just don’t know.

“I owe you $3,000.” “Well, 10, actually, but who’s counting?”
what’s with the weird breakdown ?? complete with tissue?? is he just now realizing she put up cash for his work-out app ???

Why am I not surprised when Raquel discloses that there is an ‘earth tone’ dress code for her engagement party. I just commented on this party procedure on Salt Lake Sunday ? Why is there ALWAYS a color code for these events ??? Also this is a three day event ? Do they have to wear earth tones all three days someone asks???

Brock begins to engage with James about his two year sober anniversary. James talks about not wanting to cut out weed. James gets “triggered” for whatever reason. I don’t know. Brock thought it was a lame excuse that he had to smoke weed because he was quarantining and there was nothing else to do. James starts flipping the fuck out, and telling him to back off etc etc etc.


More yelling between these two love birds about not returning texts, and Brock is stupid, and what not. James seems jealous about the Brock and Sandy’s hot work out date insta post. It’s actually turning into sounding like a lover’s quarrel. James and Raquel leave.

Thank goodness, Meredith Marks wasn’t here to chase them, and beg them back.

Not likely, but you never know.

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