Summer House 3/20 & 3/27/23

The girls are decorating for the Studio 54 Party. I do really see Ciara and Paige taking a more active participation (actually anything would be ‘more’) in decorating, cooking and cleaning up, than in previous seasons. Last year they would have been in bed while this was taking place, and not emerging until all of the work was done, and food and drinks were available.

I’m sure this is due to how much they were getting dragged last season. I think we all just had enough of them acting so lazy and entitled. Not a good look.

Kyle and Amanda arrive back after being absent from last weekend.

Carl is really coming off as kind of a pussy. since he’s been sober, for some reason. Is that normal? I guess alcohol gave him the balls he needed to be an asshole? But he needs to find a happy medium.

Kyle and Amanda’s dogs are cute, but are they a LITTLE over the top with baby talking to them non-stop and holding them like they’re babies??

Amanda looks like she’s twelve. She looks twelve. I am however happy to see them getting along now. Is anyone feeling like she acts kind of twelve too? Maybe this is their new dynamic, so they can get along better. Not insinuating Kyle likes twelve year-olds.

Last season was a little concerning to say the least. I really didn’t think it was the wedding planning chaos, but maybe that was a big part of it. I also didn’t get what was so complicated about planning a backyard wedding and reception. It seemed to me like Amanda was acting like a baby, and was dropping the ball on the planning, and letting her parents handle it. Which was strange, Most women want to be involved in the planning of their wedding.

Also I think Kyle is afraid of her dad. And perhaps her dad threatened him to get his fucking shit together. These are guesses. Don’t come after me if you don’t agree. Those brutal chat group bitches. I had a chick tell me not to be ‘biased.’ Well if I’m posting and sharing my opinions, then YES they are biased. That’s why they’re my opinions.

So who all thinks that Ciara should dress up as Carma Brown, like all the time, every day, and don’t stop. The wig, the sass, the tude, the spunk, it’s making her so much more lively and interesting.

She’s a whole different person rocking this sassy persona and disco dynamo look.

I’m finally fun and interesting!!

With all of the feminine shit that Kyle wears, I don’t get why he considers these lavender pants ‘bizarre?’

I wonder if all of these people at the parties now, are just ‘extras?’ Like extras in a movie, when they need people to fill up a background. No one ever seems to know any of them.

Kyle and Carl have a chat. They kiss and make up for the time being.

They both own their part, and whatever.

Carl wants to know does he really deep down think those things of Lindsay ? (she’s a bitch, she’s an asshole, Carl is letting her run the show…)

You seriously think Lindsay is a bitch? I think she’s so sweet.

To that I would say, yes dude, that’s why it was said in an angry drunk moment.

Someone who used to hit it pretty hard should know that. He obviously wants Kyle to say, no he didn’t really mean it.

Lets not forget the whole thing started because Lindsay put her puppet Danielle up to that bitchy comment to Amanda. You know, instead of Lindsay just approaching her and speaking to her directly like an adult. Later in the episode she brags to Carl how much of a direct communicator she is. So something’s not adding up.

Everything was pretty spot on that he said about Lindsay, actually. She is a bitch, she is an asshole she is taking advantage of Carl’s very vulnerable state of mind right now.

Kyle blames the tension between Amanda and Lindsay the reason for all of the angst in their friendship.

So Lindsay is seriously taking these TWO comments said by Amanda, who normally is not rude to people just for the hell of it, and acting like they were the most malicious things she’s ever had said to her in her life.

1 – it’s too soon for them to be looking at houses, from last year’s reunion, one year ago, and 2 – Carl has been ‘tainted’ by her. Both are true. And just for good measure, she throws in the “Carl is OUR employee” thing. What Amanda actually said, is “Carl works for us…” and went on to give him accolades. She wasn’t just pointing out that ‘he works for her’ and he’s ‘her’ employee. At all. That’s not like Amanda, and everyone knows that. That’s more of a Lindsay thing to say. I can totally see her saying that if Kyle worked Carl.

Lindsay claims to have taken offense to that, and probably convinced Carl it was offensive. When he DOES work for them. If she doesn’t want him to work for someone, they maybe he should start his own company, as Kyle has.

Lindsay fucking Hubbard who says anyTHING to anyONE and gives not two fucks. This is one of 857 things I hate about this personality type. Also keep in mind that Amanda apologized.

And Lindsay ignored her. That’s so Lindsay.

Let’s check in on each other.” That’s another new phrase like ‘triggered’ and ‘safe space’ and all of that BS. Man up dudes. You don’t need to “check in on each other.” Fuck. Carl needs to check his bitch. That’s the only ‘checking’ that needs done.

The random chicks at these parties are frequently chubby, unattractive or a little off. Not to be rude.

No-game Chris tries to chat two of them up. Why? He gets the chunky one’s attention when he starts making up random shit to impress her.

Lindsay is dying to get the skinny from Carl on the convo with Kyle. He tells her it came up about her and Amanda’s issues and Lindsay gets all excited that “the entire conversation was about her.”

Narc Lindsay refuses to talk to Amanda because she’s the one that’s ‘hurt’ which she’s not of course she’s making up… Another wonderful aspect of the narcissist, they try to pretend they’re hurt to play the victim.

What Carl says to her seems a little aggressive when Lindsay asks why he’s coming at her. “Trust me, you’ll know when I’m coming at you.”

Things Dudes Don’t Say to Girls for $1200, Alex.

Lindsay looks stunned.


Carl sees that reasoning with Lindsay is pretty futile and getting nowhere, so he disengages.

Good idea. The others are watching and seem excited that they’re ‘arguing.’

Nosy Danielle corners Carl for the tea, as Lindsay speaks to Paige. Again –claims she’s “very hurt…” She needs to stop using the word ‘hurt.’ No one believes it.

Paige points out Danielle thinks they’re moving too fast too, when Lindsay starts rambling her list of these TWO (Lindsay says multiple, but it’s two) absolutely horrific fucking things that Amanda said, that we can all see, were not that big of a deal.

Of course Lindsay’s not thrilled to hear that. Danielle keeps comparing her relationship with Carl and Lindsay’s for some fucking reason. Danielle comes off a little creepy to me. And sort of jealous too. I’m not sure why people are so jealous of Lindsay and Carl, of all couples. Also not sure why everyone is meddling so much.

With the way that Danielle is talking to Carl, it honestly does not sound like she is Lindsay’s friend at all, let alone her best friend. She doesn’t seem to have a lot of nice things to say about Lindsay. I don’t blame her but… it is strange. Is she secretly into Carl?

I also think Robert works constantly because he WANTS to work constantly, if ya get my drift.

Chris talking to girls is excruciating to listen to. He’s almost as bad as that Alex dude last season. Where are they getting these guys? He’s cute and sorta funny. I don’t understand why he’s not better at this.

Lindsay confronts Danielle and, I don’t know it’s silly. It’s all silly. Danielle seems to be annoyed I guess, that Lindsay and Carl don’t get into more arguments. She thinks they’re glazing over shit and not talking about, or arguing about it. Is it so wrong of Lindsay to try to keep the peace? But I do get what she’s trying to say. If she keeps not speaking up to prevent a possible fight, then there’s going to be a build-up and she’s going to explode. But why is it everyone else’s job to micro-manage Lindsay? Let her go. We all know they’re not going to last anyway. Carl will wake up after he’s been sober for another year or so, and realize what a terrible human she is.

Last season everyone was freaking out about Kyle and Amanda constantly fighting, now Lindsay and Carl don’t argue enough? Seriously. I thought it was mature the way they just dropped their minor disagreement at the party before it escalated. I guess it wasn’t dramatic or entertaining enough for them.

Okay moving on. Gabby shut up about your boobs. I guess there was no food or snacks provided at this party. Everyone is starving. Gabby says she’s ordering “just four pizzas.”

She’s bad at planning parties. She gets a 6.5 rating from the girls. No food, no music. Just a bunch of dusty styrofoam disco balls hanging from the ceiling.

Why is Sam so sucking up to Kyle? She starts rambling about his ‘positive energy.’ Has she watched past seasons?

The lame party has wrapped up, and they discuss going to Montauk. Lindsay clearly wants to go, and Carl has no interest whatsoever. You can foresee how this turns into a whole thing, because Lindsay just agrees to not go. Carl has been around people drinking alcohol all day long and I’m sure has had it. Honestly I’m no expert, but him just participating in this show still, when they drink from morning until night is probably the worst thing he could be doing for his sobriety.

Sure I’d love to stay here and make a fire.

Danielle takes this all personally, and can’t comprehend why Lindsay would want to stay home with her boyfriend.

Danielle reminds me of having a best friend in high school, and you’re the first one to have a boyfriend, and all of the drama and jealousy that ensues because now you’re not doing everything together anymore. Like grow up. It’s not Lindsay’s fault your boyfriend has no interest in spending time with you.

Carl wants to make sure she understands how much he does NOT want to go out, and proceeds to lie on the couch. Lindsay’s not giving up.

Okay, so you’re thinking about it??

OMG stop saying Montauk! He’s not going Lindsay!

He wants to make a fire. Which is kind of cute. Danielle makes her feel guilty for not going. Jesus Christ, now old are we?? She continues to compare her and Robert with Lindsay and Carl. Again, how old ARE WE?? She tries to talk Lindsay into going, which she knows would piss Carl off.

Like who cares, you can do whatever the fuck you want…?”

Who cares what Stupid Smelly Carl thinks?? He has cooties.

Did she seriously say that? Her attitude and demeanor seemed really strange.

HOW OLD ARE WE?? Some of the others are staying behind as well. Who cares.

How sweet of the girls to throw Amanda a birthday brunch before they leave?

Although I am wondering why she didn’t have a birthday bash the night before?

Whatever. It’s sweet. Paige even was the ring leader and drug her entire entitled ass out of bed to decorate and make preparations. Ciara runs out for goodies. It seems so weird to see Paige and Ciara out of bed so much.

They however do NOT help dismantle the party decorations from the previous night.

Let’s not get carried away here.

Paige and Mya gossip about Lindsay and Carl. They joke about how Carl lied on the couch when they were discussing going out, and Lindsay still didn’t seem to get it.

Kyle came through this year with an actual gift for Amanda. Some weird painting. She seems happy.

Lindsay confronts Amanda about meeting up during the week to talk, strangely.

Can I bring a weapon just in case?

I would be afraid, very afraid.


Okay here we go, Amanda and Lindsay meet up for their little chat. Lindsay makes it seem like she’s been wanting to do this forever, and hasn’t had a chance. Amanda shoots that down.

Lindsay leads with the typical – “I’m confused…”

That’s a passive aggressive phrase that narcs tend to use. It puts their victim immediately on the defense, and makes them feel like they have to explain themselves, and justify their behavior – because you’re confused. I think “Well I can’t help that, it all seems pretty clear to me is a good comeback.

Amanda points out that she did apologize via text, and also tried to speak with her face to face but Lindsay refused to acknowledge her. So a normal and reasonable person can see how Amanda would then by thinking “fuck her then, I’m not going to beg her to speak to me.”

Yes Lindsay I know you’re very sensitive…

Lindsay wanted to keep the pissy little attitude going until filming started in following summer, clearly.

Lindsay starts fake crying and refers to herself as ‘sensitive.’ Really. The cry fit dissipates pretty fast when she wants to take a drink of her wine. I don’t think Amanda is buying it, but is pretending to.

Okay, I’m done crying now, my wine is getting warm.

Robert joins Danielle for the weekend and she is making him cook an entire huge meal for the group.

Gabby thinks that Ciara doesn’t really like her. They’re trying to turn it into this whole dramatic thing, when it’s really not. She doesn’t like her. She’s pretentious as hell. Move on.

They go clubbing and I guess they just left all of the food sit out. Lindsay and Carl heavily make out at the club, when Lindsay wants to dance, and Carl wants to just sit there. Lindsay tries way too hard to make it seem like she is fine with all of this.

Also Robert seems to have no interest in spending time with Danielle. The poor guy has to get up and go to work Saturday morning after being up half the night hanging with Danielle’s friends. Danielle goes hard in her yaps to convince everyone how happy she is. I think they broke up didn’t they?

They go to a winery. Carl has to ask for an alcohol free option as Lindsay starts immediately guzzling.

Babes how ya doing over there with your Arnold Palmer??

Why does this Sam chick seem obsessed with Kyle. Amanda better keep her eye on this shit or we’re going to have another Vanderpump-like scandal.

If Kyle Cook is shook by me, I’m doing something right…” Last week she was all loving on him about something, and telling him how awesome he was. Like he sets the tone for the house or some ridiculous shit?

Kyle Cook is so dreamy…

Lindsay is allowed out on a girls’ night.

Carl and Kyle do some initiation thing to Chris.

Can they teach him to talk to girls while they’re at it?

The girls start to harass Lindsay about what sounds like a boring life with Carl because she’s not getting black out drunk every other night anymore. Danielle starts making a bunch of obscene faces.

“You’re curbing your drinking for Carl.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Good point. These girls are weird. They get really strange badgering her and trying to piss her off. And I don’t even like Lindsay, but it’s coming off as desperate for a reaction.

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