Mary M. Cosby has the floor in her Shazam superhero costume. SHAZAM!!!!
Andy jokes about last season Mary who was superrrrrrrrrr cranky and would NOT participate in any Housewife activities.
This season, a different Mary M. Cosby, as she even became besties with Angie whom she despised last season (as she drifted from Meredith for some reason, guess Housewives can only have one friend at a time,)

We go right into Robert Jr. I noticed she didn’t mention this ‘wife’ chick at all. Is he still with her? Hoping not. She didn’t seem to be a positive influence.
She says he only went to rehab for 30 days. I’m hoping he gets better. He seems like a nice kid.
That did take a lot of courage and I’m sure it wasn’t easy.
I honestly don’t know what to make of Mary. She’s kind of all over the place with moments of being relatable, and many more moments that I’m like WTF is wrong with this woman.
I guess we’re supposed to forget about the whole church/cult thing, and how she and her grandaddy/husband were allegedly extorting money from the parishioners and that dude she was fucking? That she stole money from? That died from cancer? Did we all forget about this?
I guess we did. Oh also she referred to herself as God in a church service that was aired. Whatever, I know it’s Housewives, just roll with it. FORGET ABOUT IT!!
Not to keep harping on this, but I do think it’s so weird how Whitney is sitting on the couch and turning in the opposite direction. Does she not have room to twist in the other direction? Seems like she does. I know Bronwyn’s sleeves are poofy but there is some air there where she can twist towards Andy? Maybe she’s mad at Andy for making her last seat.
They match Angie’s dress though. Maybe that’s what she was going for.
Meredith looks awkward and/or guilty as Mary shares the update on Robert Jr.
I kind of feel like Meredith is really shallow and not equipped to handle such a serious topic with a friend. She’s a lot like Lisa, in not a good way.
Lisa’s even crying.

She seems really disconnected. You noticed every other lady was tearing up and wiping their face, even Lisa, for fuck’s sake, except for fucking Meredith. Does she have like a stone heart or what??
That was really bothersome to me.
Shazam was really sharing about her son’s struggles and not one tear Meredith? On behalf of your ‘good friend?’
Even fucking Andy was crying and he cares about NO ONE. Certainly not about his cash cow Housewives. Sorry Andy, you don’t.

I just don’t get Meredith’s stoic expression throughout Mary’s confessions about Robert. So weird.
The other ladies are encouraging her she’s a great mom and Meredith just look pissed. Which is disturbing.

I feel like Robert Sr’s and Mary’s relationship is kind of unique.
It’s sweet if he encouraged her and didn’t make her feel responsible. Especially if he wasn’t like around much, which I suspect to be the case.
Angie gives her new friend accolades.
Whitney makes it about her which I guess is okay, because she can identify with her father being an alcoholic.

Andy addresses the white elephant, and says ‘hey thought you and Meredith were pretty good friends??’
Mary defends her. Which is nice.
Meredith expresses remorse for not being there for her more. But you know, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. She has a life. Duhhh.
A viewer thinks the bangs are what did their friendship in.
That’s not a superficial friendship at all.
But in Mary’s defense they were really bad fake bangs.

Meredith just stop with the names list. All Housewives get called names.
Mary initiating a hug with Meredith was really sweet and unexpected.