Real Housewives of Potomac 8/15

Well for the first time ALL SEASON – Wendy said something that sounded half intelligent, and not about her titties or ass or hoop earrings, about Karen’s and Gizelle’s silly argument about Ray dying.

Not sure why we’re still on THIS. Oh wait what am I saying – this is Real Housewives.

Sometimes Real Annoying. But still I watch.

Multiple multiple flashbacks of these two talking shit to each other. It’s a lot. I don’t have a drink yet.

The girls all sit and try to reason with them. It SEEMS to have sunken in, but most likely not.

Again this weird thong body suit Wendy is wearing (sorry but she’s STILLLLL wearing it)

This contraption is absolutely, absolutely awful.

The more I see of it, the more I am embarrassed for her. Not one word about Gizelle’s clothes again guys, NOT ONE.

And are we seeing what she changes INTO ? She looks like a prostitute. Bottom line. She does not know how to dress appropriately. You can be a little sexy, and take advantage of your new body additions (again this is a GIRLS trip) but be APPROPRIATE.

Here we go with bitching about the accommodations not being good enough for these prima donna ladies that apparently have NEVER had to do anything for themselves. What is wrong with this “cottage?” NOTHING !!! I WILL HAPPILY STAY IN IT AND NOT BITCH ABOUT ONE THING !

(except maybe wendy’s tits all up in my face) AND YES – I DO HAVE MY OWN BOOBS AND IM NOT JEALOUS OF THEM!!! (addressing some FB trolls)

What could possibly be in that suitcase for TWO FUCKING days on a girls trip?? Yes I have traveled with a huge suitcase like that, that weighs 80 lbs, when I go away for a WEEK OR 2 !!

Ashley and Michael and the two babies, and changing poopy diapers, seem so normal. I wish we didn’t know what we know about this man. These pictures are going to be so cute. That view is amazing in their place (NOT apartment!!)

Ashley is going to be joining the ladies on the trip– is she taking the babies ? No.

What?? he’s taking the baby to work ? And letting the office staff take care of him??

Why does Gizelle continuously call her and Jamal’s attempt at reconciliation a “pandemic relationship” That makes ZERO sense. Why can’t she just say, yeah not working out. He’s still a piece of shit.

What is with Karen seemingly overcompensating about her and Ray’s marriage? “He’s my BFF, I miss him so much … lalalalala” shut up.

Robyn and Gizelle try to break it down, Wendy’s new look, and odd behavior and incessant talk about her boobs and having them out constantly.

What IS the deal with those boobs right now in that thing she is wearing? I m sorry but she looks ridiculous. How is that even working with those in that top ? She looks like she is trying too hard. She looks like a street walker. She looks ridiculous. I already said that.

More bitching about some of the ladies being in the smaller cottage. I am sorry but I would not be bitching while on a trip UNLESS it was really horrible. There is Nothing wrong with that cottage.

Candiace starts addressing that Chris is managing her. I do not see this arrangement being successful.

Does anyone think this is going to be successful ?

Robyn addresses at dinner her ongoing not- wanting- to-get -out of -bed issue.

Gizelle does not sound capable of being like a good friend. There are nicer things to say.

How about, what could I do to help you?

Isn’t that what a GOOD FRIEND would do? Not kicking her when she is down? Her questions and comments just are not supportive at all, and intended to make her feel worse. Why is Robyn friends with this woman ?

Why can’t she be like – “what can I do to help you, my friend?”

How about if I call you at like 9am and give you a little motivational pep talk, or bring over some cappuccinos?

It is good that Robyn admits her issues and is not afraid to talk about them. I don’t know if I would call her depressed. I think I would all her lazy. I don’t think she sounds very motivated to change really.

Oh Christ here we go with wendy TALKING AN ABOUT HER TITS !! the more I eat the bigger my breasts get ? WHAT ??? IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING WITH THIS WOMAN ??

They just called Wendy Loose ??? kinda funny. She does look kinda loose. Not sorry. She needs to get it together.

I agree with the ladies. I like the word substance. Yes she has no substance now.

What is with her and this “put into a box” thing. She started on that last week after her Zoom call or whatever she was on, and started yapping at Eddie about her earrings and her off the shoulder shirt. And she feels put into a box …

Wendy put your trashy clothes in a box and save them for a date night with your husband.

Yes I get what Wendy is saying, you CAN be smart, professional and sexy, but not with them pushed way up under your chin, every single time you are out. That is what Mia is trying to tell her.

And that horrific thong cut out body suit that is not for a woman well into her thirties. And I can’t even explain what is going on with this tube top at dinner.

Gizelle now on the hot seat about Jamal. She ain’t likin this none !! The girls are telling her that she should open up about jamal, if she is sitting here asking everyone else questions. Good point. We somehow manage to change the subject back to Wendy.

I do agree that I too thought she was very pretty last year. I don’t know why she was feeling so unattractive. I get the breastfeeding boobs. The rest of the behavior & attire is just weird. I saw on WWHL, she wore something a little low cut and sexy, but didn’t look like a hooker. Like I was saying, it IS possible to show em off but be tasteful.

Wendy wants to know – What does Gizelle mean I have no substance ?


I can’t deal with karen and Wendy being friends – it seems fake to me. What is going on? It’s as fake as Wendy’s tits. Was this the producer’s idea? I thought I read that somewhere.

Karen asks Wendy if she toned down her sexiness because of what Gizelle said.

But to be fair, she now has her midriff out, and is still dressed like a 20 year old.

So not sure if I would call this look “toned down”. She just managed to put her tits away for 5 minutes.

Now the waterworks, that are coming off as not real. Real fake. fake as the boobs,

Stop running around with your tits in everyone’s face Wendy !!!

It’s not Political Science !!!

Next week’s looks interesting, Ashley’s arrival is stirring things up a bit when she brings up the “Eddie rumor”

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