I tuned in late tonight but think I’m just going to go with it. Doesn’t seem like I missed a whole lot.

Tuned in when the guests were leaving, and Mia AGAIN whining about being down a stew, and it being so much more work for the deck crew. Shut up malia. Shut. up. malia. What happened to “we’re all a team ?” Then she even blames this situation for her crew making “rookie mistakes?”

What about when you coddled and helped in the kitchen your stupid cry baby stupid pussy chef ex boyfriend ??? is it a bosun’s job to be a sous chef? But that was ok ? No but she did it when it involved her getting

laid I guess?

She is so not professional. She tries to act like she is, and she’s not.

Also so fed up with all of the Lexi coddling. That bitch was off the hook demented. it’s an insult to shit to even say she’s a piece of shit. I honestly feel like I need to hit the old thesaurus to find more words in the English language that are horrible enough to describe her, and some of her behavior on the show.

My problem with people like her, and I promise I’ll get off my soap box, is that just as we are seeing tonight, EVERYONE makes excuses her. Her family has probably always made excuses for her All her life, when she behaved badly. Just as the crew is now. And when she acts like this again, there will be people like Mat, who hates her and doesn’t give her a pass because of this or that, but again the majority will feel “bad” for her, and make excuses for her. The problem with this is that she never learns anything. She never thinks she does anything wrong, so she never tries to be better. And she will keep treating people badly and not caring.

Mzi literally fell on his ass again.

David is sort of sulking from his talking to from Malia. He feels like he was told to take it easier due to his leg, and then scolded by Malia, who seemed like she just needed to act like an asshole, for the sheer fun of it. Maybe Malia was still feeling gloomy for Sandy having the nerve to reprimand her, so she needs to take it out on someone. Who knows with her.

Lloyd is having some in his head issues now that the charter is over, and he needs to move on to another charter. Why is Lloyd like NOT communicating at all ?

Now the poor guy is puking and his blood pressure is high. He is getting taken off the boat to the hospital. He’s on WWHL, so seems like he’s ok. Seems like it was a total anxiety attack.

Also Kate Chastain is on WWHL, who I cannot stand. She’s such a bully and a mean girl. I was at the gym yesterday during the day, and put on Bravo of course, on the TV, and there was an old episode on with Simone and Kate as her chief stew. She really is a the anti-motivator. When she has a stew that may be falling behind or not doing as well as she would like, instead of motivating them, explaining where improvement needs made, she goes IN for them, and starts bullying and ridiculing them. Which in turn, makes them do even worse. Which is what she wants, because then she feels validated, and starts to get even meaner. Capt Lee always disappointed me for tolerating this.

Pretty sure he had a crush on her, not sure why. Guess I got back up on my soap box.

Now my picture is not turning out .

Next week – last charter !!

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