Real Housewives of Potomac 12/3/23

Let me start by saying I am so sick of hearing “I don’t know you, well I don’t know YOU!!” Did they get this story line idea from Kathy Hilton two Beverly Hills ago, when news first broke about Erika and her sheisty husband’s financial woes, and Erika was acting like a twat. Kathy was like “I don’t know her!”

Which was funny and organic, and Kathy being Kathy. She was literally embarrassed to be acquainted with Erika Girardi given just that she’s trashy broke Erika, and Kathy is not.

Nothing like this current shit with these two who WERE acquainted with each other, it’s not hard to see, and had mutual friends. Well to be exact, they had family members acquainted with each other.

And this voodoo shrine, casting spells, praying ‘against’ is way beyond my comprehension. Maybe I should look into it. I know someone I would like to ‘pray against’ and submit to a shrine.

And remember from last week, Wendy’s got the “mother-fucking bazooka” people!! That sounds a little – threatening – given that a bazooka is like some sort of war weaponry. Wow Wendy, classy. Threatening to blow someone away with a rocket gun because she inquired as to why your family is harassing her.

Things fucking crazy people say.

So we’re off to Austin, Texas. That seems random, but okay. It’s funky and has flair. Sounds like a plan! Honestly all they ever do on these trips anyway, is scream, holler and throw shit, so why do we need to do that in a breathtaking setting? It actually kind of pisses me off when they’re on a gorgeous beach, and bitching about the most insignificant fucking shit.

How can you be mad when you’re at the ocean?? Oh wait scratch that, I know someone that manages to be in shit mood at the beach, but then again this very moody individual is always in a shit mood unraveling about something, and determined to ruin every single occasion, trip, day, whatever… It’s in the narcissist handbook.

Thing to do when you’re a narcissist: 1. Ruin the day for my partner by having a tantrum over nothing.

Then play the victim.

These poor people, how horrible it must be, to be trapped in that sick mind. They’re trapped. And they’re too arrogant to get help. So they just keep plugging away, thinking one day they’re going to get different a result than the ones they’ve been getting.

ONE DAY, it’ll happen, LOL. Sure. Keep doing what you’re doing.

Much like the Southern Charm ladies, these girls also meet up at a local boutique to shop for the trip. I mean duhhhhhh, when you go on vaca you NEED some new duds. Can’t be seen in the SAME thing you wear at home. Unless you’re a guy, then it’s fine.

Apparently Karen Huger is the alcoholic du jour on Potomac. This is a beaten to death story line, Bravo. 90% of these bitches drink too much, 75% of the time. So do the math. It’s not a very interesting topic. At all.


Wendy and her prisoner have a lunch date. It’s nice she lets him out once in a while. She better be taking precautions that he doesn’t escape.

They discuss Pickle Ball, and how they’re right, and everyone else is wrong. Whatever, who cares. These two are barely tolerable to me.

Wendy is like a dog with a bone over the ‘bitch’ thing, as if that’s so offensive, that she said “bitch let me talk” when Wendy wouldn’t shut the fuck up, and let her finish a sentence. Let’s concentrate on THAT very minor trivial utterance by Nneka, and NOT your fucking crazy ass big fat meddling witch mother!

I’m not even in the mood for these bitches tonight. Yes, Wendy, I said BITCHES!! Oh my God!!

Anywho, she’s spewing out some scripted shit, denying Nneka’s allegations.

Well that kinda did all happen.


Nnka and her husband have an appointment with a fertility clinic, or her OBGYN, not sure, to find out why she’s not knocked up yet.

Ikenna complains that he doesn’t think they’re ‘trying’ enough. She tries to shut him up. She gives me the impression that she can’t really stand him, and every time he opens his mouth, it annoys her. This super chill cool cat of a doctor basically tells them to go home and fuck, and stop bitching. He doesn’t seem concerned that they’ve been trying for seven months, and nothing is happening.

In her yap she fills us in on the severity in the Nigerian culture of being told you’ve been submitted to a shrine, and it means death and destruction. Hmmm do you have to be Nigerian to do this to someone?

I don’t know why she wanted him to come to this appointment. She’s told him several times to shut up.


Mia and Gordon attend therapy. Mia starts by telling her that they “have recently gone through a financial change with our businesssssssss.” She does that weird Gina twang too.

Gordon looks immediately uncomfortable. I’m pretty sure he knows full well why his family ousted him.

Truth is, I was taking money from the company.

Mia shares she had considered filing for divorce, and spoke to an attorney, Which by now, we know that they are separated.

Gordon looks so sad. I really don’t think he wants a divorce. And it does look kind of bad on Mia, that you divorce the dude the second the money dries up.

Mia is annoyed that he’s ‘working too much’ which is causing them to argue. I mean, the irony.

You’re mad he lost his connections that was bringing home the bacon, so he’s trying to regroup and get something new going, since he knows Mia likes money, and she’s mad at that.

Another confused looking therapist. Is that what they do? Just sit there and look at you like fucking nuts?? I’m just saying, I have three different pictures of three different therapists, and they all have this look on their face.

Wow that’s some fucked up shit.

She shares the story of this attorney that they hired, committing suicide after he stole their money, from a sale, she says. Not sure what sale. Related to the chiropractic business, I assume. You know, people, life lesson #4,876 –ya heard it here. When your attorney tells you he’s just going to “hold onto” your proceeds from a case, for this reason or that, ya say – NO! Gimme it.

This all sounds pretty Tom Girardi, doesn’t it?? Attorneys are so fucking sheisty, but all kidding aside, this is a lot. Is it just me or has there been a lot of death on Bravo lately? Not of the cast, but people connected to the cast. Brothers, attorneys… What’s going on?

I want to share with you guys that my daughter’s best friend’s, in middle/high school, sister recently committed suicide. I’m just sick about it. They are such a great family, and don’t deserve this. My daughter has been to so may funeral services of classmates, and friends over the years. Now there’s another one.


Ashley was so desperate to have kids, to send them off to go to the park with the nanny, while she’s home packing for a vacation.


We arrive in Austin, and here we go another predictable arguing trip.

Who the hell knows what the hell Karen is carrying on about in the van. Pies in her mouth, and the freezers, and I don’t know.

I’ll have what she’s having.

I only put some of the pie in my mouth.

I like that Gizelle and Karen are getting along.

They arrive at the hotel. So bored of the constant pissing and moaning about hotel rooms not being bougee enough for these bitches.

Friendly reminder to the viewers: They are paying ZERO dollars to go on these trips. And they have the fucking nerve to whine constantly about the accommodations. The views, the room size, having to share, the neighborhood isn’t bougee enough. It’s the opposite of entertaining to sit and listen to that.

I doubt if they ever even say thank you for these free trips.

They even arrive to a complete spread of hot food prepared for them, and all they have to do is plop their ass down and open their suck. You know how when we commoners travel, and you’re hungry at arrival, you have to locate a place to eat, navigate there, and purchase our own fucking food. Can you imagine?

I’m not getting this fucking pie reference. Are you?


Candiance and Karen corner Wendy about Nneka while relaxing at the pool. Right off the bat, don’t know what Wendy is wearing, at the pool, but it looks uncomfortable. I guess it’s a cover-up

She doesn’t know Nneka from a can of paint, she has no vested relationship or interest.

Nothing is better than being at a pool when it’s gorge and sunny, and someone asks you what you would like to drink. I had a few days of that in Vegas when I went to BravoCon. It was amazing. It needed to be for a lot longer.

Wendy starts with the face twitching and trying hard to look calm and zen, the second Nneka joins the group. Now THAT’S entertaining.

I’m totally zen, can’t you tell??

So over the Candiace and Gizelle thing. Karen tries to bring it up, they do last season flashes, and whatever. I’m on Candiace’s side, for the record.


So I guess this isn’t the point, but it’s kind of funny how Robyn and Mia are walking down the city sidewalk in their bathing suit cover-ups. The point of the walk is Mia wanting to share with her the story of this attorney’s who was trying to rip them off, suicide.

Let’s head this way, where the construction guys are !

Robyn had been through a similar situation, believe it or not. Her dude jumped off a bridge.

You cannot make this shit up.

So I guess they still didn’t get their money since the dude offed himself. I don’t know that Mia should feel guilty. They did nothing wrong by reporting him for stealing their proceeds. Because he was probably doing this to others, and if he wasn’t yet, he would be. So you know, someone would have reported him at some point. I guess he would have killed himself at some point.

Hey, I have an idea. Don’t steal people’s money!! Then you don’t have to lose your job, and subsequently kill yourself! I’m sounding kind of heartless, but am I wrong? And Mia trying to claim she doesn’t care about money. Okay.


Karen was told to get Wendy and Nneka all cranked up, so she brings up their little Pickle Ball tiff. Candiace needs to butt the hell out, and let Wendy speak for herself.

Is Nneka 40 or 35? I thought earlier she said she was 35, now she says in all her forty years, she’s never had anyone talk to her this way, referring to Wendy’s witch mom.

Anyway, Wendy is still in denial mode, and is giving us some fucking word salad. Rotten salad, at that.

Gizelle points out that Wendy’s mom had posted on social media similar rhetoric after her and Mia’s altercation last season.

She didn’t say any of that type of stuff.” She claims.

Wendy gets even weirder when Mia arrives.

Wendy proceeds to read this post, and it definitely was ‘that type of stuff.’

Holy Ghost fire on Mia and Peter.”

Wendy, PhD, huh?? ‘Holy Ghost Fire’ means praying against your enemies.

Wendy tries to play this off that her sister and the cousin-in-law (Lebe) just had a falling out.

Nneka corrects this to the supposed falling out being due to Wendy being upset over Nneka name- dropping her, I assume, when she was in talks to be a Housewife. Like ‘oh I have this, sort of connection with Wendy. Her sister and my husband’s cousin are besties.’

This was very upsetting to Wendy, and you can really see why. If you’re Wendy.

Wendy starts the rapid blinking, when Nneka rattles off verbatim what Wendy had said, which I believe due to Wendy’s twitching, and it’s what Wendy would say. It’s what she actually DID say at pickle ball, that she’s jealous of her. You know when started doing the strutting/sashaying thing, and repeating how everyone is jealous of her body, and her life.

They bicker about the dates, and the times of the calls, and the phone carriers, and oh my God I can’t.

Nneka reveals that Lebe was in attendance at Wendy’s baby introduction event three years ago, and got a special introduction as someone she wants her daughter to emulate.

Wait who are you again?

Apparently this was unseen footage from the event that Wendy thought was dead and buried.

Wendy loves to ridicule people’s intelligence levels, and you know she’s coming off as a very unimpressive intellectual right now.

Wendy points to her head and keeps repeating “you’re lost” to Nneka.

Oh shit I forgot there was footage of that!

Wendy, someone is lost here, it’s probably good you’re pointing to your own head.

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