Real Housewives of Potomac 1/1/23

Karen and Ray head to her comedy cabaret type show. Seems like she’s sort of trying to copy Luann from RHONY. It’s held at a comedy club. She’s bragging in her yap that she’s the first ‘non-comedian to perform at the Improv. Karen is not shy about bragging on herself at all, is she?

She can’t stop comparing her show to Robyn’s and Gizelle’s for some reason.

She seems sort of like obsessed with making it seem like hers is so much better and to make it seem like she didn’t copy her general idea of doing a live show.

Ray seems kind of confused by the concept. She has a variety of other performers participating as an ‘and … & Friends’ type of thing like Luann does.

I have no idea what’s going on

They talk about ‘the grinder’ which Ray was kind of confused about and so am I to be honest. I even consulted with Captain Google and I still don’t know what they were referring to. Was it the Dating sight ‘Grindr’ for the LBGQ community I guess. Karen who is pushing 60, is trying to act like she’s so much more hip than early 70’s Ray. Who wants to tell her age gaps narrow as you get older and they’re basically the same age?

Jacqueline visits G and Mia. There’s some complete and total awkwardness when they sit down together in the living room. Jacqueline sits between Mia and G, and G questions this. This is where it gets really weird. She’s clearly trying to get all cozy with him. I really don’t think the ladies meant anything by this arrangement, or did they? Jacqueline flirtatiously asks him if he wants to be in the middle.

No I don’t want to be in the middle.”

So the discussion goes right into what the ladies were questioning about the dynamic here with these three, if Jacqueline is another ‘ shared girlfriend’ like Peter’s girlfriend seems to be.

Whatever. So does he seem miffed about Mia and Jacqueline showering together? Kind of I guess. This is just weird. Now the Porsche discussion. Jacqueline and Mia keep trying to turn the convo towards the fact that Gordon does have a thing for Jacqueline and there is some throuple type situation going on ? But Gordon keeps trying to divert away from that.

So we’re not having a threesome tonight I take it?

Mia is trying to act like with Gordon that she didn’t already insinuate tot he ladies that this is what’s going on, and that t hey just came up with that on their own. Gordon seems extremely confused as if he was not briefed on this subject at all. I feel like in the interest of professionalism, he is trying really hard to not buy what they are selling. Perhaps this is the reason, or one of the reasons why when they got back from vaca recently, his brother (who is ACTUALLY the owner of the various franchises we have learned, dismissed Mia from her $450,000 year duties with The Joint. Poor G seems completely clueless. Mia really really really, bless her heart, does seem to think that the other ladies want to get with Gordon. Okay, let’s just let her think that. I have a feeling he wasn’t too happy with Mia after the cameras went down.

Girls night out with Ashley, this visually challenged friend, and a few other friends of hers. Her ‘PYT’s’ that have all been through the same situation she is going through with Michael. So they all married rich gay dudes old enough to be their fathers, and as soon as they popped out two humans, they promptly divorced them? Wow, what are the chances? Gizelle is also participating. She is the resident Pretty Middle aged thing I guess. She may be the oldest in the group but I’m going to go ahead and call her the second hottest after Ashley.

I’m just here for the Chris Bassett tea, since my story flopped

Well we see the purpose now of the eveinging and why Gizelle was invited along with all much younger Ashley and her much younger friends. To get the story line going again about Chris supposedly being all over this Deborah chick that has to be one of the most unattractive women I’ve ever seen. I’m starting to think, no guy has ever hit on her in a bar ever, so she has no clue what ‘hitting on’ even entails. Or is Ashley paying her to go with this story or promising her she could get a cherry blossom next season? (that’s what they need to be holding in the intros.)

Gizelle seems to have dropped her Chris fake flirtatious news.

Deborah has the floor. She tells this tall fucking tale again insisting that he was leaning on the bar leering at her, as she was desperately trying to ignore it. They again replay the flashes which show him all into his phone, and looking bored as fuck and not acknowledging Oscar whatso fucking ever. Why is Ashley setting up her friend like this?

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Now, I do acknowledge that Bravo could possibly NOT be rolling the parts where Chris possibly could have been being flirtatious with her, but why would they do that? For what reason would they be trying to protect Chris? Chris looks like he could not be less interested in her.

And can she stop flipping and tossing her hair around? It’s laughable how she’s actually trying to convince herself and/or the viewers that she’s hot.

Literally – nothing to see here

Does she not realize he was mic’d?? She is totally the aggressor and trying desperately to get him to talk to her, telling him he ‘likes his pink’ and introducing herself, and telling him her husband’s name is Chris. Alert the media, it’s only one of the most common names in America, for men and women in his age range and older. He actually seems to be blowing her off, and wants her to take her ugly ass away from him pronto. He did not say the “you know what they say about us Chrises…”

And just when you think this isn’t desperate enough, oh no she doesn’t. She now has decided that Eddie ALSO was trying to pick her ugly ass up that day. Oh sorry, ‘Happy Eddie’ I mean.

She admits she introduced herself to him as well. So let me get this straight – this married woman (I’m assuming very unhappily) with a new baby at home, is hanging at the bar by herself at an event, introducing herself to other women’s husbands, desperately hoping they look her way. And none of them do.

Ashley in her yap claims these other three chicks supposedly witnessed all of this, and guys, listen, Ashley’s friends DO NOT LIE, according to her.

No ho, we don’t think your friends lie, we think that YOU lie.

Ashley tries to sell this that she is looking out for Candiace because she knows they’re trying to have a baby, and she doesn’t want her to end up in her position with a husband that cheats. All right Ashley. Please just stop. Also Michael has been cheating on you with random chicks and dudes (mostly dudes) non-stop since the second you’ve been with him. So already she’s not on pace to end up in your position. Also Chris is not gay. Am I saying he will never cheat on her? No, not saying that. Just pointing out how he and Michael Darby are complete polar opposites.

Also she does actually love Chris and married him based on love. (And honestly Chris Bassett isn’t really my favorite, so I’m not meaning to sound like that, I’m being objective)

Also unlike Ashley who chose to marry rich grandpa knowing he was more attracted to men, and knowing that he was cheating on her, with the plan to hang in tight the alotted eight years, have kids, then dump his ass.

Eddie was a little more subdued than Chris.” Oh you mean Eddie didn’t even talk to you at all, as opposed to Chris who barely spoke to you.

Ashley wants to address this utter horse shit with Wendy now.

Wendy and Eddie discuss the ‘lunch with Ashley’ which was not aired, but Wendy is filling us in and they flash to it. I wish Bravo would have just spared us this fucking fictional exchange.

The fact that Wendy isn’t losing her mind tells me she possibly may be in on how it’s crap. Or is just totally not taking her seriously. He was too ‘smiley’ apparently. Ashley is not coming off as exactly bright in pushing this fake story line. She’s looking like a fuck tard actually.

Mia, Gizelle and Robyn meet for lunch. Did we really need to hear about her poor 13 year old son’s private part issues? No. We didn’t. This poor kid was probably humiliated by this.

So we went from a pre-teen’s kid’s balls to Jacqueline’s vagina being examined with a flashlight by Mia when they were kids. Has this been talked to death at this point? Do these three really have NOTHING else going on? They keep circling back to the same dumb shit. Teenagers do dumb shit. Can we pahhhh lease move on?? I mean Gizelle is fascinated by this shit. Maybe she needs to go out and experience a little more sexual freedom? If she’s this interested?

They get into the drama with Peter’s girlfriend, which was her and Gordon’s previous girlfriend.

And I guess now they are on the outs. Mia is pissed that Karen blabbed to these two about all of her tawdry little hook-ups with girls.

Apparently Mia knows why Karen hates Charrisse and dangles this. I think we all know this, from the flash they played a few years back. Charrisse has some kind of dirt on Karen having an affair. It is obvious she has info that Karen does not like, just by the way she acts around her. And I do buy that Karen did a little acting out outside her marriage at one point. It’s not unbelievable. I don’t believe she is now. Remember that she and Ray were not in a good place in previous seasons. I know she now acts like she’s the happiest ever with him, but I think it’s kind of an act. I don’t think she’s completely miserable, but I don’t think she’s as happy as she wants us to believe. At least she dropped this constant “Ray is my best friend” thing.

Time for D.C. Improv night. You can see Ashley is up to no good as usual and has brought this Deborah chick that every husband in the Potomac/DC area is dying to get with. And it’s easy to see why, right?

Moving on, Karen let’s relax on your little ‘list’ of what not to do from Gizelle and Robyn’s show. It was a live show. Little snafoos happen. Literally NO ONE cared that Robyn’s mic wasn’t working for two seconds when they started talking. And it was cool that they got the audience involved in the show. I don’t know why Karen was so bothered by that.

She seems to have something of an over inflated ego if you ask me.

I mean my God here we go again with the flashlight and vajay story.

Robyn points out to Candiace that Deborah is here, aka the Sesame Street character that Chris was desperately trying to latch onto. Candiace gives her a death stare and Sesame Street looks a little frightened. I’m sure she’s counting on Ashley to save her. Poor girl thinks Ashley Darby who she’s known for three minutes will have her back when this all starts to unravel.

Seriously, Ashley, ya didn’t even have a pretty friend to go along with your evil plan? You’re slippin.

Karen I guess thinks she’s Madonna, and thinks so highly of herself, that she’s intentionally starting this thing late.

She’s in the back rambling on about her greatness and her ‘fans’ to her fucking security guard, who wants so badly to tell her to shut the fuck and up, and he gives not one shit about this stupid comedy whatever show she’s doing. What is wrong with his woman?

Woman, i just want this shit over with so I can get the fuck outta here.

It opens with a comedian, and Karen speaking to the crowd in a really weird voice and completely over estimating her comedic abilities and timing. Why is she acting like this?

The ladies all discuss how they are ‘confused’ at what’s going on. It’s really not that confusing, but nor is it that entertaining. It’s a cabaret/variety show type of format.

Karen has had a wardrobe change which I hardly think was necessary, and struts around some more as if she’s really important.

She lets the audience ask questions and Mia does some shade throwing with asking her how she would handle a friend repeating info that was confided in her.

Gizelle comments on her ego too. Yeah it’s out there for sure.

Now that it’s wrapping up, Ashley is in full ‘acting’ mode. She needs reminded this is to be a reality show. With a smuggy smirk on her face, she introduces Candiace and Deborah.

Deborah proceeds to tell Candiace he introduced himself. Wrong. She actually introduced HERself to him. He was merely being polite to Oscar. She needs to keep her story straight.

Ashley continues to try to poke the bear, and the bear is not allowing it. Good for the bear.

Okay well this isn’t going to work if ya don’t get pissed !

Ashley” “why are you trying to dismiss my friend?”

Really Ashley? She needs to be dismissed. She needs to stop guzzling courage cocktails, and nervously ramming food down her throat, and go home to her baby and HER Chris. If there even is one.

Can you just clear the air, she doesn’t have bad intentions with you.”

Girl if you’re gonna want to ‘act’ then be better at acting. That was not the LEAST BIT convincing.

Also I feel like she already said at the table all that needed to be said. She spewed out shit that never happened. I think that’s all there really is. He leaned in towards her, googly eyed her, googly eyed others apparently, and WE KNOW!! he then says “you know us Chrises we’re all alike.” Even if this did take place, what more is there to say?

And even if it did take place, it’s not really that interesting.

Candiace does what all wives should do in this situation, when one is trying to make it a scripted event, and the other does not. Dismiss it and smile all the way through it. Deborah can stop guzzling the courage cosmos, she no longer needs them. She needs to go hom, go to sleep, get some beauty rest, and never be on my screen again.

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