Think I can keep this short and sweet – didn’t seem like a lot going on – just the carry over from last week, and the Taylor/Heather showdown. Taylor, for some reason seems surprised about the goings on, the lying and back-stabbing, etc etc. Is she new here??

She’s not watched one ep of OC in like sixteen years to see how Tamra and Heather operate??

Well anyway, clearly she’s no match for Heather. The only one that was, was Noella, and see where that got her. Some might say that’s not true, she just wasn’t bougie enough for OC.

To that I say, “well they kept Gina!!” Along with her Walmart clothes, and stupid Valley Girl meets Long Island twang. Whatever the hell you call it. Does it have an official name? I don’t even know. But she definitely is doing it much worse this season. Does she honestly think this is cute, at her age, and fits in here?

Taylor still maintains she didn’t shit talk Heather’s (lack of) career. Heather is still super defensive, when she really shouldn’t care. But, how not fun would that be?

Why can’t Taylor just say, “yeah I thought you did more, I didn’t realize you were this one ep guest star on a few sitcoms.”

Boom. It’s true, and if she get all pissy over it, then so what. Taylor should then say – “sounds like a you thing, and not a me thing.” Use her own shit against her. She would hate that. Narcs hate that.

Maybe she’s just willing to be Heather’s doormat to ensure she gets asked back.

More back and forth, over whether Tamra said 1900’s or 1990’s – which actually are the same. Isn’t 1995 – 1999 In the 1900’s, technically??

They play the flash and she did say ‘1900’s’ and snickered, as if to insinuate her last acting gigs were very long ago. They were.

Tamra was definitely being bitchy, so I wish she’s just own it. She can’t stand up to Heather? Even after Heather basically broke her fucking arm trying to be a bitch when she was on the mechanical bull?

But, now we’re kissing her ass? See, this is where they just lose me. Just be real. What’s the show called?? I guess ‘real’ is also a very loose term, just like Housewives.

They’re actually more ‘Housewives’ now than ‘real’

‘IMDb’ (the ‘db’ is data base) gets repeated over and over. Some pronounce it correctly, some don’t. Pretty bad when Gina has to be the voice of reason, in her fucking beyond annoying nasly voice.

And for once, I’m NOT the one that sounds like an idiotttttttttttttttt.

Now it’s just downright irritating when a pouty Heather, along with Tamra go into the bathroom, and Tamra just lies and lies through her teeth. “Taylor is the one that pulled it up, and it was sooooo impressive”

Now would I shit talk on YOU???

Two lies in one sentence. Tamra pulled it up, on HER phone and joked that it was the opposite of impressive. (This should have been no surprise to Tamra, she knows her acting ‘career’ was mostly failed sitcoms from 25 years ago)

Not age-shaming, but these bitches are just getting too old for this shit. Isn’t this just so tiring and draining when you’re getting up there?


Tamra’s love bombing of Shannon is strange. She’s up to something. This is just so not Tamra. They kiss on the lips, with tongue involved. It’s funny to see these 50-somethings living out their teen/young adult fantasies at their age.

Is this the only way they can be entertaining?

Kiss me so I can prove that I’m not pretending!

Heather is seemingly genuinely laughing about their antics as they run to the stairway, and we see Tamra’s undies. She has concerns, she says in her yap, that this could leave her ‘odd man out.’

So we’ve seen this play out before. When Shannon was upset a few seasons ago, when Tamra and Vickie made up, that she would be odd man out.

So they bring Tamra back after a few year hiatus, to basically recycle an old storyline, that wasn’t that interesting the first time around. At least it was a genuine feeling for S hannon. For Heather it’s not.

I find it hard to believe Heather is worried about being ‘odd man out’ and is THAT concerened about Tamra’s company and friendship.

Taylor, Gina And New Jenn discuss Heather. Gina is taking New Jenn’s side. Taylor questions Tamra’s loyalty.

Gina in her yap – “Montana air might clear everything up anywayyyyyyy.” ( Nasly Gina voice)
She knows damned well Montana air is not going to clear anything uuuuuppppp, since she is planning to start a fucking fake squabble in the Montana airrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Meanwhile, Heather Tamra and Shannon gossip about Taylor and Jenn, how they’re both insecure, and about how Jenn’s new guy is a known serial cheater and has already cheated on her. Well, let me clarify. They were on a break, a ‘Ross and Rachel break’ as they keep referring to it as. She calls Ryan FaceTime, and the room is completely dark, which is strange. Why wouldn’t he turn a light on? It’s probably not even that late in California, so doubt it he was sleeping.
Tamra clearly could not wait to divulge that Ryan wanted to be with her first, and shared that in her gym, not even caring when he was told she was married to Eddie.

He was with Jenn not long after that. I mean, none of this is surprising. Given the fact that we were already told he cheats on everyone. It’s coming off he needs the constant attention supply, and thrives off of cheating and being deceitful. Gross.

They’re all making their token morning phone calls back home.

Just love Eddie. What’s not to love? He buys her designer shoes for every occasion, he’s so sweet and easy-going, and always has a smile on his face. Never complains. I would not even care if he was gay or bisexual. To just get up every morning, and know that your day is going to be drama-free, and devoid of false accusations and bitching?? What must that be like?

Gina called Emily and guess what?? Surprise fucking surprise — she does not have Covid. What did I say last week? Her fake test for a virus that barely even exists anymore, was all a bunch of bullshit. I’m on the fence about really complaining about it though, because I don’t miss Emily at all. She’s gotten so pretentious and big for her britches (pardon the pun.) I’m finding her almost as insufferable as Heather.

She fills Emily in on all of the IMDb arguments. Gina refers to looking up Heather’s IMDb as “so disrespectfullllllllll.” How is that disrespectful? Because it’s unimpressive? How is that Tamra and Taylor’s fault that she sucks?

Shannon makes a huge gourmet breakfast, while hungover, which is kind of impressive. Gina looks really cute, which is also impressive. They are taking their westerner looks very seriously.

Tamra has decided to fall in Ryan’s, her son‘s footsteps. It seems she now thinks she wants to own a ranch.

Today’s itinerary is living the life of a cowgirl. Shoveling shit, horseback riding, and operating farm machinery. They show a flash of Tamra and Ryan discussing it. He tells her to buy a ranch and he’ll run it.

He really does seem happy for the first time. Honestly, it’s nice to see.

Tamra looks a little off in this black-and-white ‘not previously aired’ scene. Her face looks kind of puffy and chunky. Actually she must’ve just gotten a fresh load of fillers. You can barely even see her eyes.  Either that or she ate ten boxes of tasty cakes the day before. Or maybe she’s just hungover. Or both. Those stringy extensions need to go too. Tamra is giving off trying too hard. I don’t know what these ladies have against shoulder length hair. It’s still long, and you can do different things with it.

Gina descends her horse, and we got treated to a Luanne and the camel. type of moment from RHONY a few years back.  Gina gets the rogue horse like Lu got the rogue camel. Maybe the most annoying Housewife gets the super hyper animal?? He probably couldn’t stand her nasly twang.

Okay, I promise I’ll stop talking like I’m in middle school!

Gina then takes advantage of her shoveling shit assignment with Heather, to spread some more shit around, and gets Heather more cranked up about the whole IMDb shit, and claims she’s displaying some sort of loyalty to Heather.  Heather wants to just let it all go and believe Tamra was not talking shit on her Gina says – Okay cool.

And if you believe this shit, I’ll tell ya more shit.

Okay cool, drop it. (it won’t be dropped)
Moving on…

Gina seems to still be not drinking, and I’ve noticed that she’s not making it a big deal every time they’re around alcohol, (which is constantly.) She’s not using it as a big attention grab, which I find strange.

I thought it over, and it’s probably because the reason for this is that big story last year, about her getting into a huge fight with Travis while she was drunk, and pushed him down the steps, or something, in front of his kids. ( I would look it up, and provide a link, but I just don’t care that much – if you want to have at it.) It became a whole big thing for Gina, because his ex was refusing to allow her kids to be around her.

So if she talked about quitting alcohol, she would get asked why. I think in the first episode she mentioned that she stopped and just said something like, “it’s better this way.” I’m assuming the ladies were coached by Production to not ask her? Which doesn’t seem fair, because they are supposed to talk about real occurrences in their real lives. So why aren’t we talking about it? And it seems like this is much more juicy and interesting, than the ‘go after the new girl’ bit. That’s never ever been done.

Sad, she’s making a ruckus about New Jenn, and her marriage, and new boyfriend, in a way to distract and deflect, I’m guessing.
Gina converses with New Jenn about how happy she is, that they are roomies, and she’s getting to know her, and really likes her, and whatever. It’s such a bunch of shit, and I can’t even stand listening to her talk. I can’t even believe how much I cannot stand it.

I like playful Heather, so much better than obnoxious Heather, but was she really just trying to show everybody her ass, in her skin tight jeans when she wrestles Tamara to the ground because she made her shovel shit? I do.

Okay camera guys, don’t zoom in on my ass, whatever you do. just don’t!!

Gina is doing her housewife job, and letting New Jenn know that her ‘good friend’ Tamra’s been eluding to the fact that she’s not being honest about her affair with Ryan.

New Jenn cannot be more clear that she could not care less about Gina’s troubled, marriage, and divorce. She says it so nicely and non-condescending though.

She tells Gina that she appreciates her coming to her, and being honest that it’s bothering her. New Jenn comes off to me as really sweet and sincere for the most part. Jenn will be addressing with Tamra about how she’s been shit talking her relationship to all the girls. I’m sure Tamra will lie her ass off just like she did to Heather.

I’m finding Emily’s and Shane’s scenes being so fake, pretentious and extra cringy. They discuss Annabell’s modeling, and Shane wants to be sure that if Emily has a Botox appointment, and Annabell has a modeling assignment, that Emily would cancel her appointment.
I cannot even imagine a more pretentious and obnoxious discussion between a husband and wife.

Oh, and my little birdie told me he’s been busted cheating on her, by the way. Possibly with a dude. Love my little birdie.

Back at the ranch, they’re going to be having an overnight camping trip, so we are here again, hearing how much these bitches don’t like camping, don’t like to be outside, don’t like this, don’t like that. Blah blah blah. Same boring shit.

Tamra again apologizes and takes responsibility for the falling out that she and Shannon had, and for bitching about her constantly on social media, blogs, and podcasts. More of the same. They shit talk each other all over the podcasts, and SM for six months, and then when they reconvene to film. that seems to be the big talking point.

At the camping site, we’re cooking out, lassoing, all seems super kosher and chill, which we know never lasts. Heather is even cracking jokes and not whining. She lassoed a champagne glass from Tamra.

She can’t act, but she can lasso the champs!!

We’re all just waiting for it to go left. And it does. Tamra, approaches Taylor and asks her if she really thought she was talking badly of Heather that night, with the big old pot roast steak, when they looked at Heather’s acting credentials. Taylor clarifies that there was definitely some sarcasm in the air when referring to Heather’s acting career, or lack of acting career.

Gina gets involved, and Tamra asks why. Sticking up for her ‘friend’ she claims. We’re literally discussing this 1900s versus 1990s thing again. Yawn. Gina wants Heather to corroborate her story, and Heather sort of turns on her here, which I’m not hating.

So this must’ve been the instructions to Heather and Tamra, to give Gina a hard time, as Gina gives New Jenn a hard time.
After last season, I’m not hating seeing Gina brought down a few pegs, just saying. Tamra finally gets her 15 seconds, and tells Jenn about Ryan wanting her first, and the “I’m going to eff her” comment.

Your ypical vacay bickering ensues, and the ranch chicks are off to the side getting annoyed, and making fun of them, as they should be. This revelation about Ryan really shouldn’t be surprising to New Jenn. And if she’s ever watched Housewives before, it also shouldn’t be surprising that Tamra chose this platform to inform her.

Gina, who I have to again commend for making sense, which is killing me, compares Tamra doing this shit, to her being pissed at Gina for her pot stirring.

However she should shut it, she was the biggest hypocrite of all last season.

Surprise surprise , for a second, she suddenly has lost her 2005 high school twang in this particular confessional, and she’s actually talking in her normal voice. Guess when she’s all cranked up, and has an actual point about something, she forgets about it. She can’t multitask, by making a good point, and making her voice sound like she’s a moron.

New Jenn, again, explains the story of being found in a parked car with Ryan, while still with Will. She explains she had opened her business, and she and Ryan were I guess ‘just talking’ at this point (but not having an affair, according to her) and he had a gift for her, and that’s all that they were doing in the car.

Gina is off to the side, murmuring how it’ so shitty, and very determined to make this about her, when this really doesn’t compare to her ex-husband, having a whole ass apartment in a different city, where he was entertaining women. She needs to just stop. But, this is her ‘thing’ this season, so I expect it to just keep getting worse.

She also needs to remember, she knew something was sketchy with her husband, unless she’s fucking retarded, and she chose to just pretend like everything was fine.

New Jenn also shares that she let Will know right away about Ryan. It’s all still not an ideal situation and relationship, I’m not saying that it is, but Gina is really reaching here to make this about her and pretending to be distraught.

And why do they keep saying she ‘walked away from her family or five’ sort of insinuating that she left her children, which she absolutely did not. I don’t know why Jenn is not pointing that out.

Gina pretends to be more agitated over this. She acts like this is 1950 and women never get divorced, and it’s so alarming. She walks away, all in a huff and calls Travis. Heather follows her, hangs up on Travis, and pretends to be the marriage counselor here (whatever happened to the TV show where Heather and Terry we’re supposed to be some sort of marriage gurus? Guess that got canned, thank God.) Heather jumps on the Gina train and says she’s right, if her husband did that to her, she would feel the same.

Terry did do it to her, did he not?? That didn’t age well. I’m assuming this all broke during filming last year? Again I would look this up, but I don’t care. Of course Terry cheated on her. She’s insufferable. I’m just shocked it wasn’t with a dude. Although has that really even been confirmed?

The thing is, Jenn is being asked to address this over and over, so it’s not like she’s sitting here bragging, and dying to discuss it. She’s answering questions honestly (or somewhat honestly) that are being asked. Maybe she is leaving some stuff out, due to embarrassment, and out of respect for the other ladies, who have been cheated on. 

So if no one wants to hear the truth, and it’s so fucking ‘triggering’ why do they keep asking her? Shannon shares in her yap, that it appears as if Gina is coming after new Jenn. YA THINK??

As I shared from my little birdie source last week, this is what she was instructed to do, or she was getting fired or downgraded to a friend.

New Jenn doesn’t seem that disturbed and bothered about what Ryan had said about Tamra. Tamra tells her she’s just concerned, and doesn’t want her to be cheated on.

Tamra tells Jenn that Ryan had sent this (other) Heather chick a dick pic, while they were together. Jenn laughs it off, and said that she knew about that, and he had meant to send it to her, and hit this chick’s name by mistake.

Tamra’s not buying that story, and I hope you’re not either. Why would Ryan send her a dick pic?   That’s maybe something that a dude would do early in a relationship, but not a few years in?

I know none of this makes sense, but that’s beside the point.

Also, she said Other Heather’s number was in a separate category with hers, (why if she’s an ex? he must be contacting her regularly) and his kids, and he accidentally sent it to Other Heather. So by that rationale, he could’ve accidentally sent it to his kids? Euwwww. More info is divulged about this stupid dick pic, that the message with it was, “me and my limp dick miss you”

Clearly that’s something that would be sent to an ex. What is Jenn doing in this so-called relationship, and having this dude around her kids? It does all seem really sad. I feel bad for her, that she is buying his BS and defending him.

They agree to drop this, and move forward. Meanwhile, Gina is still in full fake meltdown mode with Heather, making this all about her. Heather, the wannabe therapist tells her that talking to Travis about this would be bad because it makes it seem like she’s not over Matt.

How am I doing? I know you’re a great actress, am I believable?

I don’t necessarily disagree with her, but her delivery and demeanor are just so fucking over the top, and typical Heather, the unemployed actress, trying to act.

I’m again trying to be serious, for my serious acting roles.

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