Summer House Reunion Part 2 – 5/16/22

Still on wine glass throwing, which Ciara apologized for. Danielle wanted more apologies when the episode aired. That seems weird right? Or do you all agree? Sorry but I think she’s being overly dramatic about it. Ciara’s apologies are genuine. “I’m sorry I did that, I should not have done that” is an actual expression of remorse. It’s not like a Teresa Guidice apology – “oh, sorry bout that.” while not even looking at the person she’s apologizing to, or giving a shit.

Shut up Danielle !!!!!

Ciara goes on to explain (and not as an excuse, just to better explain where her anger and hurt was coming from, to have such an extreme reaction) they flash to Lindsay bragging to everyone how close she and Austen were, and the things they were doing together and bleh bleh bleh. She seriously sounds like a teenager in that scene.

Ciara explains that it’s hard for her to make connections, and for whatever reason, she really did like Austen. (I believe she did)

For the thounsandth fucking time Lindsay, I am sorry.

So basically Lindsay lied about Montague and fucking Austen. Of course she knows that when she told everyone that she and Austen ‘slept together naked’ (again how old are we?) that everyone would assume they fucking boinked. So they literally did just ‘sleep together.’ Does she think she’s fucking sneaky? To me, it’s really obvious she’s a shit head. I don’t see how more people don’t see it. She’s sneaky and passive aggressive. She’s elated Ciara lost her shit that night at dinner. That’s what sneaky, insecure, shitty, passive aggressive gas lighting people do. Get in little innocent sounding digs, like the way she kept talking about how much fun she and Austen had, and that the slept together, (but didn’t add they didn’t have sex – purposeful omission.) That’s also why she was smirking when Ciara was talking to her. She knew that would get under her skin. When someone says you’re smirking at them, that’s easy to deny. (She’s claiming she was “listening.”) She wanted Ciara to lose it. And I gotta be honest, I would have lost it too. My inner one quarter Italian would have came out on Lindsay.

Ciara, you do make some points, but I’m going to just make constipated faces until you lose your fucking shit

Lindsay clarifies that they didn’t hook up “in case that’s what you were thinking” to Ciara. IN CASE that’s what you were thinking? She MADE SURE that’s what she was thinking. In unseen footage, she tells Kyle and Carl nothing happened because he fell asleep right away. (although she would have, had that not been the case) That’s kind of embarrassing to admit. Also just further proves my point. Neither of them were really even into each other. Austen gets in bed with her, and is not the least bit interested in doing the wild thing with her, and Loosey Lindsay will have sex with a tree, so the fact that she WOULD HAVE proves nothing.

Lindsay admits she “could have done things differently.” She doesn’t think it’s fair to say she dismissed her every time she tried to have a convo – then they proceed to play a flash where she TOTALLY dismissed her, one where she laughed at her, and one where Ciara asked her if they were dating and she did the victim thing and stormed out of her room.

Lindsay – oh my God – she tells Ciara she hasn’t taken any accountability for what she did to her.

She feels Ciara was nasty to her at the Italian dinner. Okay poor you Lindsay. Ciara points out she addressed her in a group setting because she needed to be heard, (since she kept laughing at her and dismissing her) and didn’t intend to tear her down. Ciara goes on to explain that she seemed unaware of how her actions made people feel. It’s making me sick that she’s here graveling to Lindsay now, after she already apologized for getting angry and throwing shit.

Ciara says there “won’t be a next time” A viewer asks Ciara if Austen received “same level of heat off camera” as Lindsay and Danielle received. She said that he “got an earful a month later.”

Why did she wait a month Andy asks, and she says she didn’t know what to say to him…. And Passive fucking aggressive Lindsay and here’s the smirk reappearance, “is that when you guys hooked up?”

The return of the Lindsay smirk

Lindsay did not need to rat OUT Ciara about sleeping with Austen like that. She’s clearly embarrassed by it since he was so shitty to her. What did she have to gain by doing that? So Lindsay just added insult to injury with her humiliation of Ciara, after pretending to be interested in him, just to be an asshole. So many people are “Team Lindsay” on Twitter and FB. And I don’t get it. While I agree she is lazy. While I agree she should not have thrown a wine glass full of wine at Danielle, Lindsay is ******

Also did people not see the Winter House flash they played where Ciara said she’ll step aside if he’s into Lindsay, and he assured Ciara he wasn’t into Lindsay. So I honestly don’t get this “pay back” thing that viewers are using as an excuse ?

What is everyone missing? Did you not take note at Kyle and Amanda’s wedding that she practically admitted to Carl that she used him. and has no interest in him whatsoever. Then the way she told him to get lost when he approached her and Carl to say hi. Hello?? Doesn’t take a psychiatrist who specializes in fucking asshole personality disorder to figure it out. I don’t know what Carl is doing with her. This is the last thing he needs right now. Or ever.

I can’t get Danielle’s expression sometimes looking at Lindsay, it looks like some weird jealously, sort of obsessed- with- her scary look.

Paige and Craig – Andy asks if she watched Southern Charm, to see some of Craig’s shortcomings, and she said she had. She seems not to care. So there was that Kristen Cavaleri and Craig thing going on last year. Did they or didn’t they? She is maintaining that Craig made it up, but no one seems to think that.

Did I miss that when he was calling Lindsay a loser like that? I did miss an eps in March. Lindsay knew about this Kristen C thing and told Paige a month later, is the current issue. Now it’s discussed how she tends to do that, so she can talk about stuff, and make waves on camera.

What is a ‘sexy car ride??’ Apparently when you’re driving, and the guy does stuff to you while you’re driving? Can it be while he’s driving. They play a flash of Andrea explaining it to Lindsay when she was driving. And there was some nipple licking apparently?

Carl and Lindsay – they play several flashes. Lindsay has decided to stop drinking in a solidarity type thing with Carl. They post a lot. That’s not surprising. I can see that. Yes, there is such a thing as over doing it.

So everyone hooked up with Carl apparently, even Danielle. There was a light hand job over the pants? What the hell even is that? These people act like they’re in middle school.

Amanda is pissed that Carl and Lindsay may buy a house before them. Apparently Kyle is putting her off with the “bad market” thing going on right now in real estate. While we’re definitely in a seller’s market right now, I’m pretty sure Kyle is using that as an excuse. I doubt if he has the money for that right now, since he has loans and everything wrapped up in the business. Of course Amanda can’t comprehend that, that’s too complicated for her. So he’s just like, yeah “bad market.” She probably doesn’t even know what that means. And she has no ability to research anything. And can you even imagine the price range even for a normal house, outside of NYC, where I’m sure Amanda is expecting to live. Like at least a mill, I’m sure.

I know this is sensitive, and I won’t pretend to know what it’s like to be a different race. I don’t want to lose readers over it. We don’t have to agree. I think Mya’s whole ‘pity me’ act had anything to do with her race/color of her skin. She is shy and reserved, and sometimes happy to be by herself, as she clarified in her yaps 1000 times.

They flash to Ciara saying at the beach when talking to Mya, “white people have to make more of an effort.” What? Why would you want to be treated differently based on your race. I really think Ciara was just placating Mya, and wasn’t for this woe is me, I’m black, thing that Mya was trying to drag her into. Ciara could have easily turned the conflict with Lindsay into a race thing, but she didn’t. She knows Lindsay is a fucking malicious twat.

And then there’s Alex, who did actually get racist remarks said to him by one of the stupid filler randy’s at one of the parties, so it really underscores, to me, how ridiculous she was being.

No one in that house was treating her differently because of her race. If she felt that way than that’s something she needs to deal with, and not make others feel guilty about it. There are racist people out there, and it’s not insane to believe she has been, or will be treated badly by a racist person. But no one in that house, I wholeheartedly believe, is racist.

There was no need to make everyone feel guilty, because the media is telling her she’s oppressed, and white people should feel guilty about that. Her making the others feel guilty because they’re white is also a form of discrimination. No one, white or black or anything, can control what race they’re born as. And the way she made Andrea feel about accidentally calling her Lexi, was ridiculous. Nothing racist about it whatsoever. He even explained that’s his ex – girlfriend’s name to her.

It’s not Andrea’s issue that she got ‘triggered’ because she got called the wrong name in grade school. The way she made poor Andrea feel over that was just utterly insane,

Another one of her “it’s because I’m black” issues – was when Lindsay didn’t want her to go out with her and Danielle that night, because she didn’t want the competition of a younger prettier single girl when she was out looking for some random dude to bring back to the house.

So, not race related at all. It’s called Lindsay is a dick and threatened by you. Her issue should have been with Lindsay.

I like Mya, but in this instance, I don’t think she was right to do this. I don’t get all of this “it’s a conversation that needed to be had” rhetoric. It didn’t “need to be had.” It made everyone uncomfortable, and made to feel like they were treating her badly, and guilty that they’re white.

Paige says in the flash they played “we’ll never know what it’s like to be two black girls in the Hamptons.” What ???? Isn’t that more offensive than being called the wrong name accidentally. I think they were struggling with what to say to her, but to ME, that sounds borderline offensive. Like because you’re black, you should feel weird being in the Hamptons? Just goes to show you, she was looking for pity. Why would you want people to pity you ? I don’t pity Mya. She’s young, gorgeous, smart, talented has a great career? What the hell would anyone pity her for? This is 2022 and people of color can do anything they want to do in America. Ridiculous.

Like can you imagine if one of them would have approached her and said “Hey Mya are okay?” And if she asked why, “because we’re all white, and you and Ciara are black, and it IS the Hamptons and all?

Does anyone see my point?

Mya said she noticed a change in Andrea towards her after their talk. Well yeah, she put the poor guy on such a guilt trip for no reason, and he was tripping over himself to redeem himself.

And now we have Danielle trying to cry, because she’s offended that Ciara said she was the only ‘woman of color’ in the house last year ? Now Ciara is apologizing again! Danielle is such a dick.

Why is Ciara, the black girl doing ALL of the fucking apologizing? According to Mya’s logic, that’s what she should be saying right now.

I don’t think Amanda’s dad is good looking at all, so I don’t know what that’s all about. Kyle is crying about the negativity about their relationship within the group. Then Kyle, don’t fucking suck.

There was no prenup done. Amanda, I think, is playing dumb, that she didn’t understand it. Which is not a stretch for her.

What about in her yap, where she said “I’m not signing anything” and “if we divorce, I’m not walking away with nothing.” This doesn’t sound to me like somebody that didn’t understand what a prenup is.

I don’t think Kyle and Amanda are going to last. I think they both get really frustrated by each other. Kyle drinks too much, and I think Amanda is lazy, and just wants to be a pampered wife, playing tennis and shopping all day, like her mom.

Andy points out Paige hasn’t turned towards Carl and Lindsay in the six entire hours of filming. She says, it’s her posture, and a lot of the convo has been across the house. There is some awkward talking, and Paige still won’t look their way. Carl apologized for the comment he made about Paige not putting herself out there our whatever. She doesn’t really seem to care. Her demeanor HAS been really off the entire reunion.

I thought Carl seemed really uncomfortable at the end too. Not sure if it was the Paige thing. Maybe he’s seeing what a rude fucking bitter bitch Lindsay is, and is concerned.

They end with, instead of a cocktail, homemade Mya- baked cookies that look amazing !

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