Real Housewives of New Jersey Finale Part 2 – 8/4/24 – All Aboard the Crazy Train!

I’m sort of shocked that they would be holding this dinner in a public restaurant.

Why not just do it in Buzz Lightyear’s fancy condo? We know that it’s not going to get far enough where any food will be served. I would have served drinks in solo cups whether these bitches liked it or not, and NO knives not even butter knives, in sight.

Why waste people’s time that work in this restaurant? DUMB.

Enjoy!” The hostess tells her as she gets shown to the private room.

Apparently this place has Housewife Strife History. The way these women behave in these bougie restaurants is beyond belief. I guess the places want the free advertising?

Why is Dolo droning on and on about the woodwork and serenity of this restaurant when she is even admitting this get-together is for everyone to fight? It’s all so dumb. No wonder this shit show’s been since canceled. I believe Andy did officially announce it over the past few days. B-bye ‘Namaste’ Bitches!

I feel like it’s demise is a directly related to one Mr. Luis Ruelas. I truly believe that.

They show up dressed like fucking Mob Wives, with the exception of Melissa, whose boot I NEED.

Teresa of course had to arrive last looking like an ape. Not sorry. I pick on her looks because I thinks she’s ugly on the inside too. Can you even imagine? Horrible personality, unattractive, and extremely challenged in the brains department.

She thinks she’s so popular as a Housewife because she’s such a star! No dummy, it’s because you’re good TV, because you’re hilarious and we’re all laughing AT you.

This is so ridick. Danielle and Aydin are ordered to hash it out first. Literally we all forgot about the charity event and how Danielle took some of the cash for her time and expenses. It’s such an awkward and gauche conversation to be honest, bragging about what money was spent and not spent on a supposed charity event.

It then takes about .00005 seconds for it to go to a place extreme pettiness and insults having nothing to do with anything, such as Danielle not being rich, Jennifer being lonely in her marriage and Nate having man boobs. Danielle lunges at her.

Can’t make this shit up.

To be honest Jennifer really does give miserable with her life, in the way she brags about material things and money. Also gives vibes of extremely low class TOTALLY ‘new money’ who doesn’t know what’s not appropriate to say in regards to her (husband’s) money.

Bitch I’m counting my Ferrari’s AND my bathrooms!!!

You know it’s bad when empty-headed no morals Teresa looks annoyed. I’m not sure annoyed is the right word, but she looks like evens he knows this type of rhetoric is not cool. Especially with the murmurings of cancellation.

When she’s stressed and uncomfortable she constantly pulls at and smooths her fake hair.

So after the lunging, Teresa yells “cut it out” to which Melissa reminds her this type of thing is her MO, which turns into Teresa screaming she’s a whore and horrible obscenities which are mostly bleeped out.

Then wrap up doing a bizarre strike a pose thing at each other. Melissa looks cute. Stump looks like an angry gorilla.

Apes can pose too !!

Producers are involved and want Danielle to leave. Teresa the table flipper and who threw multiple glass objects at Marge in Nashville asks Danielle “why did you do that?”

Is she fucking out of her ‘Tre?’

Danielle’s not having it. At all. She yammers about Margaret, which is not relevant. “Don’t get violent” she goes on to preach, and Danielle and her pack walk away ignoring her.

Jennifer whines about the ‘crying alone’ comment from Danielle, and no one is reminding her that came out after she dangled her house and wealth in Danielle’s face, which as I said, does portray one as being unhappy in their life.

Let’s be honest, Bill can’t stand her and would rather her stick her fingers in his ass than have sex with her. That’s graphic, but that’s the math on that.

This trashy fucking high school behavior is NOT how Fessler rolls, which I’ve been seeing throughout the season, and leaves this nightmare ‘lunch’

Teresa and Margaret are next to be ordered to see how violent they can get. We know Stump’s trigger is her stupidity.

March of 2022 is the first time I spoke to an ex” Margaret calmly admits.

Can I ask a stupid question? What’s illegal about Margaret reaching out to and speaking with Louie’s ex-girlfriend? I don’t blame her for not showing up.

And again Teresa – if there’s nothing to hide, if the exes are lying and Louie was actually a GREAT partner and boyfriend why are we so worried??

$64,000 fucking question.

So what Margaret hosted and organized a ‘smear campaign’ against Louie? He’s a liar, he’s abusive, he’s slimy, and he deserves it.

Now Marge’s Joe is in trouble for being a plumber. Teresa’s forgetting the part where Louie was digging up dirt on everyone, in which he even admitted last season.

Teresa and Rachel have a conversation, if you can call it that, similar to Danielle’s and Jennifer’s.

Louie also got Fuda’s ex back in jail, for divulging info about John by the way, who was in a halfway house when they pumped her for info.

But that doesn’t bother Teresa, as she still sits here screaming at everyone for “talking to the exes!!”

Things take a turn when Marge announces that Jackie had ‘the ex’ (Vanessa Rieser) at her house.

I don’t get how that turned into a big huge thing to be honest. This was shortly after remember, Teresa told everyone that Evan was cheating on her. So a little retaliation was in order, and who blames her? (even though I do believe he was cheating on her)

Teresa starts doing the hair thing like crazy now, because she knows this puts her in a pickle, to have to drop the vendetta with Margaret and be pissed at Jackie, however she doesn’t want to give Margaret the satisfaction, but you know damned full well she’s pissed. She doesn’t even like Jackie, let us not forget about “who cares about Jackie..”

This doesn’t bother me at all, NOPE!!

Margaret spoke to Vanessa a few days prior and has receipts.

Jackie reluctantly admits to it and does point out the Evan thing as the reasoning.

Can we go back to blaming Margaret?

Teresa squirms.

Jackie’s game plan makes Housewife sense, but she just probably should have owned it by now, and not let Margaret have this. She’s definitely deflecting. So they were both talking to the exes about Louie. I don’t see the big fucking deal.

I wish people would have been doing that homework for me about my ex boyfriend. I think the second ex-wife may have reached out to warn me, but she hated me because he lead her to believe we were involved while they were together, which we definitely were NOT, other than saying hey at the gym. So she was probably like “bitch you’ll see!!”

Yeah, I did see! He kept up the nice guy facade for like six months until I got blindsided. Then it was one manic meltdown after another, including harassing my friends, physical and verbal abuse, cheating, and lies upon lies upon lies.

Okay so back to this. No it wasn’t just “Jackie the whole time.” It was both of them. Both of them hated Teresa. Both of them saw Louie’s red flags. Actually everyone saw Louie’s red flags except for Teresa.

But you know, the pineapple juice thing. Didn’t take a genius to figure out what hold he had on her.

Not the ‘swear on my son’s life’ thing. They really do need to stop that. It’s creepy.

Teresa know she’s in a fix as she keeps desperately trying to get Margaret to admit to something. “You weren’t taking to the bloggers??” You weren’t doing this you weren’t doing that??

Margaret denies everything, but she is lying. She was talking to people, but she’s wanting Jackie to take ALL the heat.

Dolo asks Stump Head if she’s pissed at Jackie. She claims she’s ‘fine with it.’

Margaret calls out the lunacy.

Melissa: “we’re not over the sprinkle cookies but that’s okay.” Classic.

Stump has her mouth open ‘stump’ look. This woman. She’s fucking hilar!!

Laughing AT you Teresa, not with you.


Jennifer and Melissa yell across the table that Slow Ass Stump needs to ‘process it’ and perhaps she’ll be pissed later.

Well guess what biatches?? RHONJ as we know it – ain’t NO MO! So NO ONE CARES if this extremely slow and disabled woman ever fucking ‘processes it.’

She cannot process shit.

Jennifer in her yap also says she’s acting unbothered to not give Marge the satisfaction. I mean, it’s pretty OBVI! Unless you’re as stupid as Teresa.

They depart.

Thank God.

I honestly don’t know why Jackie is acting so ashamed and embarrassed instead of just owning the shit. She can’t be this worried about being fake friends with Teresa. I wish she wouldn’t have this tail between her legs thing going on a she leaves.

She should also be pointing out the things that Vanessa said to her. If she’s pretending to be Teresa’s friend, shouldn’t she also be pretending to be concerned?

Oh well the show’s fucked anyway!!

No resolutions were made, Melissa points out. Well Duhhh. If this was supposed to be the makeshift reunion, makes sense because there are never any resolutions with the reunions either. In fact they end up still arguing about what took place in the following season.

Also no one expected there to be resolution, Melissa. We expected bad fashion, name-calling, and glass-throwing and that’s exactly what we got.

Dolo dramatically drinking the cosmo, staring out the window, and reflecting at the end was a bit much. Gimme a break.

This went exactly how I planned it…

It’s toxic.” Okay Captain Obvious.

I hope someone paid the bill.

And just like that, one fucking narcissistic selfish warped dude that knows how to eat pussy, managed to end an era. Good job Teresa.

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2 thoughts on “Real Housewives of New Jersey Finale Part 2 – 8/4/24 – All Aboard the Crazy Train!”

  1. A brilliant recount – again. Your writing is fabulous.
    Completely agree that everyone should have been focused on what the exes were saying not who they were saying it to!

    1. Bravo Buff Renee

      Thanks! I know! why is that not point not given more attention? I think it was mentioned but not really focused on. Louie may not be ‘abusive’ to her per se, but he’s definitely taking advantage of her trust and low intelligence and seems to thrive in causing all of this chaos in her family and on the show, when believe me, they do a good enough job of that on their own. what he went and done is got the show cancelled by taking it to a dark place, so good job Louie and Teresa!!!

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