Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Latest Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Articles

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 9/15

Watching last week’s ‘rerun’ to see what I may have missed last week while in deep concentration mode. So I see what people were saying on Twitter about Erika forgetting her pants. Like for real, what in the literal EFF is she wearing ???? like chaps ? Sometimes I miss details while writing this for

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 9/8

look at my life, as she’s sitting here in the Hilton mansion eating caviar being served by a fucking butler. Another fashion take away from last week’s episode, Sutton’s jacket is so fucking ugly. It’s orange. Looks like something you would wear on Halloween, not the holidays. Dorit – wtf was with the pigtails? I

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 9/1

PK always has to name everything. So what do I think of these dresses? They’re pretty. Not sure who will be rushing to be a wedding dress designed by Dorit Kemsley. But we’ll see. I think I liked them all, except that last one. It was just plain and ugly. Why does PK always have

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 8/25

Recapping last week : My cup so runneth over again – this holiday dinner scene with Garcelle and all her peeps is so freaking cute. Oh and bonus scene — love those !! The big S.C. took some time out of his busy day and stopped by. What ??? no cookies for the big guy

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 8/18

Does Sutton realize that Erika is also spewing this crap out on National TV? I’m thinking being worried about the fact that she is involved or whatever is just dramatic. She’s literally just pissed that the bitch is lying I think. Again Kyle admits she couldn’t read a news article because it is “too long.”

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 8/11

Full Disclaimer – used the F word more than usual . NOT SORRY . MY BLOG. MY RULES. This was a frustrating episode. Watching Last week: oh goody – some never before seen scenes: Never before scene #1 Dear Old Kathy Hilton… she’s not “techy”. When I say I’m not techy I mean, I needed

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