Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Reunion Part 2

Kick off of Part 2 of Reunion. Coin toss says we start off with Scarika explaining herself and trying to keep her lies straight, and how Tom had multiple affairs. And poor Erika. Like this woe is me card is like done.

Who the hell fucks around with an 80 year old man??? I guess the difference is 80 year old rich man, oh that’s right he had nothing and was stealing his clients’ money, and passing it on to Erika to fly around on a PJ and pretend to be Madonna.

Andy is tripping her up. Did she know she was liable for all of this money ? In other words, Did she know that there was no money left? He should have worded it like that. Yes she knew there was no money left, that’s why she took the hell off.

She keeps saying “hold on” to Andy, as she thinks up lies.

This flashback is so tired from him being all personable and telling funny stories while they all did the rich people laugh.

Erika’s all : “tell the story about what your friend said …”

Kyle is all too happy to comply and kiss her ass. Disgusting. Gross. Really is ludicrous. These ladies act like children not grown-ups. By that I mean the intelligence of children. Her story Erika begs her to tell, is that her friend watched Tom telling that story, and his eyes looked glazed or something. Not really, he looked very engaged. Yes I get it, it was a tired old story he has repeated many times.

Which is typical of an older person. It doesn’t mean he has dementia and is on the brink of not knowing his name, so i am still just not buying this story.

Random fashion moment: just don’t get how Kyle thought this looked good, or why no one was nice enough to tell her. I do like the dress style and the sequins, but what it is doing to her boobs just isn’t cool.

She is not sure who she was married to. She didn’t care as long as the cha ching kept flowing in.

Let’s be honest. She didn’t care what an asshole he was as long as she was getting paid to live with an asshole. She could just admit what we ALL ARE THINKING AND WHAT WE ALL KNOW. I mean, she’s not the first to marry for money. She’s sitting next to another one.

Please don’t compare Sutton’s situation to Erika’s. Sutton’s ex had money and assets. Tom spent every last cent, and other’s, trying to impress Erika and make himself look like a big cheese.

No forensic whatever is finding a goddamned penny that tom girardi has left to his name.

Pretty sure those red panties and bra was the most valuable free and clear thing that the dude had. (and he probably used the stolen funds for that)

Andy tries not to yawn as dorito is talking.

Almost forgot about that stupid plane argument between Dorit and Kyle. Can’t imagine why.

I was hoping this would come up– Dorito and her attempt to point out that she’s not racist by clarifying that her staff was black or brown. Did anyone besides me know how downhill that was going two seconds after she opened her pie hole?? Her reasoning for what she says makes no sense, even though it was planned and rehearsed for months, still made zero sense. She pointed out she hires minorities as help, and therefore she respects people of all colors. she seriously said that.

Rinna was probably crying when she found out her stupid daughter dumped disik. Not sure why she was so infatuated with that loser. His claim to fame is being with kourtney kardashian. not very impressive.

Why is everyone saying she didn’t like the idea of her daughter dating scott disik ??? all she did was “brag” about it all during filming ???? this is ludicrous. She was more than fine with it. She was name dropping left and right . If you actually consider Scot Disik name dropping. I don’t.

Kyle and Kathy cracked me up eating from those TV trays in that episode. Kathy is crying about not talking to Kyle for ten years, yet she is the one that was not talking to her for stupid ass reasons.

Wasn’t there some shit that they were mad that mauricio started his own real estate firm because he had worked under her husband ?? and they were like ‘how dare he go out and be a success on his own ? when we made him who he is ????’ I am pretty sure I read that. So it must be true.

And why are we still arguing over this “American Woman” series of Kyle’s if it was canceled like after two seconds after it started? It was obviously bad. I never watched it, not sure if anyone reading this may have ?

Kyle and Kathy hugging and crying about their mom and how they missed time together is touching.

Guess filty rich entitled people that carry $30,000 purses, are just like us sometimes right ?

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