Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 9/29

Turning it on 10 min late, I’ll have to play catch up on the repeat.

Oh good Sutton ditched the wheelchair and went with the scooter.

Erika in that latex from “before” when they were somewhere, I don’t remember But erika looked and acted ridiculous. She was late coming, and wouldn’t answer the phone when everyone was trying to call her to see if they should go on without her. I remember I was totally eye rolling. Like why wouldn’t you let people know you were running late ?

Oh the reemergence of the hot toddy. I was wondering about that where they had gone to !!!

oh erika you’re so hilarious !! you’re soooooo entertaining, hahaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaa

p —- lease keep going!!! you’re so fun tonight. We love you so much.

you’re like, so pretty !! and talented… haaahahhahahahahah

Their laughs were as they were swooning over this lying thief reminded me of this so much !! (i don’t won copyright to this video)

I just wanna throw up. They’re laying it on so like over the top THICK !! is she like paying them with her zero dollars to say this????

Crystal is saying NOTHING , but smirking enough for everyone. Or is that just her normal face ?

Nothing to contribute unless she’s being a biattchhhh.

So the balcony eavesdropping wasn’t all that messy, because they really weren’t saying anything bad.

It was mostly Rinna just tripping all over herself to gush to Sutton about the “real Erika so nice to see blah blah blah…” gag me with a spoon!

Why do the lowly help at these fancy places, always have to wear masks but the guests never do. Crystal looks really like a ‘conservative’ person ashamed of her body in that bathing suit going totally up her ass.

But also strange about rinna telling her she was wearing a bathing suit, then doesn’t. And wears leggings. It’s all weird.

Rinna the yoga queen falls first, then Crystal goes.

She has “zero dollars” but still has a ‘glam squad’

why can’t Kyle say this shit to her face that she says in confessisonals.

Her attorney calls her ‘Gracious ?’

Has Crystal ever been with a girl? That was random. Is this to make her seem fun ?

Oh so we can joke about being “violated” now???????

Kathy now you know they can’t get through a dinner without it being the Erika show.

So Erika as apologizing to Sutton. Then being a big smelly steaming pile of dog shit in her confessionals. Did she ever fake apologize to Garcelle for her shitty behavior at Kyle’s ?? I think no.

“Come toward the light” anyone else having Poltergeist flashbacks??

Kathy: It makes you feel better doesn’t it ? (to be concerned about the victims getting money they are entitled to) Erika in the highest squeakiest voice everrrr – “yeah”. She could give two shits.

Rinna is so stupid . ummm I doubt if Erika’s lawyer said don’t talk, or it will connect you to it. She has been doing NOTHING BUT TALKING ABOUT IT!!! what is wrong with rinna ???? is it just pure stupidity? I want to give her the benefit of the doubt so badly because how can you be this dumb sounding on TV and be completely unaware ?

sutton and crystal hug. Is this a new thing ? The finale ending with everyone hugging and kissing and apologizing ? I’m not totally complaining, it’s just different from what we’re used to.

whatta hell was that rant erika went on when she was like “just shut the fuck up …” who was she talking to ???

(I wrote that when I thought this was the finale – I now realize it is not, but thought it was funny since I thought two weeks ago was the reunion. I really AM anxious for this to be done, apparently. Bring on the reunion ! (continuation of the Erika show I mean) —Erika’s scary eyebrows, Kyle’s smushed droopy boobs and the ugly dresses !! I’m ready for it !!

playin never have I ever because we’re in middle school.

“Never have I ever stolen anything” is this Garcelle stirrin the pot ?

Anyone had sex in the airplane bathroom? Wow Dorito that’s soooo original .

There’s food being served – I was expecting the Erika cry show right now??? and Kyle’s “be honest, just be honest “ this is so disappointing.

ending with Sutton crying about Erika to Kathy about “their friendship” what the eff ever.

Oh great my DVR didn’t record it and of course Salt Lake is on right now after Andy instead of

the Bev Hills repeat.

Finale next week Bravo peeps, then FINALLY THE REUNION ! (is it true it’s four parts ??)

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