Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 9/22

Omg so “let me be honest …” I thought tonight was the reunion ! There has been so much talk and teasers and hype on Twitter and the FB groups that I ASSUMED ( I KNOW !!) the reunion was on tonight. So I get out of the shower at 8:02, and I saw that it was an episode, so I’m like oh it’s a repeat, and the reunion must be on at nine ! Great, I have time to put some clothes on, get a drink, and get situated.

NOT !!!! Now that I recall, all of the hype is because they just FILMED IT.

Wow I need to get it together and get my priorities in order RIGHT???

Could Kathy have been any less interested in Doritos wah wah wah wah and wah wah wah!!!!

Is she really talking too much about how she talks too much???


is it really bad???” ( Rinna response to Sutton’s ankle ) Lisa shut up, Lisa does NOT care, about your fucking ankle.

So Kathy just arbitrarily bosses Kyle around ? Check her gas or something something (in her car ?)

Kyle acts like she hates it, but she seems to love it.

Her “help” didn’t put her bag in the car with all of her phone ?

So Kyle is really having to organize the phone for kathy ? And “the lady” came to the highway as they were driving to bring it ??? and they couldn’t even show her face ????

And why did her mom name her “Kyle” ??? did she want a boy ????

Mrs. Hilton — I can’t deal with Kyle referring to her like that to the “help.” I know she thinks it’s cool, but Kyle , it’s stupid, stop it. THEY have to call her that (which is also stupid and 100 years ago). But they are smart and they do know that Kyle calls her Kathy. And “the lady ??”

I mean I guess she didn’t say “the help.” She didn’t need to worry about getting her name wrong, because she calls her “ the lady” and does not even know her fucking name.

I am sure you all know what I mean. I think we all owe Ramona an apology right now if you were talking shit on her for getting her “lady’s” name mixed up.

Erika: – the shit is emotional. Show of hands who feels sorry for her ? She had like 20 plus years of a bottomless pit of money, lived in a mansion, private planes, pretending to be a rock star, designer clothes and shoes… $40,000/mo on “glam??” REMINDER : (it’s expenseive to be her)

Kathy: “I’m not used to driving.” She really wanted to be on this show to flaunt her wealth. I do think that is the only reason. Yes her one liners are funny. Yes she’s dumb as a dirt pile, so that’s funny, yes it’s hilarious when she is soooo not interested in the ridiculous drama and gossip. “I just don’t care about these ladies’ middle school issues at all.” said no housewife ever, until now.

I missed the first few minutes because I was just gettting out of the shower, refer to my above confusion, so I am not even sure where this destination is. I guess I will figure it out at some point.

It doesn’t seem far.

Dorito and the pig tails again ? Why ? Why why ? Ok so a beach, im guessing they’re just at a random beach an hour away. Since the commute didn’t seem to take too long, and they’re all alive. (after Kathy’s personal secretary, Kyle handled the forgotten purse drama.)

These sea lions. Such a nice distraction, even if it’s for three seconds.

I don’t even know if I want to talk about this ongoing beef with Sutton and EJ.

Being called a liar sets her off, because she IS a liar. When you’re called something you know you’re not, you tend to not care. When you get called a name that you’re really guilty of, that’s when people go off, especially narcissists.

Kyle really, throw your friends under the bus much ?

Kyle is pissing me the fuck off. dorito get your tongue up in there. Hope she got a Brazilian with the works. Like the works.

Kyle in her confessional questioning Erika now saying “allegedly” after she attempts to throw Sutton under the bus, now throws Erika down there too. Such a different commentary when this lying greedy bitch is in your face. Kyle, “Be Honest!”

Tom was engaging and pleasant exactly ONE TIME (the scene they keep replaying where he was telling some old stories …) and Kyle and Rinna keep saying, “Tom was engaging… that ONE night”

Almost every other scene that he was in, he acted like a Cottonelle butt wipe. I know the point that they’re trying to make, is that he was so funny and cool ONE TIME, like one year ago, how can they claim that he have all of these mental difficulties now ??? (wait though are you calling Erika a liar??) But I just had to get that off of my chest. And I’m tired of that scene!! Retire that scene. Erika must have promised him a BJ if he acted personable and didn’t insult her or tell her to shut up.

Garcelle is now joining the ladies – thank God – my girllll. her horror movie analogy is funny. This place does remind me of the hotel on the Shining actually. “Where’s Johnny ?”

Sutton getting wheeled in the room omg I’m dying. I’m telling you, I would have toughed it regardless of pain, rather than get wheeled around by a bell hop, like a sorry old lady. For chrissakes I won’t even wear my glasses in public.

So she has glam on this trip. So interesting. As of this writing, her “deadline” has passed where she was to attempt to at least try to pay some of the money back that is owed to Tom’s clients. Guess who is giving a big giant EFF YOU to the victims that won cases, and Tom gave the money to Erika which she proceeded to BLOW ON CRAP !!!!!!!!!! and her fake singing “career” AKA hobby/something to pass the time. Think of all of the constructive things she could have done, possibly to generate income? Weird concept right Erika ???

“Kyle do you know how to open the wine ??????” is she paying Kyle an hourly rate? I think it has a lot to do with the older sibling thing too? I may or may not have done this. (not to this extent) But it is a little much. She can’t fucking open wine ??? is this an act ? I’m feeling it’s not. Because I doubt she can act.

Sutton is sticking with the wheel chair huh????? she didn’t get one of those cool scooters things? Like Tamra and Shannon had few years back ????

Chilean sea bass is the bomb bomb bomb. it’s like not even like fish. It’s like just melt in your mouth good. Rinna might even like it. Chop it up and stick it in a Chicken of the Sea can and I bet she would eat it up !!!

Why are they all saying how they are feeling right now??? Did someone suggest they go around the table with how they’re feeling tonight ?

I missed when that convo started, was trying to think of clever things to say above.

Kathy, she does want involved in the daa daa daa… she started the sutton and EJ shit at the table.

Erika thinks it’s a compliment to be called scary.

can I remind you that kathy started this ? Kyle thinking she can be voice of reason all of a sudden? If it’s not fixing the situation, let’s drop it, she says.

Back and forth with Erika and Sutton. It’s really stupid and repetitive. They always do this shit at DINNER TABLES , such a waste of good food ! Was the food served ? I don’t see food, maybe not.

I agree with my Twitter peep, drinking game every time Kyle says “be honest” but now wait, Dorito has stolen the line. If we really do a drinking game every time ANY OF THEM say “be honest” we’ll all be on the floor.

The straw that breaks the camel’s back analogy that Kathy is trying to make, makes no sense right now.

Lisa is giving a sermon on friendship really???

be honest be honest be honest , blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Now they’re ALL saying it !!! All of you, be honest for real, and say the things you have been saying in your confessionals or when she is not around.

Lisa getting uncomfortable when Garcelle brought up race. Lisa get your hand off of your heart.

Kyle likes that Garcelle is expressing this, why do you like it ? Sad that she had to get to the point

at expressing it like this to get your attention? I do feel like they treat Garcelle differently. Sorry, not sorry. And I don’t think Garcelle is DYING to play the race card. I really do think she has a point right now.

Kyle going on and on and on and on some more, about being glad Garcelle expressed this feeling of feeling out of place, being the only black woman in the group, and was “vulnerable.”

Was she not “vulnerable” when she expressed to you her hurt and embarrassment over you throwing her under the bus in front of millions of people about her charity non payment ? Kyle gimme a break, you’re so fake!

I can’t deal with Erika’s confessionals, knowing what we know now. She refuses to try to pay anything back!!!

I have to agree I don’t like these “homes” either that they shove elderly people in. Why doesn’t she take him in ???? this IS your husband that supported you with money he DID NOT HAVE in order to impress you and keep you happy for over twenty years?????


It feels like “they” have no use for him. Ummmmmmmmm………………………………….

Erika is pretending to care about him. PAHHHH LEASE !!! she is so pissed he didn’t have the money to spend on her he claimed to have, so LATTTTAAA. Dumped him off at work and was outta there when she knew he was outta cash and getting sued.

Love the shade on Kyle on WWHL about that “loooooonggggggg” article, she could not read.

I gotta pull this article up, and time myself reading it. I’ll let you know.

Again why did I think the reunion was tonight??? I guess because of all the hype and teasers I have been seeing on Twitter, I just had REUNION on my brain. Apparently the dresses are BAD !!!

Kyle is in a cheap looking black mini with her boobs exposed in a cut-out, and looking droopy and squished. Sutton has some serious chicken legs in her short dress, and Erika, well if you haven’t seen it, it’s hard to describe.

Wait I got it, a fourteen year old going to a middle school dance.

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