Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 7-7


We feel so bad for Lisa right ? Wow I don’t want to sound jealous or anything but f*** ME !!!

Where do I always go wrong ???

So cute – Erika’s new place. Wonder if there will be Gina/Shannon moment when her new digs are being unveiled to the girls?

This tennis match really looks painful for Erika, but she is out there trying.

Sort of trying not really, but she’s not getting a lot of opportunities at the ball.

Probably just wanted to get out of the house.

Really sweet they’re all making Erika feel good about her situation. I see she is doing a lot of reminiscing about her previous lifestyle in the not so distant past.

Little Sonja-esque. But it’s not 15 years later. However I do see her doing that in the future. Also her smiles and ohhhh everything is greaaaaatt – DOES actually seem pretty forced.

But again I appreciate they’re all stroking her ego trying to make her feel better, as they sit in their big beautiful homes.

Feel so bad for Kyle too…. (NOT!!!)

It appears to be NOT a Shannon/Gina situation with Lisa getting the tour of Erika’s place.

So why couldn’t snooty ass Shannon also have done this for Gina ?

Lisa is being so engaging and excited about Erika’s “little” place – it is really sweet to see.

Shannon I hope you’re watching and seeing the difference in your reaction to Gina’s house.

Why are they still talking about the naked bust in – UGHHHHHHAAAAHHHHHH!!

During the cooking/cake convo with Lisa and Harry – think Harry Hamlin was trying to insinuate that he wanted to stay and hang with the girls. Rinna didn’t pick that up. She’s like “ no you don’t have to…”

“so are you doing a Christmas card ??” I’m deciding on a dress ….

Rich girl problems

Ok I was typing — Dorito (sorry been wanting to do that !!) NOT doing the swim wear thing now?

(I didn’t think she was)

Collaborating with someone on bridal wear now?

I like her clothes most of the time, but I am really not sure Dorit has any better fashion sense then your normal fashionista. What did she actually like “do” in fashion again ?

So she seriously things an actual bride will walk down the aisle in one of “her designs?” I don’t mean to be skeptical, but I am skeptical.

Did Kyle seriously say that to Harry ? That their 19 year old could be having a child soon ?

They crack me up with the high heels to an outdoor back yard cook out dinner thing ?

Do they do this on purpose ? Purposely wear heels where they will be inconvenient, then “complain” about it ?

Sometimes these ladies just drive me crazy. I know we all tune in for the drama, but why can’t they just try to act normal once in a while ??

Gathering at Rinna’s, and there’s a Thomasina (sp) joke – which is the peeping tom thing right ?

Because we’re not letting this die —– EVERRRR. Did Kathy say it? Kathyyyyy I’m trying to love you !!!

And Crystal always looks so smug when it gets brought up. Crap I missed again who said it when they replayed the scene, who said it ??

guess it doesn’t matter – Sutton needs to just laugh it off right ????

I toldja Harry wanted to sit with them !!! Jeez he wasted no time !! But seriously why would he NOT join them ? After he COOKED everything, with “help” of course …

Rinna totally missed the mark on the invite he was fishing for (in his own home).

Rinna LOVES the Scott Dissick thing, but trying to act like she doesn’t.

She is name dropping like there is no tomorrow, even though it’s Scott Dissik. Does that really qualify as name dropping ??

why does Sutton look weird ? Did she not bring a gift ? Is this why she melts down ?

Is she still stewing about the peeping tom comment ?

Sutton said smug too. That is totally her expression.

I guess it is uncomfortable sitting across from someone that is giving you weird looks.

Hunky dory means “great” Kathy. Possibly an old southern term??? again though with the not so bright moments of these ladies.

Crystal just does not care, plain and simple.

She just smirks and looks – well – smug during meltdown # 28 of Sutton.

I can see the annoyance of it, but can’t she just PRETEND to be compassionate, say sorry and move on.

Since we’re not animals, we’re people, we’re supposed to have compassion and we have verbal skills, so we sometimes have to just say sorry to move forward.

Crystal is one cold hearted bitch though, and Sutton should accept that and move on.

(think her pants were a little ill-fitting , however didn’t really love Sutton’s dress either)

OH MY GOSH — cook out went down hill FAST. Smart of Harry to stay for dinner and not dessert !!

what did you all think of this week’s episode – ?? Kinda meh until the last 10 minutes.

But looks like the meat and potatoes of Erika’s separation is coming out next week .

Ladies are gonna be LOVING this !!! (but acting like they’re not)

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