Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – 2/25/25- Part 2 – What’s In YOUR Wallet?

For some reason Sutton requests a water as her beverage. Never saw Sutton order a water, ever, not once.

So is she doing this in response to Dorit’s recent comment? Yes. Totally.

Dorit wastes no time in asking that question, and Sutton reassures her that has nothing to do with her sudden request of hydration.

If Sutton wanted to be smarter and funnier she would have said, “yes I’ll take a double vodka martini, and keep them coming.”

Instead of timidly, “uhhh I’ll have a water…”

Sutton COME ON. If she wants Dorit to ‘leave her alone’ then she needs to step up her sarcasm and wit. Kill her with humor.

Dorit is not that smart. It’s not hard to put her in her place, and there’s a lot of material. You want her shut her up?? Ask about ‘the robbery.’ Boom.

The upcoming wallet comment is funny, but addressing the fake robbery would be better and wouldn’t make her come off so shallow. Especially when her money is from her husband, not her own accomplishments (Not that there’s anything wrong with her big fat divorce settlement, you go girl.)

I never know what Sutton I’m going to get.” Dorit, what?? Bitch you started it!

OhmiGod one of the place cards has the name ‘Anne Marie’ and Garcelle thought it was that embarrassment one-season-er from last year. Please, no. That woman is probably still walking around the Hills with her head hanging from humiliation.

You now, I actually forgot about her until now. Because she was pretty forgetful. And that’s a big accomplishment to be controversial, but completely forgotten.

Dorit and Sutton are across from each other and pretty sure that’s not an accident.

Sutton should be chugging a martini, laughing and having fun, instead of down and uncomfortable. Has she learned nothing here? Why is she giving Poorit the upper hand?

I know what she should have said right out of the gate: “Hey Dorit, did your caftans get stolen in ‘The Robbery?’ Finger quotes on “the robbery.”

Of course.

Sutton needs to learn to stop being such a Dorit Mat. Get it? Doorit Mat??

So Faye Resnick, she must be so thrilled she was handed a line to deliver by production.

I guess they wanted viewers to know Tilly was nominated for an Oscar in 1995. It was new info for me, I didn’t know. In case you were wanting details, I was curious because I don’t think I’ve ever heard of her, here’s what AI had to say.

Jennifer Tilly was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in the 1994 Woody Allen film Bullets Over Broadway. She lost the award to her co-star Dianne Wiest.’

Her sister Meg Tilly was nominated in 1985 for best supporting in ‘Agnes of God.’

I’m sorry but I never heard of either one of them, nor those movies. And I don’t meant that in a disrespectful way. I’m just saying.

To be fair, I was watching Disney movies in 1995, and Brat Pack movies in 1985.

She’s half-Chinese and that’s news too. You can see it now that you know. But I kind of admire that she wasn’t making it this big huge deal that she’s Chinese.

That kind of gets on my nerves sometimes with Housewives. I don’t want to get myself in trouble, but it’s always “I’m this and I’m that” and I’m always like no, you’re just an American mutt like the rest of us.

Okay, moving on, Dorit and Sutton begin to bicker, so I’m like dozing off. Wake me when it’s over.

The purse snatch thing was weird Dorit. Just own that. You have terrible comedic timing. You don’t grab a woman’s purse, you just don’t. That’s fucking creepy.

Okay Sutton you don’t really need to recap the entire last week’s episode, the waiting, the purse, the alcohol comment. We know.

And it’s only making Dorit feel more empowered in my opinion, since she looks so bothered.

Is Sutton’s wallet comment bitchy and pretentious? Yes. But isn’t this supposed to be a show about rich women? And Sutton does not make these kinds of comments in every day conversation.

But poking fun at the fake robbery would have been funnier. See why I’m bored with this? They both suck at it.

And hasn’t Dorit portrayed since she’s been on the show that she and PK were wealthy? And they never really were.

And what happened to her wedding dress and swim suit line?? That’s what I thought. I could look it up, but I don’t want to. I’m sick of googling shit.

Nasly Weirdo Erika shut up! You used to be queen of flaunting your husband’s money!!

Just sit this one out, please. And why does she talk like that?

Girlllll I get it, I thought I was getting a big payday too.

Can Dorit stop acting like being called a bitch is the be all end all??

Dorit delivers a condescending apology.

This would again be a good time to bring up the fake robbery.

Dorit I’m so sorry you got a fake gun held to your head in a fake robbery by fake robbers.”

Again so question for Dorit, if you called Sutton an alcoholic, why can’t she call you a bitch and broke?

All of the above are true. Apparently Corrupt Faye is an alcoholic too. I feel like it might be a prerequisite to be a Housewife.

I feel like Dorit’s separation is a lot like Erika’s. She’s extra stressed and pissed off because she thought she married a bottomless pit of endless income. You know like Sutton and Tilly actually did.

So she’s not only mourning the end of a marriage, she’s mourning the fact that she’s not getting anything close to any divorce settlement. PK is even telling her she needs to pay the mortgage. Which is why it’s in foreclosure.

And they both married these men BECAUSE of the money. Whereas Tilly and Sutton married their guys because they actually loved them, before they were successful. It’s kind of ironic right? I think there might be a lesson in there somewhere.


So ‘Mo’ was smooching with a hottie in an airport in Europe. Why shouldn’t he? Kyle was embracing and making out with Morgan Wade all last year, or two years ago, whatever.

Kyle wanted the separation right? And she knew he had a history of cheating so she didn’t think he would immediately be out with other women??

And yeah the photo was probably on purpose. I don’t think paps hang around random airports, unless they’re tipped off.

Mo was being shady and petty to get back at her.

Obviously he didn’t know his picture was being taken.”

Kyle. Okay. She’s so funny.

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