Kyle apologizes for how she left Boz’s event (she never apologized to Boz, we learn later, and didn’t invite her to the dinner.)
Erika got that tongue up her fucking butt hole, don’t you worry about that!
“Please don’t apologize to me, I’m fiiiiiine.”

So how does her asshole actually taste Erika? I feel like this blind loyalty of the Beverly Queen Bee is so the opposite of her personality and what you would expect from Erika.
Kyle has to be slipping her some fucking Benjamins or something.
Something is up here because Erika is no desperate to be liked bitch. I’m embarrassed on her behalf every time she chimes in with her ass kissing ‘pick me’ quips this. She would not make herself out to be such a pathetic bitch if there wasn’t something in it for her. You don’t have to agree with me, but you should.
Sutton wants more detail on what she’s apologizing for. She wants her to name the reasons.

She’s not having this typical Kyle bullshit of letting her off the hook and being like “oh yeah that’s okay you’re going through a lot. You’re pretty and skinny.”
Sutton keeps pressing, and while I appreciate what she’s trying to do her, her delivery tends to suck.
She keeps asking Kyle, “what are you apologizing for?” which has the potential of getting flimsy meaningless answers and not addressing the issues. She should be asking Kyle specific questions, and then go into a little background of her holding everybody else accountable and telling everybody they need to share what’s going on.
Pick Me Erika in her yap uses the separation as her excuse. Girl she would be acting like this with or without Mario ditching her dumb ass.
Kyle‘s making some horrendous fucking constipated looking faces as she’s trying to defend her behavior. It’s very entertaining.

Erica is looking at her like she wants to like climb on top of her face. Honestly, what IS the deal here? I’ve never seen this woman look empathetic, EVER, since she appeared on my TV screen ten years ago, not once.
The fucking ding dong had to have the word ‘empathetic’ explained to her by her therapist last season. She never heard the dang word!
Can’t fucking make this shit up. Kyle is doing a lot of stuttering. This is hilarious. Thank you for those two minutes of actual entertainment, Kyle. Because she’s not funny nor entertaining she’s trying to be.
I think I’m a little extra aggressive, today, sorry.

Garcelle’s looking at Sutton like a proud mama as she points out that Kyle has yelled at HER for storming out of situations, so the same goes for her.
Erika actually looks like she’s secretly enjoying this, Enough of that compassionate shit. She can’t keep that up for longer than a split second.

She cleverly drops the ‘mental health’ phrase to get out of talking about it anymore. Yet she never cared about anyone else’s mental health. Not even her own sister’s.
It’s the beach house extra extravaganza. I don’t think this event planner Nicole is too excited to be here. Garcelle greets her and she basically scowls. Love those types of people, don’t you?

Garcelle requests a lychee martini from her staff and it seems pretty early. That’s the way you do it! That’s how we wake up at the beach in SoCal.
This Nicole chick continues to be miserable. Maybe she’s mad she has pasty arms. 2015 called and they want their shirt back. Cover them up already. Just kidding.

They convene at Kyle’s before leaving for the beach. Boz arrives and wonders why she has not heard from Kyle’s since she was extremely rude to her and stormed out in her robe. Love how she apologized to the others, and not to the hostess. You know this black lady that she doesn’t even know!!! (Expressing Kyle’s point of view, not mine)
Boz is wearing this long flowing bright blue dress which Dorit refers to as ‘loungewear.’ Boz looks like she wants punch her out, but she can’t. Bravo said she has to be nice to Dorit, despite the stupid shit she says!!
After this ep aired Tuesday night Sutton got a lot of bitchy comments about cutting Dorit off.
But let’s just slow down for a second and put it all in perspective of how the scene actually went, and what actually happened here and why Sutton may have been frustrated.
I’m breaking it down for you right here right now, and you are welcome in advance.
First of all, she just literally walked in the door and in two seconds she started talking about herself. I don’t want to drop ‘narcissist’ because I don’t know that Dorit is an actual narcissist, but it’s really gives zero self-awareness.
Second thing that’s wrong with this and why I agree with Sutton shutting it down and telling the group they need to get on the road, is what she’s bitching about is so unbelievably ridiculous.
Jagger saw her IG post of her separation. Did she take any measures to make sure he didn’t? Could she have not posted it at all? Could she have talked to them before she posted it? No yes and yes.
Then she wants everyone to oohh and awwww at her.

She wasn’t even taking a breath when Sutton interrupted. They’d still be standing there if she hadn’t.
Erika complains about in in her yap. I guarantee you Erika wanted her to shut the hell up too.
I love this season Sutton. I love that she’s being bitchy and speaking up and quite frankly saying what the other ladies are thinking, but are too pussy to say it.
Kyle used to drag her for being kind of a doormat and afraid to speak up when Erika was bullying and tormenting her.
Okay moving on, I’d wanna get to the fucking beach too, even though it’s Southern California, where the beaches are fucking freezing. So disappointing, never knew that until I started going there when my daughter moved there. Windy as fuck and freezing. Not even a warm breeze. Like bundle up. Now I get why no one there is tan.
Kyle you wanted Dorit to shut up too, like stop being such a fucking twat for like one minute. Pretend like it was your butt buddy Erika who said it. Then it would have been acceptable.
“Sutton has a lot of rules for everyone else, but none for herself.” Did she seriously say that?

Garcelle’s house is cool and fun but a little too Home Goods inside. She didn’t really need to point out that she decorated it herself. But I’d stay there. If she invited me.
Now that I get a better view of Boz’s dress, I am seriously flabbergasted at Dorit calling it loungewear. She would have started like “Girl what??” and her signature grunts and noises.
I’m surprised Kyle seems to be actually sincere giving Garcelle accolades for her beach house and doing it all on her own.
Kyle certainly couldn’t accomplish that without a man.
Dorit is dressed like Boy George but calls her outfit ‘perfectly curated’ when Garcelle gives them assigned ‘loungewear’ for the beach.
Jennifer is the only one that’s not rude and brings her a housewarming gift. None of these other slobs brought shit, except their sparkling personalities. That was sarcasm
What’s with the lychee martinis all of a sudden. Is it the new espresso martini? I did have one many many moons ago and it just wasn’t my favorite. I don’t think I’ve had one since, but now I’m curious. Maybe I’ll try it again. As predicted, it must be absolutely freezing because everybody has bundled up in blankets. And I think it’s June currently.
Dorit and Kyle decide to chat. You already know they’re going to end up temporarily making up, and then it’s all blow up again. Kyle claims she considers Dorit a good friend, but I don’t believe that. Kyle sticks with her story that the comment in the text about not repeating anything did not refer to discussions about her.

She’s very passionate about her lie, and sticking with her story.
“Is your loyalty with PK or with me?” It’s a very direct and valid question.
PK and Kyle shouldn’t be gossiping about Dorit to begin with and putting her in that position. PK should know better. Everybody here should know better. What did I say last week? Everybody’s combined ages here are like 150 but we’re acting like this?
Kyle would LOSE HER FUCKING MIND if Dorit started cozying up with Mario. And believe you me, I think she really wants to!
Kyle claim she’s going to stop chatting with PK. Mmkay not happening.
“You’re such a liar, Kyle!”
Erica does look like ET.

Do you think she’ll get picked up by a spaceship and whisked into space? We can only dream.
We know Erika all you care about is money. Sometimes we’re surprised you admit to the things you admit to.
She admits she’s never been in love, when she has a baby daddy out there somewhere, and an estranged husband of 20 years.
It goes from bad to worse as she elaborates and you can really hear how soulless and emotionless she actually is. It’s very sad.
She doesn’t even know that she should not be putting this out into the universe, literally out into the universe. Well, the Bravoverse, same thing.
So much for her ‘therapy.’
I think I saw Tilly‘s ex was involved in The Simpsons. That’s how she has her nice little cushy divorce settlement that Erika is insanely jealous of.
It’s entirely too windy to do whatever the this is they’re trying to do. But they’re laughing and peeing their pants so it’s fine.
Not a dead bird!! Oh my God! This beach is DISGUSTING!! Don’t go in the water!! It’s so disgusting!! No, it’s not Puerto Rico, but it’s a dead bird. Apparently birds do die on the Pacific as well!

Who knew?? I didn’t know!!