Below Deck Med 7/15/24 – Anchors Away!

Still the technical difficulties on the boat. They have to abandon the anchor and have it retrieved. I like how she’s filling in the viewers on the deets. It’s kind of interesting.

The anchor and chain are $65,000 worth of equipment. Yikes. But at the end you see it cost them over $40,000 for the retrieval, so I don’t know, was that worth it?

Guests are delayed, and may miss their flights to Paris. Or so they say. They may have been added in. The girls just keep throwing food and beverages at them. Love that.

This kerfluffle is certainly keeping the deck crew busy.

Aesha vows to call a meeting and attempt an official truce between Bri and Ellie when the guests leave.

Has she met Ellie?? This chick’s not going down without a fight, I’ll tell you that right now.

One of the guests refers to themselves as ‘stranded.’ I feel so bad for them. Can you imagine being ‘stranded’ on a luxurious yacht in the Med that’s full of food and any beverage imaginable, with a full staff at their beckon call? Torture.

When Sandy says ‘drop the anchor’ they literally – drop the anchor. See ya latahhhhh anchor!! That was probably weird for the crew to see.

On top of all of this, it’s windy AF. We’re on our way for the typical very dramatic docking.

Sandy radios as they head to the dock for a retrieval team and hydraulics technicians to meet them. The chick on the radio is like ‘sure we got you – no problem!’ Wish everything was that easy.

Iain is now into Ellie, he decides. I don’t know if she could be acting more disinterested. He’s not good at reading the room either.

It’s officially dramatic docking time!! Sandy’s mad at Joe taking too long to secure the fender.

The poor kid, he’s feverishly trying to get ‘er done.

I think I can ! I think I can!

I’m going to get on a Sandy soapbox for two seconds. She’s a ‘boy who cried wolf’ type of person. She tends to get so beyond bitchy about shit she makes up or pulls out of her asshole, (such as ‘don’t EVER wake the chef’ most recently) that you don’t know when she has reason to be upset.

Yes Joe took longer than normal to tie the fender, and it’s windy, she’s trying to dock, but how do we know if she’s not overreacting? You don’t. It’s a little more serious then waking the chef, I get that, but still, she’s so inconsistent and all over the place.

This is where she goes wrong too, from a managerial standpoint. She embarrassingly reams him out in front on Nate, while praising Nate as the better deckhand.

This is exactly how you create hostility in a workplace, which is exactly what she tries to do for whatever reason. You could say, well she’s doing it for show drama. If she is, how stupid is that? Yes it’s TV show, but ‘at the end the day’ (I hate that expression, it’s so overused) these guys have an important job to do, where lives are on the line, and fucking with their heads to throw them off of their game for the sake of ‘entertainment’ seems kind of asinine and reckless, Sandy Captain Sandy. Just my opinion.

Good thing these dudes get along and are both down-to-earth and cool, and were able to just laugh this off.

She pulls Iain in to tell him he should make Nate lead deckhand and Sandy is surprised to hear he’s already given the honor to Joe.

To be fair, he was premature in doing that. Not sure what he ‘saw in him’ as he tries to describe to Sandy, that would have lead him to that decision. He claims he saw that he was good at guiding people. Okay Ianin, in order to ‘guide people’ you have to know what the fuck you’re doing. So he can talk a good talk, in other words? They flash on the scene and he actually told him that he has more experience than Nate, which wasn’t the case.

Gael’s boyfriend is a fucking asshole, excuse my French. He texts her “could use an update.” Assuming he’s referring to the delay in getting to the dock.

God forbid Gael isn’t giving him a play-by-play every fucking five minutes. What a douche. Here’s an update: FUCK OFF WEIRDO!!!!

Could use a boyfriend that’s not insane.

He reminds me so much of that Natasha chick’s on a recent season, whiny little man-child moron that was texting her non fucking stop and getting his little bikini panties all in a bunch if she wasn’t responding quickly enough.

He also reminds me of my ex BF who was CONSTANTLY texting me while I was at work and sending ridiculous hissy-pissy messages if I didn’t respond immediately, or if there was a lapse in which I sent him a message. So immature, to say the least.

Dude, I am working, I know you’re sitting there on your nasty arse playing cut and paste like a four-year-old, whilst getting an allowance from your daddy, but I have to work.

She tells Jono and Nate later, she feels like she’s on her phone constantly to keep him from lashing out and being a crybaby. You know you would think that it’s girls that need to sit and text their guys non-stop in relationships, but from what I’ve seen and experienced, it’s guys. Why? Because they’re big fat whiny BABIES! TRUTH!!

He has her apologizing to him and feeling like she’s doing something wrong. It’s control-freak tactics. I really want to know who this guy is!! Gael spill it! Pretty sure she’s no longer with this maniac.

Iaian continues to try to schmooze Ellie by complimenting her lipstick as they line up to bid farewell to the guests. She then very cringily turns to Joe to describe her two slutty outfit options for the evening. She’s very focused on – herself. She’s coming off as desperate.

This girl has no idea how to read a room, and what is appropriate to say at certain times. Also Joe doesn’t give A FUUUUCK what she wears that evening.

Jono looks like he has second-hand embarrassment.

But I said I liked her LIPSTICK !!!

Aesha summons the ‘galls’ (I love how she says ‘girls’) for an informal meeting in which they can have cocktails. This is going to be the ‘knock it off’ talk in reference to their continued spatting over Joe.

Ellie, right off the bat is IMPOSSIBLE to communicate with or tell her that she’s wrong.

Joe and Nate make fun of her and her ‘which dress should I wear’ thing, and how awkward that was.

She’s on the cusp of making a complete and utter fool out of herself with this guy. She needs to abort the mission and stat. It’s clear to say it’s just an absolute competition now.

Joe says in his yap he’s embarrassed, and it’s making it hard to chill out and enjoy his down time.

A lot of guys would be relishing in this, but Joe, while he may be enjoying the attention, it is good for the ego, he does also seem to realize it’s childish and recognizes the issues it’s causing in their department.

Elli doesn’t like Aesha referencing ‘saying things with respect’ since she’s insistent that she wasn’t being rude to Bri. She goes hard on the defense. You can see in her face she’s going to pounce. And she does.

Oh no you DI’INT!!!

She says she doesn’t have time to be nice, and Bri is going to have to deal with it.

Aesha tries to get through to her and she simply can’t. No one ever will. Ellie’s is a selfish idiot.

You’re never letting this go, right?

Aeshsa tries to wrap up by saying “let’s watch how we speak to each other” in which Ellie quickly responds “…and how we take things also.”

This girl. I would love to see her and Krazy Kyle together, with Kate Chastain as the chief. Now THAT would be good TV!!

Aesha can tell by Ellie’s comments and demeanor that this is not resolved.

Gael complains to Nate about having to be on her phone non-stop to keep this man-child boyfriend from having a tantrum every five minutes.

I think since she started apologizing and trying to appease him, she fell right in line with what he wanted her to do, he then started being more demanding with her time. Constantly moving the goal post.

Okay I’m happy that you texted me first thing in the morning, but now I’m mad that you didn’t call me on your lunch break. Now you’re calling or texting me on your lunch break, and I’m mad you didn’t call me on your dinner break. I recognize this behavior, sadly, and it’s exactly what’s going on.

I feel like you’re making me be needy?” WHAT??

Dude SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!! Can I get you a tampon? Or some Midol? Wow. These mother fuckers should have been drowned at birth. They were put on the earth to torture and torment women. Period. Dot. Sorry you didn’t bond with your mommy as a baby, so now you gotta torture all women!! Get fucking therapy!!

Sorry that was intense, I just can’t stand dudes like this.

Crew night out, and Ellie dons her Frederick’s of Hollywood cheap body suit trashy outfit that she is super stoked to wear in order to divert Joe’s attention away from Bri. That behavior doesn’t scream trashy desperate ho at all.

Honestly I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more slutty outfit worn by a stew on any Below Deck episode, ever.

This’ll do the trick !! If not I can always turn a trick!

Ellie again talks incessantly about Bri in the van on he way to dinner.

Aesha pulls Joe aside in the club and asks him to not to be flirty or hook up with either of the girls that evening, due to the tension it’s causing within her department.

He agrees. Can you imagine a chief stew saying this go a Gary King type of guy? (BDSY) He would lose his shit and probably go after both of them extra hard if he was asked this. That dude done went and fucked that show up with his womanizing disgusting antics. Dumb ass.

Iaian is still pining after Ellie. After he tells her that he’s a person of a few words, he talks her ear off all night long,

Wish Gael would officially dump that loser so she can relax and do whatever with Nate, who seems so easy going and cool. The opposite of that intense miserable ding dong.

They do a little forbidden canoodling.

I think it’s funny that Joe ignored Ellie all night, despite her hookery body suit contraption she’s wearing.


In addition to the wind, the lost anchor and the broken windlass, we also have wild fires. The anchor has been safely returned.

Gael shows Jono the cracra messages from this Hitler weirdo she’s calling her boyfriend.

Girllllll, I’m gay and I don’t even communicate like that.

Gael needs to not be flattered by this guy’s unhealthy attachment to her. He’s fucking psycho. He’d be acting the same fucking way with ANY GIRL he was seeing. She deems herself a ‘heartbreaker’ to Nate. Okay, someone dating a psycho should calm down and not be so full of herself.

Bri is getting confused about the laundry again. Now Sandy is involved in the search for her clothing. She has one of her moments again where she talks to the stews in a demeaning way, and demands to know why her laundry isn’t coming back.

On the hunt for Sandy’s white shirt. Ellie is enjoying this. Was there some sabotage involved here?

I’m not saying there was, and I’m not saying there wasn’t. Bri points out she’s not the only one in laundry.

Your Captain’s shirt is missing?? Gee, that’s odd.
I just can’t fathom where her shirt could be.

Iain has a little softball talk with Joe about his performance. I’m sure he’s fe eling a little embarrassed that he’s Lead Deckhand and isn’t that great at his job.

New guests arrive.

NOW a yacht twice the size of The Musty Mustique parks her ass in the way of Sandy pulling out of the dock, and Sandy must leave now due to the wildfires.

Will they get ‘er out of the dock or won’t they??? HMMMM…Not sure!!! We have to wait to find out!!


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2 thoughts on “Below Deck Med 7/15/24 – Anchors Away!”

  1. Great, and entertaining recap. I’m willing to bet Ellie put Sandy’s shirt in Jono’s cabin to make Bri look incompetent. I didn’t like Ellie the first time she was on Below Deck — like her even less now. You’re right about Sandy demeaning someone in front of the other crew members. It’s one of the things I really don’t like about her.

    1. Bravo Buff Renee

      Thanks for the compliment and thanks for reading!! Keep tuning in!! I know both Sand Crab and Ellie dirve me nuts.

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