Kyle and Nat are still arguing about this LBGTQ thing, when she interfered mainly to tell him to calm down. He continues to yell at her, and is being quite abrasive. So unnecessary. He looks like a snake.

I feel like he’s a little big for his britches. Clearly he was made to feel, by Bravo probably, or even encouraged, that he had carte blanche to act any way he wanted. I believe he’s overestimating his value here. Bravo must have said, hey, why don’t you act like Sandy did on last BD season??

Why is he getting so excited over this acronym, and who all is allowed to be included in it?? We get it Kyle, you’re gay. Do you want a medal?

I don’t even know what to say about how he is acting. Dramatic seems too basic. It’s way beyond dramatic.

I feel like Tumi, even though off duty, not on the clock, whatever you want to say, because this shit affects the actual work hours, should have done more, well not more, she did nothing, to diffuse this argument, before it got out of hand.

She tells him and Nat to sleep in separate rooms, and tells Nat to take the master. This was a good idea, but too late. She intervened, only after it exploded. As the supervisor, she shouldn’t have allowed Kyle to speak to Nat, or Max that way. Nat was just defending Max.

What’s ironic to me, is that Jack taking ONE SIP of alcohol with the guests, at the end of his work day was the end of the world as we know it, however she doesn’t seem that excited that Kyle is screaming at his co-workers for no reason whatsoever. COME on Tumi, which occurrence here is more concerning? Kyle verbally abusing co-workers, making for a hostile work environment, or Jack having one fucking shot at the guests’ insistence (its a tough job…) that hurt NO ONE, and made the guests happy.

She’s a joke. Notice she didn’t insist Kyle tell Sandy how he was screaming at everyone. Not even after he was horrible to Jess.

So he’s screamed at, and attempted to intimidate three other crew members, but hey Tumi’s down. But, by God chef don’t have a shot at the END OF A LONG WORKDAY OF PREPARING THREE FABULOUS GOURMET MEALS …

She orders the room assignments, but doesn’t scold Kyle at all. And let’s remember, and I don’t mean to keep making this comparison, that Kyle is in her department, and Jack is not. So I’m just sayin!!!

She’s a fucking hypocrite, and she’s fucking incompetent at making good judgment calls. Clearly she was just pissed off and jealous that Jack was relaxing and chilling with the guests while she was still working. Which is idiotic. Jack busts his ass all day long, doing a difficult, and creative job, while Tumi cleans toilets and carries plates. So, do the math.

Not meaning to comment on Kyle’s weight, I feel like it’s the elephant in the room, no pun intended, but when they do those flashes, he has gained quite a bit of weight. Maybe that’s why he’s so cranky.

Dude, go to the gym. Stop screaming at people.

He and max bump into each other and have a chat and seemed to have smoothed things over. I’m honestly not sure how much of this with Kyle is alcohol, and how much is Kyle being himself.

A big part of their argument, was language barrier, they decide.

Kyle insists the whole issue is Nat. Which doesn’t even make any sense. It’s not cool for a dude to be acting this way towards a girl. I don’t care if he’s gay. Doesn’t make it okay.

Tumi calls Kyle’s behavior inexcusable, only after blaming Nat for interrupting.

So I guess Jess and Luka are officially an item, as they’re in bed together, but only cuddling. Tumi claims she’s ‘shook.’ Shook? Seems over the top. He was he just flirting with Nat? It seemed to me he was flirty with Jess all night? Also Nat has a boyfriend, sort of. Kind of like I had a boyfriend, sort of.

Yuck. I wanna throw up every time I think about it.

It’s morning now, and Tumi remembers she’s the Chief Stew. She checks in on Nat and makes sure she feels ‘safe.’

It’s crew day off, and Nat wants to join in a little later, so as not to cross paths with Kyle getting ready to go. I would think the one screaming at everyone the previous night, should maybe not be included in the excursion.

Max wants to stay back too, due to his argument with Kyle the previous night, and feels like he needs to chill, before he has to be around him.

No one wants to be around Kyle. How interesting. Tumi, don’t you think he should tell Sandy he’s succeeded in alienating two people on the boat? Actually Jessika too, but he managed to manipulate her into taking the blame.

Kyle is acting pretty fucking smug. He seems to think he’s untouchable.

Nat and Max decide to head out to join the gang.

As usual on the crew days off, their spots they get taken to are breathtaking. Max and Nat arrive, and Kyle promptly waddles his fat ass away. Tumi follows him and he bitches and whines up a storm to her. Remind me why he’s so mad at Nat?

Nat’s kind of right, that no one really is wanting involved with this, so she’s not being asked how she is, or whatever. She lays in on Jessika, who agrees she should have checked on her. Nat was a little harsh.

I think she’s just looking for some support, and everyone seems to be just looking the other way and acting like it’s okay, the way Kyle yelled at her. She leaves and goes back to the boat, and packs her suitcases.

I think it’s shitty of everyone to act like they want her to leave. But we’re okay with Kyle, who’s been completely belligerent with three of the crew so far. Also Nat is a far better worker, so I’m confused.

Tumi is honestly the ring leader her of the anti-Nat movement. I think she’s threatened by her.

If she wants to go, she can go.” She’s letting her personal feelings take precedence over what is best for the boat and the guests. That’s so unprofessional. Has she not noticed how Kyle tries everything to get out of working?? But Kyle is the one she wants to keep. Is she stupid or something? Kyle and Jess are not that strong of stews. So whatever, I think it will be funny if Nat leaves and Tumi realizes that she pushed the wrong stew out the door, when it comes to the acutal work.

She says they’ll be fine with three. (does she think this is her decision to make?) They even start discussing the new room arrangements with Nat gone.

Jack is very very bothered, and keeps trying to get someone to agree with him. While I don’t think anyone is really happy about it other than Kyle and Tumi, no one really seems to care. They have their own shit going on.

He decides to drink his feelings, to the point of not being able to stand. Tumi is just dancing and oblivious.

Kyle keeps expressing his sheer joy and elation about Nat leaving, and shit talking her to no end. It really is disturbing. Tumi’s attitude is similar.

He goes into her room and apologizes. This doesn’t seem to be an act, with Natalya, and she really is bothered and depressed over all of this, and hurt that no one seems to care. Nat’s really not the type to lie in bed all day, as we know.

Kyle tells her that now that they’re not IG friends, that means it’s super serious, and the friendship is really over.

Tumi and Kyle commiserate. Tumi wants to make make sure she’s still leaving. Wow, this girl is a dick.

This is just not typical behavior of a chief stew, is it?? It’s not. I don’t know why they’re turning these newish stews into chief stews before they have enough experience. It really shows.

She acts like she’s on his side, but makes fun of him in her yap, for thinking that he’s the victim.

It’s best that she leaves” and acts like it’s because she’s thinking of her ‘mental health.’

Kyle seriously needs to put some pants on. Dude, no one wants to see these thunder thighs.

We get kind of a graphic scene of Luka and Jess, when the blanket falls that they have draped over the top bunk. We don’t have to guess what’s happening in there.

Honestly I think Kyle has killed Max’s spirit. It’s just NOT COOL and NOT NORMAL to be slinging nasty insults at people. The kid has probably never been yelled at before like that. It really does rattle you. It’s not normal to be yelled at and belittled, and the people that do it, are not normal sane people.

Now he’s eluding that he wants to leave.

Nat meets with Sandy and fills her in Kyle’s treatment of Jess, Max and her.

I do have to kind of chuckle at Sandy referring to Kyle as bully. Let’s roll the tape Captain Creepy!!!

She says losing her will be bad for the interior going forward. Well, tell your chief stew that. She thinks it’s great.

Honestly what I would have done, is demote Tumi, fire Kyle, and make Nat chief stew. There. Done.

Kyle is fucking useless. He needs to go home and work out.

Did he really not realize he was going to have to answer to his behavior, once Nat resigned, and spoke to Sandy? And wasn’t Tumi worried this was making her look like she’s not handling her department?

I don’t think she said good-bye to Tumi. Kyle is still in fucking bed. So yeah, good job Tumi.

Sandy calls for Jack, and he gives a pretty good assessment of what all happened, and called Tumi and Kyle out on insecurity for being glad that she’s leaving. Perhaps they’re jealous and threatened.

I thought she’d be a little harder on Tumi, actually, especially after what Jack said. Kyle has to drag his lazy fat ass out of bed, because Sandy wants to see him now.

Max tells Luka that he too wants to leave.

Sandy rips Kyle a new ass. Is he getting fired? Hope so.

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