VPR Reunion Part 1 – 5/14/24 (part 2 recap)

Back to Brock for one second before we move on. The general panel consensus seems to be that being a good dad to Summer somehow ‘redeems’ him from being a shitty absentee dad to his older kids in Australia. No it doesn’t. How does him being a non-shitty superdad to the kid with his new bitch in the US cancel any of that out? If anything it’s such an insult and so offensive to his ex-wife and other two children. Like don’t worry guys, he’s a good dad NOW to his NEW daughter in bougee LA.

What ? Am I the only reasonable one around here?


Sandoval’s face when Ariana talks about her new dude is funny.

Bet he doesn’t measure up to the worm

When asked about either one of them relocating, it’s not sounding good. She drops being ‘bi-coastal’ as an option. It doesn’t seem to me to be a real relationship being on opposite sides of the country, but she seems to be happy and fine with it.

Kind of eliminates petty arguments when you’re not doing any type of day to day together, so that could be a plus. Unless of course he’s a spaz case mental freak that has an emotional meltdown if she can’t pick up the phone at any given second of the day, 5000 times a day. He seems pretty laid back to me.

Right now it’s kind of a pretend thing…

She talks about him like he’s kind of a hobby. His excuse for probably not relocating in the future is ‘his family is in New York.’ That’s kind of a lame excuse for a forty year old. His family as in his parents I’m assuming.

BlaBla seems to be all fucking ears as she’s responding to the Dan questions. She is very INTERESTED.

What about Dan? He’s not moving to LA??

Ariana gets asked if jumping into a new serious relationship a week and a half later has helped mourn the loss of her whatever with Sandoval.

I wish she would stop denying that she was with this new guy ten days later. They did indeed meet ten days after the Sandoval blow-out. She keeps correcting everyone. And she did indeed become involved in a relationship with him very shortly after meeting.

I didn’t GET with him ten days laterrrrrrrrr she corrects James.

It was elevennnnnn daysssssss Jamessssssss!!

I don’t think James meant had sex with him, if that’s her big correction. We don’t care when they had sex. We know she hates sex. The point is she claimed to be devastated, and even threatened suicide if he ended their relationship, so it just seems very curious. That’s the confusing part.

She did enter into a serious relationship very shortly after they broke up. Stop playing semantics. If she thinks it’s fine then why is she trying to twist words around and make corrections that are irrelevant. She’s trying to say it was ‘months.’

You were getting your weewee sucked downstairs.”

I love James.

This whole thing came up because we’re having a competition of who got into a relationship faster, James and Ally, or Ariana and Dan.

Who cares. Oh well at least it rendered that gem from James when he referenced Sandoval being in another relationship WHILE he was with Ariana. (So shut it about Ally.)

Dude, I didn’t get my weenie sucked downstairs, I got it sucked in the guest room.

Sandoval had a new girlfriend at the time of this filming, which he no longer has.

Claimed to not be a VPR wannabe. Okay.

Oh Jeez, if BlaBla has pregnancy brain that’s a problem.

James and BlaBla look really cute together in their pastels. They look like they’re going to the prom.


Is Lisa trying to turn TomTom into the new Pump? Probably.

She seems to have kind of a complex about having to close it when she discusses it.

I think because she doesn’t like to admit failure. It wasn’t profitable, clearly and made more sense to close. Just say that. She brags that it was still a success because it was open for ten years. She keeps blaming ‘the rent increase.’ She does sort of an LVP version of a hair flip. Clearly this bugs her.

Okay fine the food was terrible and there was no business!

If it was a profitable business, then it could withstand a rent increase, I would think. Just raise the prices. Thought that’s how that worked.

Ariana makes a bitchy “really?” comment under her breath in reference to her ten year comment. She’s harboring resentment towards Lisa for taking Sandoval’s side. I kind of can’t blame her. But she should probably shut it with that comment. I feel like SAH’s days are numbered. Neither one of them seem to be business people, and once the novelty wears off, who knows?

She shares how she thought of getting rid of the ‘TomTom’ name due to the scandal. She’s the dumb ass that built a restaurant around these two yutzes. Like what the fuck did she expect?

The sandwich girls get questioned on why it took another year after they originally said the shop was opening. Katie blames red tape and issues with the building.

LVP corrects that to Ariana being away, being the main culprit. I don’t know why Ariana was even needed. She doesn’t do shit, and it’s came to light here, thanks to BlaBla that she wasn’t even paying her share of the rent. What a fucking moocher. So she didn’t contribute to her household with Sandoval, and she ducked out on her rent in the Sandwich Shop. What is wrong with this girl? It makes me lose so much respect for her. Like open up your fucking checkbook bitch. Fuck me must be nice having your dudes pay for everything for you.

Ariana gets asked if BlaBla’s interaction and sudden confusing need to be friends with Sandoval bothered her and then says again as she shared on WWHL, that she did not watch the episodes, and that she respects that BlaBla was honest about it.

I really hate Scheana’s dress. Like of all the dresses. Such a hideious color, if that’s even a color.

All of this scrutinizing of the sudden forgiveness and dire need for a friendship with Sandoval by Scheana, and especially BlaBla is comical to me. Good thing I have such a great sense of humor. It all boils down to simply being told by production that this is an ensemble cast, it’s not the fucking BlaBla and Scheana show, so you all NEED to be friendly with Sandoval.

They knew they couldn’t crack Katie, they didn’t even try, but Scheana and BlaBla?? Please. They’re like little chihuahuas on their hind legs with their paws out at the ready to take their marching orders from Bravo. Because they have no integrity and have no problem being inauthentic for cash. None whatsoever.

BlaBla’s and Katie’s season tiffs becomes the subject. I’m not following their gibberish about BlaBla being friends with Scheana, and that’s why they were butting heads.

They were butting heads because Katie couldn’t wrap her head around why she was up Sandavol’s asshole.

She’s soft now Katie!! Remember??

Yeah she’s so ‘soft’ she starts fixing to throw you right under that bus as we see here. That soft thing was such a fucking joke. She sounded like a fucktard.

I didn’t call you a clown, I called you a moron.

I’m sure Katie did say that because I’m sure she does think BlaBla is a clown. BlaBla IS a clown.

This is a VPR forced friendship, which is fine. If you watch Housewives you’re used to those.

I love how Katie denies the ‘get rid of your lawyers’ part, but not the ‘get a therapist you’re a clown part.’

Can’t make this shit up.

Andy must be thinking the same thing. He asks “but did you call her a clown?”

Oh my God this is hilar! I love how James is loving listening to these bumbling fools. It’s sad when he looks like the normal one.

He’s had a pretty tame season. He gets to just sit back in his pink suit, and watch all of the silliness unfold that he knows he has nothing to do with.

So they revisit one of their arguments where BlaBla threatened and eluded to the fact that she had some dirt Katie might not want her to share.

She spills the tea. Apparently Katie had confided in her prior to filming, about her annoyance with Ariana just being Ariana, and not paying for her shit and leaving Katie to deal with SAH details and leg work herself. I guess LVP was in on this too, because she eluded to this earlier, being an issue.

Explain to me again why no one felt sorry for ME???

BlaBla makes the point that she’s mad she didn’t get the pity and attention that Ariana did for her bad breakup. We all know why that is. Everyone knows the reason for that except for BlaBla.

They bicker back and forth talking in riddles and no one knows what the fuck they’re talking about, other than there were some convos prior to filming that didn’t coincide with the actions during the shows.

BlaBla releases into the Bravoverse what she’s been dying to. She must feel so much better.

Katie told her she felt abandoned by Ariana in the shop opening venture, wasn’t paying the rent, and didn’t give her a heads up about Chicago. Katie tries really hard to back pedal but not sure it’s working. Feeling like she was not expecting this.

Ariana’s face is a little bit of an ‘oh shit’ moment. Guess she’s realizing Katie was bitching behind her back, and I don’t know, maybe she should pay her fucking bills and stop being such a moocher.

But Sandoval always paid everything for me

Ariana seems like she feels uncomfortable and knows there is truth to these accusations but is trying to act unbothered. Her face tells you she wasn’t paying her share. Come ON Ariana. You’re not a kept woman anymore. Grow the hell up. Learn how to pay a fucking bill! You’re almost FORTY!

Katie is upset she confided in BlaBla, which you can see.

Apparently another point of contention about this subject is that BlaBla wanted Katie to share all of this on the show, to make Ariana look bad, obviously, due to her blind jealousy of her. and Katie chose not to, which has BlaBla all cranked up.

BlaBla tells her “we’re truth tellers.” Okay whatever. Sick of that phrase too. So original.

BlaBla yells that Something About Her is ‘nothing about her’ and she supports her child on whatever the hell she does, her typical blablabla…

Katie looks a little – defeated. Shame on BlaBla, honestly this is fighting dirty.

I’ll never confide in that dumb bitch again.

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