Vanderpump Reunion Part 1 – 5/24/23

So this little sit down before the reunion with Ariana, Sandoval and Raquel is a little over the top and unnecessary.

Sandoval admits he started having ‘feelings’ for Raquel since the beginning of last year. That kind of makes sense, because there are some clips circulating around of them in backgrounds during filming being flirty. Him whispering in her ear, and her flipping her hair and looking coy.

So yay, their first hook-up was shortly after Raquel crashed ‘boys night’ when she left Nevada because Baloney and BlaBla were being fucking little cunty ho’s.

I think they had been communicating, and being flirty via text for a while now. Long before the actual affair began.

Andy is such a perv. He asks Sandoval – “did it get you off seeing Ariana and Raquel right up front while you were performing at BravoCon?”

Oh my God, No!!” So melodramatic – Nail-polished hands covering his face. So the actual answer is, yeah, it did.


I love when he does this voice quivering thing. Remember guys before getting cast on VPR, these kids (at the time) were all wannabe unemployed aspiring ‘actors.’ None of them are good at it, that’s why it’s so hilar when they try.

So here we go, BlaBla’s dress looks like dollar store gift wrap. Baloney is wearing a basic black maternity dress. Ariana is now dressing like a sultry sex kitten, even though the whole dang world knows that she despises having sex. A little false advertisement, but this red bandage number is a shit ton better than the chintzy black stripper thing she wore on WWHL the previous week.

Well, this is a little more tasteful than the stripper dress…

Sheana’s dress is pretty, but meh. LVP’s is hideous Isn’t she hot in that? It looks so heavy, and – heavy.

Sandy walks in last for a theatrical entrance.

Diving right in, as Andy puts it. Who all thinks Raquel did this restraining order thing, just for this purpose? So she didn’t have to be present the entire time of filming the reunion. This little snafoo certainly did make it a little less awkward for her. And they have her in a trailer watching it, and reacting. She looks like she’s watching a Disney movie, or cartoons.

I want to be just like Jasmine when I grow up…

No, Schwartz didn’t give one shit that he wasn’t sitting next to Baloney, and didn’t even notice. I don’t even feel like I need to drag him for that. She’s a miserable bitch that will never be happy with anyone ever. She chose a dude that’s a total people pleaser and wimp. Except he didn’t care about pleasing her. Here’s a question for the Baloney fans. Does she ever, like, smile??

Yes, I still need to take a shit…

They’ve been a fake couple the whole entire time. Much like Ariana and Sandoval as we’re seeing.

As we begin the discussion about Sandoval and Raquel, they flash that bizarre scene at LVP’s when Ken, not an actor, nor does he play one on TV, suddenly pops into the kitchen, and announces to Lisa in front of Katie,who was there experimenting sandwiches (I think) “I can’t belieeeeve that Raquel stayed at Sandoval’s when Ariana was out of town.” The dude’s like 80. Like he give two flying fucks who’s banging who.

Clearly LVP knew what the hell was happening very early on. It wasn’t really that difficult to comprehend. Especially given Sandoval’s history.

How am I doing?? Am I convincing??

Didn’t really seem like they were being that sneaky about it. Or at all sneaky. Hanging out together at parties and dance clubs, and having sleep overs.

Sandoval is given the opportunity to speak, and starts quivering his voice, and **says*** “I just want to thank everyone…” like he’ accepting a fucking Oscar or something. It doesn’t last long before everyone is pissed off, and tells him to knock it off.

Which he does, very easily. James mocks him and calls him pussy.

None of this was MY fault at all. It’s Andy’s actually.

‘Victim blaming.’ I’m guessing this is a new buzz phrase too. Meaning Sandoval is blaming her for him fucking Raquel, because she was ignoring him and wasn’t having sex with him, etc etc.

Okay, fine I’ll stop the bad acting! I was practicing that though!

Well how nice it has a name now. When my ex-husband was cheating on me, which I discovered, and promptly kicked him out of our house, and divorced him (none of this living in the same house fucking nonsense, or not immediately divorcing) he kept telling me it was because I wasn’t paying enough attention to him.

But as everyone is pointing out to Sandoval, then why not break it off? Why did my husband not ask me for a divorce if he wanted to date?? I would have actually been so happy. And not fought him one iota.

That’s the issue. And in my case, by the way, the reason I ignored him much of the time was because he was a fucking narcissistic mean horrible piece of abusive shit. Oh, sorry I wasn’t ‘paying attention to you.’ Wow, what a prick.

And back to them living together, at the time of filming this, I don’t get that at all. These people are making like 25g per episode, I think I saw. So neither one of them could get a damned little apartment? And they’re paying people in the house to “run interference.?” But Sandoval can’t afford a small apartment?

I think they purposely stay under the same roof for the extra drama. These people can afford their own place. There is no way I could have lived in the house with my ex when I found out about all of his cheating. He would have been following me around non-stop begging me to forgive him (instead of texting and emailing constantly.) And this thing BlaBla said, which I hate to say made sense, that when she was still in his house when she found out what Randall was up to, that he ever wouldn’t leave the house, even though he was never home previously, since he was busy leading his double life. I could so see my ex doing that if we were trying to coexist under one roof. And he was NEVER fucking home. NEVER. Well he had like sixteen girlfriends so, that is very time-consuming. Give him a break.

And this too while I’m on the subject. I just cannot with BlaBla calling other people a narcissist. Has she ever actually looked up the definition of a narcissist? It doesn’t sound familiar to her? I will say it is unusual for two narcs to be in a relationship together. (BlaBla and Randall)

And Sandoval and BlaBla also don’t fit the classic bill because they’re not that bright. Narcissists are usually somewhat intelligent. They need to be, to be sneaky and shrewd, to enable them to pull the shit off that they do.

She gets all on her high horse, because she’s comparing him to Randall, and I do see that comparison.

She does her usual finger pointing (also a narc trait) at Sandoval and refers to him as dangerous.

LVP intervenes with “don’t call him dangerous, he’s not dangerous” But again I might agree with BlaBla on this. A dude that’s a chronic cheater, user and manipulator of women can be dangerous. If he is capable of doing what he did to Ariana, night after night after night, and convincing a very young naive Raquel that it was okay, that is a human with some serious issues.

I just have a problem with BlaBla pointing this out because she’s also a user and manipulator. No one can convince me that she was not using Randall, and planned to leave him in a few years, since she had her little bundle of cash. Of course she thought he had more money than he had. Kind of funny. Broke and playing her, just sad there is now a child involved. It’s probably a good thing that Ocean is always with her mom.

The reason why she’s so angry you ask?? Because she thought she was the player, and all along she was being played. That’s why I find it so difficult to feel sorry for her. And she’s always been angry, if you’ve noticed, as opposed to being sad and hurt.

LVP points out, what he did is a little worse than what the others have done, but do they really have a leg to stand on when it comes to judgment??

Andy addresses Ariana, asking if not spending quality time together is what caused the divide? She says – no, it was him fucking other people. So what we have to keep in perspective, is that while Ariana seems like she was sort of taking him for granted, and not being a great partner, that doesn’t give excuse him to cheat. It means the person that wants out of the relationship, which was Tom, should have packed his shit, and moved out of the house.

Not this “ohhhh I told her I wanted to break up and she didn’t listen — I tried to tell her.”

No, if your are truly unhappy, and there were no children involved here, making it much easier, and these people make plenty of fucking money to afford an apartment, there is no fucking excuse to sneak and fuck around. He made the choices that he made. Period.

I like how James tries to make this shit about him. We all know damned well he’s just pissed because he still feels territorial over Raquel. He doesn’t give two shits that he cheated on Ariana.

These two twats get into it about whether or not they’re ‘brothers’ to each other. This is really what we’re doing?

Ariana is sitting here like, what about me, thought this was all about me?? With these commercials I’ve been seeing, I think she’s doing just fine. All she had to do to make bank is to NOT have sex with Sandoval. Don’t we all wish coming out of a bad break-up and/or getting cheated on, we were getting endorsements and loved and praised by the world simply for existing??

I don’t mean to throw shade on Ariana, but let’s be real. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to her. Kristen is probably so pissed off she didn’t get all of these endorsements, attention and accolades when he cheated on her with Ariana.

Ariana should be throwing her a bone or two from all of her new additional income.

I’m kind of at a loss for words, when Kennedy and Sandoval start pretending like they’re going to brawl. So embarrassing. James uses the excuses that when he boned Kristen, he was only 21. To me that’s a lame excuse. 21 is an adult. Not to mention, the dude still acts the exact same as he did ten years ago. Sit your skinny ass the fuck down. I could kick your ass. Andy trying to wrangle him away is even funnier. I’ve never seen a group of dudes more incapable of a physical altercation in my life. Andy’s poor little cards got all screwed up.

Don’t beat up Sandoval, please don’t, whatever you do.

Get in my face again I’ll fuck you up.

James proceeds to get in his face again, and he just sat there. So THIS is entertainment. These douches are so much better at entertaining when they’re not even trying.

James says he’s way more something than Sandoval? I didn’t catch the word and played it three times. Way more incapable of throwing a punch?? Way more of a pussy?? Scheana actually turned out to be the bad ass here, sorry to say, and she won’t even take credit for it.

He started it.” James to Andy.

You stay in your seat Mister, or NO milk and cookies for you!

Sandoval keeps slicking back his stupid hair which is getting so flipping annoying.

BlaBla tells him “we live in the here and now, stop bringing up that James fucked Kristen.” Okay, so for a second I was going to be in agreement with her, which I hate, but then I realized you know, he’s justified in bringing that up, because it points out hypocrisy. It comes off as deflecting, and maybe it is a little, but is also shows hypocrisy. Which I think Sandoval is entitled to point out. Sorry.

So either Schwartz was not properly coached, or he just don’t give two fucks no more, but he admits that he knew right from the beginning, which is end of August/beginning of September that he was banging Raquel. Sandoval was trying to sell (which we all knew was a lie anyway) that Schwartz didn’t know anything until January.

We talked about this, dude.

Sandoval tries his best to get him to back peddle, but Schwartz isn’t having it. Yeah it was late August.” What the hell does he care at this point. Someone is finally growing a pair.

The group ridicules them. Yeah they sound like a couple of fucktards. And why the hell do they keep referring to the initial hook-up as a “one night stand??” First of all, I thought a ‘one night stand’ was hooking up with someone you don’t know, and never see again??

Second of all, it wasn’t a fucking ‘one night stand’ because they continued having sex!

Just because there was a small gap between the initial hook-up, and when they really got into, does not make that phrase logical.

Do we really care why Katie dumped Schwartz?? We know. Here we go with Katie ordering Tom who he can, and cannot bang, all the while she’s already banging randies two seconds after she asked for a divorce, and I think even before.

Baloney drones on about nothing. Noth – ING. Shut up Baloney. You knew what you were getting. You brawl beat this poor wimpy-no-spine-whatsoever dude into proposing to you. To please you, he does. They weren’t even intimate or attracted to each other then, nor enjoyed each other’s company, and she expected this to NOT be a shit show??

Schwartz cannot kiss, have sex or talk to another woman, EVER! Because I said so!

And this whole ‘friends’ thing. YAAA-AWWWNNNNNN. NO ONE cares if they’re fake ‘friends’ or not. Schwartz points out the ‘richness’ of her hooking up while they were still living together, yet he can’t share a kiss with someone, (I know -SHE WAS IN THE GROUP BOO FUCKING-HOO) like seven months later. Katie is a dick. Schwartz flips the scenario around and asks Baloney if he would have a leg to stand on. Ariana looks like she agrees with him, but she’s so ride or die with Katie, she can’t verbally agree.

Her dress is so awful. Does she not know this style of dress adds like at least thirty pounds to someone who does not want thirty LB’s added to her, I’m sure. I can’t even take her seriously sitting there wearing that. Well, I can’t take her seriously anyway.

They bring up this Jo chick that Schwartz was also not permitted to hang out with, who wasn’t part of the ‘friend group.’ She is/was friends with Kristen, who hasn’t been part of the group or on the show for like five years. Baloney was embarrassing herself on social media, and when that gets pointed out, all she has to say in her defense is “I’ll say what I want.”

So that’s the long and short of it with Katie Baloney. She’ll say and do what she wants, and thinks she can dictate to woosy Schwartz, whom she is divorcing, people that he can and cannot see.

You all want to sit here and point the ‘shame shame shame – you’re such narcissist’ finger at Sandoval, and I don’t disagree, but please give Katie Baloney credit where credit is due. She’s for sure on the spectrum as well.

Baloney is nice enough to let Schwartz talk for thirty seconds about this Jo, and why they were together, that they were there for each other after both coming out of relationships.

Well Baloney isn’t having this, and refers to her as a creep and “no one likes her.” And apparently in true psycho Baloney fashion, she has been posting vile things about her on social media.

Simply because Schwartz was seeing her. They flash a very disturbing Twitter post of Baloney’s. This chick is disturbed. She should probably shut up about Raquel. She wil light her on FIRE??? Who talks like this ?? This is to a chick that was dating the dude she is divorcing, several months into their separtion.

This is one crazy and unstable fucking biatch.

Schwaetz says this girl is about to file a cease and desist if she doesn’t knock it off.

This turns into a big old brawl about whether or not Schwartz, Jo, Sandoval and Raquel went on a double date in Big Bear. They deny it. Sandoval looks kind of guilty. They probably did.

They discuss the Schwartz & Sandy’s ‘boycott’ when the news first broke, but insists things are now fine, and business is good. BlaBla even said the food is good, and when do you ever hear this ho doling out a compliment?? It must be pretty good.

Oh My God, this childish banter about Ariana cutting off all ties with anyone talking to Sandoval. And she already fucking said, that didn’t include Lisa. Duh- uh.

She needs to keep Lisa on her good side, mostly due to the sandwich shop, I’m sure, in the event she needs her. Ariana said she won’t be as close with her, and this is common sense, and it goes on longer than needed. Also who cares. We needed a moment to make it about LVP, and I don’t even get why she’s sitting here honestly. No one even works at Sur anymore except for Raquel.

Then we get into BlaBla/Baloney/Scheana dynamic, since Scheana doesn’t get a long with Baloney, but BlaBla is friends with both of them.

Not cool of BlaBla to ditch most of Scheana’s wedding festies to coddle Baloney because of ‘the kiss.’ So fucking beyond stupid.

And yes, Scheana regrets wanting Raquel and Schwartz to hook up. Honestly she probably felt bad for the poor dude. He hasn’t been laid in like five years at least. I don’t even think his cheating episodes were the full-on deed, just a little making out, but I could be wrong.

I just wanted him to experience someone that’s NOT always constipated…

BlaBla doesn’t consider herself a bully when Scheana brings up how she was getting bullied around by BlaBla and Baloney, previously.

So she pipes in with her typical BlaBla words of non-wisdom complete with her fucking bony finger pointing that makes me wish someone would break it off her hand (sorry that’s harsh, but I do) that “this isn’t pre-K, it’s Bravo.”

Pre-K? Right, it’s not four and five year old’s, which makes it even more alarming that a 31 year old woman, a mom even, is a bully.

BlaBla doesn’t know adults do still bully, sadly. Sandoval nicely lets her know she makes no sense and she actually is a one. Of course Sandoval is getting discredited on everything he says, because he’s Sandoval.

BlaBla IS a bully and that’s the bottom line on that. She bullied the shit out of Raquel on this past season, and previous seasons. Bullied Charly around last season, bullied Scheana around in the past (along with Old/New and Baloney.) And yes I know – Raquel did a, b and c, I get that, but BlaBla is NO ONE to judge any chick for doing anything morally irresponsible. I like how she goes into full-blown bully mode to reasure Sandy that she’s not a bully. You cannot make this shit up.

I don’t know what would make you call me a bully!!! I’m nice as fuck !!!

Sandoval accuses BlaBla of using Raquel as a scapegoat, for her new ‘Queen LaLa knew it all along’ campaign that she’s been on, and makes a sort of a powerfully true statement that is accurate, when BlaBla refers to Sandoval as ‘moves like a snake.’

Takes one to know one I guess. True dat.

I know, I hate this dude too, but, again I really can’t with this moral compass crap from BlaBla, or take her seriously when she gets all up on her soapbox.

LVP lets her know that she has aggressive and ‘doesn’t play well with others’ issues. But like Baloney can ‘say what she wants’ BlaBla can do and say whatever the hell she wants.

James storms off again.

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