Vanderpump 3/8/23

Seriously, does anyone seriously watch a Scheana and Brock YouTube channel? Can you even imagine living your life like this as a couple? It seems so phony and ridiculous. Like being ‘filmed’ for three straight months by a camera crew STILL isn’t enough? And it’s Brock and Scheana. No one cares.

Our fans NEED us!!!!

When they start rock climbing, Brock has the sheer nerve to just sit there and act normal, without a camera in his hands, and she says “are you vlogging me?? Don’t just sit there and watch!”

How dare he?

I can’t.

Like how do these people just interact with each other like normal? I’m sure they don’t know how.

Girls’ trip to Vegas, being planned, and Scheana will not be attending due to the tension between her and Katie.

Just like I wouldn’t miss tag lines on Housewives, I also don’t think I would miss these never-ending girls’ trips that are getting so fucking predictable.

Knowing what we know now, watching the Rachel scenes and everyone talking about her, and how she is so blameless in the fake Schwartz thing, is it funny or sad?

Katie tells whats-her-name that Rachel is still invited to Vegas, and she really loves her, and everything is Scheana’s fault.

LVP’s grandson – what is there to say?? Where do you begin, to even describe the level of this baby’s cuteness??


At this point it’s ridiculous the Tom’s don’t have the menu and drinks squared away. They’ve had over a year to sit down and do that while the place was being renovated. It honestly shouldn’t be that hard. This isn’t exactly Tavern on the Green. It would take me like one day to have like 10 cocktails, and a basic upscale bar menu done for these losers.

Ken and Lisa discuss how to help them, without actually getting involved.

James and this new chick he has managed to lasso, meet his mom for lunch. They immediately talk about Rachel. His mom compares how they met, to how James and Rachel met, and it’s exactly the same scenario. “It’s not organic.” She says of James and Rachel.

Organically meeting my son, is the only way to goIt’s so – organic.

Is it wise to be drinking again?” she asks him.

James’ little ‘wise’ bit he goes on, in his yap is actually really funny.

He really should not be drinking. And his reasoning for going back to it, is really because Rachel had given him the ultimatum to stop or she would break up with him.

Which is kind of the equivalent of just undoing a plan or policy that works, just because you’re pissed at the person whose idea it was. It seems really childish.

So who all thinks that S&S is completely doomed with the Rachel and Sandy scandal?

LVP offers to give them their investment back in TomTom to help with this endeavor, with option to buy back in.

Sandy shares in his yap, that just being offered their initial investment after working there for four years doesn’t seem fair. But, they wouldn’t even be faced with this shit offer if they had their shit together. So, there is that.

Tired of listening to the discussion of Rachel hitting up Schwartz. So freaking over the phrase ‘make out’ between a bunch of 40 year-olds.

The intelligence, or maybe intuitive prize goes to this new chick, Kristina, the new, old friend of Katie’s, for sharing that she ain’t buyin Rachel’s sweet and innocent act that she’s been selling us for five years. Well wasn’t somebody ahead of her time?

Has it occurred to anyone here that she knows exactly what she’s doing?

Give this girl a full time Pump Rules job, and twice what the other losers are getting paid.

In her yap: “Everyone treats her like a baby, and it’s a huge insult to babies.” I mean, girl. Did she see something we didn’t, or was she on to something??

Lala and Rachel have a visit, and Lala admits that she and Randall fought all of the time. That’s kind of new info right? She totally put up a front of this picture perfect romance. Especially last season. I don’t think they were even filmed arguing. Lala was filmed a lot handing her baby off to staff, I do remember that. I guess when she ditched him, she had to figure out how to care for her baby.

Lala is hitting it hard wanting us to feel sorry for her, and I just – don’t. At all. And I won’t bore you with why. For obvious reasons that I have already shared.

I consider myself a pretty smart person, but how did I get here??”

Okay so I was really trying to let this all go and move on, but she’s making it so hard. Money, Lauren. Money is “how you got here.” You wanted money, and all the cute little things that money buys. Stop with these croc tears. STAAAOP.

She talks about the decline in their sex life when she got sober. Which no one wants to hear, we just don’t want to picture that. And why is she wearing sweat suits non-stop?

James is a little firecracker with the confessionals this season, right? Now Schwartz is getting roasted for “his marriage failing after he was given an ultimatum.” And being slightly heavier living in his crappy apartment. It was funnier when he said it.

He’s not wrong.

Ariana leaves Vegas, because Charlotte is having more seizures and it’s not looking good. So why would she leave her elderly dog, with the most immature self-centered man child on the fucking planet, who had JUST had a seizure? (the dog, not Tom, unfortunately)

None of these girls are smart, with the exception of this Kristina. She’s my new favorite.

Their server in Vegas at Lisa’s restaurant is none other that Oliver, Garcelle’s son. So when this was all the buzz six months ago, or whenever filming was, they were making this huge issue out of him and Rachel hooking up, because Oliver is married. However, he shares that he’s newly separated. Which is kind of sad since he hasn’t even been married that long, and has a baby with her. I thought there was some other Oliver scandal that went with this, but I forget what it was.

I didn’t realize how much he looks like Garcelle until now. Lala and Raquel are immediately frothing at the mouth over him and later do this, “no you take him, no I don’t want to step on your toes, you take him” annoying thing. Ultimately, Rachel wins, but Lala has to make it known that “if she wanted him she could’ve had him.” It’s so Lala.

Oliver has no recollection of previously meeting her, and she tries to play it off that she doesn’t care.

Meanwhile Rachel is like ready to pounce on this dude. Like girl, play it a little COOL.

Hang it up Lala, he’s mine!!

So, sounds like Katie and Ariana are still trying to do this sandwich shop and of course, LVP knows of a spot available right near SUR. I feel like the VP kids need to move on from the bar/restaurant business. Does anyone else feel like that? It’s just going to come off as competing with Schwartz and Sandoval. Why don’t they get involved in TomTom, Pump or SUR, in some sort of leadership/management roles with their bar and restaurant experience?? Okay maybe not TomTom, unless Toms relinquish all involvement in it. It would be kind of funny though, having the ex’s run the show.

You know if LVP is poking her nose in this sandwich thing, she’s going to be putting up most of the money, so it’s like they’re working for Lisa anyway. Since Randall ‘investing’ didn’t really pan out. What a joke that was. Remember how they all like worshiped the ground he walked on, because they thought he was so loaded and important??

Rachel loves so much to keep repeating, “Scheana put the idea in my head.” LVP is the first to call BS on that to her face, and tells her to take responsibility. All of a sudden she is then admitting it’s not really Scheana’s fault.

So Oliver arrives at Disco Pussy and Lala and Rachel are shamelessly competing for his attention. Lala seems to have the upper hand for a few when they bond over both having a child around the same age.

Okay, I’m mad bored with the baby pictures…

It’s almost like you can hear the sports announcer giving he play-by-play progress in the background. You can tell Rachel is getting annoyed. She can’t compete with the baby pix .

I, for real thought this had to be a fucking joke when Katie and Kristina start hitting up these two losers alone at the bar, that look like the nerdiest dorkiest guys I have ever seen, that are trying so hard to be cool. They even look exactly alike, are they twins??

Tequila. Lots of tequila.

I guess if they wanted to hit on some dudes at the bar, this was as good as it gets, since it looks like these two are literally, the only dudes at the bar.

Is Katie THIS fucking desperate? This is sad to me. Pathetic and sad. He asks her what she wants to drink.

Tequila.” That’s a bad idea. We all know about tequila Katie. But I do see that you would want to be completely blacked out to get with this dork. I am so embarrassed for her right now.

Lala and Rachel have this convo of who’s goin for Oliver. Is anyone asking him if he has a preference. Just putting that out there.

Stop putting in my head that I like Oliver!!

Katie brags in her yap about accomplishing “talking to cute guys.”

What is happening? This is reminding me of Shallow Hal. Did she get hypnotized by Tony Robbins in the elevator?? Does she really think this guy is cute??

Even their convo is excruciating. Somebody please help this poor girl. I don’t even think she’s drunk. I thought this Kristina chick was sensible?? Why isn’t she hauling Katie away from this?? Oh my God as IF it could get any worse.

Wow your tats are so HOT!!!!

I’ll give you my number if you’d like.” Isn’t the guy supposed to ask for that? Katie, I’m so confused.

And the winner is, Raquel. I mean, Rachel.

Narcissist Lauren can’t deal with the fact that he liked Rachel, and not her.

I’m always a winner.” Yes, Lala you ‘win.’

I think your vibrator is waiting.

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