Vanderpump 1/18/22

Raquel says that she can’ t imagine what their wedding will look like.

It will look like Raquel, coming to her senses, packing her shit, and saying sayonara asshole !! I deserve better. (I know she’s so sweet, she probably didn’t say that, but I’m sure was thinking it)

They’re going out on a boat at the engagement event. Couldn’t Lala take her leather jacket off that she’s complaining she’s too hot in?

I can’t with Sandy and this freaking purse – the only GOOD thing about this look is that he’s not holding a Coors Light. He really needs to be holding a cosmo right now to complete this look.

Dude, watcha got in your murse ??? Can i have some gum? Or a gummie?

I consider myself open minded and fashion forward, but I literally could not be with a dude carrying a purse. (a cross-body, no less!) Kudos to Ariana if she’s ok with this. Me personally, I wouldn’t like the competition.

Scheana, (‘Thank you Jesus!!’) says she doesn’t want to go through with the ‘wedding’ at the engagement party.

Why would you want your marriage ceremony to be done in a sketchy way? I’m glad she stood up and was like “this is fucked up.”

Like it or not Brock can be KIND OF cool. You have to admit the accent, and he sells himself …

I guess that’s how he landed Scheana. But there are a lot of things that about his behavior that are red flags. Women in general need to pay attention (myself included) to things that just don’t seem right.

The issue with his ex and his kids, tendency to expect people to pay for things for you, ‘borrowing’ money from Scheana… I don’t want to be negative but, I’m a little skeptical this will last.

Lisa plans a private picnic for James and Raquel after horseback riding,

She doesn’t want him to screw this up. Too late. By the time this scene was filmed, his nail was already in the coffin, as far as Raquel is concerned. Once she started watching his behavior play out on screen, I think is what did him in,

While James and Raquel are picnicking, (which I guess was staged for the announcement…) Brock and Scheana announce their engagement to the rest of the crew. Also they go into sordid detail about the now defunct plan to marry on the property in secret. Sandoval looks uncomfortable AF.

Not to take the attention away from James and Raquel, but we ‘re engaged too BITCHES !!!

All of the looks on everyone’s face, is like, shut up now! But they do manage to express some good wishes to them.

Oh my freaking God…

They maintain they do not wish to steal their thunder, and make it about “them.” Not sure if the announcement is really officially ‘stealing their thunder’ if James and Raquel aren’t present? Maybe stealing a couple of the rain drops? I don’t know. I’m sure everyone has mixed feelings about it.

Raquel’s dad is making an appearance. James asked for her dad’s blessing. The dad didn’t make it easy, Good for you Dad. I remember when the season started he was recapping to one of the guys, the “asking for her dad’s blessing” ritual, and it was quite uncomfortable.

Raquel is making a speech during the party. I hate public speaking too. So I do get it. James is helping her in the background, which I guess is a little odd. I would have myself just made notes to glance at. I think it was her prepared remarks, so it wasn’t like he was telling her what to say. But I . guess it did kind of appear that way. Well either way, she looks stunning!

He had me at the accent!!!
Not sure about James’ mom’s dress –I like it, may be more suitable for Raquel.
LOVE Buttons’ daisy top !!!

Ariana says, It’s official that Randall wants to pony up $150g for the sandwich-less (but there IS bread!! – ‘Let them have bread!!’) sandwich shop. I think the Toms disclosed on WWHL last night that since the messy break-up, Randall is no longer involved. That’s probably good. I found info online that appears they’re still in the planning stages of the sandwich shop.

Lala is clearly bored, and finds it necessary to let James know of the planned, but not executed, wedding ceremony that was to be on the Hotel/Winery property. James goes a little cracra. Could have been worse. This is James. But he’s pissed at Brock, keeps repeating he spent “thousands” for the weekend, and tells him to leave. Scheana and Lala argue. Brock and James argue.

Lala: My work here is done.

Ariana and Lala argue, and continue to act like two teenagers mad at each other over something stupid, like “liking” a post.

I’ll teach you hot to be cool.” “I was BORN cool.” Yes you heard that right. Yes these are 36 and 31 year old women.

Having said that, I did like Ariana calling Lala out on her sketchy motives for disclosing this to James during the event.

How much did you spend again James ?? Thousands????

Friendly reminder — Lala is the one that did this. She defends herself by saying she has James’ back, and he needed to know. Stupid.

Scheana to Brock: “am I kicked out too ?”

I don’t want to sound all 1970’s Tammy Wynette here but she was part of this fiasco too, and she should have gone with him.

So this was the finale, and I can’t imagine too many viewers out there are upset it’s over.

Now we have the reunion. Hopefully NOT four parts !!

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