Here we go, Part 3 of the Mia is a trashy mom show.
I can’t fathom why these ladies chose these painful-looking dresses.
Was this all the same designer? Were they paid to wear these beaded itchy disasters? I’ll have to look into that.
Ashley’s and Wendy’s look the most painful. And there was even a shot of Ashley adjusting hers and making an awful face as the pointer corner stabbed into her armpit.
So we wrapped up last week with Eddie texting Wendy from the back that he had called TJ, and a ‘bomb’ was dropped. Not to brag, but I was right in my prediction as to what the ‘bomb’ was.
This all seemed a bit ‘produced.’ Like why was Eddie so dressed up if the guys weren’t officially making an appearance? Unless they decided to cut it out.
To be fair, the only official significant others to all of the ladies are Eddie and sadly, Greg.
Mia had walked off after Gizelle called her a terrible mother, muttering “not my kids.” She legit does not get it. It’s actually sad.
She’s in the back making a whole big scene, literally, and stomping around promising us that she’s leaving. Did anyone care she was bolting? Didn’t really think so.
Okay so I just caught that Andy tells them “no guys” meaning they must’ve changed their mind about having Eddie and Beady Eyes on the stage. Pretty sure the latter is incredibly relieved so he didn’t have to answer to his sexist and atrocious behavior.
I don’t know why TJ was invited anyway. They’re not together.
Eddie and TJ being friends, still don’t buy it. I’m going to repeat my point from last week: Wendy made him deny he even knew Nneka’s husband from college, who is actually a cool normal guy, yet he was allowed to be friends with this freak show.
Make it make sense Wendy!! I’m waiting. Drop me a line!
Okay so the call to TJ was done when Eddie had cameras in his face, so come on. But let’s just go with it. Let’s go with Eddie was so concerned as to why the ever so annoying TJ was not present (even though he knew he and Stacey were broken up.)
Wendy delivers her lines that TJ told Eddie Stacey she paid him to be her ‘love interest.’ And he is owed money.
Stacey initially accuses Eddie of making it up. Andy frantically tries to see if they can role the footage. It seems like it shouldn’t be that complicated, but apparently it is.
No one believes Stacey, and I have to admit I didn’t really either. But when she was on WWHL, I think I’m leaning towards believing her. She seemed more confident then she was at the reunion.
They all urge her to call him right then and there, which she refuses, so that didn’t look promising.
You do have to see Stacey’s point that they couldn’t stop picking at this guy all season (which was deserved.) NO ONE was a TJ fan, but now here they all are
vehemently siding with him, and assuming Stacey is lying.
I’m assuming he just wanted to squeeze out the last 15 seconds of his 15 minutes of fame.
There’s a big technical difficulty in rolling the footage since the camera that was used is following Mia around the back who’s leaving because you know “not my kids…”
Okay Mia you numb skull, you’re right, it’s YOU, NOT YOUR KIDS. YOU are the problem. The ladies are concerned for your kids. NOT YOU.
She can piss and moan all she wants, she did this. She chose to put confusion of the paternity of her child, a CHILD, on national TV. It’s as simple as that. And shame on Gordon for allowing it. And Bravo.
She’s looking like such a smacked ass at this reunion. She should have done a Karen and chickened out. It’s so frustrating to watch her acting so nonchalant over this.
This ‘best friend’ bit of Stacey’s with TJ is so Scheana on VPR. Remember all of her love interests that she was trying to reel in, were her ‘best friends.’
Stacey keeps begging to see the footage, which for me, made it seem as if it was not true.
These girls are going HARD with this TJ shit. Andy is loving in. Still can’t get pictures. I can’t watch on my computer still, I keep getting this fucking error: ‘Error # 232404 can’t play video.’ I’ve tried so many things to fix it. I’m over it.
Eddie is rolled out in his waiter outfit to spill the tea. He basically repeats what we already heard from Wendy. Did we really need him? Did we need everyone chanting “bring Eddie out!?” No.
What ARE we going to do? TJ is never coming to DC again!
Eddie claims he said Stacey pays/paid/still needs to pay him.
In ‘reality’ it seems he’s salty that people were calling him gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but you know he just didn’t come off exactly masculine.
And dammit he WAS into the trainer, and NOT into Stacey. He needs to just come clean. Or come out of the closet,
Now we’re not sure if he told Eddie that Stacey owes him money for being on the show pretending to be her boyfriend/best friend/whatever the hell.
Wendy please drop it. She is so invested in this. They all are, actually.
They get the news from production that “Mia has left the building!”
Okay trailer trash, byeeeeeeee!! Don’t let the door hit ya inyour big ass.
I don’t know what this ‘tape’ is supposed to prove. We’re pretty sure Eddie is not making it up.
So he calls her ‘whack’ and says “she’s paying me to do the show man!!”
Why is everyone acting like just because he said it, it makes it true.
Ya know ‘cause dudes don’t lie.
The ladies will just not let this die. They press her about text messages or ‘receipts’ being in existence.
I’m sorry I feel for her, because if she’s getting accused of something she did not do, that IS frustrating. It’s very very very very frustrating.
And then when the said accuser won’t retract her statements, and can’t even be bothered to rectify the trouble she caused with her lies, it’s pretty disgusting and sinister actually. But what do you expect from an ‘atheist.’
Why on earth would someone want to walk around and admit that? I can see saying you’re not religious, but referring to yourself as an ‘atheist’ is so hardcore fucking pathetic and underscores what a heartless piece of shit you actually are.
So we’re done with that, and back to Karen again. We learn if you hadn’t already heard, that she was offered two plea deals: Six months in jail or one year house arrest. She refused both because that meant she would have to plead guilty. Narcissists typically can’t say they did anything wrong.
So I had heard rumblings of this as well, that t here was someone in the car with her when she wrapped it around a tree. A man of course. She was with a man that night, duhhhhh. Why Ray stays with her, I do not know. That shit is humiliating. She’s been making a fool out of him for years.
They roll body cam footage where Ray is making excuses for her (dude she had more than “a few beers.” Jesus. She mutters to Ray that someone jumped out of the car and something about ‘security.’
So long story short, she was banging the hired help again. ‘Blue Eyes’ was her driver.
And why does she need ‘security?’ She isn’t a celebrity. I know she thinks she is but she’s not. I think Ray gets someone to follow her around all night as more of a babysitter than security. And he probably tells him he doesn’t care what she does.
Okay so this video of Karen and Ray having this very rehearsed conversation is cringy and I’m embarrassed for them.
Yes as Gizelle says they cover all of the bases, all of the accusations. Her excessive drinking, her cheating, these supposed anti-depressants and her insistence that they are the issue, her parents’ death being the cause of her excessive drinking, even though she’s had two or three of her DUI’s before they passed away.
It’s just so inauthentic. And Karen looks terrible, although she looks she she tried really hard to look effortlessly glamorous and relaxed. There’s a lot of makeup happening.
She doesn’t even look like herself.
I called bullshit on this scene when she was laying there reading a book.
She announces to Ray, but more so to viewers of course, that she didn’t watch the tapes. I guess she’s wanting to point that out, because everyone is flabbergasted that she still took this shit to trial.
This is hard to watch. It’s sweet that Ray defends her and makes excuses for her but this is her FOURTH DUI since they’ve been together. I mean he’s STILL okay with it, and ‘it is what it is?’
Well she admits she was blacked out. I guess that’s progress.
And here’s the poor parents dying excuse. What kind of person do you have to be to continue with this lie?
Okay so starts lying her ass of about being at a “friend’s” and opened a Stella, changed her mind, then decided on champs. But oh FORGOT that she had taken these anti-depressants.
“I never drank and drive.”
But somehow she had three previous DUI’s. Is this chick for real?
And now the claim that she wasn’t fucking ‘Blue Eyes.’
They look like bumbling fools.
Ashley and Gizelle want it turned off.
She keeps referring to herself as ‘self-medicating’ and not being just regular old drunk.
Ray drops a stat as to how many car accidents there are per year. Okay thanks for that Ray. It must suck to have to cover for your wife’s embarrassing behavior and lie on her behalf. That must REALLY SUCK.
I mean she even told the fucking cop she was lit. I can’t with this broad.
Not the “I’m the not Grande Dame” anymore thing. Does she realize that was a joke? Gizelle called her that years ago to be funny.
I used to be called ‘Princess’ at my job years ago. I did understand I wasn’t really a Princess. It’s called a nick name. Karen took it entirely too literally and seriously.
The bottom line is, this is what, the third fucking video we’ve suffered through in place of her presence at the reunion, in which she still fails to take complete accountability. Just say you were out partying with some dude, and got behind the wheel. That’s it. This litany of excuses is sad and getting old.
I thought it was funny that Ashley took the train to New York.
Anyway not surprising she chats up the dude across from her. She’s Ashley. So this dude happened to work at a mall bar where Karen used to frequent and day drink.
I guess if I was going to day drink all day, why not do it in a mall? A little drunk shopping can be fun. I heard.
Wendy has a similar story of speaking with a bartender, and verified she sat and got drunk every day.
Prior to her parents’ passing.
This was taped prior to her sentencing, so that gets discussed. I think it’s funny the first thing out of Gizelle’s mouth is “she won’t survive in jail. She can’t wear her wig, you have to go in with your regular hair.”
I foresee her pitching a fucking fit and faking some sort of mental breakdown to get out.
And sorry no pics!! Ugh!! What is going on Bravo? I had someone else try to pull it up on their computer and he couldn’t either and got the same error.