Summer House 5/2/24

I’ve recently noticed Paige has long legs and a really short torso. She’s a lifelong New Yorker and doesn’t know where the Hudson River is.

I was also kind of shocked she went to all of this trouble to pack plastic containers of salami and cheese for Craig. And fruit too! I’ve never seen her put that much time and effort into a dude. That must have taken her all of three minutes.

They joke about her putting all of that effort in just for him. And my point again with these two, if that were reversed, we’d be calling him an arrogant ahole.

This is basically another scene of these two, where the takeaway is exactly what Danielle accused her of. Stringing him along and wasting his time, with no intention of getting married and having a child with him, when he has made it so clear this is what he wants, and he wants to do it soon, being 35 years old.

I don’t know how much clearer he can be. He even goes so far as to say, he’s going to be resentful if another 5 years goes by and they’re not married and having kids, at which point he’ll be 40, so I don’t really blame him. Forty seems so old to just be starting out.

Paige, who is a few years younger, has a few years to play with, just doesn’t have these same time concerns. MY theory is that, it’s not that she is one of those women that doesn’t want to get married or have kids, she doesn’t want it with Craig. I think she sees him as a little too high maintenance and sensitive for her. And he is a little, but he’s not unbearable. I don’t think.

There’s high maintenance as in the dude is a complete psychotic dbag, where you have to manage their eratic emotions and fake problems every five minutes, and there’s high maintenance that he requires extra reassurance here and there.

At this point I feel like he needs to do one of two things: Just break up with her, or even though I’m not big into game playing, but maybe start acting nonchalant and like he could care less like she does. Tell her he’s busy with his business and can’t make it to New York for a while. OR the complete opposite: Propose and see if she accepts, and if she does, make it clear this stringing along and “ooooh I’m still not ready to make any life decisions…” BS stops. And if she continues, the ring is returned and they break up. He is coming off as a pussy as he said in their convo. He is. Let’s not sugar coat it.

I’m saying it again because it is a valid fucking point, like it or not. If it were Craig speaking to and about Paige the way she treats him, and constantly telling her he’s not ready to make ‘adult decisions’ we girls would be freaking out and calling him an asshole. But since the girl is doing it, it’s cute and sassy. It’s not cute and sassy. It’s disrespectful. He treats her like gold. If he was a dickwad I would feel differently.

She says she ‘has no idea’ where she wants to live and raise children? Girl, you have no choice if you’re going to be with him. Your choices are South Carolina or South Carolina. You’re a TikToker, he has a thriving business and employees in Charleston.

Woman, if you hate it so much there, because you deem yourself this uber important big city girl, then break up with him and stop being so childish and selfish.

He even keeps giving her outs, and telling her it’s okay if she doesn’t want to be with him. And she doesn’t take them.

I think he’s onto me that I’m never marrying him.

It logically doesn’t make sense for her to be saying things like, ‘I know my long term future is with you, but I’m just not sure I want to relocate, and not sure what I want. It LOGICALLY doesn’t make sense. Even dumb as a rock, Madison called that out last season on Southern Charm.

The fact that the poor sap keeps saying things like “I’m not sure if you even like me” is a little disconcerting. He looks at her so sweet like he would give her the world on a silver platter, and she just keeps spewing out shit like ‘you’re so lucky to have me, and I even brought you some cheese.’ she’s cute but not all that. I thinks she’d be better off with someone who doesn’t really give a shit like Jesse Solomon.

I hope I don’t come off as a pu**y begging you to like me.


These Carl/Lindsay scenes are getting so scripted sounding. You do have to wonder if she knows at this point things are not going down in November. Lindsay is a terrible actress. Their engagement was a great example of that.

She just happens to ask Carl, “did they have any advice?” Seriously that’s what you would ask your man who went to visit his family. Did they give any advice?? Also with a sly smirky look on her face.

You know she already knew something was up. Carl already looks nerved out and uncomfortable.

It’s so fun watching you sweat.

Just like at the alien party after Kyle asks if he wants to be part of Loverboy again, she asks him “Do you have anything to report back?”

He pretends to try to think of anything in particular that stood out. Lindsay stares holes through him, still smirking.

I really hate you, but I’m too afraid to say it,

What is the deal with that zebra?

He’s not leveling with her as to what was said, mostly by Lou. He stammers and says multiple times “I’m going to do what I want to do.” Which is obvious that he was encouraged to rethink the wedding in three months. Lindsay notices this too.

Does Lindsay know how to read body language? He’s wringing his hands and looks like he wants to puke.

You can plainly see at this point, he knows he doesn’t want to marry her, but isn’t ready to say it yet.


Lindsay’s shower is very bougee. It wasn’t clear to me who was hosting it. Maybe Bravo footed the bill. It wouldn’t surprise me if she threw it for herself.

I do NOT approve of Amanda’s blah color and terrible fit ensemble. She’s so fucking skinny, why is she wearing baggy shit that hangs on her.? Everyone else looks cute and is in bright cheery colors, Maybe she did it on purpose? Wore a color that’s the same as shit and did nothing with her hair. The ‘you’re not important enough to put an effort in’ type of thing. Which is not typical of Amanda, but who knows. At any rate, she looks terrible.

Lindsay makes a grand entrance and she’s beyond elated and grinning ear to ear. The smirk is gone. While I do want to feel bad for her, because I’m not a monster, but I really don’t. She’s a grown-up, and should at this point be recognizing her behavioral and mental problem, especially with so much awareness now about the disorder, and trying to fix it. If not for her sake, for others’ sakes.

I still think I’m a bride!!

She’s loving being the center of attention. Narcissists usually do.

So awkward when Carl’s mom interrupts Lindsay talking to her stepmom/mom.

It really is sad about her birth mother completely abandoning her and her brother when they were two and three, and literally living her life, and never looking back.

I’m assuming she has never even tried to make contact with them or acknowledge them, in thirty some years. How does a mother do that? It’s bad enough a father is capable of that, but a mother, who carried people in her uterus? To just not give two shits?

No wonder Lindsay is so effed up. I don’t think I’ve never heard her mention a sibling before, but maybe I’m just forgetting. I’m assuming she’s not that close with him. You would think he and Carl may have some sort of relationship. Maybe he hates her because she’s a See You Next Tuesday bitch. I also think I read that the mom who could not handle two little kids at 21, went on to have more children, still not contacting Lindsay or her brother.

Anyway, I don’t think Carl’s mom meant to be shady. She just wanted to hear what’s going on, given her recent conversation with Carl. Lindsay keeps trying to minimize their constant fighting.

Linday brings up the dreaded beach conversation to Sharon. I’m assuming she doesn’t know how much Lindsay knows, but maybe she was filled in that Carl brought it up but didn’t communicate the severity of the advice given. Who knows.

You’re my favorite almost mother-in-law!!

I’m still curious about the Memorial Day thing that got mentioned in Jersey, which sounded a lot more serious than their two arguments in The Hamptons a month prior.

Lindsay is like a whole different person in front of his mom. I’m sort of picking up that maybe she is seeing through the facade at this point, based on the info Carl has shared.

My son ain’t marrying your dumb ass.

I guess her Lauren Werkis joke didn’t really land.

Carl shows up wearing, what do you think? His signature horrible white pants, I hope that’s not what he was planning on wearing to the wedding. I guess it doesn’t matter.

I think at this point, even though it’s shortly before the official dumping, Carl was really trying to convince himself this is what he wanted to do. I know a lot of viewers disagree with that, and think he was planning it all along.

But, on the other hand, I do keep catching looks on his mom’s face that maybe she knew this wasn’t happening.

So I think it’s strange that all of the Summer House/Winter House girls were there except for Paige, and that Paige isn’t invited to the wedding. They seem to have smoothed things over. I’m curious if these others are invited to the wedding. Paige is right, you don’t invite people to your shower that aren’t invited to wedding. Then again, narcs usually have really poor manners, and are unaware of common courtesies.

Even Sam was there who I don’t recall really hitting it off with Lindsay. No one ‘hits it off’ with Lindsay. She’s tolerated.

I’m wondering if Ciara is invited to the wedding. I’m guessing not if Paige isn’t.

There are only two weekends left so we’re at mid-late August at this point. I happned to realize that they glazed over Kyle and Amanda’s birthdays and Even Lindsay’s. Which means they glazed over Carl’s brother’s death anniversary, which is the same date as Lindsay’s birthday if you recall.

I guess with all of the no-wedding drama, the three birthdays were too much.

Another theme, a witchy dinner. Seems fitting.

Jesse Solomon had a slow week and only went out with two girls. He shares no other details, thank God.

West gets drilled as to whether or not he and Ciara are ‘exclusive.’ He answers no, given the fact that they’re not having sex.

She’s not fucking me, so I have no use for her.

Guys are such fucking simple small-minded selfish scumbags. If you’re not having sex with them, you have no value to them. It’s that simple.

Never mind the way that they’re treating you. Never mind that now. That’s just silly propaganda that you have to treat your lady nicely and respectfully for her to be into having intimacy with you. It’s classic, look here, not there. Unless you manage to snag a mentally ill shit show that’s obsessed with sex and pleasing men to validate herself, then nevermind.

Back to this, he admits to some mild flirty texting with other women, but has not been doing anything else.

Guess he’s not hauling his sad pathetic ass across the lot to be serviced by the hideous town whore. West has standards.

As they’re sitting there, supposedly, West receives an email of an offer for the job he’s been interviewing for. Paige reads it out loud.

He strips down, and takes a big old celebratory dive into the pool. He’s funny.

Now maybe she’ll have sex with me since I have a job!!


Lindsay repeats to Amanda and Paige that West said he communicates with other girls since he and Ciara haven’t had sex. It s sounds so weird to put that in writing but that’s the way it goes girls. Put out or get out. Literally was told that by my ex,

She then cries and gets all in her feelings about Carl’s mom having concerns about them getting married.

Why is Paige blowing smoke up her ass? She’s just afraid of losing her son? She’s lucky to have her? Please. Paige knows that’s bullshit. Sharon does not come off like that in the least. Having buried a child, I thinks she’s actually excited to have an addition to the family. Paige knows this.

Kyle and Carl try to have a pow wow about the goings on with Lindsay and his parents. Amanda interrupts looking for her shoes. Carl clearly doesn’t want to continue until she leaves. She then plops on the bed to join the convo, uninvited. It was kind of rude, actually. She could tell they were having a serious conversation.

I’m sure Carl didn’t want her to be privy to this info for fear she’d tell Lindsay, since they’re all chummy now.

Amanda should have worn this dress to the shower. Unless she really wanted to dress like a dirty diaper.

It seems Carl really took the stepdad’s opinions and advice to heart. Perhaps because he’s a minister, and seemed to be giving sound advice. Was he a little biased and was he hearing only one side of the story? Yes. But he’s not wrong.

Also I think this is a father figure for Carl, because it doesn’t seem like he’s close with his dad.

Amanda asks if he didn’t share the entire convo with her over concern for hurting her feelings.

Why do we tiptoe around these people? God forbid their precious little feelings get hurt, as they run around not giving a hoot what they say or do to people. They’re so very manipulative. They somehow manage to sort of make people try to spare their feelings. And they know this. No wonder they feel so superior.

Carl drops the “he wouldn’t marry us if he were our minster and doing our pre-marital counseling” bit.

Carl then tries to give her accolades for putting in work, whatever the hell that is, and that their relationship is special and maybe he doesn’t understand it. He says that he hadn’t previously understood her abandonment issues from her mother, and how deep it really is, until they started counseling.

I mean, people, it is a thing, and it does cause problems in adulthood when a parent rejects you as a child. How could it not?

The first step in getting help is admitting you have a problem. Which a narcissist absolutely cannot do.

They do a little breaking of the fourth wall, and admit that talk being on camera will become a bigger issue if he is not honest with her now.

I think this concern kind of proves that he was not positive at this point that he was going to break things off. Otherwise he wouldn’t have cared, knowing by airing they would not even be together. And he does seem to be in turmoil about it.

Outside at the witch dinner, Jesse Solomon gets called a trash bag by Ciara, discussing his dating life, and tells him she wouldn’t introduce him to her friends.

He calls her rude. Who cares. Suck it up Susie.

He’s been rubbing me the wrong way for a while now. Not right away, but as I heard him discussing girls and dating he’s clearly a player.

Lindsay didn’t even wonder where Carl was for the past twenty minutes. It does make me a little sad for her, because she does look really gorgeous, radiant and happy.

But the narcissist usually IS happy and oblivious to the pain they’re inflicting on you. They’re in their own world and could care less that you’re hurting.

I know, take a drink every time I say ‘narcissist.’

Lindsay picks up on his demeanor when he returns, or was told something was up. Either way, she asks if he’s okay, and he tells her they need to talk later about what was said by his mom and Lou. Lindsay opts to have the convo now, because why would you want to sit there through dinner and wonder.

Her dress is completely see-through. You can even see the thong in her butt.

Sorry just random obsi.

She keeps repeating, “I know we talked about this.” when he references wanting to discuss this conversation with her.

She really doesn’t know does she? Carl is legit afraid of her.

This poor man looks completely beat up and defeated. Welcome to life in a relationship with a narcissist. They beat you down. Take a swig.

Wow you seem so ANGRY!!!

Lindsay refers to him as ‘angry and upset’ and I don’t know, are you seeing angry? Upset maybe, troubled, like he wants to cry, not angry. Those are different.

See what she did there?? She’s already victimizing herself before he even opens his mouth, labeling him as ‘angry.’ He tells her he’s not angry. Then she gets angry for him saying he’s not angry.

It’s already a typical circular argument between a person with a certain personality disorder, and a mostly normal person.

He finally gets it out, and tells her what Lou said. But they both love her, he reassures.

She’s of course, immediately on the defense, because she knows her behavior is bad, she just can’t change it, that his mom and Lou have been privy to details of their relationship that are embarrassing to her.

What this certain personality type doesn’t get is that we need people to vent and talk to, and maybe get advice from, as to how to handle this excruciating difficult person that we love and are trying to establish a life with. It’s not healthy to keep your problems and emotions all bottled up. That’s therapy 101 isn’t it?? And you sure as hell can’t talk to them like a rational adult.

He really is trying to do the right thing and let her know how he’s feeling. He begins to tell her how overwhelmed he feels, The dude is clearly melting down and distraught. At this point a normal fucking partner would reach out to him, take his hand, ask what she can do, tell him she doesn’t want him feeling overwhelmed.

But instead of that malarkey, she points to herself and asks if she’s not allowed to have an emotion. Like where did THAT come from. At what point did he say, you can’t have a reaction. He didn’t. I’m sure he expects her to react or have a reply. She IS trying to stay calm, but I think that’s mostly because she’s not really grasping what he’s saying. Because they just don’t get it. They don’t get it.

I see you’re very upset, but what about ME???

He says he didn’t want her to spiral over this. He continues to stammer how overwhelmed he is with everything (her.) I wish he’d just say THAT.

I didn’t spiral.”But why is this conversation tough?

Woman have you been listening? Do you have eyeballs?? He looks so somber and sad. She doesn’t try to comfort him at all. She doesn’t care. This conversation right here, I’m telling you was it for him. This is why she got dumped two weeks later.

Yeah I am dumping your ass,

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