Summer House 3/7/24

So do we think we finally have some winners here in Bravo’s attempt at adding interesting and funny dudes to the cast??

West is hysterical, and doesn’t take himself seriously at all. Jesse is also funny, and a little forward, so that should make things interesting. I’m a little surprised Danielle isn’t all over him.

We did have some real duds, did we not? So much so that other than Andrea, who was NOT a dud, I barely remember any of them. Not sure what happened with Andrea, but I wish he would’ve stuck around. I think he opted out last year because they didn’t want the girlfriend? I could be wrong about that though.

I was rooting for him and Paige.

So we wrapped up last week with Lindsay and Carl wanting to kill each other already, like five minutes after they arrived.

Wouldn’t you, if you were Lindsay, after all of the drama last season of most of the house not thinking you’re a good fit with Carl, (or anyone) and shouldn’t be getting engaged, want to come into this summer showing everyone that your relationship is great? Or at least pretending?

Some people are so dysfunctional, and disturbed in their fucking head, that they can’t even pretend nor make an actual effort to make anything work.

It demonstrates with these Lindsay type of people, that it really is a disorder that they can’t stop. Her drinking didn’t help matters, which it usually doesn’t.

She’s succeeding in proving everyone right.

Carl was being pissy with her, because she was being annoying as fuck. Not sure that means he’s on coke because he wasn’t tolerating her nonsense.

She questions the verbiage of the text statement of “I’m sober right now” because she thinks that eludes that he wasn’t earlier.

He points out he was letting her know, ‘I’M sober right now, and you’re definitely not’ was the context.

Okay, fine I was shitfaced, so I’m projecting.

And this typical narcissist trait – pissing off your partner by belittling them and/or falsely accusing them of random fucking shit, then when said partner is upset and frustrated about having to defend themselves, the voice might go up a few octaves, and get louder. And then it’s you that’s a maniac.

Having said that, Carl should not be surprised. He’s known this chick for several years. There were friends, they were finger-bang buddies, now they’re engaged.

He’s seen her behave completely psycho in at least two relationships.

But I guess I sound kind of like a hypocrite for chastising him, because I understand. I think he really wanted to believe she could be better, and act normal.

Spoiler alert – she can’t.

I don’t know how she has success being an ‘influencer’ when she’s so fucking unlikable. It would be a cold day in hell before I would buy anything she was plugging.

Lindsay back pedals in her yap that she didn’t really think Carl was drunk or doing coke. After the fact, she is realizing how shitty of a thing that was to do to a recoverd addict. At least she realizes this, and has the balls to admit it was wrong. You can tell she’s hating it though.

What I meant was he wasn’t giving me his undivided attention, Kinda the same.

Carl and Kyle discuss the events of the evening.

I mean, it’s hilarious the two completely different versions that they have as to what happened.

And who are you more likely to believe? The stone-cold sober one, or the blacked-out drunk one? This isn’t complicated.

Carl’s coming off as a little bit of a pushover as he makes excuses for her. Kyle’s not having it.

She has her moments when she’s not acting like a fucking psycho, I swear.

Jell-o shots have been made (how old are these people – should they be past J-ello shots?) Maybe I’m just Jell-ous.

At any rate, Lindsay shoves a huge one in her mouth.

Does anyone else think Lindsay is a borderline-alcoholic? All of this talk about having kids, I don’t know how she would get through nine months of not drinking.

I just really like Jell-o

It’s beach day in the Hamps. Danielle and Carl toss a football and have a little chat about Carl’s career path. So you know this is pissing Lindsay off, as they still haven’t spoken since the early morning attempt to smooth things over.

She’s getting whiplash turning around watching and trying to listen as she tries to act unbothered. If she’s so interested in what he’s doing, why doesn’t she go and talk to him?

I could not care LESS what Carl is doing!

So he did leave Loverboy, and hasn’t been doing much since, but I think he went back, probably right after the break-up. I saw a video on social media recently where that seemed to be the case.

Paige complains about Jesse still aggressively flirting with her. Yeah, I agree, he really shouldn’t be doing that.

But did she really say her boyfriend will beat his ass? Like I thought she was going to follow that up with a laugh. I would pay to see Craig try that.

We later learn that she tells Craig, and he doesn’t really care. Well maybe not that he doesn’t care, but he trusts her, so that’s nice. Or was that on a previous episode where she said that he didn’t seem alarmed.

Are you allowed to drink on this beach, or is it just not enforced? They don’t seem to be hiding the Loverboy cans.

Lindsay and Carl continue to ignore each other. You can tell this is the norm for the because they both are acting not really concerned. In a dysfunctional relationship, you tend to have the high high’s and the low low’s constantly.

It’s a constant roller coast ride. The abusive partner (Lindsay in this instance) sort of starts to ‘train’ their partner to accept their bad behavior, false accusations, bitching and whining. You actually become addicted to the ups and downs, and the fighting and making up non-stop spiral. It’s such an unhealthy, physically and mentally, way to live.

She makes good reality TV, but you also feel sorry for. She’s painfully unaware of her unhealthy patterns.

Carl tells West he plans on having a chat with Lindsay at the beach, as she has her face in a solo cup.

She unloads on Danielle her frustration with Carl not working. Which is funny to me, because was she not encouraging him to quit Loverboy last summer? She had him convinced that Kyle was not appreciative and was mistreating him, which I personally was not seeing.

So it’s kind of a head scratcher as to why she would have been doing that when he didn’t have Plan B.

I’ll have to look back at last season’s articles, but I remember assuming that she was okay with him not working. It was double confusing because it didn’t seem like she was doing her PR thing anymore, and also wasn’t working. I gathered that perhaps they were making it work with Bravo money, which really isn’t anything to sneeze at.

She sort of ridicules him in her yap, and to Danielle for all of the various ideas he’s been having while not really pursuing any of them.

I think he’d be a good motivational speaker actually, about his sobriety journey.

Danielle officially RSVP’s to the wedding that never happens. Guess she never met the musician dude.

I don’t know why Paige gives West false hope about Ciara’s interest in him, and encourages him to ask her on a date.

Carl approaches Lindsay, and asks to talk and she sort of sarcastically laughs at him, but agrees.

They discuss the previous evening’s chain of events. Carl basically takes the blame and apologizes. Lindsay does not for her ‘not sober’ accusations.

My takeaway is that Carl was rude and annoyed with her for being drunk and talking nonsense. No one cared she was riding in the guy car with Carl verses the girls’ car. Could that be more of a middle school concern?

They make up and vow to have a good weekend, which is half over at this point.

This is new. There’s an odd split-up as to part of the group going out to dinner, and some staying back and having dinner at the house. I’m assuming this was so everyone talked about each other, so fighting can ensue.

It’s weird that Carl and Lindsay who just made up, are in separate groups. Lindsay seems to be doing the cooking, which is also new.

Fun fact about cheersing and it’s origin which I may not have known, I admit. Watching Bravo is very educational.

They corner Carl about the concerns they have with his sobriety and Lindsay being a heavy drinker, which causes her to be (more) obnoxious. Danielle pretends to look like she is sad about their issues.

How am I doing with my sad face???

You know damned well she is rooting for them to not make it. And you can’t tell me different. She’s fucking into Carl.

He defends her by saying she’s gotten better with not acting like an asshole when she gets drunk. Wow, just wow, the excuses he makes for her. He confirms what I said earlier about the constant ups and downs, by saying “we always come back together.”

Totally something someone says that’s in a tumultuous and abusive relationship.

I think at this point Carl wasn’t ready to admit it yet.

Meanwhile back at the house, the girls convene in the kitchen. Gabby does the Bravo thing and points out that Lindsay and Paige haven’t really spoken since the reunion, in which they mostly yelled at each other and threw accusations back and forth.

So ya know that sort of ‘moment’ Lindsay and Danielle had at the beach?

Well, so much for that, because Lindsay throws her right under that dang bus and tells Paige that Danielle is the one that told the press Craig was really drunk and got kicked out of Kyle and Amanda’s wedding. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lindsay put her up to it.

See what did I tell you? This is why the separate groups. I’m so tired of knowing everything and always being right.

My bad, that’s something you would totally do.

I do have to say though, it didn’t SEEM like she wanted Paige to go after Danielle about it, she wanted to clear he name. It seemed that way.

The two groups come together to go post-dinner clubbing. Carl and Lindsay seemed to have kept it together. Lindsay also does not seem that intoxicated, so that helps.

She brags to Carl that she ratted out Danielle. It does seem odd that Danielle and Paige, while being not besties, but mostly friendly, that she would do that, and then not own it when she saw Lindsay getting accused.

Danielle and Gabby went out dressed like hookers. It’s easy to pick out the singles in the group.

Kyle and West pass out next to each other on West’s bed and wake up practically spooning each other. Not sure which is big spoon since they’re the same size.

Amanda: “Where did you fall asleep last night?”

Kyle: “On West’s bed.”

Amanda: “Where was West?”

Ummmm, Amanda hate to break it to you but…


West asks Ciara out and she I guess says yes. They meet for their date and Ciara seems to have forgotten a shirt.

This girl would look good in a potato sack. But girlfriend is just so not interesting. In her yaps, she’s always so serious. Like Amanda and Paige are cracking jokes, and being sarcastic. Ciara always has this very serious and mundane tone, and never really says anything interesting to be honest. Producers need to make weird faces at her or something, so she at least smiles.

If I smile, my face might crack.

The hiking that she brags about, now that’s kind of cool. There are interesting things about her, but she never seems to really share.

West is really sweaty. I didn’t know people fried deviled eggs, but I guess you can fry literally anything.

Carl and Lindsay meet for a date at a sobriety bar, which I guess is a thing now.

They discuss his lack of a job situation. He expresses interest in opening a non-alcoholic sports bar, in which Lindsay, not mincing words, tells him no, that’s not happening.

I wouldn’t have kids with you if you were the last woman on earth.

She keeps talking about these phantom children that you know are never going to happen. Even if we didn’t know that had broken up already, you would just know that.

Well, here we go again.

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