Summer House 3/6/23

Kyle and Danielle wrap up their heart-to-heart about Carl. Hopefully Kyle has learned a lesson here to keep his trap shut about Carl around her, but probably not. That would be no fun.

Carl and Kyle have a chat that doesn’t seem to accomplish much. Carl, as we know, is whining about his position at Loverboy, and thinks he wears all of these various hats, and Kyle is working him to death.

Okay Susie, I’ll throw ya an extra 20 for doing your job, if ya just shut the fuck up.

He bitches that he isn’t being ‘compensated’ for some of his various duties.

I don’t believe you have me trying to ‘sell’ Loverboy???

Apparently this dude thinks, when he has a fancy important sounding title, that you should get ‘compensated’ for every single fucking task that you do.

To me, all of the duties that he listed, sound like they would all follow under a ‘VP of Sales’ umbrella. It’s not like he’s cleaning the office or typing fucking letters. What a fucking tool. This little speech sounds like something a chick would say. So he’s clearly obeying Lindsay. Women are more likely to say something like “that’s not my job.” While on their job.

Carl is claiming he’s putting in 90 hours/week. Kyle thinks he’s not even putting in 40. Carl then admits to “missing things.” So if you’re putting in 90 hours, allegedly, and ‘missing things’ and none of your co-workers have any idea what you’re doing all day, then I would say

Houston we have a problem.” Or he’s just lying.

So the takeaway is that Kyle will do more to make him feel appreciated, and they’re going to “rethink his title.” How about VP of Bellyaching’

To me, it seems like their friendship right now is really tense and uneasy. They wrap and part ways, making awkward small talk.

Andrea is making an appearance and again cooking (sort of) for the house an ‘authentic’ Italian dinner.

Kyle and Chris sip on espresso martini’s poolside, in their matching fucking outfits.

MEN????? In Black

Why do a lot of the Bravo dudes seem to drink really feminine (girlie) drinks? Appletini’s, espresso martini’s, pina coloda’s) They need to stop.

I feel like Lindsay is way too involved, and inserting herself where she’s not needed, in Carl’s career path, and position at Loverboy. Girl, sit the fuck down. Isn’t she still working as a publicist?

Coincidentally, Paige is not in attendance this weekend when Andrea is making a guest appearance.

That sounds fishy, does it not? I think Craig told her she wasn’t allowed to be in his presence for the weekend. Just a guess.

Andrea arrives and everyone is really really excited. Are they just hungry for pasta or what? I know he’s a cool fun guy and all, but sheesh. They act like he’s Jesus.

Mia looks recovered from him calling her ‘Lexi’ last season by mistake.

Hot Italian Dude is in the HOUSE and we are really really excited!

They joke about last year’s wine throwing dinner.

I just don’t get why Lindsay is so against Carl working for Loverboy. I could see if her reasoning is that he shouldn’t be peddling alcoholic beverages since he’s an alcoholic. But that never even gets mentioned. It’s for selfish reasons, because she’s Lindsay, that she doesn’t like Kyle.

I also just don’t get why Danielle literally seems to have no fucking life, and is so obsessed with this Lindsay/Carl/Amanda/Kyle. drama. Well she’s just fixated with anything Lindsay-related. Lindsay is all pissed off at Amanda for referring to Carl as ‘our employee’ as if she has no right referring to Loverboy as partially her business, when in fact it is.

Yes, Lindsay, you are SO RIGHT. Amanda IS evil. You can count on ME!

Danielle looks mesmerized by Lindsay Hubbard, it’s fucking weird.

She is married to Kyle, they drew up no prenup as we know, and Amanda works for the business. There’s nothing wrong with her phrasing it that way.

They play the flash of what has Lindsay all riled up and it was Amanda saying “Carl works for us and is important part of the business.” For some reason, in Lindsay land that’s utterly offensive.

And she was overheard stating, that he’s “tainted by Lindsay.” Which he is.

Lindsay, the humble bitch that she is, proceeds to list to Danielle and Gabby all of the reasons as to why she’s wonderful, and the ideal girlfriend. If you have to sit there and list why you’re so perfect and a great catch, then maybe you’re not.

Carl working for Kyle is just not working for ME. I’m not getting any sandwiches made for ME.

Apparently Amanda apologized profusely via text, and Lindsay just ignored her.

I don’t know what’s with Andrea, but he’s acting so — extra. Is he like on meth or something? (joke, sort of)

Last year he was crying, so I guess this is better. Maybe this is Andrea, when he’s getting laid.

There’s no crying in PASTA!!!!

They start talking about sex toys at dinner, and Sam talks about sex toys, and then just doesn’t stop talking about sex toys.

She’s like Forest Gump when he started running. He just ran and ran and ran…

Mya takes Sam into a bedroom and tells her she needs to shut the fuck up, and not talk so much.

So riddle me this. Mya got so beyond offended and made it this whole big thing last season, about Andrea calling her Lexi, and not being invited to go out with Lindsay and Danielle, and proceeded to play the race card, make the day all about her, with the whole group feeling sorry for her and apologizing.

Yet she can haul the new girl into a bedroom and proceed to rip into her that she talks too much? Guess she’s doing her Bravo Bitch job. I think she realizes she came off kind of whiny and boring last season, and is trying for a redo to keep her job.

I don’t know who died and made Mya the household counselor. Isn’t she like a cookie baker or something?

Kyle goes into Danielle’s room and incoherently talks at her about Carl again. I don’t know what the fuck he said, but I guess he’s still all in his feelings about spilling work issues about Carl the previous weekend.

And here it is, lesson NOT learned. He continues to ‘confide’ in judgy gossipy Danielle about Lindsay and Carl.

Danielle confesses she is having a hard time dealing with it too, but mostly because Lindsay is now ignoring her. Does she really want to hang around a couple constantly by herself? That’s fun a time or two, but she shouldn’t have expected that to be the norm. And why would she?

I don’t know why Gabby yammers on in her yap about the possibility of being in a relationship with Andrea, when he has a girlfriend. Also he did not seem the least bit interested in interacting with her.

Sam likes the sound of her own voice, saying that she likes the sound of her own voice.

I think Amanda’s issue of not getting a period, is due to her being so underweight. She’s worried about what the doctor is going to say. He’s probably going to say, eat up and gain some weight! Perhaps also cut down on drinking.

Seriously though, what IS with Andrea??

Of course we’re doing a childish theme party, as usual, a ‘slumber’ party. Of course they’re playing a game called ‘Stir the Pot.’

Danielle: “Who do you trust the least?” For some reason she answers her own question, which I thought was weird.

She goes with Amanda, of all people, as the one not being able to trust, which is Danielle being Lindsay’s fucking minion of course.

So what the fuck WAS that? If Lindsay is still ticked about what she said, I just don’t think that falls into the ‘trustworthy’ bucket. She spoke her mind about something. So what. Lindsay tells people what’s what constantly.

Not sure what that has to do with being trustworthy. Danielle and Lindsay pretend to play dumb as Amanda leaves the room crying. Like, “did I do that??”

Hell hath frozen over, because I think Lindsay realizes she went too far by picking on Amanda over this in front of the group, during a fake game, instead of just addressing it with her like and adult.

Amanda says that it felt personal, because it WAS personal.

Lindsay is really laser focused on this shit that Amanda said about her manipulating Carl. Ciara asks Danielle why she’s feeling the need to get involved in it now, and she really has no answer. If she were to answer it honestly, it would probably “because Lindsay told to me to.”

This girl is so odd and subservient, and should be embarrassed.

Kyle has played right into this, and of course he’s drunk, and of course he calls Lindsay out on being a manipulative psycho bitch. I’m not mad about it.

She sits here with that same smug ass look on her face. Carl says nothing because, I hope he’s thinking to himself, that he’s right, and he has no rebuttal. What they just did was fucked up.

Kyle does an an actual storm OUT this time, and goes outside and yells how those two dunces are giving Lindsay so much power. He’s not wrong. Neither Kyle nor Amanda are wrong in their Lindsay assessments.

This isn’t cool for Carl to be exposed to this shit still fairly new in his sobriety. If you ask me.

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