Summer House 2/14/22

What is with Lindsay – ‘only one person is allowed to come with me?’ Okay 7th grader.

I’m still undecided about the bed in Kyle and Amanda’s room. I get it’s supposed to be rustic and cabiny (not sure it goes with the rest of the décor) , but it’s just shaped so weird, it looks like a giant fish. Maybe it’s supposed to??

Can’t deal with this headboard. It looks like a giant fish !!

Paige and Andrea are cute – he is complimenting her (telling her she’s cute – love that ) and always insanely all over her, and so sweet. I’m so jelly.

Lindsay and Danielle come back from Lindsay’s quest of “trying to get laid.” She was seemingly unsuccessful. Insert sad face here.

Kyle is a laaaaaaa – oooozerrrr!!! –I still doesn’t’ have anything for her …” I don’t feel sorry for him. (I feel sorry for Amanda though. ) Little planning ahead dude ? It’s not that hard to get a fucking necklace or something. It just makes you feel not important, when your guy doesn’t think you’re worth it to go out of his way a little bit for you. And he wants the biggest fuss ever over HIS birthday?

Isn’t his over the summer too ? I hope Amanda just pretends it’s another day.

Lindsay asks Luke, “what are you gonna wear?” (did she forget he’s a dude?) Uhhha shirt and swim trunks…” Wtf do you think he’s wearing to the beach??

What in the literal fuck is with these hideous Steve Erkel glasses? I do try to keep up with fashion trends. I do. I just bought, yesterday my first “high waisted” jeans. (in my defense I do have several mid-rise) But sometimes there are “trendy” items that are plain ugly. And you don’t need to wear them just because they’re trendy. These are an example of that.

“Did I do that ???”

I do want to get in here one more thing about the high-waisted jeans, since I’m on the subject.

I’m sure this transition is much easier for the younger crowd, because they haven’t been wearing the low-rise jeans for like fifteen years. The annoying part is how they cut into your stomach in a place where you’re just used to. I’m trying though. I do like them, for the most part. I guess.

Flowers get delivered for Amanda from Kyle. Lame. She hates them. Oh & they’re also ugly.

“The best I could do on such short notice are these ugly flowers. i forgot it was your 30th birthday this weekend, my bad. “

Loser. She doesn’t even try to act like she likes them.

Danielle has quit her “corporate job” and is starting a fashion app. Did I miss her saying that in the beginning?

Are you allowed to drink on the beach in the Hamptons? Wtf ???

Lindsay’s reasoning for blowing off Mya when she wanted to go out with them sounds lame AF. Like are you really telling me if she showed up with an additional (gorgeous) girl, they would have gotten turned away? Maybe she was worried about bringing someone younger and prettier than her ? Just puttin that out there. It was fucking rude.

Alex asks Lindsay if her belt on her swim suit “serves a purpose ??” What purpose would it possibly serve ?? Other than cuteness? lll I guess she had that coming after she asked Luke what he was wearing to the beach.

I love how Andrea calls her “Little Paige.” So between her bathing suit being sort of flesh colored, and very very very thongy and skimpy, it looks like she’s not wearing bottoms.

Amanda is ignoring Kyle. I love that.

Ciara and Mya have a cute bonding moment in the ocean. These two ladies are strikingly beautiful. I don’t get why there’s not twenty guys surrounding them honestly.

They are the hottest chicks in the whole crowd honestly.

Amanda does manage to throw something together to put on for her birthday date with Kyle. (after telling him she had nothing to wear.) She could have just worn her pajamas like she did on their outing few weeks ago.

Kyle says he dropped the ball with making time to go out on dates. Thought he was going to say he dropped the ball on her birthday. Maybe he’s getting to that. It’s really not hard to buy a gift for a girl. Men are a lot more challenging, and we still figure it out.

But I get it. it’s complicated. It’s so hard and time consuming to order something online. (takes five minutes) It’s not like it’s something six – year old is capable of.

This date is lame too. I hate Kyle right now. Could you tell? I’m with Andy. His excuses are pathetic and he sounds stupid.

Yeah I pretty much suck, but my hair is good.

At dinner back at the house, they do this ‘say a nice thing’ about the person across from you, when Mya leaves. She comes back and no one says anything nice to her ?? After she made you fucking jerks cookies?? I do get the way Mya is feeling, when they replay back all those scenes. It seems like everyone is just overlooking her. I’m feeling like that right now, actually, in my own life. For a different reason, but kind of same concept.

They’re all going out and Mya doesn’t want to go. Paige tells her it will be nice “being home alone.” That is not really what I think she needs, to be alone when she’s feeling lonely? That’s stupid. Why didn’t someone stay with her?

Kyle and Amanda arrive home. Amanda is still annoyed. She’s not doing a good job of hiding it. When my ex took me to a child’s birthday party on my birthday, then to a sports bar, I also did a bad job of hiding my annoyance. Did I go out of my for his birthday you ask? yes I did.

Is anyone already sick of the Paige/Craig/Andrea drama, and hearing Paige’s constant “dilemma” about having two dudes after her? I think Mya wants to punch her.

Mya and Ciara address the group with how they’re all pretty much ignoring Mya, and can’t even remember her name. I think Mya isn’t as outgoing as Ciara. so this wasn’t as much as an issue for Ciara last year. They address how it’s difficult being the only black people in a group of white people.

Was it a little too much for her to say there is difficulty of being a “black person in America”?

It’s not really a new thing? Andrea is an Italian immigrant, that doesn’t get a lot of the American lingo. I do feel for her because I think she’s being overlooked in the group. I did notice that. Hopefully after this conversation it gets better.

Some of them chime in that they too felt challenges fitting in with the group too. They end in a super cute group hug.

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