Southern Charm 9/14 Premier & 9/21/23

Sorry I’m behind! Doing a combo of 1st two eps!

I’m so happy about NO NaHOmie!! I hadn’t even came across anything saying that she wasn’t returning. I was so pleasantly surprised. Perhaps she watched herself back and was embarrassed.

Perhaps she realized it wasn’t healthy or fair to Craig to try to attempt pal around with him, and hang in his circle, that HE introduced her to. Remember last season she kept desperately trying to get his attention. It was such a pathetic look for her. I can see a really ugly haggard chick having to resort to that, but NaHOmie is cute. Her personality sucks, but she’s pretty, especially after the nose job, boob job and tummy tuck. So when Craig told her to get lost, she fucks Whitney for two months, just for the hell of it. Classy, NaHomie. Remember she came crawling back from moving to New York for five minutes, after she found out that other dude was cheating on her, then wanted Craig back, now that he’ successful, and dating someone else.

Perhaps she was too embarrassed to show her face around Whitney again, (or at least not yet) slutty skanky behavior last season. I wanted to throw a brick at my TV, every dang time she made this face when her fucking Whitney for fun was brought up. It seemed so – odd. Clearly she was embarrassed by it. So why keep doing it in front of the world? Not literally, but you know what I mean.

It was one of the strangest behaviors I’ve ever seen on Bravo in regards to hooking up.

Let’s revisit her ashamed “oopsies I fucked Whitney again’ faces – just because… And you’re welcome for never deleting my photos! You guys have to admit it was weird. Like NaHOmie, closing your eyes or covering your face doesn’t make it go away. We don’t really want to picture it either, believe me. You did it. Own it. Maybe the sex was just really bad? As a guy and you hook up with a girl, if she has this reaction talking about it, probably not a good sign, Sorry Whitney. I’m sure you have other talents. Like opening your wallet.

We also have the absence of Kathryn. I did know she wasn’t asked to return. That girl needs to get herself fixed, and stop worrying about being on TV. She has two little kids, which, let’s not sugar coat it, exist because she thought that was going to be her meal ticket. She forgot she was expected to, you know, be a mom.

Is this season really going to be all about – OmiGod did Taylor and Austen hook up??? I can’t believe it!!”

It was obvious he had feelings for Taylor last year. I actually think they make a cute couple, sorry sue me. I think a girl like with her personality is what he needs. He’s really a sensitive guy. Can be an ass, made some bad decisions, but overall he’s dating the wrong girls. He seems to go for these cold and bitchy chicks like Madison, Lindsay, Chelsea… I think he has a lot of issues of his sister dying when he was a child.

And if it pissed off Shep, he needs to just get over it. He broke up with her, after he even cheated on her multiple times. He doesn’t have ownership over her. He wants to keep her at arm’s length so he can jerk her around, and have sex with her when he’s bored and feels like it. Such a fucking dude thing to do.

Craig’s renos are coming along, and I predict it’s going to be so cute and homey. I also predict that Paige is never going to live there and will be breaking up with him – soon.

She posted this video on Tiktok about her anxiety over her hair being too short. This was an accident by her stylist, apparently. I think it looks really cute, and glad she didn’t go the extension route. So sick of the Bravolebs and the ridiculous way too long extensions.

So Olivia’s parents moved to Texas, and she is living in this massive house herself. She complains to her dad as to why there is no ‘hired help’ to scoop dog shit. She throws it over the fence. Euwww.

This Whitney opening scene is almost IDENTICAL to the one last season. He was cussing about cleaning something up, having to do with the dogs. Patricia was sitting on her ass getting waited on.

Change though, is looks like there is a new official butler relieving Whitney of his duties of waiting on his mom. I guess he lives with her or is this just for filming ??


Poor Craig seriously thinks that Paige is going to move to South Carolina, and marry him. How cute of him. I feel like she’s just dating him to have someone to date.

He’s excited about his future hot tub. She tells him that she refuses to get into it, since they’re full of bacteria and she’s “susceptible to urinary tract infections.” He calls it “our hot tub” and she’s not having to spend a dime. This dude, while quirky, seems like such a sweet and loyal guy, and he’s fucking building her a house with a damned pool and hot tub!! And she doesn’t care !

Craig stares at her like wtf? So are you telling me she’s never gotten in the hot tub on Summer House? She’s literally trying so hard to be a pain in the ass. Why doesn’t she just cut him loose and stop wasting his time. He wants to get married and have kids. Paige is immature and doesn’t want to leave her mommy. Or she’s just not that into him. You can’t tell me if she wasn’t really into this guy, she wouldn’t have moved to Charleston by now. You can still wear your black, honest.

What?? you get in the hot tub in The Hamptons all of the time???

He complains that he wants to see her more. They flash on her tantrum last summer that she can’t possibly move to Charleston and leave her mom. While cute, it sounds like an excuse, sorry, girl. He’s not aking her to move to Europe. It’s a two or three-hour plane ride away, depending on the wind.

If she was really into Craig, she would already be living in Charleston. She can do her job from anywhere, which I’m unsure what her job even is besides being a Bravoleb. An influencer? She has to be in NYC to make IG and TikTok posts?? No.

She acts towards Craig the same way she acted towards that phantom dude she was dating two years ago, that didn’t want to be on camera. She didn’r care and didn’t want to put in effort.


Madison is movin’ on up. She has a new bougee house, paid for by her rich ‘chief firefighter’ new husband. I shouldn’t assume that – she has her Bravo bucks and she’s doing a bunch of stupid ads for Amazon. Whatever Madison recommended, I would be sure NOT to buy. I don’t shop Amazon anyway.

She sure has this dude up on a pedestal. I’m not sure how sustainable this is going to be, flying back and forth to LA every week? And I’m guessing she can’t move there because of her son, and she also doesn’t want to leave the show.

And his schedule? Gone for three days, home for eight? Sign me up! At work for three days, including three/four hours for travel each way? So he works two days, and has eight off?? That math ain’t mathin’!!

He can’t be a fireman in South Carolina? Sounds like Taylor’s sob story of not being able to get another ortho assistant job in the area. I guess she sucked at her job, if they didn’t offer to take her back, when she found that Shep wasn’t supporting her, when they returned from their trip around the world.


Dudes FaceTiming each other is weird. Then again, these Charleston guys seem a little off to me. They’re a little too into each other.

Madison is hosting a wedding soiree thing since none of the gang was invited to the wedding. Naturally Austen would get an invite. This is a TV show, in the real world, can you imagine?


Taylor and Olivia are new friendies, Isn’t Olivia a little too uhhh what’s the word ? Obsessed over Austen? I didn’t think they were even together that long. And he also kept telling her it wasn’t serious. He was still hung up on Madison and possibly still is. She was so nasty to him, I don’t get it.


Shep returns home with Little Craig from his trip abroad, wherever on the planet he felt like going. He has no job, never had a job. His parents completely fund his life, and he’s like mid-forties. Did Taylor really want to marry someone that lives off of his parents? She was more than willing to quit her job when he asked her to. How would that work? His parents would then be supporting her too? That seems weird.

Of course he still thinks about Taylor. When you have an awesome girlfriend, that you can’t make it work with, merely due to the fact that you’re a piece of selfish diabolical shit, I’m sure you do still think of her several times a day, and have regrets. (Good thing there’s a ready and willing hag across the lot to help you forget)

He’s sad that Little Craig might be missing Taylor too. I guess he feels that she paid a sufficient amount of attention to his pet when she was visiting. I wonder if he was keeping a log on how much time she spent petting Little Craig?

Shep for reals thinks he and Taylor can be friendly, after afer all of the shitty things he did to her. He wants to have dog play dates together. What a fucking dumb ass. Any woman that gets involved with this dude is asking for it and deserves what they get. He is a womanizer and a user. He sucks all the life out of you, then tosses you aside when you no longer meet his needs.

As Olivia complains about Austen, Taylor looks a bit guilty.

Yeah, about that …

I’m glad Venita’s back. I liked her last year for the most part, when she stopped that ‘everyone is racist’ bull shit. I thought it was funny when Olivia had a party and didn’t invite her. You wanna call someone a racist, you sit home, and don’t get invited to shit. I think after that she dropped it.

I felt bad for her, at the end of last season when NaHOmie, (another reason I lost respect for her, as if I needed another one) totally sold out Venita for money and Bravo fame. Did I mention how glad I am that she’s gone?? She has a boyfriend, but he’s a musician and looks like we’ll be mostly seeing him in the phone.


Is it really necessary for three ding dongs to go ‘shopping’ for this daytime cocktail get-together that Madison is having? They need new outfits like a bunch of girls? This place which is a boutique for men, where it looks like a basic shirt costs at least $300.

Shep is bumbling around acting clueless about how to go forward in the ‘friend group’ with Taylor, and spewing out a lot of nonsense in regards to the end of their relationship. Craig advises him that it’s not normal to try to be ‘friends’ with an ex. Especially where there are a lot of hard feelings, cheating, and lies.


It’s the day of Madison’s party and hopefully the boys got their outfits together with matching purses and lip gloss…

It’s being held at a friend’s house. This seems like the type of ‘friend’ Madison would make. Seems like she did little to no planning. When they arrive, the event planner was showing her around as if she had no clue. She doesn’t even know who and who isn’t coming?

There oyster guy cracks me up.

I’m not sure im loving Madison’s dress. I don’t like the stiffness of it. It’s making her look bigger than she is. And she’s done way too much to her face. It looks unnatural and weird, and those teeth. Guess she’s sticking with them.

Austen arrives and acts awkward AF when he presents the happy couple with a gift, and tries to make a bomb joke that falls flat due his failure to execute. All he had to say is something like “you may or may not hear it ticking…” He couldn’t have practiced that? And he lingers way too long. Present the gift, say congrats and walk away. You were only invited for the drama and for her to dangle this dude in your face.

Okay, just move along…I’m stuck with her now.

I feel a little bit bad for Brett. . I’ll just say it. I don’t hold back, so why start now? Why is he with her? And they got married after having a long distance relationship for not that long, and now they’re in a long distance marriage??

Do we think perhaps he doesn’t really know her, and how nasty she is? He could have watched previous seasons. Maybe he’s into that.

Why is Leva back? Wish she would’ve gone away with Kathryn and NaHomie. They should do their own show of Kathryn and NaHOmie teaming up, and ho-ing around her bar, looking for rich dudes, and Leva scolding them like their mother for banging random guys.

This party looks boring.

The Barbie’s arrive and find out from Leva that OhmiGod!! Both of their ex’s are already present.

Brett seems like a man of few words. I cannot think of anything better. Does he look a little like ‘what the hell did I get myself into?’ as Madison walks around acting phony, and guzzling champagne?

I should’ve listend to my mom…

Don’t know what to say about Taylor’s stunt of giving Madison a dildo for a wedding gift? Was it like a fuck you gift? Is she pissed at her for some reason? Maybe payback for saying snarky something online? Was it a gag gift? Or did she really think that was appropriate?

Bartender stands there looking really awkward and embarrassed for witnessing that exchange.

I’m traumatized and can’t really move right now….

Craig says a douchey thing to Shep that he should just tell Taylor that they’re not dating and he doesn’t care. Even Shep looks a little taken aback. And that’s pretty bad. That was kind of harsh. I don’t know why he’s all up Shep’s ass anyway. Shep was such a dick to him last season.

Because she’s not an evil c*** like NaHOmie.

Shep and Taylor greet, and it goes how you might expect it to. Seeing and speaking to him for 30 seconds, gets her all cranked up, and the she loses her shit on Craig for not being her friend, not texting her, thinking his cheating was funny, bunch of shit that makes no sense given the fact that Craig is Shep’s friend and not hers.

She points out only Austen had her back. Yeah I’m sure he did. Your back, your front and everywhere else.

Why wouldn’t Shep have intervened in this at all? He stands there like a coward listening to the whole thing.

Taylor claims she knows that Paige cheated on him.

Can’t wait for Paige’s next outing with the group. Nice knowing you Taylor.

Do you mean you’re not into me?? Everyone else is!!

9/21/23 EPISODE

Taylor has a roomie now? Guess she can’t afford her mortgage since Shep made her quit her job. Still don’t get why he would have made her do that if he had no intention of proposing to her.

Even if he did, quit her job? Is this 1950?? I didn’t think women quit their jobs as soon as they got engaged. Well whatever, I should stop harping on it. She’s the dummy that actually did that. And she also has her Bravo cash, so let’s not get too worried about her starving to death.

I don’t know who Madison is trying to impress with her disdain over a dildo. I’m not saying she needs it or whatever, just drop the fake offensiveness and laugh.

Craig calls Paige and chooses to not say anything about Taylor’s cheating allegation. For some reason, call me crazy, me thinks someone else will tell her, and this will absolutely come up, probably several more times.

Producers probz told her to say that… These shows are so predictable and manufactured now. They don’t less the messiness happen organically. The organic messiness isn’t messy enough.


So Taylor’s new career path has taken her to alcohol sales. So her presentation to Leva and staff did not go well. She didn’t rehearse? I think she needs to go fill out some ortho assistant applications. Or just go crawling back to her previous employer, and ask for her job back. I’m sure all of those girls were rolling her eyes and asking her if she’s sure she knows what she’s doing when she announced she’s ditching her job to “travel with Shep.” I love when she says “I gave it all up” like it was this big lucrative career. It’s an orthodontic assistant. There will always be kids that need braces. That can’t be the only office in town. She can blame Shep for a lot, he deserves it, but for this? Yeah no. This was your choice.

She sucks at this, and it’s brutal to watch. I kind of feel her, talking in front of people isn’t my favorite either, but if this is your new job, then practice what you want to say, and figure it out.

There’s a lot of ummmm, and she doesn’t really know much about the beverage. The one is what ‘girls would drink’ and that’s all she’s got. She can’t even get the can out of it’s hole, in the box. This is worse than Kathryn’s job interview at the clothing store. These girls are old enough to know how to handle themselves in an interview or brief presentation.

She’s gorgeous, so walking into bars and selling alcohol should NOT be that hard. Especially with male owners and managers.

Leva is being nice and seems willing to give her a chance and sell the shit she knows nothing about except that girls like it.

Is Leva pregnant now? She looks a lot rounder in her yaps that are usually filmed later.

Who is the judgy dude absorbing this convo as if his life depends on it.

I’m obsessed with your life…


The ladies are golfing, and they have a new little friend, (and I mean that literally) JT. So he leeched onto Craig and Austen like three years ago. In other words, he wanted to be on the show. Is he carrying around a bottle of wine while golfing?

Rose’ all day guys!!!

He knows Taylor, and that’s who she went to Europe with, that she was bragging to Shep about at Madison’s event. So she had a second free trip to Europe in the span of a year? Okay. Sigh. Where did I go wrong?? I’m cute too!!

He goes on to explain that she hooked up with his friend while there. Seems like she’s the only girl in this group of dudes. Also seems in the way he explains it, that he passed this trip off that he rented this house for the World Cup, and invited all of these people, and it was going to be a huge group of guys and girls.

Taylor is ther only girl with three guys.


Olivia has a new dude that I guess is now part of the group. They just met, so their dates are a bit awkward and giggly. Maybe not awkward, but you know, trying really hard to be funny and engaging. i think she falls in love really fast with dudes.

You’re so dreamy…

Again I’m proven right, not surprising. Usually it’s Housewives, but it’s now extended to all Bravolebs. They’re so bad at expressions. She calls him “a dime a dozen” but she meant she tinks that he’s exceptional.

He corrects her that she has it backwards.


Scene switch to Whitney and Patricia. He was ‘partying’ until 4am?

Partying with whom?? I was feeling me some Whitney last season, but I don’t know. I think I changed my mind. Maybe it was the whole NaHomie thing, or the passe he always seemed to have with him. I guess he doesn’t like women his age, at all. What about one that looks much younger?? He bitches about her ancient uncomfortable furniture. I agree, her décor needs a refresh.

Whitney seems agitated. Patricia still holding out hope that this dude is going to get married and have kids.


Did Madison quit working since she married this dude? She seems really bored. I thought she had her own hair salon? Things are bit antiquated there in the south. She tells her mom he’s now in the office as a firefighter, as he took a step back from “the front lines” to be home more. So he’s a firefighter that works in an office. Okay. Again math ain’t mathin.’ Something’s weird, something’s not sounding right. Having a kid with her is a mistake.


Boys’ night. Shep, Craig, Austen and the little dude. The boys are arriving later.

Shep brags about all of his hook-ups down under.

Not long until Taylor is brought up. JT wants to know why he let her go. He’s clearly hung up on her. She seems too tall for him. Some short guys are into that I guess.

Well JT is doing his ‘Housewife’ job and stirring it up, trying to get Shep pissed off that she and Austen are friends (with benefits.) He lets him know she slept over at his place. So here we go again. It’s like Vanderpump continued. Yeah, sure, that’s it, she just crashed in the guestroom.” He claims he didn’t even know that she was there until the morning. He’s turning several shades of purple and magenta as he gets drilled.

Craig asks if they ever kissed. He says no, looks down, and covers his mouth. All LYING YOUR ASS OFF body language ticks. I busted someone recently for this. He touched his ear as he said “no” to a very important question. I called him out, he ridiculed me, and two weeks later I learned that he did lie. Asshole.

Touching your mouth is like a DEAD ASS giveaway that you’re lying, and that you’re uncomfortable that you’re lying. You’re covering your mouth because you’re ashamed.

Craig brags that he knows he’s lying since he looked down and to the left. Guess he missed the covering his mouth thing, which is worse.

Why would you think I’m lying???

He looks really agitated. What ‘s really gross is that he called himself a brother to her. Euuwww.


I guess Madison realized she had to make up with Venita to have scenes with people. Don’t think she’s particularly close with Olivia or Taylor. NaHOmie is gone, and I think that’s who she sort of teamed up with last season.

Two fellow gold diggers, they had so much in common. Both of them sucked up to Patricia too. So weird and ****

Maybe Madison is sort of Martha’ed out since she’s married. She won some Charleston ‘best yard’ award, she brags.

She understands the assignment. Do whatever it takes to hang onto this dude. And if that means planting some flowers and making a pot roast, she’s up for it. Just remember to leave the carrots out next time.

They plan a girls night to talk to Taylor about the dildo and the screaming.

Boys’ night continues and new Charmer Rodrigo joins them. Apparently they’re trying to diversify a bit. Nothing wrong with that. It probably is time. He’s also gay, so two boxes checked. Maybe he’ll encourage the other guys to come out. I’m kidding. Sort of.

Craig continues to needle JT about Taylor. Austen brags he had sex six days ago. Apparently it’s a contest. So that was most likely Taylor. Girlfriend seems to be getting around.

It is new, as Craig points out, for Shep to be all weepy over a chick. It’s kind of refreshing to see him vulnerable and missing her, and okay admitting it. At two years, it’s literally his longest relationship.

They head to a rooftop bar and Austen recites some poem and this scene totally reminds me of the scene in The Hangover when they’re unknowingly slipped the quaaludes

And soon we’ll be attacked by a tiger and fighting with Mike Tyson.

This seems like a little of a romantic setting for a bunch of dudes. And I’m not judging. I’m just saying there’s nothing wrong with guys liking guys, if you admit that you like guys! I got hate mail over calling Eddie on OC out on his obvious gayness. My issue is that they’re pretending not to be, and wasting women’s time. That’s it. Sorry.

Girls want careers and shit, it’s very progressive.”

When he was saying things aren’t like they were with our parents, I thought he meant something totally different, due to the weird atmosphere, but then he rolls THAT out? Girls want jobs now??

Girls want jobs now? Dude, it’s 2023. ‘Girls’ have been having careers and jobs for quite a long time.

Sounds like something dude would have said in like, you know, 1980.

Girls with jobs? What?? That’s so ‘progressive.’ Craig cracks up at him, but doesn’t tell him how inane he sounds.

Women don’t really get jobs – that’s an urban legend!!

Should we remind him that he had a chick that didn’t give two flying fucks about a career? She quit her job for chrissakes within two seconds of Shep suggesting it. Does that really bother him that women are now independent? It’s not like he wants to get married and ‘take care’ of a woman? What a dumb ass thing to say. He sounds like a fucking retard.

How drunk is he? He starts rambling about lust and love, and I don’t even know. You would think a dude that’s like 6’8” and a veteran drinker would hold his alcohol a little better.

Austen asks short stuff to stop bring up Taylor in front of Shep.

Who all wants to do a drinking game for this week’s episode, every time the guys say ‘Taylor.’

Shep admits it’s fucked up, if they have hooked up, and it’s bugging him. Well he needs to suck it up. He introduced a sweet and stunning girl to a group of dudes, then breaks up with her.

is there a cute twenty year old watiress around??

It’s simple math, someone in the group would want to take advantage of his stupidity.

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