Real Housewives of Potomac 9/5

Mia is nervous about having lunch with her Mom.

Is she calling her husband who is home, from inside the house (her closet) ?

We have become a very lazy society, just saying.

Wendy is talking to Eddie about the “craziness” that was Williamsburg, and they’re trying to

convince us how perfect their marriage is. He seems shady to me.

Weren’t they just telling Wendy ABOUT the blog rumor.

I do have to wonder why Eddie’s family dislikes Wendy so much. Was that said last season?

I’ll have to do research on that. I did read an article that his family is even more annoyed

with her for being on a reality show. So they clearly don’t seem to care what his family


Why do the housewives have so many problems with doors??

Robyn’s and Gizelle’s podcast:

When men cheat, they keep on a – cheatin.

It’s a behavior. Gizelle NEVER heard once a cheater always a cheater,

or did she say she did know ?

As far as Robyn and Juan, and his cheating I’m not sure he will be much different this time around

either. Who’s to say he won’t be

distracted or whatever again, plus he seems to have a lot of

issues with Robyn, that he is

already complaining about. I foresee him using that as an excuse for his wandering eye a

year or two from now.

Gizelle says she was not trying to be shady with Wendy. Well yes we know she would never ever be shady… Do people actually listen to this podcast ? Who would listen to this? These two should NOT be giving relationship advice.

Candiace is very very bizzy, she is filming a video and getting her master’s,

and she reminds us frequently.

Hopefully they review in one of her classes, how to subtract 28 from 96.

I know ! I know!

I keep on bringing that up, but I STILL cannot get over it

Chris seems like he’s thinking, well yeah, I kind of AM riding your coat tails, so what ???

What is with Ashley saying that she can’t give attention to Michael because the baby

won’t latch on. I literally thought she was going to say Dean, her older toddler son, she wasn’t

able to give enough attention to, when she said Michael I’m like, Girl What ????

WTF is with

her just complete obsession with giving Michael, a 60 year old grown ass man, enough

attention when she has a toddler and JUST HAD A SECOND BABY. I can’t with this.

It’s seems so one hundred years ago and ridiculous. With Ashley’s millennial age, thought she

would be more of a modern woman. Hey Old Dude, grab a tissue and go find a corner.

Come on! She is setting women back one hundred flipping years with this shit.

Michael starts berating this poor woman with ridiculous questions at this baby lactation thing.

You can’t mix bottle and breastfeeding because they get confused.

The bottle is easier to suck, so when you try to breastfeed, after they are

drinking from a bottle,

they don’t wanna put in the extra work.

It sounds to me like this is the issue she’s having? Even I know that. Why didn’t they just

ask me ?

The convo in the car with Ashley and Michael and her vag, and her weight, and the attention

she gives him, or doesn’t give him, was just awkward weird and cringy.

“You don’t look overweight at all, which is a plus for me??” who says that?

I think he thought it was a compliment, but it seriously shows her looks and body

are ALL he cares about. She just had a baby a month ago, why is this even a discussion ?

And, again, what is with her obsession

with “keeping him happy/satisfied ?”

Robyn discusses with her ten year old about getting a life coach. she calls a life coach.

I still think she just needs a friend to call her in the am and get her ass up, or bring

coffee, and just be a supportive friend. And maybe Juan not being an ass.

Mia is meeting with her mom for lunch. She’s asking what did her dad do that was so upsetting?

Well he threw Mia up against a TV, so do the math on how he treated your mom.

So he’s carrying on with another woman while his child is home? What a loser head.

Thought the mom just came out of rehab ? Why is she drinking a lemon drop?

These dresses that Karen is trying on seem not appropriate for someone of her age, and too much for

a vow renewal. She can’t even move in the second one. I feel like an anniversary party would

have been more appropriate for these two. The second they showed Ray, he looks not into this


Oh God help me, not the Gizelle wishing death on Ray — a – gain !!!

More Music video talk. Does Candiace seem like not that great of a dancer?

Candiace is upset that Michael has to do cooking classes when she has her music functions and

is not present.

This husbandger arrangement is in trouble already. Who is surprised at that ?

He conveniently leaves in a huff when it’s time to pay the check. That is so disrespectful

when guys do that storming off shit to their wife or girlfriend. It’s so humiliating especially

in public.



The espresso and chocolate martinis seem to be as popular as the hot toddy’s were on Beverly Hills.

The ladies minus Wendy and Karen are attending Robyn’s birthday celebration. Gizelle said she

did not respond to her trying to talk about the Eddie thing. I honestly wasn’t paying

a whole lot of attention to this convo.

Candiace is all riled up at Ashley’s mere presence at the dinner.

She calls her ass wide, her forehead big, and refers to her

breast milk in a derogatory way. This is unbecoming of

Miss Pageanat Girl Candiace in my opinion.

She needs to get it flipping


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