Shahs Halloween Edition !!

Previews tonight – Mike says people are “screwing with his relationship…”

I suddenly feel like I need a nap.

Adams beard – Makes him look Amish-ish, I thought last week, but now I think Charles Manson.

Neither are flattering. SHAVE IT !!

MJ and GG and the babes have a Pumpkin Patch outing. So cute, I love pumpkin patches!

But why the nanny on the pumpkin patch play date? Poor kid gets handed off because he’s getting too much sun. There are hats for this– it doesn’t seem to be 90 degrees. Shammies seems fine, and I love me a little baby or toddler boy in a baseball cap.

So a hand off to the nanny on the play date with his mom and another baby? I am judging. Weird.

Quick shot (if you blinked you missed it) shows nanny just standing there holding him, appearing annoyed, and not even interacting with him. I don’t know.

She seems to get bored with him pretty easily. I am trying to be on “board” with her baby brewing decision. She could do better.

Poor Paulina, Dealing with Mike and his issues, in addition to two kids, going through a divorce, so three kids, I mean four with the ex. Something tells me he’s not making it easy for her, ya know cuz he’s like, a dude.

Paulina says what happened like 10 times ?? Busting him on the sexting?

Girl I feel ya – with the not wanting to walk away – she’s invested – she loves him, BUT (no pun intended) there’s just this pesky little habit that he has of texting random women about butt fucking etc. This seriously is a sex addiction related type problem. And he should go to therapy.

Dudes getting peddies? Nema is really really really metro, right?

Great – Minty feet. there s nothing a lady likes more than a guy with minty feet. (or NOT !!)

Back to the text messages ——- I just could NOT wait to really really dig into the text messaging again, and the spoofing, and if GG did the spoofing or Reza did and accused GG, maybe I have that backwards I don’t know. Wow. Where’s the psychic chick that stole Kim Bierman’s old wig? What’s she have to say ?

Can we ask her why GG takes her kid on a play date then hands him off to stand there with the nanny away from the fun and interaction, and his play date buddy?

What is Paulina doingggggggg??? – Ugh covering for him and suppressing her emotions and embarrassment. It’s just not good. This is going to gnaw away at her, if she doesn’t deal with it, and it’s going to make it worse. And by deal with it I mean, dump his sorry ass, or give him an ultimatum. Get sex addiction therapy, or Ima gonna dump your sorry ass !!

How many times has his sorry ass been dumped ?

Remind me – What’s the definition of crazy ???

Reza and MJ —- guess they got over last week’s argument. Wish MJ would work it out with Tommy as far as Baby Shams. Again not to be redundant, but little guy is being used as a pawn to make a point. What does Shams have to do with this? It’s not like Reza is going to harm the baby. It’s so dumb. Punish him another way. I’ll try to think of something.

Full moon on Halloween night last year ya ALL!!! Nema is dressed like MJ!

True story – I would not make this up !! This is too serious– little shout out to a previous co worker dude friend who dressed as me for Halloween one year !! Not offended loved it – Isn’t imitation the best compliment ! So MJ is diggin it – great I knew she would – well more accurate, I hoped she would.

Reza’s costume, I honestly was not sure -supposed to be hippy as well?

I don’t know though – Sorta getting kind of a caveman vibe – maybe it’s the hair. is this just me ?

Adam’s skirt is not unlike Dorit’s election night look on Beverly hills – just an observation.

Shahs all still feeling festive, still all getting along, but due to magic of previews, we know it’s going to go downhill really bad, really fast.

Paulina looks fucking HOTTTTTT in this outfit.

Paulina had a few cocktails and, is having kind of a moment – cocktails will do that. She’s dealing with a man she really loves, that is addicted to sex, or at least talking about sex with other girls.

She’s like a ticking time bomb. I might agree these questions are sort of gas lighting and a little insulting. Its a party — why can’t the questions be light and fun ???? How about scary movie trivia ?

So this is new info for me, that Paulina’s ex has $$$$$$. BUT I will not immediately assume that this is Mike’s motive for dating her. He seems to really be into her, (who wouldn’t be). But again he has a problem – and he should seek professional help. So is she supporting him ? Another reason he should get help and she should insist or else. She’s holding all the cards !!

Reza continuing to eat during the Mike meltdown is hilarious. Yeah so why DOES Mike always seem to blame Reza for everything ?

Mike just leave – Collect your girl and leave.

Mike’s orders in the car to Paulina: “don’t say a WORD til we get home !!” Paulina girl ugghhhh run run run.

Stop wasting your beauty, and most of all your time and your energy on this over-bearing narcissist. Please. You’re too sweet and beautiful – but you are the type of woman these types of guys prey on.

I’ll end with that.

So what did you all think of this week’s episode ?

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