RHONJ Season 11- Tre vs Jackie

With new Jersey season coming up in a few weeks, I’m going to go ahead and pick on Theresa again. Sorry, but there’s just so much material.

I don’t even know where to begin, about the unawareness and empty head-ness of Theresa Guidice. I’ve never been a fan of hers. At all. She behaves like a middle schooler most of the time. The way she treats Melissa is horrific. She can’t seem to handle her jealously issues.

Back to this video, as I said NO self awareness, and NO accountability will you ever get from this woman. This conversation took place, after Theresa walked around Evan’s own birthday celebration, where she was an invited guest to their home, and proceeded to tell people that Evan was cheating on Jackie.

Like WHO DOES that ? And doesn’t feel any remorse at all ? I really do feel like her daughters are more mature than she is.

First off, the part where she answers to Jackie, ‘obviously they know you’ (the person who told her the rumor) How ridiculous is that ? She’s saying someone repeating gossip (that this person most likely “heard” ) totally means they KNOW the person they’re gossiping about? Again is she 13 ? No, she’s in her late 40’s. Does she not know how this works by now? Usually people gossip about others that they DON’T really know personally. Oh my God.

When Margaret shoots down her – “If Joe was cheating on you, wouldn’t you want to know?” Jackie then does at least get an “okay sorry, I was drinking.”

Okay sorry I was drinking’ was really the best she could do ?? For spreading gossip about the guest of honor, while at a birthday party, at their home, whle eating their food and drinking their alcohol.

Then she’s like, “it’s not like I told HER, or Evan.” Excuse me Theresa Ding Dong Guidice. I think it would have been actually ACCEPTABLE if you had pulled them aside, and said, ‘hey I want you to know, people are saying this…’ Her excuses are ridiculous. Her apology was pathetic. She should be very remorseful for this behavior. But she’s not. I was actually shocked Jackie was being so patient and nice to her. I would have loved to see a table flip on Theresa. (just sayin)

When Margaret doesn’t back her up, now we see her starting to get defensive. And insisting she did nothing wrong, and if people are saying this, it must be true. Jackie is visibly upset about this, as most women would be. (as Theresa was a few years prior when “people” were saying that Joe was cheating on her…) But Theresa does not care. “Where there’s smoke there’s fire” she goes on to say. I’m actually shocked she even knows that phrase. Then some yack about married men approaching her. Yes, let’s make it about YOU. Jackie wants her to admit this is a lie. Well, she doesn’t know it’s a lie. If I were Jackie, I would be more demanding an apology and admitting what an inappropriate thing this was to do.

Then Theresa tells her to ‘stand up for herself.’ isn’t that what she’s sort of doing ?

She maintains she didn’t “spread a rumor,’ she heard a rumor.” Um, okay is she slow? so she walked around a social gathering and literally told several people that she heard this. That is the very definition of “spreading a rumor.” Theresa sweetie – Is anyone home upstairs ? That’s what Jackie should have said.

The lights are on – but no one is home. You can literally see it in her eyes. She must have gone off to those special classes in grade school.

Jackie comes back with “I heard that Gia snorts coke at parties.”That’s when Theresa goes off, because how dare you speak about a rumor involving her family? Maybe this was a tad off for Jackie to say this on camera. However I don’t think she would have resorted to this, has Theresa just been humble and apologetic. And it WAS giving her a taste of her own medicine. Sorry it was. And she didn’t like it. I would put her on the narcissist/bully spectrum, and this is a huge personality trait of theirs.

They can say or do whatever the hell they feel like to you, but HOLY SHIT don’t you dare do it to them! Theresa then starts calling her a bitch and a c*nt and to go fuck herself and storms out of the house. I think she was looking for something to throw at her for real, because hey it’s Theresa, and she thinks she’s still 13.

I did like the jealousy bit from Jackie, because she’s not wrong, in my opinion.

Theresa continues to resort to screaming obscenities on her way to her car. Of course she can’t see the irony in getting so upset about this, but thinks she did nothing wrong to Jackie.

Maybe she’s not a true narc, they’re usually somewhat intelligent.

i do not own the rights to this video – for entertainment purps only

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