Salt lake is absolutely beautiful. Never been, I’m more of a warm weather person, but I’ll put it on the to do list. Possibly, maybe.

I need a snack.

When is Jen getting arrested ? I am here for that, not so much for all of this boring discussion about “being friends with her” again, blah blah, who cares. Apparently Lisa is her only freaking friend. Oh, and Heather is back for me abuse, I almost forgot.

Ski “bikes” ?? is this a new thing? Looked sort of, Fun – ish.

‘Adventure’ outing being planned. Needs the ladies’ stats? What? Is she stealing their identity ?

Not so far fetched knowing what we know now.

Meredith is being invited. Jen harassing her kid on Twitter, (even if he is 23, your kid is your kid, regardless of age – I mistakenly said I thought he was underage last week. He looks much younger)

STILL is NOT getting through to Jen as a freaking No-No apparently.

Jennie’s kids are cleaning up with only being asked like, ONCE ?? And they’re not even killing each other ?

Her husband seems like kind of an ass. I though they were so cute few weeks ago. Jennie shares that she has health risks at having more children, and he still is whining about it? Selfish does not even begin to describe this man right now. She had nine miscarriages and he’s a doctor, and he doesn’t see this as an issue. What ?? What ?? Dude get a grip.

He’s coming off as really narcissistic right now, and stupid!

This shit that Heather says about her daughters is disturbing sometimes. I don’t think she means it to come out like it does, like she NEEDS them to be floosies. Does she ?

Lots of Mormon talk with them. The oldest doesn’t want to deal with it when she is in college. Good.

It seems to be very very antiquated, and NOT geared towards women succeeding in anything besides marriage and having babies. It all seems sort of ridiculous.

Meredith is having a fashion thing at her house. There are a lot of dogs barking.

So Mary is dressed in that totally over over over accessorized contraption, and is picking on Meredith’s style??

Why are they going ice fishing ? I really don’t understand how falling through the ice is not an ACTUAL concern. This is going to be ONE icy activity. Oh no not ‘Zen Jen?’ We all know how Zen Wen turned out. Hopefully this is the last housewife whose name (sort of) rhymes with zen.

The two unzennest housewives are proclaiming to now be “zen” for whatever reason.

I don’t get the running toward the fish and yelling thing ? Is this normal? Meredith has “bigger fish to fry.” Just an unbelievable plethora of puns here to be had.

Again, I don’t think Meredith is wrong. So she goes on and on and on about Jen’s social media activities towards Brooks to her, and how inappropriate it is. Number 1, insulting someone for being gay is just something you DON’T do anymore. (shouldn’t have been done to begin with, but now we know better) and Number 2, the kid hasn’t even referred to himself as gay as of yet. And then Jen says “what are you talking about ?????? ” That would ABSOLUTELY make me go off the deep end also. (no pun intended, sort of) And she DOES know what she is talking about. Did she not have a heads up on this, on last episode? She FOR REAL needs to stop saying “what are you talking about?” She says it like 18 times. And then she comes up with – her flipping sons are hurt over the Brooks seeing her vagina thing? What is wrong with this woman ? She had an actual discussion with her adult sons about her vagina ? Did not happen. Who would actually believe this ?

Lisa needs to stop trying to be the mediator with these two constantly. It’s just absurd that she continues to stick by this woman. She says she “run” her Twitter account, so is relinquishing all responsibility for the tweets and likes and so forth and so on ….. Sounds fishy to me. (sorry !!!)

Sounds like a really BAD excuse to me. And lies.

Jen starts her cry- whine- screaming. Ya know she could just say “I’m sorry”

This woman is just so unbelievable.

WWHL : what is whitney’s husband wearing ? An awful T-shirt, that’s what. And do we care THIS much about their sex life ?

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