Real Housewives of Salt Lake 10/3

Picking up from the ice fishing. How does Jen “not understand” what is being said ? It’s not really that complicated.

Jen is one of those people that you just cannot reason with. And can she NOT keep bringing up her vagina. Like so what. Women have vaginas. If she was wearing a dress with no undies and flailing her legs around, and getting sloppy, there is a chance someone may get a sneak peek of the goodies.

And that someone happened to be your friend’s adult son, who didn’t particularly want to see your lady parts. Regardless of his sexual preference, a 22 year old just doesn’t want to see his mom’s 50 year old friend’s private parts.

And they might be like, hey I saw something I didn’t really want to see … like get over it. I hate to say “own it” but own it, laugh about it. If you choose to go without underwear, which I don’t get, especially when you’re of a certain age, and there’s the leakage issue, but own the shit. Doesn’t it totally seem like Jen to be, “Like yeah I was with my friend, and we were drinking and goofing around…” blah blah blah whatever. Again a stupid argument.

“I’m just trying to defend my vagina and my son” Does she HEAR herself ????

Who is this Stuart dude telling Jen what to say ?? (apparently she listens to him)

Jen: “The last thing I wanted was to hurt Brooks.” Why could this crazy ass bitch just not say this right away. Would have helped my ears a lot. That was 10 minutes of screaming, and screeching that no one needed.

Whitney and Heather just sipping their drinks and watching and commenting from the sidelines, is cracking me the fuck up. Totally reminding me of a football game right now and the annoying commentators. Except these two are actually funny.

Apologies without a change mean nothing at all. Not to mention it took her forever and several freak- outs to even issue the apology, which she was coerced into.

Stuart is the “first” assistant, I see.

I can’t get over Lisa B eating fast food – and bragging about jjit, and still being skinny. It all bothers me.

Who are these people right now with Lisa ? These two blondes look exactly alike. Are they twins.

The one says she is now related to Whitney. The polygamy thing is like a real thing here right? I have unfortunately watched Sister Wives, briefly, a long time ago. Shit freaked me out.

Mary and her kid awkwardness. Lisa had a vampire facial. Gross.

Mary: “who would trust anyone that’s unpredictable.” very true statement that makes a lot of sense, actually.

Did Whitney just say “jennyology???”

why would lisa care that her friend (sara is it ??) is friends with Whitney? So she sabotaged her event ? Is this the friend she’s knows for like 20 years??

There is not enough wine in the world for these shows sometimes I think. But this is my choice tonight. Ice cold Pinot grig sounded good. It was hot today.

Do you really need an assistant to help you get dressed ? So weird. I wouldn’t want some dude in my closet with me. I can retrieve my own piece of clothing, thank you.

Coach Shah is very handsome. Whitney’s hair looks weird. Why are they climbing over this banister ?

I don’t think I could live in Utah. Like not now, not ever. Maybe visit. I did say last week it was really pretty. I heard Coffee is even a thing there that’s not allowed.

Lisa enters and is all excited about her friend Jennie, and cannot even say hey even to Whitney.

Whitney in her hot pink, is crushed. She desperately needs Lisa’s approval.

Okay, so I have these two new blondes that look exactly alike mixed up. Is the one that was Lisa’s “good friend” the one that she supposedly screwed or tried to screw with the caterer?

Jennie’s lucky number is 7? that’s very original

Lisa’s husband notices Heather’s breasts, but not in a totally creepy way. Just a little creepy. Her boobs are good. Heather is very pretty. I got some good shots of her actually.

Why is everyone getting involved in this shit about the caterer ?

No wonder Whitney is worried about what was going on – she knows Sarah Angie or whoever, is telling Lisa that the caterer thing “has Lisa written all over it”.

Why DOES Lisa hate Whitney so much ? I like how Meredith and Jen are just watching. We need Heather in the mix right now. Think she’s the only one missing, actually. Oh yeah Mary.

There’s something about Mary… that’s weird– what do we think of this cult thing that’s being talked about a lot ?

I like how Lisa’s tears all disappeared as soon as she walked out of the room.

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