Real Housewives of Potomac Reunion Part 1- 2/19/23

What do we all think of this Robyn/Juan, and his girlfriend thing? Apparently he was “inappropriately communicating” with a chick “during covid.” That phrase still cracks me up. It makes no sense, ‘during covid’ as if it were some sort of event. It’s a virus. These weird things we say now since the 2020 scam. How about saying ‘during the scamdemic?’ That makes more sense, and makes you sound intelligent.

Anywho, the more important aspect of all of this, is me pointing out that I was right. (not about the scamdemic, I knew I was right about that) I knew he was guilty AF, if you read some of my previous article recaps.

Namely, his reaction to their discussion about the prenup and his previous cheating, and the way he tried to divert her attention, and said “how long have we known each other?” or some shit like that.

She should have quickly pointed out the lack of relevance to that statement, especially given the fact that he HAD cheated on her, which is why they got divorced.

Instead she played into his stupid little shady distraction, and got all googly eyed when he said that. What a fucking player!!

Also what was telling of his guilt, to me, was his explosive anger when she called him from Mexico about the cheating allegations that Karen had shared. I’m not sure if this Karen look alike of Georgetown, is the same woman as the “inappropriate communication” chick. I thought she said on WWHL, that this woman lived in Canada, and they started chatting on Instagram. So it’s sounding like Juan, before they even got remarried, was involved in two affairs, and she STILL fucking marries him?? I wanna smack her across the head and say “snap out if it!!”

They flash to WWHL, a few weeks prior, of Andy bitching at her, for withholding this info on the show.

Chris was the sacrificial lamb when you had skeletons in your own closet.”

Don’t we all have skeletons?”

That’s dancing around the question. She’s missing the point of course. Or pretending to.

Not really in her defense, just an obsi, Juan probably ordered her not to bring it up. I’m sure I’m not alone in this opinion, but remarrying him, was just an all around stupid move on her part. Why did he even want to marry her again, if he wants to be this stupid fuck boy hitting up random chicks? Just because he can? Probably, having experience with this, not AS the cheater of course, I think that they get off on the thrill, of the cheating, lying, and playing women.

For chrissakes he was even hitting me up WHILE he was in a relationship with one of the chicks he was cheating with ME on, when we were separated/divorced. I mean, who the hell does that? I have a funny story about all of that, that I might soon be divulging. I forewarn you though, it’s so fucking out there, you guys are going to think I made it up. But I assure you it actually happened. The phrase “you can’t make this shit up” absolutely applies. Would I be allowed to name names?? Hmmm. I should have actually went to the police at the time, and called her employer. Why I didn’t, I do not know.

Andy is now making these new harassment rounds at the reunions, as the ladies are getting glammed. He’s the hardest on Robyn because he really is pissed off at her for hiding the Juan embarrassing, yet juicy details of his ongoing infidelity. He asks if Juan is attending during the ‘husband’ segment, of course Andy knows he’s not, but wanted to make a snarky comment about it, and make her say it.

You mean he’s working the internet looking for his next hook-up that will randomly fly to Baltimore, for whatever reason.

No, he’s working” she answers.

Andy: “I thought so…”

Robyn looks embarrassed. It’s so sad she had to feel like this on behalf of Juan, instead of him being here looking embarrassed, and ‘owning it’ as he should be.

He really wanted to be here, but he’s home chatting on Insta right now, looking for another insta hook-up.

Arguably, Juan should actually be a stand-up fucking dude, suck it up, attend the reunion, and answer to this shit, and publicly apologize to Robyn. The fact that he can’t, or won’t really showcases him as such a total fucking coward. What is she doing with this dude? I get it, it’s the father of her kids, whatever, they have history whatever whatever. But those are just not good enough reasons to put up with this kind of ongoing cheating behavior. Because he’s NOT going to ever change. Clearly. DUH.

She looks like a fool.

I guess they weren’t aware of the seating arrangement prior to arrrival. I always assumed they knew ahead of time, but what the hell do I know? I only knew of this ‘first chair’ ritual until a few years ago. I just never really paid that much attention to who was sitting where. I guess I should have noticed it was always in some sort of clout order. Like Kyle on BH, always by Andy.

Looks like no-story-line-Gizelle was not expecting ‘first chair’ honors. I’m sure Trashley Darby expected she was getting it. So not only did she not get first chair, she also ain’t getting no alimony, nor a big cash divorce settlement!! If you’re not loving that, then I guess you support this Ashley type of opportunistic lifestyle. Hope you’re better than her at it, and you have the brains to read and comprehend the fine print in your prenup.

They comment about the seating being ‘random.’ I guess Robyn thought she would be closer to first chair as well? If you really think about it, this seating order based on their importance, clout, relevance, whatever, at the reunion, is sort of juvenile.

Maybe they’re trying to get away from this seating chart according to your drama rule. Robyn, also possibly expecting first chair, or second at least, calls it the “most random seating ever.” As Gizelle mutters that she’s “confused” as she gets seated. But you know she’s secretly cheering and thrilled.

Robyn really means: Why the fuck is SHE getting first chair??

So, we really have the two with the least to discuss, in the coveted first chairs. On the dreaded ‘ends’ are Mia and Wendy. Maybe they’re in some sort of ‘Andy’s favorites’ sequence. He has been warming up to Candiace this season, when in past seasons he’s been kind of brutal. Not really sure why. Maybe he’s jealous of her cuteness too,

The dress code is various shades of blue. For some reason it seems that the Potomac ladies at the reunions are put on a strict color coded dress assignment. Last year they were all in pink. The other reunions are random and the attire is all over the place.

My theory is, this was Andy’s idea, to throw shade at Karen, for the ‘Mr. Blue Eyes’ accusations. He is shady, that Andy Cohen, and loves his little microaggressions.

Little surprised about Gizelle and Jason of Winter House fame. Never really saw her as the ‘cougar’ type. He’s 36. Ya know I had to look that up. That are a cute couple, but don’t foresee a Love Connection there. I honestly think Gizelle likes her freedom. Yes she might like the company of a guy for obvious reasons, but I don’t think she wants to answer to one.

Andy shades Candiace for looking like ‘Cookie Monster’ with her feathery royal blue gown. She insists that this was by design, (no pun intended) but not sure about that. And who cares anyway.

Cookie Monster is a cute monster, as most of the Sesame Street characters are, with the exception of one. Deborah was being compared to garbage can dweller Oscar, and I have to say, I do see similarities. That chick made a complete fucking fool out of herself, with the Chris fake story line lie that she got involved in.

If you’re ugly as fuck, at least try not to look like a complete and utter idiot in front of a million people, I always say. What can be worse than being ugly AND stupid? Ashley surely promised her some of Michael’s cash she thought she was getting, or a chance to be a Housewife, to be her little fucking minion, to get back at Candiace.

Which also doesn’t speak highly of what kind of morals she has either. So let’s add greedy, desperate and a complete loser, to her list of attributes. I guess I’m sounding really harsh, but I just don’t like people who intentionally try to destroy others, due to jealousy and their own insecurities, and worse yet, for money.

Why don’t ugly chicks get mad at their parents that they’re ugly? Why do they have to take it out on pretty people? We’re not responsible for your looks, your parents are.

It’s not Candiace’s fault, Deborah, that she’s cute and you’re not!

With my Houswife money that Ashley promised me, I’m gettin me the Khloe K!!

Parents get blamed for everything else that goes wrong in your life, so it makes sense to me!

Mia looks nervous when the subject of health is brought up with Wendy. She did actually have a minor health issue, whereas Mia was faking a major health issue. Andy ridicules Wendy’s mom for offering her “a nice glass of red wine!!” immediately after returning home from surgery. It is kind of the last thing she should have been offered, but in Mom’s defense, even though I think she’s really weird, red wine IS good for you, it has antioxidants, and maybe she didn’t want to drink alone? She was so emphatic and proud about her offer, it was funny. Wendy didn’t get her brains from this woman. Maybe she was trying to get her all saucy and mellow when she asked Wendy for her new titties.

Andy addresses the seating, and makes it seem like he is just “a voice” in the final decision, but I think he was tossing some shade, by NOT giving the close to him seats to the ladies that expected it.

He says the method was to split up the ladies not getting along, but that’s bullshit and makes no sense.

You can tell Robyn and Mia are the most annoyed. They start nervously tossing their weaves around as he is explaining the method. I think Wendy is okay with her last seat, as may have been expecting it.

Yeah whatever Andy, I was so much messier than Candiace and Gizelle.

His explanation still makes no sense as to why Gizelle and Karen are first chair. I feel like I have talked about this too much, given how stupid it is.

Ashley appears to be first on the hot seat. And I’m probably going to have a lot to say, and will be digging up all of my photos over the season when I was pointing out her sheer elation, and shitty fucking grins every time she discussed ditching Michael, for her reasons that made no fucking sense at all. And it just so happened to be when her eight-year fulfillment was up (the cut-off of which she thought she was cashing in) and shortly after she squeezes out the second puppy.

Big payday comin for Mama !!!
I wonder how much?? A couple million? Maybe 3!
And don’t forget the free house AND child support !!

Yes, these were all stills of her talking about leaving Michael.

She loved that ‘LLC’ talk, didn’t she? Even though she had no fucking clue what it meant. I wish someone would have asked her. I love her mom’s eye rolls on Face Time when she tells her they bought the house together. Like woman, how the fuck else would she be able to buy a house like that?

I am going to be posting like crazy, and braggin my ass off when he sells this fucking thing out from under her. He’s really shelling out $13,000g/month for this petty little money grubber? That’s gonna get old REAL fast for him.

She’s so dumb, that she doesn’t see if Michael is such a kajillionairre, he would have paid for it in cash or AT LEAST put a decent down payment on it. 13thou a month tells me he put the bare minimum down.

Which is also blaring sign that he’s not planning on keeping it. Which Ashley also doesn’t bother to question. Andy drills her on Michael having a key to the house. Which I hate to say, I kind of do get, in the event of an emergency. Those are his children. And don’t forget he does own it, and it was Ashley’s choice to have a house of this size, so that Michael had to buy it for her, instead of purchasing or renting something, that she could afford on her own.

She just needs to suck that up. It’s HIS fucking house. I wouldn’t be surprised if her name is not on it at all. Not the deed, the title, the mortgage. (which would benefit her) I mean she was too stupid to comprehend the verbiage in her prenup, that she had with a dude that she married, purely for money, so it’s not outrageous to think she has no idea that her name is on nothing in regards to this home.

She said herself that Michael was handling all all of the corresponence and paperwork, because she didn’t want bothered, She also didn’t want bothered with making sure she understood her prenup, and look how that turned out. She has no clue what the fuck is going on with this house, other than how she’s planning on decorating it.

She tells of an incident that caused tension with Luke, when Michael just HAPPENED to have dropped the boys off Sunday night instead of Monday, when Luke was sleeping over. So yeah he’s already messing with her, and he will continue to do so, because I believe he’s getting back at her for using him for her big payday.

And that doesn’t mean I’m a Michael Darby fan or have any respect for him, they can both be shitheads in my eyes, when I say I think it’s fucking hilarious, and she deserves it.

He’ll probably have some type of game he plays every time she’s banging a dude. At least for the next few years until he gets bored, or finds a nice guy to settle down with.

I do feel bad that innocent babies are involved in this trailer park Ashley messiness. I like how she tries to play little Miss Moral Compass when she says, it’s not that her conquests can’t EVER be around her kids, but with Luke, it was too soon, since they had just started dating. I’m sure in a year or two, when they’re a little older, this little rule and reg will go out the window. Right now, they’re so little, they would be so confused as to who this random dude is in their house. Little Dean, in a few years, will realize it’s the dude their ho bag gold digging mommy is fucking.

Ashley seems to be loving having the floor right now. Until, wah wah wah, Andy asks about her proceeds and income status from the divorce.

So apparently, she ain’t getting half, she ain’t getting a quarter, she ain’t getting a crumb, because… “Essentially, money that he came into the marriage with is his, and the money that he made and put into other projects is all considered his, because the source of that money.”

Gizelle asks if she knows his worth, and where the money is?? SHOW ME THE MONEY!!”

She has no fucking clue, She’s sitting here looking like a pathetic dimwit right now. Robyn inquires, “No lump sum payment, no idea of alimony?” Do women still talk like this in 2023? Apparently they do. “According to the pre-nup, I’m not allowed to get alimony.” Followed by gasps. and Wendy, “you signed that??” Yeah girl, she did, Michael was probably like, “it’s all a bunch of boring technicalties, and big words, you don’t need to read it. Here’s a Corona.”

“Okay Daddy.”

See why I think he’s taking her for a ride with this house purchase?

Pretty genius there, Michael, and I love that he’s known about this little clause all along, as she filmed all season bragging about all the money he has, and getting her grubby mits on it, The old dude played her! We should not have under estimated him. He’s a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one of them. Karen tries to get involved, with some sort of advice to make her feel better, that she should be entitled to SOMETHING! How would she know? She hung onto her cash cow !! I’m not feeling Karen’s hair and dress, at all, by the way. I will have to dive into these dresses, and my thoughts on them another time, Ladies, just let it go. Not your problem. If they’re so worried about it, why don’t they throw her some cash?

And just like that ! That beaming smile has been turned upside down!!

That viewer question not believing Ashley not wanting threeways anymore, as the reason why she suddenly wants a divorce, (which of course any idiot can see through. I loved her question actually) gives Andy the segue into addressing Mia, and the status of her and Gordon’s ménage à trois situation, since she has children. Andy is such a perv. He loves the Housewife dirty talk, and sexual innuendo.

Mia explains that she had to keep it up in order to keep her husband, she didn’t want toi be gullty of false advertisement, since I guess this shit is what reeled him in. Holy fucking shit, what these ho’s will do for money, is just mind boggling to me. Am I confused? Is this like 1800 when women were second class citizens, and could not even fart without a man giving then permission to do so? Couldn’t have jobs and careers?? If these ho’s like money this much, why can’t they work for it? Explain this to me like I’m a woman!

I don’t know why Ashley even a few seasons back, would have referred to Candiace as the “least accomplished?” Sitting there as a woman, who accomplished nothing in her adult life, but marrying a successful gay and skeevy dude old enough to be her father.

This gets into the whole ‘ generational wealth’ thing which seems to be a new fun phrase to say referring to rich people, and their spawn having it easier than your average person.

This was the period when Candiace was still living in a home owned by her mother, and the women were having a French fucking peepee about it. When really it’s none of their fucking business. It just came off as plain old jealousy.

It’s really not nearly as shameful (or shameful at all) as marrying and having a kids to a dude purely for monetary reasons. Parents with money do tend to do this when their kids purchase a home.

I used to be in the mortgage business, and saw plenty of parents not only giving thousands of dollars towards their kids’ home purchase, or co-signing, but even outright buying it for them. It’s not unusual. I can see why these women would be jealous, I am too. But they’re coming off as kind of naive in how the world works, to have made it this huge fucking thing. And they even went after Candaice’s and Chris’ new house, last season, hounding her, if her mom’s “name is on the deed.” It probably is not, but that didn’t mean she didn’t give Candaice money towards the down payment. That’s the part they don’t understand, and made themselves look really stupid and insanely envious by even caring and asking. I mean, like tell me you grew up poor, or lower middle class perhaps, without telling me you grew up poor or lower middle-class. They think this should be such a fucking embarrassment to Candiace if her mom gave her like 10g, or more, for the down payment. It’s not. It’s normal.

Are they trying to tell us that if their parents offered to purchase them a home, or help with down payment/closing costs, they would say “no thank you. I’m good.” NO.

Fucking Ashley’s dumb broke ass tent-dwelling mom tried to fucking live off of Ashley and Michael for chrissakes. So Candiace’s situation ‘triggers’ her. Just like the ugly thing, why take it out on Candiace? Take it up with your ‘low-budget’ skanky ass mom,

So, yes, Candiace’s set-up sparked a lot of jealousy and animosity in them. Ashley tries to brush that very accurate viewer question off, that she’s confident and so accomplished, and no one’s going to throw her off of her game so “nice try.”

Yes, she’s still laser focused on landing her next rich old dude. And to that I say, “nice try Ashley” in acting like you don’t know that you look like a fucking fool right now. To me, she looks defeated, even though she’s trying to come off as confident, and not shook by the fact that she ain’t getting shit.

That elusive sounding rant she went on about Michael’s money was hilarious. Especially the part about some random clause she MIGHT be able to siphon something out of him, in the event of extreme financial difficulty. I can’t even imagine the clauses attached to the clauses and fine print on that one. Good luck girl.

Candiace chimes in as she should, about all of the judgment that she received, about her parents helping her with a home purchase, which as I said above, is a quite common practice in people with a lot of money. The ladies needed to just get over that. It’s not like Candiace is Shep on Southern Charm, with no interests, no passions, no talent, and partying and taking it easy all day while literally getting an allowance. At 43 years old.

She does actually DO things, such as further educate herself, while also pursuing a music career, and is trying to make a name for herself.

And then we have here dusty Tiktoking Trashley Darby, sitting here whining she didn’t get half of her husband’s fortune in the divorce, because she was too fucking lazy to even read the prenup.

Trashley God love her, for putting in the effort, is trying to save face here, but is forced to admit she is relying on Michael to buy her a 2mill plus house she couldn’t begin to afford, but it’s beyond taboo, for a wealthy parent to help their daughter in a home purchase. Mmkay Ashley. Sorry your mom doesn’t have a pot to piss in, not Candiace’s fault.

Ashley says “you best believe when my children are 30, they will have a house in their name?” says Ashley, over 30, who doesn’t have a house in HER name. And she thinks she does. So, that’s even worse. And that she married some old skeeve that’s actually into dudes, in order to get it.

I’m disappointed Candiace didn’t clap back with that. She’s usually better with awesome zingers to idiotic comments.

Ashley brags at the break that while she’s done with Luke, she has “plenty of other dudes she’s talking to.” Okay Ashley take a breath, we know, believe me, we know. Good luck locking in the next sugar daddy when you’re now known to millions as a gold digger. Does she watch Beverly Hills and see how much luck Erika is having with that?Old dudes come fuck her, and then leave. They don’t even buy her a drink.

Mia and the health ‘scare’ on deck. Flashes of Mia bragging about this mansion she was renting and the 65g they spent on renos isn’t aging well. Come on now, Housewives has been on quite long enough for the newbies to know by now, to NOT over-brag about their husband, money and home.

Case in point: Mia Thorton. Housewife casualty number whatever, in misrepresenting herself, and her and her husband’s success. Sounds like The Joint Chiro, which is a chain, was really a business endeavor that Gordon’s brother was into, and brought on Gordon, then got stuck with Mia, by default.

Her health and cancer scare, that she was trying to play up, was actually a minor rash. Andy’s going to have a field day with this. He questions her, and she does her best to really over dramatize these minor issues and various tests they did to rule out anything serious. I just do not get and cannot get on board with someone who tried to gain pity by pretending to have a terminal illness.

Like, hello Brooks Ayres!! (RHOC- Vickie’s ex faking cancer) Everyone looks pissed off, as she goes on and on and on some more, saying absolutely nothing. Gizelle’s face is the best. Maybe that’s why she got first chair.

Andy brings up, that perhaps it could be her implants (boobs and butt) being the culprit. So we go way back in time, to the first or second ep of the season, which seems like years ago, doesn’t it?? When Wendy got hot mic’d calling Mia a liar about her so-called health crisis. She wasn’t wrong, but it was five minutes after she scolded Robyn for accusing her of lying. So that looked bad, but very Wendy.

Her defense is that she didn’t accuse her of lying directly to her face.

Onto the family business. I think she gave herself the CEO title. I do think she was the one in charge of the various locations, though. She was more like a salaried employee, than a CEO or board member. I get it though, CEO sounds better. I don’t want to get in too much into it here, but lets just suffice it to say, she says a whole goddamned lot of NOTHIN, and contradicts herself trying to explain how she and Gordon lost their Joint duties.

The ladies ask numerous questions that she can’t answer, and when she tries, she stammers, and sounds like the village idiot. I am totally of the belief that they WERE dipping into money they were not entitled to dip into, to cover that outrageous rent and the stupid renos that Mia had to have on said rental. That’s why the bro’s booted them.

Well the money for thr bougie rental needed to come from somewhere! We were just borrowing it!

I can see Mia not knowing any better, but Gordo dude, come ON, he should have. He’s been around the block enough to know that 10g/month rental is just poor financial decision making, and putting over 60g renos in a home you DO NOT OWN is beyond fucking stupidity. The owner of that house laughed all the way to the bank, after they moved out. I doubt he reimbursed them one fucking cent. He probably charges higher rent now to the new occupants.

Mia starts to get annoyed at the ongoing interrogation, and tells them “it’s not fucking funny” as no-soul Wendy loudly laughs in her face. Now, that’s just plain mean. I didn’t see anyone laughing at Ashley. That’s the one who should be getting the sinister laughs and ridicules.

Well it’s KINDA funny

Come on, she should have expected this. She knows how much Housewives (all Housewives) relish in the failures of their cast mates. Maybe she should have made smarter decisions. Another example of a Housewife who gets her hands on a little money and success, and just goes fucking nuts. Like Erika Girardi, or even Jen Shah on SLC. There’s probably a chance that Jen’s business started off as legit, then saw she could make even MORE if she started scamming people. And she does have a shopping addiction, like Erika.

Okay I just need this to be over. I was trying to make my summary of this subject brief, because I’m really having second hand embarrassment for her. She’s making such a fool out of herself. When Andy asks about her current living arrangement, she ‘brags’ that they have several ‘rentals’ going (that they rent, not homes that they own) because they’re so bi-coastal, yet all of the states she names of these rental homes are on the EAST COAST. She gets ridiculed for that, and tries to back peddle on it. Same thing.” No, not same thing. I really don’t think she knows what that term means. It just keeps getting worse and worse. Gordon’s family that gave them the axe were probably laughing their asses off during this pathetic slew of excuses that literally make NO SENSE.

Andy manages to turn this around in her favor, I think he feels sorry for her, by pointing out the ladies, Gizelle in particular, I wonder why, that Mia was open to share all of this on social media instead of trying to keep it hush hush out of embarrassment.

Gizelle is sort of on the hot seat now, because we’re gearing up to address her allegation that Chris was trying to come on to her last season.

There should be a new Housewife rule. Andy are you listening? Here goes – Anything that happened in the previous season is off limits to be discussed, and made a whole big fucking thing. Either you have something to talk about, and be interesting about, (and it doesn’t necessarily have to be negative drama, does it?) and if you don’t, you’re out. Or you get very little camera time.

Okay, sooooo Chris text messaged Gizelle (why does she call text messages, DM’s?) I guess DM’s makes it sound more dramatic. Or does she just not know this refers to messages on social media? Anyway, aside from Wendy, none of these ladies are very sharp. It’s pretty obvious Chris did this on purpose, and it was planned, to do apology message when he did.

He reaches out to ‘apologize’ for making her feel uncomfortable, two seconds after cameras went down, that way he can say he apologized, and didn’t allow her to keep making it her story line, and camera time thing, That was actually pretty smart of them. The way he kept avoiding her at the finale was awesome. Gizelle desparately wanted that camera time to keep further milking that shit. Old Gizzy got totally outsmarted by Candiace and Chris, which really doesn’t take much, but still, yay for them.

Like, Gizelle get over yourself already. I wish I had a dollar for every time a married man made me feel ‘uncomfortable’ over the years. I’ve had married men full on hit on me for chrissakes, including a fucking neighbor, and a friend of my ex-husbands! While we were married, and so was he! I did tell my husband about the neighbor, but the friend, I just kept to myself. He worked with his wife, and I thought it best to just ignore it. If it would have kept happening, I would have said something. And in the workplace, holy shit! Married dudes said inappropriate shit to me all the time. The fact that she made this seem like he full on hit on her, just because they were in a room by themselves, and he was venting, and she just felt a little awkward, was so ludicrous. Whatever, I know, this is Housewives and we just gotta roll with it.


Gizelle says in her yap, that was not previously aired, that “he admitted it, he’s sorry and we’re moving on.” Andy disputes that he admitted any wrongdoing. Just said he’s sorry IF he offended her. Gizelle desperately wants to drop this, and is acting all at peace, suddenly, and ready to just be done with it. Yes, I’m sure she is. Especially since there is really nothing to move on from.

Candiace points out that message was sent right after filming ended, before they had seen the over dramatized and exaggerated shit she had been saying, and the various versions of the story. Candiace ain’t wrong guys.

And to make matters worse this CLEARLY this stupid ass ‘story line’ about Chris, Gizelle and the Oger, was used in place of the issues and cheating allegations about Juan. Gizelle nor Ashley wouldn’t do that to Robyn, because theyre close to Robyn. Candiace not so much. And they envy her.

Gizelle pretends to be confused or have memory loss, and then apologizes for making it appear that Chris was trying to get with her. There is a difference between a dude hitting on you, and a dude that sure, maybe thinks you’re pretty, and is picturing you naked, men are men, they can’t help it, but is really just speaking to you, and has no ill intentions.

And that was the case here. So suddenly Gizelle is being called out here, and now she’s sorry. Ashley defends Giz by saying “she puts a little sauce on things.”

Well of course Ashley would defend her, because she was doing the same fucking thing! Actually no, not really, Ashley was all out LYING about Chris checking out her nasty dusty friend. Or ex-friend. Something tells me they’re no longer friends. Ashley shut up.

Robyn enters the ring and corroborates Gizelle’s ‘uncomfortable’ story. Color me shocked.

Candiace tells Gizelle to take her apology, and shove it up her ass. Good for her.

Andy reads a viewer question that asks why Candiace referred to the allegations as sexual assault. Gizelle tries to deny that, then they roll the footage, where yes, Gizelle admits “that’s what she thought Ashley said” in reference to her ugly desperate hag looking friend’s claims.

Robyn again chimes in, in defense of her friend, because she knows this ain’t looking good. Really though, shouldn’t she just shut up? She wasn’t there. And also, worth mentioning, she was claiming not be on Gizelle’s side with this crap that she was tying to pull, and was saying sounded like not a big deal.

Married men are NOT permitted to talk to women! Nevermind that my husband has several girlfriends!

Robyn tries to reinforce that “a married man shouldn’t be alone ever, under any circumstances with a single woman?’” Which is just so fucking ironic, of course. But also, like are we animals? Is she saying your average normal dude (I use that phrase loosely) is unable to control himself, and will just rip her clothes off and throw her on the bed when alone for two minutes??

Like wtf. Robyn shut up. Doesn’t she have enough to worry about? Like her own fucking sketchy husband? Who she divorced ten years ago because he was cheating, and then REMARRIED in the midst of MORE CHEATING? This would be literally like me remarrying MY ex, who had like 23 girlfriends throughout our marriage. And thinking he suddenly is going to be loyal. I mean MAYBE, he would be now, out of necessity, since he’s fat(ter) and old now, and who the hell wants him?

I love Andy’s sort of analogy. He’s better at these than the Housewives, because his totally makes sense. He says that this accusation, and cry of complete agony over this two minute convo with Chris, in her hotel room, (she likes pointing that out for effect) seems like something from the Victorian Era (when women were second class citizens) that two responsible opposite sex adults can’t have a convo alone together without this massive fucking ordeal? He’s probably so relieved that he’s gay right now and doesn’t have to deal with this kind of fucking nonsense.

And the woman being so offended, and assuming he was trying to take advantage of her? He’s not wrong. Also, Gizelle and Chris WERE friendly.

Maybe there was some low-key harmless flirtation that would take place in front of Candiace, I hate to say that’s normal, but Candiace didn’t seem to care. She doesn’t strike me as a jealous psycho type.

Maybe Gizelle is projecting a bit here, and she is attracted to Chris? It’s not crazy. It’s no more crazy than Gizelle and Ashley’s story.

Andy asks her if she cares that she may have damaged his rep over this. Gizelle tries to deflect by pointing out Candiace gossiping about Juan and Robyn, and Michael Darby.

Good point because I believe Gizelle and Ashley cooked this up because of the Juan thing….

Also sort of proves this fake story line was used as some sort of pay back, again cooked up by these two on the opposite couch beside each other, who are both close with Robyn, to deflect from Juan’s cheating rumors. But his was ACTUAL cheating.

Wendy speaks up in support of Candice of course, now, and Gizelle is basically getting roasted here over this. She had to have expected this. I guess Andy wanted her front and center as she got made a mockery of. More points get made, as if we need them, that Gizelle had opportunities to address this issue she had, before the cameras were rolling eight months later. Is this even worth discussing? OF COURSE she brought it up for the show, because she has nothing else to talk about, and she is all about being messy on the show. It’s her ‘character.’ Hasn’t she even admitted that?

Busted — but oh well, I’m still the prettiest. Uterus or not.

Your dwindling uterus was waiting for you to put it on TV…”

I wouldn’t call it dwindling…

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