Real Housewives of Potomac Premier 11/5/23 – Juan & Robyn Segment

Juan and his skeevy adulterous ways. I’m doing a whole separate segment just on the opening Juan and Robyn scene, because I knew it was going to be long.

So cliche, but so true. Pretty sure that’s how they become cliche’s: Once a cheater, always a cheater. Don’t know why Robyn remarried this fucking shyster.

Even before the wedding, the ‘Juan just paid for her hotel room’ fucking scandal was out. Like Robyn girl, COME ON. Dudes will sit and lie right to your face, and not give two fucks. At all.

We recap the embarrassing WWHL appearance last year, repeating this embarrassing fish story that Juan sold her. The funniest part about it was Andy’s and Eboni’s face.

Naturally she would call my husband to pay for a hotel room.
Wow, and I thought Leah and Lu were dimwits.

“He drove to the hotel and put his card down, and that’s it. He left.” Mmmmkay.

Then there was some laundromat soiree, and a nail salon meeting. Like either he’s fucking around, or he’s gay. Dude, come ON. This is so humiliating for Robyn and I totally feel for her.

I’ve always found Juan to be just so sketchy. He looks sketchy, he acts sketchy.

I’m sure this season is no exception. You can tell he’s tiptoeing around Robyn as he enters the house and they small talk about their wedding pics and vaca.

Is it hot in here or is just the lies??

She quickly brings up the ‘noise’ (guess that’s one way of putting it) that’s been going on, as he immediately pulls at his hoodie, and proceeds to rub his eye, and touch his face, since you know, he’s getting ready to lie his ass off. Face touching is a dead giveaway of that, since it’s a nervous tick showing you’re uncomfortable. Does he actually think these chicks aren’t going to talk?

Bitches are all about blabbing, especially when they’re hooking up with someone famous, even it it’s just Bravo HouseHusband famous.

Yeah I think I have something in my eye.

He continues to rub at his head, pull at his collar, and look tense and guilty as fuck.

Oh wow, now I have the sudden need to cover my face and rub my head. Not sure why.

Oh no he does NOT play the good deed card!

Another textbook trait of this horrible disorder (horrible for everyone else, not for them) an abuser, a liar, cheater, shyster, it all goes together.

My icky skeevy ex did the “I was being a stand-up guy” thing this summer when I questioned why he was buying groceries for the ugly skank across the lot. And you know what his answer was?

Because he was “being a good guy and helping her.” Even though I’m pretty sure she can buy her own fucking groceries with, you know her paycheck, and her husband footing the bill for everything else. Think she can buy her own fucking shrimp.

And she certainly doesn’t spend any money on clothes, makeup or hair products, so whatever, he’s a dumb loser schmuck. I guess he doesn’t mind looking like one.

He’s probably still buying her fucking groceries. Dumb ass. Not sure why he’s shelling out cash. Pretty sure she’ll fuck him ten times a day regardless. Pretty sure of that.

Enough of that, for now. I’ll try to stop relating, but it’s hard since they all act exactly the same.

Victimize themselves, project, ridicule everyone, deny everything, take no responsibility, and whatever they did that you deem wrong, it’s your fault.

It’s so clearly a personality disorder because they all use the same fucking rhetoric.

Like if you’ve ever been around people with other disorders, such as alcoholism, or hoarding, or watched reality, or documentary shows about people with various personality disorders, the behaviors and rhetoric are identical with each other.

So narcs can deny all they want, that they have a whole ass sickening disorder, but once you see how they act, behave and interact all the same, it’s not difficult to comprehend.

Now we gotta sit and listen to Juan lie his ass off, as I predicted with his fucking sob stories, and victimizing himself, and how unbelievable it is that so many random women would be accusing him of hooking up with them???

So weird. So coincidental. Everyone is out to get him.

Yeah it was foolish, but she’s ugly so, no harm done.

Robyn questions why he didn’t hook up with the hotel chick, which she finds strange, which is not a good sign, and he pulls this one out: this is an old trick in their book too – “did you see her?” So claiming she’s ugly, and he wouldn’t even think of fucking an ugly chick.

Yes decent looking guys (or guys who think they are) DO fuck ugly chicks, believe me, with guys like this, if they have something the dude wants, and she can service him in some way, and ya get my drift, ugliness doesn’t bother them. That’s what light switches and alcohol are for.

He keeps rubbing his head and eye. This is fucking pathetic, and frankly hard to watch. See what I’m doing for you! This is so triggering.

Yeah, unfortunately ya still wanted to marry me…

Oh, look, this is all happening to him because he’s too nice!! Jesus Christ. I can’t.

Yeah he’s so fucking nice, that he cheats on his fiance, and now wife. What a guy! Hey ya know what Juan?? Actual ‘nice’ and genuine dudes don’t walk around, rubbing their head non-stop, looking anxious, and reassuring you that they’re honest loyal guys, and telling the truth. They just don’t!! Because they don’t need to, because their actions speak for themselves! I CANNOT with this shady fucking bastard. GodDAMN !! he reminds me of my ex!! Sure you’re a GREAT GUY !! CHEATED ON FOUR DIFFERENT FUCKIN WOMEN! Not to mention abusive to all of them too!!

Yes I get that too nice vibe from you constantly!!

She chose to believe this fucking tall tale of his, because, wait for it, “Juan wouldn’t make something up that stupid…” Well, it definitely is stupid. She’s got that part right.

Now my neck is itching…

Girlll, what else was he going to say? This woman showed a receipt with his signature and credit card info on it.

So either he owns it, that he was fucking her, or came up with this ‘he paid for a hotel for her because she lost her wallet.’

Also if this scenario were true, and she called him for ‘help’ (wink wink) why wouldn’t he just call the hotel and give his credit card number? This isn’t 1972. You don’t have to be physically present or have your credit card be on location in order to make a purchase.

Robyn is in some sort of fantasy land, that she actually believes this shit. He rubs his head again, or still. Has he really stopped??

Oh man, think I’m getting a headache from telling so many lies in such a short time

I mean shouldn’t this dude have at least, researched mannerisms of liars, before these cameras went up. Does he know everyone knows this?

Okay so the laundromat/nail salon chick, she is gorgeous, apparently, so he can’t do the “have you seen her- she’s so ugly…” game with this one. This bitch is supposedly a co-worker that he was and he was working, washing jerseys, at the laundromat, and chillin’ with her when the got their nails done together. Because you know, co-workers hang out together.

I’m bored shitless with this scene listening to this fucking lying piece of shit, and watching Robyn sitting here looking stupid. Did he just literally call himself attractive? Then Robyn tried to say the chick looks like her. He doesn’t seem to agree.

Side note, still touching and rubbing his head.

Yeah she looks nothing like you, but nice try.

This scene is so staged and bizarre, I honestly don’t know how she got him to agree to this. She must’ve had to perform some serious favors.

Also to sit here and engage in this fifteen minute, fake convo, and sell us on their relationship being so perf, and everyone is out to get him, is ludicrous. Clearly things are far from perfect.

So Juan lost his job, probably related to this young beautiful co-worker he was hanging out with. This dude is SO SKETCHY. Women have resting bitch face, he has resting sketchy face.

He didn’t “win enough games” he claims, as he continues to fidget around like a child in trouble.

So ‘the public’ thinks he lost his job due to an inappropriate relationship, Robyn says, and they flash the headline. Actually I may have seen this.

So guess we’re getting this all out of the way, addressing all of his lies and indiscretions. This scene is so uncomfortable to watch. As a wife that used to have to make excuses, as well, I feel for her. Only I wasn’t doing it with TV cameras in my face. Ironically my ex-husband lost his job as a cop because he was messing around with some girl that ratted him out.

This is so fucking, I don’t even know what word to use – cringy doesn’t touch it, rehearsed doesn’t touch it, false fucking claims and lies, doesn’t fucking touch it.

Oh now he’s doing the textbook narc thing, and turning it around on everyone else. Calling people ‘miserable’ for questioning him being at hotels with women, hanging out with women, and suddenly losing his job over a yet another woman, a student.

If I’m following this correctly, these are three different fucking broads. Three. People must be absolutely out of their fucking skull, to dare question that he may be already fucking around on Robyn.

This is so typical lying ass dude behavior. My ex BF literally tried to accuse me of seeing a married man, (a longtime friend) and has started sexual affairs with two different women while they were with their husbands, (not separated.) The first while he was married to his second wife, in which she caught him in the act. That’s new info I just learned.

He also started an affair with a woman when he was still with his first wife, who ended up cheating on him, in which he constantly cried he has ‘trust issues’ over.

And wait there’s more! He was seeing and fucking this ugly icky skank that hangs around the parking lot where he lives, trying to get fucked, while we were trying to work things out, which was my mistake. Why I got mixed up with him and his nasty, skeevy, messy fucking lifestyle, I don’t know. Well because I believed him w hen he told me he loved me, misses me, thinks about me constantly, and that he’s going to be loyal, and be done with parking lot skank. Who is married by the way.

But hey, sure because I got one phone call from this guy, a good friend, two years ago, and he was in on a group text I received, well then, I surely must be having an affair.

I wish I was making this up. I’m not. He literally reminds of Juan so much. So skeevy, and such a fucking fucking dipshit and liar. It’s always everyone else, never him. Projection, projection, projection.

Yes, he’s fidgeting around and rubbing his face like crazy, but he’s saying all of this shit with a straight fucking face, somehow.

Robyn looks like she wants to puke. It’s so ironic that all of this stuff is just made up by people ‘wanting to get likes and clicks.’ What sense does that even make??

Can’t believe i married this man-whore a second fucking time!

I guess the shiny new house is going on the market soon, and they’ll be back in the townhouse cuz Juan can’t fucking keep it in his pants.

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