Real Housewives of Potomac Finale – 2/5/23

Ashley has a little sweet date with her old. Her kiddo wants to take his shirt off. Wonder why he would want to take his shirt off in public? Maybe he’s watching his mom go out with barely a shirt on?

Or maybe he’s just being a whiny toddler. I like my reasoning though. I’m glad she put on appropriate clothing for this outing at least. She DOES have SOME standards!

Dean is funny, and really really adorbs. That hair! That tude!

She tells Dean he is getting this house that I guess did actually materialize from Michale. And $13g a month, that’s one high fucking payment! Sounds like he put the bare minimum down. Because he knows he’s just appeasing her, and will be putting it up for sale within a year or two, because Michael can’t really afford this. Ashley is too fucking stupid to see what he giveth he can take away. She’s probably not even on any of the documents and is too dumb to know that.

The producers love tormenting her about this.

All we have to do is sign on the dotted line.”

Poor stupid Ashley Darby.

She calls her mom about the house, who will most likely be trying to move in stat.

She’s so glad Michael is handling it “because there’s just so much correspondence…”

And she has no time for frivolous and monotonous details. So Bo-RING!!

There’s tik toking and showing everyone her vagina… priorities.

She’s worried Dean and Dylan will blame and resent her for leaving Michael. Well maybe not so much that, but be resentful they have a mom that likes to ho around and dance on tiktok all day. Her tiktoks come off as desperate.

She fills her mom in on FaceTime, about this joint LLC again, that doesn’t even exist. She just likes saying it. I wish someone would ask her what the acronym stands for.

Assuming Ashley’s dad must be really good looking?

This does sound counter intuitive, just dumb, but financially, it’s the better decision for me.”

Counter intuitive? Think she means counter productive? But it’s Ashley, and we’re just gonna roll with it. Right? Hopefully she makes you all feel better about yourselves listening to her talk and rationalize.

So yes, she has a point. Financially it is better for the old dude that you only married for monetary reasons, to buy you a 2mill house when you’re divorcing him. Getting something for free, even if temporary is better, financially than working to pay for it yourself.

Woman I’m just going to keep playin dumb so he pays the whole thing, Duhhhhhhhhh.

I hope she has Plan B in the works. Maybe a skin care line or shampoo, trashy clothes, or something?

Maybe her Bravo pay will be enough to throw a little towards it every month? I don’t know.

She literally says it hasn’t even been discussed how the monthly payment will be handled. wtf??

No comprehendo ??

It doesn’t help that this confessional is taking place with her high-end hooker look. It doesn’t help that she has this dumbfounded deer in headlights expression every time the producers ask her shady questions either. She thinks because they are married, at the time of the purchase, this is a good thing. (it MAY end up benefiting her in a year or so, since it’s marital property, when they have to sell it, as far as proceeds, if any. It seems like he put the bare minimum down though.)

And they’re “50/50 owners” she brags. I personally think he’s buying it in his name only and she will be 0% owner but I could be wrong, I’m not usually though. She wouldn’t know the difference. She’s not looking at anything, dealing with the ‘correspondence’ or asking any questions.

What about this confessional look is it that makes her look really stupid? Is it just because it looks stupid? I can’t figure it out. It looks kind of street cornerish to me.

Candiace’s sister thinks paying bills is ‘ghetto.’ Well no, NOT paying your bills is ghetto. But I guess little Miss Priss thinks the ACT of paying your bills, that’s ghetto. Does she not have any?

I don’t think they look anything alike. Not sure they have both of the same parents. I think they do. Well whatever, I don’t look like my sister either. I’m prettier. Just kidding. (Not really.) Different personalities too. I’m not an asshole.

It must suck to be an ugly asshole right? No wonder she’s so miserable. What Housewife can I compare her to? Maybe Rinna.

Karen calls Mia to get the Bachelorette party skinny. She is really on this anti chicken campaign because someone told her it’s bad and ‘dirty.’

Mia says she was sick from the stripper joint fare. What a shock. She’s blaming the wings, because she has a gluten allergy, although they don’t appear to be breaded, so not sure about that. Don’t think chicken has gluten in it. They were most likely just very greasy. And that steak looked weird.

Or she was hungover. That’s the most likely scenario. Just say you were hungover.

Mia divulges the stripper joint convo, of how Karen will bang anyone when she’s drunk and on the prowl. So I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news to the die hard Grande Dame fans, but you know, every time this topic is brought up, her face screams guilt.

I believe all of it. Perhaps she has abandoned this activity at this point. But she definitely is guilty as charged of engaging in this at one time.

Here we gooooooo again… I had one little affair, and it’s all they wanna talk about !

She’s tired of it being brought up, she’s always blaming Charrisse but if the shoe fits…

No, Mia didn’t defended her. Probably because like me, she is thinking it’s probably true, based on her reactions.

Robyn’s parents seem really really sweet. Her Dad is a cutie. She breaks the marriage in Jamaica news. Which we know at this point didn’t even happen. She shares at the end, and possibly on WWHL that “it just didn’t feel right.” Yeah it didn’t “feel right” because they were at each other’s throats I’m sure, when she found out that he WAS indeed cheating on her — AGAIN!

He makes me sick. All of the tantrums that he had every time she brought it up. Remember last year he had a meltdown when she addressed his past cheating with him. He stormed out calling her names, muttering to himself. I was like, this dude is most likely still planning on cheating again. And all the while he literally WAS in a relationship with another chick! Cheating is a sickness, and they can’t stop doing it. It feeds their ego, and this type of dude needs their ego fed.

She referred to it on WWHL as an “inappropriate relationship” but Girl, the worst part is when she repeats Juan’s excuse. She lives in Canada and “FOR WHATEVER REASON she decided to fly to Maryland.

For whatever reason. Twitter is having a field day with that line. And she needed a hotel room paid for, and Juan paid for it, because he felt bad for her. Yes she sat there on live TV and told a million fucking people this.

Mia has a doctor’s appointment. I never saw a chick that wants so badly to have a deadly disease. Have you?

Apparently she’s not getting enough attention. Long story short, she has some sort of minor skin issue.

Never was diagnosed with lymphoma. At all. Is she a hypochondriac?

She’s getting some other test, so maybe she’ll get her wish and be dying. I felt so bad for her mom in that scene the keep playing, when she was over dramatizing/lying about this. Her mom seemed genuinely concerned and on the verge of tears. Who the fuck does that shit to their mother, for Reality TV attention?? She IS sick. In the fucking head.

Are you positive I’m not going to die? Can you please double check? I feel like I’m dying.

Gizelle takes the girls for ice cream, or frozen yogurt, whatever it is, its making me hungry for ice cream. I’m going to make my second lack of family resemblance obsi. I don’t think Gizelle’s daughters look at all like her. The twins look like Jamal right? Grace might look like a random aunt or grandmother or something?? Or there was a hospital mix up. She’s also really petite. Which Gizelle is not, and isn’t Jamal pretty tall too?

Well at any rate, they don’t care AT ALL about this recycled Steve guy from 30 years ago. She also fills them in on HER health issue with her lady parts, and she actually does have one. Not life threatening, but seems she’s getting rid of the parts that are no longer needed. There is confusion with the female anatomy with the girls. I guess they’re just fucking with her. I don’t know. Really stupid questions get asked. Like if her ovaries are going to be floating in her stomach if her uterus gets removed.

They are excited for her not having menopause.

And they’ll be taking care of me when I’m old

Time for Candiace’s video event. And we are back to Gizelle’s alleged uncomfortablness with Chris, at last year’s reunion, unfortunately.

Candiace seems to think she’s Diana Ross, and wants her presence to be announced. She scolds her manager for not thinking of this. Don’t you know who she is??

Wow you really can’t get good help …

It’s quite humorous when Karen and Ray arrive, how she doesn’t want to approach the ladies at all since Charriss is there. She’s worried what Charrisse might say in front of Ray. I don’t think she’d say anything in front of Ray. It’s much more fun just to fuck with her, and leave that possibility dangling over her head. They stand awkwardly in the corner for a minute, then venture over to the bar. Karen, still with the almost ashamed look on her face.

At this point shouldn’t she just own the shit??

Ashley arrives without her clothes as usual, and wastes zero time stirring the pot, and pissing everyone off, as usual. She tries to get Mia and Wendy going by telling Wendy that Mia said she was into her, and the reason for the tension between them is ‘sexual energy.’

Shit, why aren’t you getting mad? Did you hear me? I said you had “sexual energy.”

They end up laughing it off, so Ashley needs to move about the room to try to piss someone else off.

Candaice gives a sappy speech. Karen and Ray are still standing along the wall, away from the ladies. Poor Ray would probably love to sit the hell down.

He’s like 80. Poor guy. This is elder abuse. If this doesn’t show she’s guilty as fuck, I don’t know what does. If they bring Charrisse back as a FT Housewife, Karen will probably leave. She can’t keep doing this shit at every get-together or event.

Why does Chris always wear those weird ankle length pants?

The video gets unveiled and, while I think it’s really cute. It’s also kind of cheesy. But let’s be honest, I haven’t really watched music videos since like, never mind, let’s just say a very long time ago. Does MTV even play them anymore?? It totally reminds me of the 80’s videos. So they haven’t really evolved in 40 years? Or was she going for an 80’s vibe?? What’s with the ladies under the hair dryers? So many questions. Gizelle is kind of like me, when asked in her yap. “Well um I guess it was okay??” She should have brought her three teenage girls. They would have loved this shit.

Robyn arrives. So now the real shade goes down! Were we just waitin for Robyn or waiting for the video to be over?

Whatever, Gizelle is in full shade mode, and approaches Karen and Ray, still huddled up along the wall. This is the finale, she needs her final hurrah.

She tells Karen that Mia called her a prostitute. Which isn’t true. As the tea was being spilled, Mia just asked if that was the question? Kren was just fucking random dudes for fun, not for money.

Ray looks uncomfy, to say the least. Karen shoos Ray away while reassuring him to “not take this seriously.”

Don’t worry I’m not taking it seriously.

Then why tell him to leave Karen??? I mean come on girl, do better if you’re going all in, denying this shit, then be better at it !

Mia gets called over to give her version and points out she just asked if Karen was a hooker.

No, I was just wondering, I was jealous !!

Ashley is in on the interrogation now, and lets her know that these stories are coming from mutual friends, something like that. Karen then goes into how important she is, which seems desperate, and thinks she does not have to respond to the allegations. She is squirming!

I was just tryin to stand here in my corner !!

I don’t think she and Ray had an open relationship or she wouldn’t have needed to send him away, or stand in a corner the whole time. And Ray wouldn’t look so annoyed. Now Charrisse is involved, and Karen cannot stay engaged in this because she knows Charrisse knows, and she knows it’s all true. She tells Ray they are leaving NOW! Disengaging!

Mia says “there’s more” and Ray gets shuffled away again. He laughs. Is he seeing the humor in this? Does he wonder why she keeps telling him to get lost. Does he not care? I’m trying to picture myself in Ray’s position right now and we be pretty fucking pissed and demanding to know what is going on.

I was actually in a similar position to this at one time at a wedding.

Is Ray seriously holding her fucking purse as she goes off to discuss her tawdry little affairs with Mia?? She can’t at least get her purse from the old sap? Poor Ray looks like he wants to puke. There should be an age cut off for having to deal with this childish shit, and Ray definitely meets it.

You have got to be fucking kidding me!! This purse doesn’t even go with my outfit.

There is Chris/Candiace vs Gizelle situation brewing, as Mia gets all serious with Karen about the cheating rumors. (this IS the finale)

Mia tells her the streets be talking that she was dating some owner of a restaurant (which they bleep out) in Maryland, and they went to Vegas, and had sex in the bathroom. Thought what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?? Karen pretends to look perplexed. She’s bad at it. Mia makes a good point, that she’s accusing Charrisse of making it up, and her source doesn’t even know Charrisse so… it’s ‘SUSPECT !!’

Everyone seems to think Ray is cool with this, which is kind of bizarre, because if he were, why does he keep getting sent away?? And he’s not and idiot, He’s picking up on what is going on here, and he’s getting pissed off. He’s not giving these bitches a reaction though. Karen should have been smart enough to leave him at home. Would you like to be a fly on the wall in their rented house right now??

Karen continues to deny it. She retrieves Ray, leaves and wants to get unmiked. Ray was enjoying his free cocktails, and doesn’t want to leave. Well dude you’re leaving!

So Gizelle, just to be messy, as she admits, is insisting that because Candiace said Chris is open to speaking with her, that it needs to take place now. It is the finale, and she wants it on camera. Assuming so she can use some sort of additional trauma from that convo for next year’s story line. She really doesn’t have much else.

Ashley’s all amped up too about it. She wants in on this shit, since her fake friend Oscar, was insisting she got felt up by Chris. She asks Candiace if she may speak with him about it. So clearly they’re just looking for a reaction out of Chris, so they can then call him crazy, and guilty of this ridiculousness, because he refused to discuss it.

Who says I’m even going to be hostile or confrontational?” I notice that when Ashley is being messy and fake, she pulls this weird hick accent out from somewhere. She seems more ticked about Chris bashing her on Twitter now, than the fact that he hit on her hideous friend.

You’re insulting my attractive friend?” Is this a like a comedy act, that Trashley is doing right now?? In her Forever 21 outfit? Attractive ??

Chris wants a piece of this !!

She gets her way and tells Chris she was so upset about what he said on Twitter when these lies were first being rolled out. Chris is of course, getting pissed, as you tend to do when you’re accused of something that you did not fucking do. I have experience in that too.

Ashley who knows what she’s doing, tells him his actions were questionable. Chris storms off. Hick accent: “Whad I say that was bayadd?? We’re adults.” Okay, well lose the ‘we.’

So Robyn ended up not doing the pre-nup after all of that talking about it and drama. EVEN though she found out he was in fact, again cheating on her. What is wrong with this woman?? is this just stupidity?

Finally we see the wedding deets and footage. I guess they managed to keep it under wraps for pretty long. The only thing I was seeing online is that they applied for the license in August.

For whatever reason, I decided to still marry you — AGAIN – even though you cheated on me — AGAIN!

It went down in Maryland, which is fine, it was August, so they could still do it outside. I love the pink flowers. It still is a small ceremony, but there was some effort put in, and yes her parents are here. Looks like that is it though. I am surprised she didn’t include her BFF Gizelle though. Robyn looks amazing!! I love her hair piece, and she did lose the veil! I just wish she wasn’t marrying suck a fucking schelp.

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