Real Housewives of Potomac 9/12

Candiace: “you took off with your breast milk” Did Candiace, like want Ashley to leave

her breast milk?? Maybe she should pop out a tit and put some in her chocolate martini because girlfriend seems obsessed with Ashley’s breast milk, just sayin.

Now Candiace: it has nothing to do with body shaming you. No,

it didn’t have anything to do with body shaming her, but you DID body shame her.

Mia to Karen: I have a message for you: Karen wants an apology. ohh kay anyone else thinking back to the debacle on RHONY when poor Alex delivered a “message” to Jill from Bethenney.

This message delivery definitely did not seem to have the same dramatic effect on Gizelle,

as Alex’s did on Jill. And we should all be happy about that.

Karen is ok with the non invite to Robyn’s birthday celly because, ya know,

she is so very very “busy” with her Surry County Ambassador Duties.

Being late with watching and recapping this episode, I have seen a lot of social media noise

about Karen filming

this “video” representing the greatness of Surry County, while not in Surry County.

There was a lot “covid” blaming for that.

However, “covid” hasn’t stopped any of them from traveling any other time.

So I agree this is strange.

Maybe production didn’t want to make another trip there ? (and who would blame them??)

The slide scene was difficult to watch. On paper, the concept was cute. But it wasn’t cute.

I agree, the way she was like ‘welcome to Surrry County, my hometown yadda yadda…” she really

did need to film this whatever it is, besides annoying, in Surry County.

“A lot of people don’t realize peanuts come from a shell ???” please tell me who over the age of five does not realize this. Did I even hear that right ?

This whole thing is nauseating.

Why does this director woman have to tell her

to mention the organic food, ham and peanuts? Shouldn’t Karen know this? And shouldn’t she have

prepared what to say ?

Gizelle’s oldest is so over hearing about her and Jamal. Eye roll as soon as she mentions his name.

These family get togethers have to be awkward now for her. If we all remember it went over like a fart in church last year when she

was telling the girls they were rekindling their relationship.

Candiace walks in the house pouting and sulking since they’re still in this argument from

the restaurant last week. Candiace demands to know if Chris is “drinking.”

it’s 4:50 – not an obscene time to have a drink, and it’s not like he’s shitfaced.

Ten minutes prior to cocktail hour. Let the poor man have a drink for putting up with your

spoiled brat little ass.

Could we have just one Potomac episode without that fucking folded napkin? Please.

Doesn’t she wear waterproof mascara ???

Karen and Ashley meeting for an outing. Ashley just whipping it out from her sexy low cut dress,

and breast feeding in the

restaurant ?

I mean, I personally think it’s ok in public, I have done it. But why not just,

ya know, throw a light receiving blanket over your shoulder ? This poor server dude when he comes to get her order. Thank goodness they didn’t show it.

I really think Karen and Gizelle are like obsessed with each other actually. Usually if

you can’t stand someone, you don’t care about them, and you really don’t want to discuss them. However,

just say Gizelle to Karen or vice versa, and an hour long convo ensues, about. The. Same. Old.

Tired. Shit. We alllllll know Jamal “dragged” her ok ???? but she had to figure it out for

herself. And she did. He’s a shithead and we all knew it. Even her children did.

Here we go with Robyn’s life coach sessions. Told you guys this shit was coming.

This doesn’t seem to be too painful though. I can identify with a lot of what she is saying,

actually. I agree with the structure issue. I am also better with my day structured. Again I think

she just needs someone to help motivate her. Juan is trying, but going about it in the wrong

way since he’s like, a man, and stupid.

The Goddess get together. I think we may have two possibly even three episodes IN A ROW

where Wendy covered happy and ness, and they weren’t taking up my whole big screen TV.

And that makes me filled with happy ness. I just don’t need to look at her tits constantly.

Does Gizelle EVER NOT COMPLAIN ? Ever ?? she is always grimacing and groaning and griping about


she was the only one whining and bitching about walking up to the gazebo thing for the Goddess party.

She walks in, not like, “thank you for inviting me” but “ I hadda walk through the wilderness

to get here?” Bitch a little exercise ain’t gonna kill ya !!! I do try to give her the benefit of the

doubt, but honestly she is just a miserable human. Robyn’s even wearing stilettos and didn’t

utter a word of complaint.

So freaking rude about Candiace not inviting Ashley in the video thing. Bitch has NO MANNERS.

I try to liker her, I do. But such a spoiled little brat.

Going around the table with forcing them all to do the nicey nice thing to each other ?

Doesn’t Andy tend to do this on WWHL, a lot ?? it’s really annoying. But I guess, in this instance, it does get an apology

sort of, out of Gizelle and Karen.

We have to switch to Gizelle and Jamal now, of course we do. Dude is so popular on this show,

think he might actually deserve a paycheck. Could probably use it.

Doesn’t he have like six or seven kids to various different women ? (from his church, right ?? that’s weird right ? And gross, really gross, a minister banging the church ladies … )

like wtf seriously ? Scum.

Not buying that Gizelle didn’t know about “the girl, the woman” before the reunion last year.

That look on her face was a TOTAL TELL ALL. She didn’t know shit. I wish she could just

be honest and say that she didn’t know, and that is why the broke things off after learning this.

Blaming “covid.”

Please. She admits she was hurt.

We’re all excited. Karen apologizes without looking at

Gizelle. Gizelle demands she look at her if she’s apologizing. Kind of makes sense.

She does.

It’s over.

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