The DuBrow Hotel House, along with the wall of champs, has officially sold for 55 mill.
I did say last week that the buyer is not yet disclosed, and they also bought Mark Wahlberg’s house for same price. Weird right?? This same buyer now owns two 55 million dollar houses within close proximity to each other.
They have to be out in three weeks. Oh no! Have they started packing?
Ooohhh silly (insert rich people laugh) – they have people for that.
Heather spouts off in her yap, the dilemma of having to house all four of her kids, when they’re all back for the holidays, in a 2 BR condo.
She gets super dramatic in her yap about, where is everyone going to sleep when they’re home for the holidays?? Oh no!!
Now the added drama of Josh and Realtor Heather walking out of the room, only to come back two seconds later to tell them that the new buyers’ signed the contract.
Max doesn’t seem excited, Nicky is, for whatever reason, is. Terry drops the price tag. I guess it’s a guy thing. Max, being a girl is probably sad to see her childhood home gone.
Don’t get Emily looking for a Harley and trying to pretend to be a biker chick. Not buying it of Tamra either.
So over the discussion of discussing CPS ‘taking Gina’s kids away.’ It’s so over the top dramatic.
When Shannon shared this, my takeaway was that it would have been a thing for the time being, IF they came and hauled her off to jail for not showing up for her hearing. Clearly they couldn’t leave the kids alone. Shannon was just elaborating on the whole ‘how she saved the day’ thing. Which I agree she needs to drop. I think she keeps bringing it up because she doesn’t really feel that Gina appreciated her help.
“I haven’t done anything to Shannon.”
She doesn’t recall last season, like at all??
Oh my! Here come the water works …
Gina you did get a DUI so just saying. Maybe stop minimizing it. A lot of people get them. It doesn’t mean that you’re a criminal or whatever.
But she also showed no gratitude for someone who stepped into help, and get her in touch with a decent attorney. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Shannon paid for it,
I do think if Gina wasn’t such a see you next Tuesday last season, Shannon wouldn’t be again bringing it up.
Emily’s helmet is an XL, and she can barely get it off her head…
What the hell was John doing in this scene to Shannon? He was scratching her like she was a dog?
Tamra drops in. Shannon expresser her frustration with her about John and not being around as much as she would like. Which of course we know!! We know!
Their issues are none of heather DuBrow’s, Emily Simpson’s or Gina Kircscheneiter’s business (using everyone’s last names – that’s a Shannon thing)
She does tend to call them and vent, so she’s making it their business.
Shannon assures Tamra that she and John are happy despite ‘sex-money-kid’ issues. What she meant by that I guess, are those are the three things that couples tend to argue about. It wasn’t literal. Tamra, who’s not super bright, doesn’t really get it, and jumps on that bandwagon and says “Eddie and I are going through a dry spell right now.”
Yeah, no shit, we know Tamra, that’s fucking obvious Eddie’s not taking care of businessl. He likes buying womens’ shoes, and jokes about fitting large things into his mouth. Doesn’t take a genius to see what’s going on here.
‘Dry spell’ – is what we’re calling it? When your husband prefers men?
And then just when you thought this couldn’t get funnier, (love these real moments) it does..
Shannon says “oh we’re good in that department.”
Tamra left feeling like a dumb ass. Now THAT was funny. Housewives are funny when they’re not creating fake drama, when they’re talking from the heart. And yes, it does sometimes happen. Every now and then.
Tamra diverts to another topic by asking if she uses sex toys. Tamra, sounds like YOU are the one that needs the toys. Or maybe a boyfriend.
Jenn and Ryan have this talk about possibly getting married (even though she’s still married.) She expresses doubt because he thinks he’ll cheat on her once they’re married. Guess she doesn’t have this fear if they’re just dating.
Tamra and Eddie head to the gym and make fun of Heather and Terry at Disney. Why go to Disney without little kids? Actually, why go to Disney?
Appears that they had fake pap photos published to make it seem like they’re so in love and happy, when we know damned well they’re not.
Terry’s face is so hilar. You can tell she coached him and told him to look ‘natural.’ And he didn’t. But not for lack of trying.
“No way in the world would do I think Terry’s cheating on her.” Really Tamra? No way in the world? She was clearly bribed by Heather to say that. Of course he cheats on her.
Tamra corners Eddie about not fucking her, and he immediately looks fidgety and uncomfortable. He jokes about toys and lingerie
She looks confused and kind of annoyed with him, as he makes some weird leather vest joke. Dude, if you don’t want to have sex, say you don’t want to have sex.
Heather and Shannon have yet another meeting to again discuss whether or not she blabbed to everyone. Can’t wait.
What’s this? Even Heather DuBrow is now ordering an espresso martini?? So she has jumped on the espresso martini bandwagon. You can tell she doesn’t know anything about them, and I guess, ordering it because they’re trendy. She asks the server how they make them (they generally are made the same). Kenya ordered one on Atlanta, then hated it because it ‘tasted like strong coffee.’ Weird a drink with espresso in it would taste like strong coffee!!
Maybe they should try them off camera before they try to sound all hip by ordering one.
She’s looking at the server like she actually has NO CLUE what’s in them. Isn’t it kind of common sense? Espresso and vodka. Duh.
Shannon orders a light cucumber vodka drink. They both went off of their norms for this meeting. Honestly, I’m predicting that their drink orders are more intriguing than this fucking convo is going to be.
I think it just boils down to Shannon drinking too much, calling people, and not remembering the details that she’s divulging. She keeps repeating this phrase about having ‘normal relationship problems’ that everyone has, but if they’re constantly arguing, I would hope that’s not a ‘normal’ relationship. Heather swears she would never purposely hurt Shannon. I mean, not this year anyway, That was so last season…
She concentrates hard to muster up those tears. I really do think this little performance, is her practicing, since you know, she wants to revitalize her failed acting career from 1992.
Dramatic music, she apologizes, dabs at half of a tear. Shannon ridicules the whole thing in her yap.
So you mean to tell me, these ladies have never carved pumpkins with their kids? Every single one of them has kids, and are clueless as to how to carve a fucking pumpkin.
Tamra breaks it to Heather that Teddi addressed on their podcast which Tamra was absent from (probably on purpose – Tamra points out – my ONE day off, when Teddi called her) Okay. It’s so obvious when they’re lying. Clearly since they were in the process of filming, she excused herself from this discussion.
Tamra enters the pumpkin patch and thinks the corn is weeds. What is there to say? Thought she was this new outdoorsy ‘country girl” that she’s been trying to sell us. Told you it was bullshit. Or do they not typically grow corn in SoCal?? I would think so. What kind of idiot does not recognize corn stalks?
Not sure about Heather’s look. She was worried about it looking Amish or ‘Pennsylvania’ but it’s giving more sock hop, with her saddle looking shoes. She ridicules the ladies looking ‘Montana’ when she looks like she stepped out of 1955.
Emily makes the saddle shoe sock hop reference too. It’s exactly what she looks like. Not sure where she was getting ‘Amish’ in this get-up.
So the argument of the day is whether or not Shannon said Gina’s kids were getting taken to CPS the day she was supposedly, and this is unconfirmed, that ‘they’ were on their way to arrest her.
Which she did say, but she didn’t mean taken away forever.
But why make that point?? Instead Shannon just denies it. As they always do.
Emily tries to show off her lawyering skills, but I don’t even take her seriously as a lawyer anymore. I don’t take her seriously as anything but a Stepford Housewife, doing what Bravo tells her to do.
So much for Heather’s sobbing and heartfelt sentiments at lunch, that she’s sorry, and misses her. In her yap, she’s making that exorcist face, as she’s trashing Shannon as being hypocritical.
They are acting like this is a life or death matter, choosing their pumpkins to carve, and they’ve never purchased a pumpkin before?
Now that Shannon has arrived, they attack her over this CPS thing.
She denies she said it, and even adds, “God strike me dead if I said that.” Hope he wasn’t paying attention. Gina and Shannon bicker.
Shannon tries to make her understand they were coming the following morning to arrest her, had her attorney friend not intervened. Is anyone else sick and tired of talking about this? It’s not that complicated.
Tamra addresses with Heather the weird Disney pics of her and Terry, and how they appear to be staged
She insists they’re real. Heather does not admit to anything, if there’s one thing we learned from any Housewife. Of course she most likely had these staged.
Gina gets questioned on her RE license, followed by Heather on her Fireside whatever thing. She’s doing a ‘launch party’ of course.
Shannon leaves. They discuss all their guys’ dicks. Apparently Travis’ is small, and the rest of them are sizable, even Shane. Not sure Tamra chimed in on this one. Guess she hasn’t seen Eddie’s in a while, and forgets.