Recapping from last week: Heather: “I don’t like the J word.” (jealous) Heather lives for the ‘J’ word. She lives for people being jealous of her. If that wasn’t the case you wouldn’t have put the Bravo audience through that excruciating twenty minute long house tour of your hotel house. So please stop. Just stop.

I did not make this a thing you made this a thing” – Gina yelled to Shannon last week. Let’s recap last week as to who made it ‘a thing’ at the party? Do Gina and Emily take us all for fools? I know we Bravo/housewife watchers sometimes get a bad rap for being not that smart (it’s our mindless outlet!) – but guys Gina Kirschenwhatever is trying to take us all for fools. Like we’re not seeing and hearing what we’re seeing and hearing. There are contradictions from her ALL OVER THE PLACE. I hope my readers are smart enough to see what is happening here.

Shannon looks like Jason from Friday the 13th with that face mask on.

Noella divulges to Shannon some financial tax woes and financial trouble she has discovered of her husband. They/he owned a home in Puerto Rico that they were trying to unload when she found out there is several mill in tax liens against it. Think I got that right.

Gina thinks that Noella was hitting on her. Kept complimenting her eyes. Gina seemed to have liked it. Looks like the party did go on after then were kicked out of Heather’s.

Gina starts trash talking Shannon to Travis. Again i feel like I’m in the tale – Emperor’s New Clothes – Gina is trying hard to convince us that Shannon started all of this, when she asked them to not say anything. And that they are indeed, trustworthy.

Gina, what integrity? You have none. You have sold it to Andy fucking Cohen.

Shannon destroy HEather ?? destroy? am I in the twilight zone ?? No we’re just in the Heather DuBrow zone. I can’t deal with all of this Heather vagina stroking. I can’t.

Heather goes to Terry’s office. It’s all annoying. Heather is reading her ten paragraph long text message sent to Terry. Terry doesn’t really care about all of this. And that is saying a lot because he usually lives for this bullshit. Hurting her family ?? And Heather, Shannon did apologize like twelve times at your stupid $36,000 event. Shut up. Jeff Lewis says your mean to wait staff. So sit down.

Gina and Noella have an outing. What is cryo ? Gina wants the skinny on her husband and Noella obliges.

Cryo is getting in this freezing cold booth thing. Being cold is my #1 thing I hate. Being cold and being hungry. And if I’m both — watch out!

Noella wonders why her husband doesn’t “just pay it. ” Oh eye roll, this sounds like familiar. Bev Hills, right ? when the Tom Girardi scandal was unleashed. – Crystal and Kyle were like, oh $100 million. Tom’s wealthy – just pay it, what’s all the drama? Maybe there’s no money to pay it. Looking like the same situation here. If he had the money, there wouldn’t be the law suit and tax liens and issues to begin with, like would there? I love when I can be smarter than people. Although I really shouldn’t be bragging. It doesn’t take a nuclear scientist to figure it out. But guess I’m smarter than the average housewife.

Noella loves to brag about the sex dungeon. Feeling like there was no sex in the sex dungeon last night.

Not feeling Shannon’s hair. What is she doing ? That weird top pony tail is way too young for her. Gina calls Shannon to meet to do the dreaded “talking it out…” Sigh

Emily is so excited for Shane to be a REAL LAWYER. I can just see Shane dancing around “I’m a real lawyer now…” She’s asking him about his ‘packet’ from the lawyer people. She sounds like she’s talking to a child. He is not excited and does not want to talk about it at all.

So I was right last week – Shane is Mormon, as I thought, and their daughter is being baptized into Mormon life. Like does Emily NOT watch RHOSLC ?? Emily is asking what her daughter has to “do”

Does Emily even know what she’s getting her child into ? She is already asking what happens if she changes her mind.

Did Shane just shush Emily in this scene because she was talking loud. I HATE when people do that to me !

Shannon Noella and Nicole meet for drinks. Shannon is upset. Nicole makes a good point. She was attacked by Emily at the party, so it’s ludicrous to be blaming Shannon for everything. If Terry’s not mad, and Nicole’s not mad, then who cares! Just ‘story line’ BS. I’m over it. Still I watch.

Hoping Noella’s financial and divorce issues bury all of this, but seeing previews, I don’t think that it does. They recap Heather reading her text again when they ask Shannon if she’s going to discuss anything with her. Heather is such a fucking assfuck– SIT DOWN !!! you’re fake and phony and stupid, and your husband is gay. Except for the hot towel drawer, your house is cold and awkward. “offices” that aren’t even used… Good luck trying to sell this money pit in 5 years when you feel silly owning this hotel with rooms you never even set foot in.

Jen’s mom comes to visit and they’re drinking my favorite white wine Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio. Jen gives her a teeny little fancy shot glass and tells her she gets too ditzy when she drinks. I thought it was a joke, but she really is drinking wine out of this baby glass. Is that a proper wine glass ??? What would Dorit say? Would she approve?

Mom gets a teeny stemmed shot glass for her wine— Dorit don’t look !!!

I have a teeny glass just like that, and one like Jen’s too. And they’re drinking my favorite wine. She is very cute and English. Really sad story about her dad. Jen tells her she should get some botox.

Mom’s getting botoxed

Noella calls Shannon and says she was served divorce papers in Spanish. Did she say she was in Puerto Rico when she got them ? Why would they be in Spanish? And he’s just like gone, and didn’t even talk to her ?

Who doesn’t love Archie ?

Shannon and Gina meet “to talk it out…”

They decide to invite Noella. They call FaceTime. Shannon comments on the lighting. I know! This is why I hate FaceTime!

This is going to go bad –we can see Gina on her high horse. Shannon tries to tell her she shared that because she thought they were bonding and shared a piece of gossip. Gina AGAIN compares this to this barbque she was at when her husband was having an affair. This was a law suit that never even happened twenty years ago ! How was this hurting Heather or Terry or “her family??” this is so completely reaching and unrelated.

So it doesn’t take long for Gina to twist everything that Shannon is saying. Shannon just says “she went out of her way to be kind to her” which I think she was just pointing out she has been a good friend to her. Gina (and it was very bizarre) starts hissing and thrashing and says in an almost wicked way ‘I don’t go out of my way to be kind to people, I’M JUST KIND !!!!! You need to reevaluate, that’s a problem!”

Sure Gina, you seem really really kind right now. I hate to see when you’re being an evil back stabbing bitch !

I’m so kind and trustworthy !!! What is wrong with you !!

Why do neither of these ladies, I mean dumb bitches get the concept that Shannon said that they couldn’t be trusted AFTER they SHOWED that they couldn’t be trusted and betrayed her ? Why do they keep repeating this in such utter disbelief? It’s like someone calling you a thief AFTER they find out you stole something from them ???

She ‘talked shit’ about them after they broke her trust. And blew up a party. I think Shannon is the one that needs to keep one eye opened? Wow Gina. Honestly, I used to be your biggest fan. You have sold your soul to Bravo.

They’re so gas lighting Shannon, and trying to take the fans down with them! No – not going ! I hope you guys are smarter and not being gas light by Gina Emily and Heather !

Brussel sprouts again !! Guess these are an OC thing. Good thing I posted my recipe !

Check out my recipe! Got inspired when Jen’s husband (keep forgetting his name) was inhaling them last week on their date.

So back to it, Noella’s ex- “Not- So- Sweet -Baby James dude even ‘shut off’ her credit cards. I mean I’m assuming he doesn’t have anything, with all of his troubles, and doesn’t want her charging shit. She shares that she has no money of her own. I probably wouldn’t feel sorry for her, except she has a two year old with this man.

This is pretty sad. Ladies, don’t depend on a man 100%, ever. This is why.

Oh and he’s an ex-Mormon from Utah ? I’m almost expecting to see Lisa Barlow and crew show up at some point.

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