I want to start off by saying that I was feeling the reboot in the beginning, in the first two or three eps, but now I’m leaning more towards, it’s kind of getting terrible. I thought Brynn was funny, I thought Sai was cute. I liked that she’s a shortie, I love my fellow petite girls. Jenna, what is there to say? Still love her.

Erin, I picked up from that restaurant hissy in Ep 1, that she’s no fun and takes herself way too seriously. Ubah seemed like a riot, and Jessel seemed like a spoiled inconsiderate brat in a terrible marriage. I was right on some, and misjudged others.

But it seemed like a good mix.

Now, I don’t know. These last two eps over this pool pushing and phone ‘prank’ are just barely watchable. Seems like Ubah has some sort of ‘switch’ where she goes nuts over nothing. I’m sure Bravo loves that.

Having said that, I do that think she was egged on by Jessel, who was probably encouraged by Bravo to keep her cranked up.

After Jessel sat there and listened to Erin explain that she only really had it for 45 minutes, returned it shortly after Ubah first realized it was missing, explained how they were too fucking stupid to pick up on her emoji reply, any rational normal friend, in NORMAL non- Housewife world, would have conveyed all of this and tried to diffuse the situation. If for no other reason, to just fucking drop it.

And look, I know it was a lame prank. I do. It was barely even a prank. I don’t get Erin’s relentless need to ‘get her back’ after the pool push. It was weird and childish. Your phone is a personal and important possession, but Ubah was extremely aggressive, and out of line to yell in her face and rip her sunglasses off. According to social media, that is unpopular opinion, which I really can’t wrap my head around.

Erin is clearly shook and intimidated. Yes I know, Ubah was just innocently saying “Erin was just here” when Erin re-entered, and said “stop saying my name!” Which is what got this all going.

But before that, you could see that Ubah was seething, staring at her, and waiting to go after her. Erin was picking up on the tension and energy, and it was uncomfortable.

Get to Canal Street for another pair!!

Ubah keeps her glasses, to get her back for taking her phone, which was to get Ubah back for pushing her in the pool. Are we following this?

How old are these women?? What went so wrong in their childhoods that this is even happening? Why do they seem to have zero ability to laugh? Between Jessel, Erin and Ubah, there seems to be NOT A SHRED OF SENSE OF HUMOR.

And I hate to keep harping on that, but it is important. I would like to get through one RHONY recap without using the phrase ‘sense of humor.’

Even Jenna’s telling Erin that she she’s not really wanting to fly coach, was said to be funny. Yes, I think she did mean it, but so what. I’m sure she assumed Erin would just laugh, and not turn it into a whole fucking thing. Especially when commiserating with a fellow loaded chick, that is also used to the finer things in life.

Sai agrees with Erin, after Ubah walks out of the house. She tells Erin, “that was very rude.” But did you see her literally duck out when the altercation happened? I know she’s four feet tall, but she definitely isn’t afraid to speak up. She could have gotten between them and tried to diffuse it. No one stuck up for Erin.

Yikes, I’m outta here!

Sai tells Ubah that she wants to have a good time today. That’s not really trying to calm her down. She could point out that she has her phone back. She still got to do her insanely oh so urgent check-in with her family thing, that she keeps harping on as the reason why she’s flipping out.

Jenna approaches Ubah to try to get Erin’s sunglasses back. So all kidding aside, although I do think she’s now done with pranks, this could go on forever. Now will Erin have to retaliate that Ubah has her sunglasses?

Ubah, the driver of this little open vehicle thing, starts yelling about Erin and Brynn’s past fights (not really applicable) and gets all cranked up again. Brynn smartly says “let’s drop it” since their life is basically in their hands right now. It’s too late to try to reason and correct her now, since no one did so in the moment. And for everyone to keep telling her she has a point to be this angry, for not having her phone for 45 minutes, the majority of it she didn’t even realize it was missing, is so enabling.

It starts raining, which is good since Erin doesn’t have her sunglasses. So maybe if there is a higher power, and he/she is on Erin’s side.

Jessel and Ubah as we’ve already established, aren’t very bright, and can’t unbuckle their seat belts when they arrive to the destination. Fucking fucktards. Sai says tough shit;Brynn helps them.

Should we google how to work a seat belt??

Sai was a bartender in her previous life? OhmiGod, what?? She didn’t tell us she was a bartender!!

And yes, I’m sure she was a pretty bitchy bartender, as she brags about. God forbid someone isn’t sure what they want when she approaches them. What a dick.

I’m starting to see how ditzy Jessel is.

The sunglasses get returned. Erin suggests next time there’s conflict, let’s discuss it.

Ubah: “don’t tell me what to do!!” That’s not really telling you what to do, woman.

Okay so here we go… she tells Brynn that Erin called her a social climber. She does sort of come off like that.

There’s online chatter about what Brynn really does for a living, and how she supports her lavish lifestyle, and it may be through men. I’m not saying I believe it, I’m just saying, there’s chatter.

Jenna stops Erin from leaving, and they decide to have a drink elsewhere. Since there isn’t anywhere else nearby, they end up going back to the same place, to sit at the bar.

Jenna, the only sensible and rational one, I’m convinced, in her yap states the obvious: If someone were in her face screaming at her and ripped her glasses from her face, and in front of people, that she would be upset. Any normal fucking person would be upset. The fact that these other bitches can’t acknowledge that, and continue to make excuses for Ubah, is just so fucking unfathomable.

This other shit is irrelevant – what she said about Brynn three months ago, and what ‘made Ubah do it.’ It’s making excuses for her. Social media chatter is that Erin ‘didn’t take accountability’ for the phone theft being not funny.’

But didn’t she kind of do that when she explained to Jessel her mindset and how it seemed harmless, and she didn’t realize it would upset her so much. It wasn’t a malicious act.

I guess she could have approached her, and said she was sorry, but do we really think she deserved to be tormented all day long? What is wrong with people? I guess I should realize by now, based on some of my own experiences with other women, that there are some cold hearted bitches out there, that just have zero empathy, and don’t give a shit about your feelings. Dudes too. That goes without saying.

So why I’m sitting here surprised, I don’t know. Jenna is being very sweet despite what Erin did to her over the first class and leaving early thing.

Jenna shares she had a similar, but not as intense, experience with Ubah, when she had her come to her apartment and didn’t let her know camera people were there. She went off because she wasn’t done up.

However, HOWEVER, here she is knowingly being filmed and doesn’t look to me like she has makeup on. At all.

So that begs the question, in my humble opinion, does she just have these mean girl tantrums to throw her weight around, and intimidate people, because she just enjoys it and likes the attention. So if the glam thing wasn’t really a thing, perhaps the phone confiscation, isn’t really a thing.

The ‘others’ limbo. This is just ridick how Jenna and Erin are sitting here on the sidelines and none of them have approached them and asks them to join in. Evil Munchkin is pretty good at it since she’s four feet tall.

Jenna and Erin are trying to make the best of it, but they’re clearly bored. You have to be pretty bored to play Connect Four. Erin thinks it’s hard. None of these bitches are smart, except for one. Jenna wins.

This is so confusing. Can I call my lifeline?

Ubah, who drove this large go-kart whatever thing previously, now doesn’t know how to work it. I guess they are sticking with her as the driver since she doesn’t drink. They head to another establishment, and the server seems immediately annoyed with them and does not think they’re funny, as they try hard to be.

How many fucking times do these dumb bitches need told that rum punch is the signature drink of the area? I want to be paid a boat load of fucking money to be stupid in my next life. Jesus.

Ubah calls Erin abusive, then they stir up the snarky shit that Erin has said about them. But wasn’t she just being ‘messy’ as they put it now? Doing her Housewife job? When the ladies are at the reunions or WWHL, and get asked, “why did you say this or that?” they now admit, “I was being messy.”

They don’t even make excuses or pretend. Bravo is now encouraging them to insult each other and start shit. My point is, ‘being messy’ isn’t the same as screaming in someone’s face.

Erin returns from the restroom as they’re all talking about her. Ubah continues with the glaring and intimidating faces at Erin. For such a beautiful woman, and model, does she really want to be making these horrific scary faces?? But don’t you dare call her angry. Like what is the end game here?

Ubah makes a remark about how Americans tend to take shit, and she doesn’t. She continues to glare and stare, and it’s just getting really, really not funny anymore. For a lack of a better way to put it.

I was surprised that Jenna didn’t go back with her. Someone should have gone back with her in support.

Now we ‘re starting ‘It’s racist to call a black woman angry’ – thing. I was convinced we weren’t going to go here because you know, Ubah IS obviously being irrational.

It doesn’t make sense to play this card right now. Sit this one out Ubah. If you are annoyed that ‘people’ say that, yet you’re still choosing to behave this way, then you lose me.

If you’re so upset about this stereotype, and claim it’s wrong, then why feed into it? This should have been dropped a long time ago. There are other ways of not taking peoples’ shit, and bullying ain’t it. Also, it’s not entertaining to watch a chick get bullied around and watch her cry. If you’re entertained by this than you might have a warped sense of humor.

Sai surprises me in her yap by saying that it does not apply in this situation. Taking the long way around of saying Ubah is wrong.

Brynn explains her career, and how she makes a living, in defense of Erin calling her a social climber, and it’s kind of vague. She ‘honed in on what she was good at’ (we all have seen what she’s good at) and now she works ten hours per week getting paid very well as a ‘consultant.’ Is that a fancy way of saying she’s a hooker? I don’t know. Sorry, I think you all have to agree that it sounds sketchy.

Erin was getting dragged on social media about calling her dad to vent and for support, which I didn’t get. Most of the women who are married or have a boyfriend, call them in times like this. Usually, they don’t really give a shit, even though they pretend to. Maybe she thought her dad would give her better advice than Tom Hanks.

They said i can only wear my hair in a ponytail once a week!!

Ubah issuesa lame weird apology to the girls still at the beach bar, and claims that she loves Erin.

Brynn again, as she told her in the go-cart, that her delivery sucked.

Ubah is not really having it, and makes more excuses. I wish Jenna would speak up more. I feel like she doesn’t want to ruffle feathers, since she just got back in the good graces after her first class flight issue.

Every time Ubah starts to maybe chill out, someone gets her cranked up again. I wish they’d stop talking to her while she’s driving this rickety contraption. I would be scared shitless if I were Jessle or Brynn.

Let’s make copies of my Burn Book and throw it all through the house!!

Jessel shares how she has been keeping a list of the things that Erin has pissed her off over. I really don’t get her obsession with Jessel being ‘rich.’ I’m starting to wonder if maybe she is, and doesn’t want them to know.

Brynn claims Erin has been blabbing about her having a trust fund.

Doesn’t Jessel’s checklist remind you of the ‘Burn Book’ on Mean Girls? It’s also giving me ‘Carrie.’

I guess Bravo people doing the editing couldn’t foresee viewers getting pretty tired and bored with this at this point?

Did this really need to be a ‘supersized’ episode for chrissakes??

I can’t believe they’re on an actual road, driving like this and yelling at each other from the other go-cart. I would be shitting my pants.

Hey we’re going to dump a bucket of pig blood o n Erin when we get back!! Are you in?

They arrive back to the Taj Mahal, and Ubah immediately apologizes to the staff for her behavior. So the girl is apologizing to everyone except who she needs to apologize to. She said sorry at the table, after Erin left, and now to the staff. That’s kind of a passive aggressive move. Like ‘hey I’m willing to own my bad behavior to everyone except the victim of my shitty behavior.’

Erin summons Ubah to talk, and you can already see off the bat Ubah is not going to be receiving anything, and will not be apologetic.

Erin explains her thinking behind the phone ‘prank.’ Again.

Not listening, not listening, not listening…

Ubah explains the confusion of the retaliation, because Erin laughed when she was pushed into the pool. That does make sense. Erin’s intense need for a ‘payback’ was weird.

I’m guessing she’s really competitive? Also, she has no sense of humor, which I’m trying to quit saying, but it’s really the root of Erin’s issues with the ladies.

Ubah is still pissed. She points out she was pushed in the pool too, so that should’ve ended this nonsense.

So this may have been a problem. Ubah misunderstood Erin saying to Sai “that’s my bitch!” as calling HER a bitch.

I wish we could just chalk this up to a series of misunderstandings. Ubah doesn’t really care about this clarification. It goes from bad to worse. She is fucking stubborn.

The irony in Ubah again misplacing her phone, and again leaving it in the vehicle is just beyond. Yet she is hardcore all about having her phone, so as not to worry her family, as to her whereabouts every five minutes. Okay girl. She’s looking like a fucking a joke. No credibility.

Ubah calls the discussion as over, with no resolution. I’m assuming because she’s embarrassed she again misplaced her phone. She needs to call her family and mark herself as ‘safe.’ She should mark herself an idiot while she’s it.

I can’t.

Brynn is shitfaced and (NOT) flirting with the staff. She finds Ubah’s phone in the go-cart. God, I wish she would’ve kept it!

I’m going to prank her!!!!

So riddle me why, when Ubah left her phone in the vehicle the previous day, the go-cart wouldn’t be the first place she would look. Not smart. That’s the answer.

While I like Sai’s bathing suit and cover-up a lot better than than the basic black and the afghan, why the Steve Erkel glasses? I am a believer in following trends, IF I like them, and they don’t look asinine.

These glasses are a STUPID trend, that makes you look stupid and like a follower with no style for wearing them.

Did i do that??

Erin gets in the hot tub with the others, and realizes she’s getting ambushed. Ubah starts bitching again, and Erin tells her to shut up.

Ubah gets all aggressiv mean girl again, and tells Erin that ‘everyone is mad at her and it’s coming to her HOTT!’ Jessel and Evil Munchkin laugh.

Angry aggressive Ubah again. Sorry – not sorry. I reject this BS that I can’t refer to her as angry because she’s black. We don’t have different fucking adjectives for different fucking races.

If it’s inappropriate to say “you can’t say that to a white person” then it’s also inappropriate to say “you can’t say that to a black person.” Unless of course, it’s a derogatory word, and angry is not. If the shoe fits…

So I guess Ubah is starting to see that she has gone too far, and it’s getting very dark and disgusting. She half embraces Erin. This isn’t cool. In what world is this okay? What if this was your sister, your daughter, or your good friend? Would you still think that this is okay?? Ubah doesn’t appear sincere.

There, there. I’m super sorry.

I don’t get this ‘Erin has to hold herself accountable’ thing. She explained multiple times how the ‘prank’ wasn’t viscous, and the fucking phone was returned within minutes of Ubah realizing it was gone. Erin is really bad at this because she has no you-know-what. She thought it was going to be funny, and it wasn’t.

They again leave the group to attempt to squash this nonsense. I think Ubah has made her fucking point. Jesus. She’s starting to look like a fucking fucktard honestly.

After Erin leaves, Evil Munchkin, Jessel and Sai suddenly have all of this empathy for her and acknowledge this has gone too far. They’re such a bunch of fake fucking bitches.

I guess they finally made up. They’re laughing. This was two hours of my life I’ll never get back.

Thought we were done with pranks, but they decide to pretend yell at each other. Someone might be traumatized by this ‘prank.’


What in the literal fuck is Brynn doing with Jenna. At first it was cute, but she keeps getting more and more explicit, and seems to be leading Jenna on.

She’s also inebriated, so I guess that has a lot to do with it.

They convene for dinner, and Jessel is really excited about her tummy tuck, so she’s pulling out all the stops with her two piece outfit. As usual, with this group, she’s overdressed, over desperate, and I’m over it. They are eating dinner in the house. She looks like she’s going to a formal event.

Here’s my tummy tuck!! Do you like it??

And we’re BFF’s again I guess. My. God. This was a train wreck.

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