had to watch the end of last week’s shit show –

oh maybe not. My skin does crawl when Eboni starts on the oppressed people and white supremacy.

The term white supremacy used to be extremely offensive did it not ? (like KKK people I thought ?)

is it now another term for being — white ???

I just feel like Eboni is too intelligent to throw around the new buzz words and phrases, simply because they are “the thing to say.”

It doesn’t show her as being much of an independent thinker.

Ramona, hangry, buzzing, and now annoyed with Eboni’s rhetoric, and wants included in the oppressed club.

Her tantrum about peeing is over the top, but she overheard them talking about how she “left the table” when she only had to piss, as she states 837 times. We got it.

Then she sort of apologizes, Sonja cuts her off about how she bangs Jewish guys. But should have just let her go on.

Archie the hostess lady was attempting to listen to her, and I feel like she was making some sort of progress in getting her to shutta the fuck up. Ramona just wanted to be heard. It’s Ramona.

She is starving and yammering about gaining 3 lbs, losing 3 lbs, and she didn’t eat all day. Jeez shut up.

Eboni is pointing out to Leah on the phone that there is a white woman running the show and she’s still upset.

I want to point out, in my opinion, that Ramona is not racist, however, she does get triggered with Eboni’s whining about oppression. And if I were to be honest, I would possibly agree.

Eboni, with her great jobs, fancy NY apartment, law degree and glam squad, is not oppressed.

Ramona is in the kitchen making small talk, or nonsense talk rather, with the kitchen staff and this girl is looking at her like she can’t wait for her to go away.

The other guests continue to look at Ramona and Sonja like they are imbeciles. Because they are acting like flipping imbeciles.

Hallelujah !! Dinner is served !!!!! Eboni is trying to explain the theme of the dinner. I find it hard to believe Jews are oppressed for crying out loud.

My opinion, which I am entitled to, Jews are far from oppressed. You wanna talk oppressed, let’s talk about the women of Afghanistan now.

Just needed to get that in there. Because I am horrified at what I am seeing and reading right now.

Ramona and Sonja shitshow starts again. So spotlight off of Ramona now for. Sonja literally has a meltdown now and screaming at Ramona about being a social climber, and what does she do all day, yachts and Gucci, I don’t fucking know.

Lu tries to calm Sonja down.

One of the “black guests” (sorry but this is how the party was presented, these black people, these white people…) tries to talk about how she had her son quite prematurely and was in pain and not given meds because the nurse/doctor thought she just wanted to take drugs, and went into premature labor due to the pain.

Ramona totally cut her off, and started talking about her own labor experience. And points out that she is white. And wanted to know how her experience was because she was black. So this goes downhill as fast and as badly as you can imagine.

Ramona is now tired and having a tired tantrum. First she has a hungry tantrum and now a tired tantrum. Guys this is literally like dealing with a two year old. No fucking shit.

So multiple multiple many many flashbacks about Ramon’s unfilteredness as Ramona apologizes

to the group for not being filtered and not listening. It seems sincere, but it’s just so tired, because she does this shit time. After. time.

Ramona: Sonja has no regard for anyone’s feelings. Wow.

Lu tries to talk to Ramona about her behavior the next day or whatever. Not going well. I cannot even racap this because it’s so boring and so tired and I am so over it.

Lu is not taking her seriously at all.

So there is some sort at gathering at Sonja’s. Missed first few minutes, I went to get wine and cookies. No judging.

Don’t know why Sonja gets a free pass for her bad behavior the previous night with Eboni.

Holy fuck. Sonja just STOOD there in the driveway and pissed, like a fucking dude. No not discreetly popping a squat behind the bush. Bitch stood there and pissed in someone’s driveway. Had to be piss splashing everywhere? Gross. Wait are they at Oppressed Eboni’s, not Sonja’s?

The dog keeps taking salami off of the plate.

Leah throws around the phrase gas lighting a lot. I am not sure she understands what it means. Gas lighting is not simply just provoking someone. Ramona did not “gas light” Sonja by saying that

she hurt her feelings. Gas lighting is an abusive behavior (usually in a marriage or romantic relationship because in order to be successful, it has to be someone you spend a lot of time with) where you constantly manipulate situations to make the other person think they are recalling things wrong, or forgetting things. I was in a gas lighting relationship. Dude would say something stupid and offensive, and literally say five fucking minutes or less later, that he did not say that !!! UGHHHHH!!! Or try to tell me something THAT HAPPENDED , never really happened at all. THAT’ S gas lighting bitch !!

moving on …

Another dinner with Eboni, Lu and Ramona and a few others. Why is Ramona at this dinner ?

What is this dinner ? I was on my gaslighting soap box. At least she has food her fucking mouth.

This girl at the dinner is trying to tell a story about how she went to prison and Ramona keeps interrupting her. Where is my girl Bershan? She got passed over for black Shabbat because it was only for “certain black people” according to Eboni, and now this too.

But Ramona is here flapping her yap non stop .

I think Ramona is trying to insinuate that Lu is not as smart as her and Eboni. Mind-depth ? I don’t flipping know.

Leah is out of quarantine !!! YAY !!!!! she and her ex are talking about sending their daughter to a private school. Dude looks like deer in the headlights.

Leah talks about how she’s in over her head and hired someone to help her. I can’t imagine this will actually happen, Think Leah wants this for status purposes.

Whatever. Yawn.

Eboni is having the DNA specialist lover to determine who her father might be. It’s between three brothers.

So she found who she believes him to be. This is nuts. She seems really excited.

I hope this is the guy !

It is the guy !!


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