Real Housewives of New York City
Latest Real Housewives of New York City Articles

Real Housewives of NYC 9/17/23
Day three of fighting, I mean vacationing, in Anguilla. Brynn skipped dinner if you recall, the previous night, because she was annoyed at Erin’s snarky comments about her egg freezing questionnaire experience. And as I said, what Erin wasn’t picking up on (because she has no sense of humor) was that Brynn was exaggerating the

Real Housewives of NYC 9/10/23
Off to the fashion show/dinner event in Anguilla. Again desperate thirsty/hungry overdressed Sai, promoting her influencer/content creator gig, perhaps? Hmmmm isn’t that not allowed? Off to a casual eating establishment looking like she’s going to a ball. I don’t get why Evil Munchkin is wearing a face diaper as she sits in the front passenger

Real Housewives of NYC 9/3/23
Evil Munchkin Sai arrives to check out resort wear in six inch heels with Ubah, I find it hard to believe to that Ubah had covid for three weeks. How much of that time was making her ‘quarantine’ even after she was over it. She was probably like a normal person who gets it now,

Real Housewives of NYC 8/27/23
Jenna is having a lash event, where she has real normal people come in and try them, not models, and they will be included on the site. If I understood that correctly. I probably shouldn’t jinx myself here, but this is one department I am okay in thanks to Mother Nature, God, the Father the

Real Housewives of NYC 8/20/23
Erin’s party is impeding, and Ubah treats her to borrowing some mega jewels to wear to the event. I honestly thought she was going to complain that she was too bougee to ‘borrow’ jewels. Ubah is so cool. Love these pink earrings that they flashed on for a second. I’m sure they’re only like 100

Real Housewives of NYC 8/13/23
Friendsgiving continues. What kind of mother doesn’t change a baby’s diaper for six fucking days?? Disgusting. Foul. No excuse. Brynn talks about her dad and how he signed off on her and her siblings, but she forgave him when he became sick. He said he felt disgusted with himself every day. Yeah. Doubt it. ******