Real Housewives of New Jersey 6/16/24 – When Life Gives You Lemons…

What’s with Teresa and the thug/mafia-sounding threats??

You have a lot coming to you.”

She’s making a big big big mistake.”

He’s fucking with the wrong Teresa Guidice.”

He should meet the OTHER Teresa Guidice.

That last one, in true Teresa fashion, made NO sense.

I know he is.” Lobster Louie parrots her idiotic statement.

Is the other one a little smarter?

Is there another Teresa Guidice? Please tell me there’s not. ‘The wrong Teresa Guidice.’ What a ding dong.

I mean really. She continues ranting at him after he’s long gone. Good job Louie defending your dumb ass ugly bitch. Just sat there on mute while Fuda ripped her a new one.


This Dolores conversation with her daughter and mom was so cringy. I literally sat here with my mouth hanging open in shock as she tells them Buzz Lightyear wants her to work for him, (electrical work?) and how that’s a huge compliment and dream come true.

So instead of being his wife, I’ll be his employee. Sounds like a dream.

It’s the highest form of flattery for a man to say, come into my business.”

I thought she was getting her Real Estate license. So confused.

She has no idea what ‘job’ she’s getting.

This conversation sounds exactly like the one she had with everyone when she was with David, when she desperately wanted a ring, and got a Jaguar instead.

Now she wants a ring, and is getting a job instead. She’s not progressing here. From a free Jag to a shitty job.

Think I would’ve rather had the Jag.

Gabby and her mom just sit and stare at her like they know she’s getting bulldozed again as she reassures them she’s so happy about a job offer to work for her boyfriend.

Are there going to be any fringe benefits?

She goes hard at selling this shit.

She said she’s scared of feeling stupid.

Too late.

That was hard to watch.


I wish Phooey would stop exploiting his autistic son. Guessing his ex can’t stop it since he’s over 18.


Again why is there no grass around Rachel’s and John’s house??


So here we go – it’s the Housewarming Party event at Melissa and Joe’s. After much scrutiny and criticism on social media, the exterior of the house no longer looks like a cheap basic hotel.

Melissa claims to have so much style, and she couldn’t see all the problems??

Desperately needed something done with the entry way needed statement windows, which it now has. That entire black two story entry was added after all of the backlash. And they got rid of the six bizarre peaks that served no purpose.

Basically the Bravo viewers, via social media, who don’t claim to be builders, contractors or architects fixed the entire exterior front of this house. I remember seeing all of the comments last year. They pretty much corrected what everyone was saying looked terrible. They should be thanking us. And paying us.

Is a Limoncello theme like a new trendy thing or something??

I’m going to mention again how much Bill’s demeanor has changed as a House Husband. I feel like something transpired when cameras were down that seems to have put him in line and half-afraid of Jennifer. He used to smirk at her every time she tried to do Housewife talk to him, or talk to him at all.

He still looks bored but he doesn’t look like he’s laughing at her.

Am I doing better at looking interested??

He reassures her he’s not leaving her side at the party and even calls her ‘baby.’ What is going on??


If Melissa could stop saying she ‘feels like she’s in Italy’ due to her party décor and snacks, that would make me happy. Okay we KNOW, you went to Italy.

The food does look amazing though.

The wives and their husbands start filtering in. Melissa’s bar area looks like it may have been inspired by Kyle Richards’ house. Didn’t they become BFF’s on RHUGT? I don’t typically watch those, I think they’re horrible, but I sometimes have them on when I’m recapping. I thought I remembered them vibing.

Rachel fills Melissa in on her meeting with Tre Stump and Phooey. I think Melissa is trying to make a concerted effort to not talk about Teresa constantly. She knows she gets dragged on social media by viewers for this.

So was the bottle of whatever from Teresa, for Joe (only Joe, not Melissa) an olive branch or for TV purposes?? I’m going with the latter.

I wanted to take a second look at what Dolores was wearing. I saw a post on a chat group from someone who said she loves all of her dresses and loved what she wore to the housewarming, and does anyone know where she gets her dresses?

I was like try Shein or Forever 21?? Seriously? What is wrong with people. She clearly wears cheap crap, most of the time from the Juniors department. This dress she has on is hideous.

Yes I did get my dress at Shein, how did you know??

Does Melissa purposely hire curvy girls so she feels super skinny??

Well guess who got stuck bringing Tre Stump’s ‘housewarming gift?’ Subservient Dolores. I’ve literally never heard of ‘Blue Label.’ I guess because it’s whiskey and I hate whiskey.

Melissa points out the ridiculousness of Tre Stump sending a gift and card when she said she wants nothing to do with them.

As you know I’m Teresa’s minion and just doing my job.

Another Tereasaism – she doesn’t want anyone ‘muddling’ the waters. Gia immediately looks down at her phone.

Oh God, Mom just butchered another expression.

Dolo presents the bottle to Joe who’s outside with his boys. This is crystal clear that it’s not a genuine gift at all. She wanted to be talked about and the center of attention at the party.

Joe is clearly bothered and annoyed by the fake gesture. He does a little recap of all of Phooey’s inconsistent and phony behavior.

He throws the card into the fire.

Jennifer and Bill arrive and this is of course a big big deal because they have been at odds with Melissa and Joe, and then there’s the whole Tre Stump element.

The boys hug it out. How adorable.

Jackie and Evan arrive. Seems Jackie may have pre-gamed a bit. It seems to be the case when she falls on her ass and tries to make out with Marge’s husband.

She looks a little toasty as she walks in the door. She was probably nervous about confronting Margaret. Also she’s at odds with Melissa over Melissa reminding her at Danielle’s thing what a twat Teresa has been to her.

Of course Jackie knows this. She’s doing what she’s told. This isn’t complicated.

Soon after her arrival she falls on her ass trying to walk out to the outdoor area. It definitely was a drunk fall, you can tell. They’re just different, the reaction is different.

I tripped and fell right on my ass!!

Not sure who the dude is that lifts her up, but she doesn’t even look back, or bothers to thank him. It’s like she thinks she just magically popped back up?

I really just wanted this hot guy to lift me up!

I don’t know that we’ve ever seen drunk Jackie before, but I’m not hating it. She claims she slipped on something on the floor. You wouldn’t fall on your ass if you trip over something. Everyone looks at the floor and sees nothing. Muscles is kind of waiting for his accolades, or at least some recognition, but I don’t know that she even knows he lifted her.

I tripped on that huge crumb?? Don’t you see it??

She would have been better off just going along with Melissa saying she didn’t realize there was a step there instead of claiming she tripped over something and there was nothing there. It is kind of impressive that she didn’t spill her champagne I do have to say.

Moving on, Dolo tries to defend Tre Stump and it’s not going too well. Drunk Jackie gets involved for some reason.

The boys are outside also talking about Phooey and Tre Stump. I thought this is exactly what we were trying NOT to do this season. This is why she thinks the show can’t survive without her. And maybe she’s right. Like what are they going to talk about?? It’s not a compliment to her, because they talk incessantly about her slowness, and her idiotic contradictory behavior, but she’s too stupid to see that.

Teresa doesn’t take into consideration that everyone is always bitching about what a clown she is. Just so her name is flying around, she thinks that makes her ‘the star.’

Fuda is right “I’m sorry if you heard that” is not an apology.

Melissa realizes Teresa is somehow the life of her party, not even being present, and tries to divert their attention to this Limoncello awesomeness.

Fessler’s husband sort of looks like Uncle Fester, not to be totally rude.

Margaret confronts drunk Jackie about whatever they were bitching about in the bar area. My mind wandered in the middle of it both times.

Oh now I’m following: Jackie is mad that Rachel won’t make up with Teresa with Marge and Melissa ‘in her ear.’

Melissa points out the irony of Jackie now not being at all pissed at Teresa nor blaming her for her eating disorder relapse, when she wrote this in her stupid book, that Teresa is to blame for her eating disorder relapse.

Bravo didn’t really consider that when they ordered her to be Teresa’s bestie. Any idiot can see those two have nothing in common, and that scene a few weeks ago at Teresa’s house was beyond awkward. Just imagine someone you barely know and don’t really want to know, and you have nothing in common with, shows up at your house for no reason whatsoever.

That’s how that scene went.

Jackie and Marge bicker again about her fucking book. Wow. Marge is so desperate for a thing this season. First it was the one year anniversary of her ex husband’s death that she cheated on, and wanted everyone to fuss over her.

Now she keeps coming at Jackie for not giving her a copy of her book and not thanking her for getting her the deal??? I think??

Teresa has kind of fucked her over by refusing to speak to her. Now she has no reason to be here.

Jackie weirdly storms away from Margaret and proceeds to make out with her Joe and tell him that she loves him.

You are so HOT and I’m not getting any at home.

Margaret then yells at Joe pointing her bony finger in his face.

You are grounded and going to bed without supper little man.

That was funny, but other than that, this has been a terrible episode.

Now there’s a thing with Jennifer and Danielle over another very extreme non-issue of Danielle not wanting the chick that did her hair at the VIP table at a charity event.

Literally NO ONE cares about this.

No one gets why the chick couldn’t just sit with the ladies. Danielle talks like she’s Elvis or something. You really want to be that petty and cocky at a charity event??

A CHARITY event?? I mean really.

Then just when you’re feeling all warm and fuzzy, thinking Jennifer is really concerned about this Lena chick’s feelings, she goes right into bitching at her for not having an ‘Aydin’s Plastic Surgery’ sign hanging at the event. She doesn’t even miss a beat between the two subjects. The first time I watched I thought I passed out for a minute.

Then they bicker about private cars and who paid for what. About a charity event.

What was the charity again? Do we even know?

Danielle then apologizes if she dropped the ball. I guess they made up.

Now Dolo and Drunk Jackie bicker about Jackie bitching about not being tagged on a post. She called Dolo a slob. That’s kind of funny too.

Well have you seen your dress??

I feel like Drunk Messy Jackie is now the life of the party, not Tre Stump. She seems a little out there. I feel like there’s troubles in the marriage. Evan wasn’t with her all evening, and something just seems off.

You can’t make this shit up.

I also think some new news broke over last few days about more of Louie’s sketchy dealings and the million dollar loan he took out on the house.



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