Real Housewives of Dubai – 8/27/24- Part 1- Mina No!

Stanbury’s parents visit Dubai. Notice Sergio actually has manners and engages with her parents, unlike she did when his family visited.

As if he wants to hang out with a couple eighty year-old’s, but he does, and he looks happy to do it. Because while he is challenged in certain areas of adulting, he’s not a selfish asshole.

The elder Mrs. Stanbury is very beautiful and doesn’t even look like she’s had a lot of ‘work’ done.

Caroline puts her mom on a guilt trip for sending her to boarding school as a child.

If this doesn’t sound like fucking rich people problems, I don’t know what does.

Shut up Caroline. For real, shut UP. Boarding school stunted her ability to have relationships?

Hey here’s a thought – maybe it’s your snooty selfish personality??

She puts her poor mom on this guilt trip that it’s her fault that she’s a huge bitch.

Doesn’t sound like her mom is feeling the baby thing either, as Sergio’s mom was also advising against it. For different reasons I think.

I don’t think it’s a good idea, but she’s not asking me. If she does have this child, I think she’ll be handing the baby over to Sergio, and she’ll be like ‘okay, here you go, you wanted this, I didn’t, I’m off to the spa, smell ya lattahh!!’

I don’t think she even wants involved and that’s not cool. She sort of even kind of said that last season.


Time for Lesa’s ‘launch’ for the skin care line of her clothing brand.

It’s a Housewife ‘launch.’

Of course all of the ladies will critique every fucking last detail, no matter how minor and insignificant.

It’s a Housewife ‘launch.’ Of course everyone is bitching and loudly complaining “why are we doing this? Why is it here? This makes no sense!”

It’s a Housewife ‘launch.’ Of course everyone is jealous and pissed off for no reason whatso fucking ever instead of just going with it and enjoying a day of free shit while getting paid an exorbitant amount of money just to be there, bitching.

No wonder these ladies clamor to be on these shows. They’re literally paid to bitch. I don’t blame Taleen for ‘begging’ Brooks to get her on the show.

Ayan arrives NOT in a ball gown, if you can believe it. Even sneakers!!

I feel bad for this girl at the front desk at the spa handing out waters and gift bags trying to laugh and slightly engage without being intrusive. No one even looks at her nor acknowledges her existence.

I feel like Dubai has two classes of people: very rich and very poor.

Sara is immediately miffed as she enters the spa (because since she is a regular, and I guess that makes her think he owns the place,) about Lesa’s logo being everywhere.

I can’t fathom why this would piss you off but here we are. I love how these women, Housewives altogether, not just Dubai, love to say they support other women and their businesses and ‘gumbaya’ you go girl! Yay girl power!! No, they are absolutely not. They are terrible supporters of each other.

They’re fucking catty and fucking petty and never happy for each other. Who the fuck cares she has her logo everywhere? It is an event promoting HER products?

She’s selling and promoting products for new moms that just fucking gave birth when you’re feeling unattractive, undesirable, exhausted, disgusting with blood gushing out of you, with a screaming pooping baby attached to your boob all day. WTF.

All of them being moms, these women couldn’t stoop any lower than to be pissy about this event.

Sara says she’s never seen anything “so heavily branded?” What the fuck does that even mean? So if she walks into Gucci, or XYZ designer, she would find it to be too ‘heavily branded’ that everything is Gucci?? Woman what??

I’m so confused why her ‘brand’ was everywhere??

Sara and your fake degree and third abusive dude you’re trying to get with, sit the fuck way down and just please shut it. Was that rude? I said please.

Oh and Lesa is donating to a cause for postpartum depression awareness.

But holy shit – how dare she have her logo everywhere!!

Is Sara slow??

Sara bitched about the logo, and now Brooks bitches about doing yoga for five minutes because “what does this have to do with maternity wear?”

She also follows suit with Sara’s gripe about the Heart and Soul being ‘rebranded’

She does realize Lesa is using/renting the space, and her logos are temporary. It’s not like she broke into the joint like a criminal, held the owner hostage, and took over the space.

What is wrong with these women? How is this entertaining to watch a bunch of grown-ass broads acting retarded??

And last but not least, Brooks is also annoyed that SHE owns a spa and the event is taking place in a spa.

OhmiGOd free food and drinks and massages?? Lesa! How DARE you!! Don’t ever do this again!

I am in agreement with Lesa how Sara, who again doles out advice to others with her fake degree, told this little 7 or 8 year old boy he may have been about to be kidnapped and raped. This kid is already kind of sexual for a little kid, so this is the last thing he should be hearing about. Not to mention isn’t this traumatic?

Would this not be traumatic for an adult to know they were about to be kidnapped?

Can you imagine knowing this when you’re seven?

Sara seems to be brushing it off that he’s scared for now that men were coming to the house to take him, but he’ll soon get over it, you know, with therapy and ‘healing.’

I learned in my honorary degree school it’s okay to traumatize your kid.

So according to Sara rationale, who again not to beat a dead horse, thinks she’s qualified to advise others on their lives, it’s okay to traumatize your kid just so you get them therapy, instead of just —- not traumatizing your kid??

He’ll just you know, get over it.

Moving on. Brooks tells Stanbury and Taleen she would’ve given her spa for free for the event. I kind of doubt that. Can you just hear that??

‘Who does Lesa think she IS? Demanding to use MY spa to promote her stupid maternity wear brand? She’s trying to take over MY SPA that I BUILT from the GROUND UP with NO HELP (other than my ex boyfriend and ex husband who paid for everything?) Yeah, No.’

I’m totally in support of women succeeding but her brand sucks ass! Mine is better!

Now she claims she loves to see women thrive. They all live to see each other FAIL, is actually more accurate.

Brooks in her yap says Lesa is trying to make it seem like she owns a spa to compete with her.

Producer is like ‘uhhhh you seriously think that you fucking dipshit?’ I paraphrased. I feel like they only air the Producer interrupting with questions during confessionals when the Housewives say something REALLY EXTRA STUPID. And that definitely qualifies.

She insists that Lesa is trying to ‘rain on her parade.’

Okay Brooks. You are SO dumb.


Speaking of dumb, Sara is still seriously fucking around with this Akin douchey moron and his fucking chaos, giving her ‘tude for no reason whatsoever.

They’re ‘arguing constantly’ from two different fucking continents and she’s still hanging onto hope, even after she was in TWO other chaotic abusive relationships.

A third one is NOT an option, you’re just going to look stupid. Two is bad enough and sadly I’m in that club too. I look back at being with my ex-boyfriend, and there were definitely early red flags that I ignored. I would not ignore those again.

He actually said some pretty disturbing things here and there in the early months of our relationship. Including saying “I don’t care!” when I told him about a baby I had lost.

Then when you’re invested and several months in, that’s when they

pull out the crazy. And he IS crazy. My ex-husband has his issues too, but don’t think I would classify him as crazy. However, the ex-BF is fucking manic and fucking NUTS and needs meds to regulate his mood swings. He can’t control his emotions and manic behavior and it really is sad to see a grown man acting that way.

I have never come across anyone that is that disturbed, and talks out his asshole like this man.

So back to Akin. I got on a rant. This sorry excuse for a man has the fuckin nerve to be starting arguments out of thin air with her, when she’s going through all of this with the maid that was stealing her shit and plotting to kidnap her fucking son? Dude, are you fucking kidding me?

I don’t even think he’s Muslim. I think he made it up to appear relatable and to reel her in. Remember she had this dude around her kid already for an entire week.

But I really do think he is the one.

That sounds like something my ex would totally do. No matter what the hell I was going through, he just did NOT CARE. He tripped over his miserable self to make sure I got more upset and distraught.

Narcissists are miserable beings that need everyone else to be miserable too. They HATE happy people and they HATE normal people because they know they will never ever be HAPPY OR NORMAL.

She seriously is trying to ‘fix’ this horrible horrible loser? She doesn’t ‘think’ there’s a future she says in her yap.

She doesn’t think so? Like basically he’s screaming in her ear telling her that he’s exactly like her ex-husbands. And her schtick since being on the show is that she wants to find a good man that are NOT like them since they were abusive and controlling. But here she is tolerating this guy’s erratic dickwad behavior.


So a golf event is going on and I will probably take a break here and do a Part 2 since I got on a few rants totally by accident.

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